goodbye lost soul guardian

Lost Soul, Found Heart

Sungmin was catching his breathe when he came home. He walked towards his room and shocked Kyuhyun who is sitting on
the floor, listening to his player. He looked at Sungmin but the older guy completely ignored him.

"Yah! Kim Heechul..." Sungmin said as he looked at Heechul who is lying down on his bed. Heechul lazily looked at him and
waited for him to speak.

"Perhaps... you know..." he started as he catches his breathe, still having the serious look. Kyuhyun crossed his eyebrows and felt
weird at that instant.

"Perhaps you know... Choi Siwon?" he continued. Hearing that name made Heechul straighten his back and seeing the dead guy's
reaction made Sungmin understand that he do know his dongsaeng.

"Don't just sit there! let's go!" he shouted at Heechul. Innocent Kyuhyun was startled when he shouted but still felt weird.

'why is this Sungmin calling me in different name?' he asked himself.

"Yah!" Heechul said, still sitting down. "Lee Sungmin..."

Sungmin closed his eyes shortly trying to calm himself down. "can you just stand up and let's go?" he waited for Heechul to move
but the guy in red just looked down and is in deep thinking.

"Yah! Kim Heechul! get on your feet now!" Sungmin shouted again.

"I can't!" Heechul shouted to Sungmin's surprise. "The light has been chasing me everywhere I go! I cannot go yet!"

Sungmin looked at him with confusion. "That's the reason why I stay here with you! I don't want to be chased just yet. I still
need to know why he did not come." Heechul said.

The short guy looked at Heechul and thought... 'did I just see tears forming in his eyes?'

He sighed deeply. "I know where he is..." Sungmin said calmly. "I will take you to him." Heechul looked at Sungmin with a shocked
face and disbelief.

"Let's go..." Sungmin said as he turned his back.

Poor Kyuhyun is not believing what he sees... 'not only is this guy looks ertive, he's also damn crazy' he shook his head
and stood up, still thinking that Sungmin was actually talking to him. He followed the older guy.

Siwon was about to turn his back away from Heechul's grave when Sungmin called on to him... "Siwon-ah!"

The moment Siwon turned to look at his hyung, Heechul's mouth was left slightly open, disbelief that he is actually seeing
the person he's been looking for for 4 years. He walked forward towards the tall guy as Sungmin watches him.

"Hyung..." Siwon said with a smile. "I thought you're not coming back-"

"Siwon-ah..." Sungmin cut his words and said. "The person you love the most, is right in front of you." he said.

Siwon looked around without moving his head and smiled a bit. "Hyung...what are you talking about?"

"Kim Heechul." Sungmin said... he cannot think properly and he didn't know why but he said. "Pretend that I am Kim Heechul..."

Heechul looked at Sungmin as he said... "all the things you want to tell him... I want to hear."

Siwon was confused and is not believing what his hyung is saying... "Hyung..."

"Say it now! you stinky bastard!" he said losing his patience. "I am Kim Heechul..." he repeated.

Siwon looked down and don't know how to start, Heechul is standing right in front of him so close he could actually
kiss him if he is just alive. 'I've been wondering around, it turns out, you were always here, to the last place I never wanted to see?' he said when he realised that they are standing infront of his grave.

"Heechul-sshi..." he started. Heechul, hearing him being called by the person he loved for a long time smiled gently.

"You--" Heechul waited patiently and looked at him... Siwon smiled but his tears are slowly flowing in his eyes.

"You are the best person I've ever met." Heechul freed a chuckle as he look again.

"I'm sorry I wasn't able to say this on the night we were supposed to meet."

Sungmin stand in front of Siwon with distance, he listened to him as he looks at Heechul standing closely to the tall guy.

"If I could turn back time, I'd rather not meet you in front of Seoul river instead... I should have never separated
with you when we returned back."

Heechul held his breathe when he heard those words from Siwon. His tears, unbelievably, roll down his cheeks as he continuously stare at Siwon.

"You will always be a part of me... and you will always be the best person I ever love." Siwon said.

The tall guy sighed very deeply trying to stop his tears, he showed his dimple with a smile as he called Sungmin.

"Sungmin hyung, I've said what I wanted to say..." he said.

Sungmin nodded and smile... "well done, Siwon-ah."

Heechul looked at Sungmin and smiled... "Yah, Lee Sungmin! I owe you..." he said and looked at Siwon again.
"You..." he said to Siwon as if he can hear... "I love you..." he whispered.

Sungmin freed a smile, when finally he saw a light, Heechul, who has been avoiding it actually walk towards it and shouted.
"Lee Sungmin, I'm officially... vacating your room."

Sungmin watched the lost soul guardian as he disappear from his sight. He looked at Siwon and tapped him on the shoulder.

"good job Siwon-ah."

It was actually confusing for Siwon but he smiled and felt very light after being able to say those things out loud.

When Siwon left the scene, Sungmin was shocked to see Kyuhyun... "what are you doing here?" he asked the magnae.

Kyuhyun, who thought he was actually talking to him just act cooly, "I came to fetch you home." Sungmin smiled.

"You came to fetch me home?" he said in a very cute way. "Yah... our Kyuhyunnie, since when did you become sweet?"

"I've been here for quite a while..." he said calmly. "I don't know why you are acting crazy, shouting out loud in the
cemetery, but seeing what you did and hearing what Siwon, too, did a good job."

Sungmin looked down with a bit shy smile trying to hide his bunny teeth. He got a bit surprise when Kyuhyun offered his right
hand to him as he gestured... "let's go."

He finally freed his bunny teeth as he held Kyuhyun's hand and started walking.

It was a tiring day for Sungmin, inside the bus, he actually rest his head on the window side and fell asleep.
"Yah..." Kyuhyun said, he opened his eyes a bit and was like asking why... "It's not like we don't know each other..."

Sungmin did not understand what he meant, Kyuhyun made a tsk sound and placed his left hand on Sungmin's right cheek pulling
his face and letting the short guy rest on his shoulder.

"Kyuhyun-ah..." he said about to raise his head... but Kyuhyun  made a sssshhhh sound and held his face again.

"Stop being so nosy and just rest."

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Start reading: January 19, 2019
kyuichi91 #2
Chapter 33: You must be liking Sj's songs that much, i love the way you explain it through the story.. Kyumin truly are made for each other kkkk

For your first time writing a fanfic, this is more than good.
Keep writing^^
Chapter 33: I honestly had second thoughts about reading this since I don't like seokyu that much (coming from a former seokyu shipper, straaange ^v^) but then reading it further I really liked it, the plot everything :> Author-nim jjang ^^d
DitaNiella #4
Chapter 21: Goog job author-nim ^^b
DitaNiella #5
Chapter 20: Ohh God. Kyu~~~ sweet~
KYUMIN Sweet moment
DitaNiella #6
Chapter 18: Eunhae so sweet ~(*0*)~
DitaNiella #7
Chapter 3: Seo died?!
Gwaenchana Kyu, Baby Ming here
DitaNiella #8
Chapter 2: Woww Ming is coming >.<
DitaNiella #9
Chapter 1: aish! they so sweet. -_-
MINGGGGG~ coming baby~ *3*
DitaNiella #10
good story , but i see kyu really love seo. I'll read next chap
hope kyu love min ^^