far too close

Lost Soul, Found Heart

Sungmin watched Heechul sharply as the guy in red walked towards the pink bed and lie down. "Yah!" Sungmin shouted.

"You guy in red..."

Heechul who just closed his eyes suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Sungmin. He sat up on the bed and waited for the shorter guy to come closer.

"You, Lee Sungmin..." Heechul said pointing his finger on the short guy... "You can see me?"

"Since the time you stepped in the band room this morning."

Heechul smirked and stood up closely. "Yah, this is destiny."

"but...who are you?" Sungmin asked... This time he's calmer and is speaking softer.

"Kim Heechul, a lost soul guardian." he said formally.

"lost soul guardian?" Sungmin whispered to himself. " But... Im not yet dead. Why would a lost soul guardian guard me?" he asked.

"I dont want to explain much... but I'll be staying around for a while."
Heechul said as he lay back on Sungmin's bed.

Sungmin just shook his head as he watch Heechul closed his eyes and pretends to sleep.
"Seriously, how could a dead person sleep?" he asked to himself as he put down his bag and took his guitar.
He wanted to try playing the song that Kyuhyun pass to him but before that, he hold his guitar and read the lyrics of
the song.

As he read the words in the paper, Sungmin didnt realise that tears are forming in his eyes...he whispered the words that affected him most...
"how my heart is always living by your side...its as if its dead." after reading the line a tear fall freely which
made him back to reality. *sala itneun gut churum jooguh itneun guh eyo*

"How sad could a person's heart be to be able to write such song?" he asked in his mind as he wiped his eyes.

He blinked a bit and tried playing the song in his guitar.

Kyuhyun lie down on his bed and closed his eyes...not shortly after that he opened it again and wonder...

"but why is that guy so pretty?" he asked himself. He shook his head closed his eyes again.

"Joohyun-ah..." he called remembering him holding Seohyun...but then when he let go of the person in his arms he was shocked to see Sungmin acting girly and calling him...

"oppa~" in the most aegyo way Sungmin can... Kyuhyun's eyes widen as Sungmin opened his arms preparing for another embrace... "Kyu oppa!"

Kyuhyun shouted with all his lungs out and finally....

He woke up. Sweats on his forehead can be seen as he tried catching his breath. "Yah..." he started.

"that guy is dangerous..." still catching his breath.

"...i better stay far from him."

"Im thinking of moving in...together." Eunhyuk looked at Donghae with utmost sincerity as asked.

"You mean live in one roof?" Donghae asked shyly. Eunhyuk nodded as he looked at Donghae.

"Is it even possible?" Donghae asked in an almost  whisper voice.

"It'll be better for us." Eunhyuk said.

"But..." Siwon said... "why do you have to talk that way?"

"It adds to the drama!" Donghae started... "aigoo Siwon-ah, just ride with us!" he said in a rather complaining voice.

Siwon just shook his head, the handsome guy looked stupidly at them.

"But then, I think Sungmin hyung will not agree to this." Donghae said.

"His mom is not really that healthy. He'll probably need to stay with her." Eunhyuk nodded after hearing this.

"Why do we have to stay in one house?" Kyuhyun asked from behind the three handsome guys.

"I just feel lonely being alone in my room. You know how far my ancestral house is." Eunhyuk said.

"You can live in my house..." Sungmin, who just came in when Eunhyuk was explaining said.

"My house got 1 more room, you can use the other one." he said as he completely come inside.

Eunhyuk smiled widely... "really?" he asked excitedly. "...I can live with you Hyung?"

But Donghae having a secret crush on Eunhyuk became anxious and reason out... "W-why would Eunhyuk live with hyung?!"

"He said he feels lonely being alone..." Sungmin said casually.

"B-but..." Donghae cannot really think of a reasonable excuse not to let Eunhyuk live with Sungmin so he just shut
his mouth.

"If you're that jealous that I asked Eunhyuk to stay with me then why don't you just say it?" Sungmin said playing
with his words (and knowing Donghae's little secret)

Poor Donghae blushed in an instant and looked at Sungmin like saying 'shut-the-hell-up!'

Sungmin smiled and said... "I know that you also want to stay with me...my mom always pamper you..."

Donghae freed a sigh of relief but is still looking at the shorter guy the same way.

Kyuhyun watches Sungmin as he talked and smiled....suspiciously in his mind he remember the 'weird dream' he had.
He started talking to himself.

'Why would he ask Eunhyuk to stay with him?' he started in his mind. 'is it possible that... Eunhyuk hyung too? are they planning to lure them in a trap? this guy is very dangerous.'

When Sungmin proposed the idea of Donghae living with him as well...

'no...' he said with his eyes looking very far obviously in a deep thought. 'Im going to save my hyungs...'

"Wait..." Kyuhyun started as the 3guys discussed about the rooms. "Im going to stay with you as well." he said calmly.

Sungmin, Donghae and Eunhyuk looked at each other... "but there's only one vacant room. If you stay with them I dont
think you can sleep without kicking each other's face." Sungmin said.

"Then... I'll stay in your room." he said proudly like he felt so much like a hero, sacrificing his life for his hyungs.

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Start reading: January 19, 2019
kyuichi91 #2
Chapter 33: You must be liking Sj's songs that much, i love the way you explain it through the story.. Kyumin truly are made for each other kkkk

For your first time writing a fanfic, this is more than good.
Keep writing^^
Chapter 33: I honestly had second thoughts about reading this since I don't like seokyu that much (coming from a former seokyu shipper, straaange ^v^) but then reading it further I really liked it, the plot everything :> Author-nim jjang ^^d
DitaNiella #4
Chapter 21: Goog job author-nim ^^b
DitaNiella #5
Chapter 20: Ohh God. Kyu~~~ sweet~
KYUMIN Sweet moment
DitaNiella #6
Chapter 18: Eunhae so sweet ~(*0*)~
DitaNiella #7
Chapter 3: Seo died?!
Gwaenchana Kyu, Baby Ming here
DitaNiella #8
Chapter 2: Woww Ming is coming >.<
DitaNiella #9
Chapter 1: aish! they so sweet. -_-
MINGGGGG~ coming baby~ *3*
DitaNiella #10
good story , but i see kyu really love seo. I'll read next chap
hope kyu love min ^^