i don't remember i confessed last night

Lost Soul, Found Heart

Sungmin woke up wanting to bang his head on the wall due to headache. He's been holding his head and cannot really
move... but then... what happened last night?

He remembered Donghae and Eunhyuk fighting and suddenly making up: check.

He remembered drinking 2 more bottles of soju: check.

He remebered seeing Kyuhyun coming home: check.

He remebered drinking the lemon tea the magnae gave to him: check.

He remembered...

His eyes widened when he remembered the drama he did in front of Kyuhyun.
"Aish... Lee Sungmin." he said, "how could you not control yourself yesterday?" he said hitting his forehead with his
palm. "Aigoo~ what to do?" he said as he childishly twisted and kick around his bed. He's been throwing tantrums
like a child as he continuously twisted and turn but then he didnt realise he was about to fall...and so he did.

He fell on Kyuhyun's bed and thought.

"I'll just pretend I dont remember anything." he said with determination. He nodded and looked confident "that's right...
I dont remember anything." he said and act for a while. "did I even confess to Kyuhyun? Twice for the record. "
he said and continued acting... "huh? Did I? Oh what to do? I dont seem to remembe-"

He cut his words when a long arm wrapped around him. The whole time he thought he's alone... it turns out, Kyuhyun
was still in his bed.

"hyung... Did you even confess to me?" Kyuhyun asked in a sleepy voice still wrapping his arms around his hyung.

It was too clear in his memory that its hard to deny. Sungmin...is just lying to himself. But then at least he must save
his face from this sleepy magnae.

"uh...I...did not..." he said in an almost whisper.

"oh..." he nodded, "I thought yesterday you said you love me." still holding onto his hyung.

"I knew I heard you wrong..." he said which made Sungmin sighed with relief.
"I knew you said you only want to be with Siwon because he has a better body than me-"

"Yah..." Sungmin said in defense. "its not like youre the one who's drunk yesterday...how come you cannot remember
well." He said which made Kyuhyun open his eyes and looked at him, his eyes were like 'you said you dont remember but
you do remember everything...and I caught you'

"I--cannot remember the details..." Sungmin said trying to deny again.

Kyuhyun sighed and held him tightly which made Sungmin more motionless. "I think I remember..." he said in his sleepy
husky voice. "You said you were attracted to me cause I have the most beautiful charming voice you've ever heard.
I also have the best face you've ever seen in your entire life."

"Yah! Stop making stories!" Sungmin said, now realising that he cannot breath again...as usual whenever this guy is

"Its not like you're not here since I wake up. Stop pretending. I should be ignoring you by now...you have no idea
what Im going through." he said.

Kyuhyun rest his head on the small guy's shoulder...
"I'll pretend I dont know anything..." he said. "I'd rather pretend that I did not hear anything."


"I told you...you cannot ignore me anymore. I didn't hear anything... so don't ever ever ignore me." he said.

He sighed near Sungmin's ear sending shivers to his body.

"but then...its not like you like me as well...right?" he asked Kyuhyun, hoping to get an answer.

"With that... I still have no intentions of stepping into the black hole." he said which Sungmin understands

'then again...' Kyuhyun thought... 'will I have all of you if I do?'

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Start reading: January 19, 2019
kyuichi91 #2
Chapter 33: You must be liking Sj's songs that much, i love the way you explain it through the story.. Kyumin truly are made for each other kkkk

For your first time writing a fanfic, this is more than good.
Keep writing^^
Chapter 33: I honestly had second thoughts about reading this since I don't like seokyu that much (coming from a former seokyu shipper, straaange ^v^) but then reading it further I really liked it, the plot everything :> Author-nim jjang ^^d
DitaNiella #4
Chapter 21: Goog job author-nim ^^b
DitaNiella #5
Chapter 20: Ohh God. Kyu~~~ sweet~
KYUMIN Sweet moment
DitaNiella #6
Chapter 18: Eunhae so sweet ~(*0*)~
DitaNiella #7
Chapter 3: Seo died?!
Gwaenchana Kyu, Baby Ming here
DitaNiella #8
Chapter 2: Woww Ming is coming >.<
DitaNiella #9
Chapter 1: aish! they so sweet. -_-
MINGGGGG~ coming baby~ *3*
DitaNiella #10
good story , but i see kyu really love seo. I'll read next chap
hope kyu love min ^^