dead at heart...

Lost Soul, Found Heart

"You sure you want to stay with Sungmin hyung?" Donghae asked Kyuhyun for the last time as they stood outside the Lee house.

'Im going to save you hyung...' Kyuhyun said in his mind. "Of course..." he said calmly to Donghae.

"Donghae-ah, why do you seem to be nervous for Kyuhyunnie?" Eunhyuk asked.

Donghae looked at Eunhyuk in the eyes... "Sungmin hyung... he's room is horrible, he has the most-" thinking of the
best word to say. "-horrible room I've ever seen in my entire life."

He shook his head as Eunhyuk's eyes left wide open... "But... Sungmin hyung doesnt look that 'horrible' could that be?"

"You just wait... Even I cannot dare myself to enter his room."

Kyuhyun crossed his eyebrows and thought... 'how bad could his room be?'

Sungmin stood in front of them and heard Donghae talking about his room. "Yah, Lee Fishy... there's nothing wrong with my room!"

Donghae jumped from shocked when he saw Sungmin standing behind them. The older guy gestured them to go inside and the rest follow him.

When they all settled in, Sungmin brought them in their room and Kyuhyun to his room. Seeing all shades of pink in his
room made Eunhyuk and Donghae stepped back and refused to enter... except for Kyuhyun who calmly entered the room.
Donghae and Eunhyuk were all amazed to see him entering Sungmin's room without ado.

Sungmin closed the door and locked it. He looked at Kyuhyun suspiciously...

"why do I feel like you've been watching me?" he asked the magnae.

"am I?" Kyuhyun asked without looking at him instead looking and walking around the room.

"not just are looking down on me." he said.

Kyuhyun looked at him in the eye that made him stop again. 'And why does this young one always makes me stop whenever he looks at me?' Sungmin said in his mind.

Kyuhyun felt the same awkwardness that he actually look away.

"I thought horribly about your room...but its not really that bad."

"I just like pink a lot that's why that stinky fishy feel that way." Sungmin said.
"Dont get me wrong... Im not as girly as you all think I am."

Kyuhyun walked towards the table and actually saw the song he wrote.
"Did you change the arrangements?" he said obviously scrutinizing the older guy's effort.

"I just made some few changes in the notes. I didnt change any of the words..." he said as he walk towards Kyuhyun.
"the words are too sad that it stopped me from changing anything."

Kyuhyun pressed some imaginary piano keys as he read the revised piece...he slowly closed his eyes as he continue pressing
his imaginary piano.
Sungmin was supposed to say something when suddenly Kyuhyun opened his eyes and sing the chorus, hitting the note higher the way it was actually revised, without any effort.

*geudel chaja gatdun uhneu bi nehlidun nal eh giuk (the memomories of that rainy days when i went to go find you)*

Sungmin was left in shock as Kyuhyun sings the song...

His mouth was left slightly open as he was mesmerized by the tall guy in front of him.

*hamggeh guluh gatdun ooril bichwuh joodun malgeun hessal (the clear sunshine that shined down on us when we walked together)*

He didnt realised that tears are about to fill his eyes.

*geu uhneu hanado naleul dduhnaji annko (none of these have left me)*

'My heart...' Sungmin's mind said '...its so fast I cannot breath.'

*nuh eh muhli sokehsuh naleul jooguh itgeh heh (inside my head, it makes me slowly die)*

He was still in his daze when Kyuhyun stopped and looked at him. Being side by side with the magnae made Sungmin feel so
small that he can only look up and stare at the dark brown eyes.

It was quiet that even the tick of Sungmin's clock seem to be so loud. Kyuhyun just stare back at him and search the
older guy's eyes.

After dazing for quite a while, Sungmin was the first one who give up the eye battle and blink a few times to
lose the water and cleared his throat.

Kyuhyun just looked at him and still not moving...Sungmin, knowing this fact, became very conscious that he cannot
look at the magnae... he cleared his throat again. "ahh..." he started. " why did you write such song?"

He looked at Kyuhyun, who finally looked away, and started touching Sungmin's things again. "My girlfriend died recently."

He said casually, Sungmin, with air in his cheeks, nodded and looked at him. "sorry to hear that."

"before you hit me..." he said as he touch the piano. "its the only body that fits me. Kyu oppa... Im sorry. That's what you said."

Sungmin crossed his eyebrows and cannot remember what he was saying at all. Kyuhyun looked at him intently again but
this time his lips is showing a tiny bit of smile. "Joohyunnie, is with you at that time...and when you hit me..." his smile changed into a bittersweet smile.

"this died." pointing to his heart.

Sungmin looked down as he nodded. He suddenly feels uncomfortable that he sighed deeply and looked at Kyuhyun.

"Im going out first, make yourself at home, feel free to use anything in my room."

He didnt wait for Kyuhyun to answer, he walked out of the room as quickly as possible, as he badly need a breather... 'why does Kyuhyun up all the air in my room?' he said in his mind as he closed the door. But then before he can make another step he looked back and remembered what Kyuhyun told him...

'when you hit me... this died' pointing to the heart.

Sungmin looked at the door as if he can still see Kyuhyun standing still...

"a heart that died... must be suffering miserably."

He walked away...

*author's note: song is from Sorry Sorry album title: Dead At Heart credit to the translator in youtube :)*

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Start reading: January 19, 2019
kyuichi91 #2
Chapter 33: You must be liking Sj's songs that much, i love the way you explain it through the story.. Kyumin truly are made for each other kkkk

For your first time writing a fanfic, this is more than good.
Keep writing^^
Chapter 33: I honestly had second thoughts about reading this since I don't like seokyu that much (coming from a former seokyu shipper, straaange ^v^) but then reading it further I really liked it, the plot everything :> Author-nim jjang ^^d
DitaNiella #4
Chapter 21: Goog job author-nim ^^b
DitaNiella #5
Chapter 20: Ohh God. Kyu~~~ sweet~
KYUMIN Sweet moment
DitaNiella #6
Chapter 18: Eunhae so sweet ~(*0*)~
DitaNiella #7
Chapter 3: Seo died?!
Gwaenchana Kyu, Baby Ming here
DitaNiella #8
Chapter 2: Woww Ming is coming >.<
DitaNiella #9
Chapter 1: aish! they so sweet. -_-
MINGGGGG~ coming baby~ *3*
DitaNiella #10
good story , but i see kyu really love seo. I'll read next chap
hope kyu love min ^^