Chapter 36

Like Water

Chapter 36



“WHAT DO YOU MEAN RELAX?! I WANTED US TO BE FRIENDS KYUNGSOO. NOT ING ENGAGED!” You screamed once the two of you were back behind the curtains.


You ran your hands through your hair, not bothered if it made your hair look like a bird’s nest. You wanted to pull the roots of your hair if it didn’t hurt so much. The guy with the thick foundation was standing awkwardly in the corner of the room, observing your sudden rage fest and then slowly slipping away to escape the tense atmosphere. Kyungsoo on the other hand, was seated on a chair in front of you, rubbing his forehead with his hand, looking troubled.


“Will you just shut up already? They might hear you, you know. And I didn’t know this was going to happen either. It’s all our parents’ doing.” He said, feeling frustrated.


Just then, you saw both your mother and Mr. Do walking towards the both of you.


“Speak of the devils.” You said loudly, making your mother gasp.


“Hae Ra, watch your mouth!” Your mother snapped at you.


“Watch my mouth?! Why don’t you go brush your foul mouth with some detergent or something? What do you mean I’m engaged to Kyungsoo?!” You shouted.


Mr. Do’s eyes widened at your retort. “Don’t you say that to your mother, young lady—“


“Then answer her question father. What’s all this bull about an engagement?” Kyungsoo backed you up.


Both Mr. Do and your mother looked at each other and sighed.


“We’re doing this for your future, for your own good. The two of you are going to thank us when you start working in the company after you graduate.” Your mother said and Mr. Do nodded.


“And besides, the both of you seem to be getting along fine. So what’s all the fuss about? Your marriage was already planned the moment you guys met the first day.”


Kyungsoo threw his hands in the air in frustration. “What kind of bull is this!? Why didn’t you guys discuss it with us?! The both of you have no right to do this to us—“ 




The echo of Mr. Do’s hand hitting Kyungsoo’s cheek bounced on the walls of the empty hallway. You gasped in shock and covered your mouth after witnessing what had happened. Mr. Do’s eyes flashed with anger and his face turned red with fury. Kyungsoo turned his face towards Mr. Do and the both of them stared intensely at each other. Raising a finger towards his son, Mr. Do began to speak.


“We are your parents and we have every right to decide what is right for you.” He said sternly before walking off, your mother hurriedly followed behind him with quick footsteps.


For a few seconds, everything was still between you and Kyungsoo before you managed to move your feet slowly towards Kyungsoo who was still staring down the hallway where Mr. Do and your mother had disappeared to. His cheek was still bright red from the slap and you could see that he was bleeding a little at the corner of his lips.


It must’ve hurt so much


“A-are you alright?”


Kyungsoo turned to face you and shot you a look. You bit your lower lip.


“Right. What a stupid question to ask. Of course you’re not. That was dumb Hae Ra.” You mumbled, which caused Kyungsoo to chuckled.


“I was just kidding. Yeah, it hurts but that’s not something we have to worry about right now.”


You placed your hand at the corner of his lips. “Let’s get you clean up first okay. I’m still…trying to process what just happened. Let’s go find some place quiet. I’ll ask Mr. Lee to get some antiseptic or something.” You said and before Kyungsoo could protest, you grabbed his hand and tried to find a quiet corner in the hotel.


The both of you managed to find a quiet spot at the back of the hotel. There was apparently an outdoor garden and there was also a huge fountain in the middle where both of you sat down while you tend to Kyungsoo’s wound. Thankfully, there was a first aid kit in the car and Mr. Lee hurriedly brought it to you. Slowly, you dabbed the cotton ball on the small cut on his lips. Kyungsoo flinched at the burning sensation. Once you managed to clean the cut, you threw away the cotton ball and placed a small band aid over it.


“That should take care of it. Remember to put some cream when you get home so that it wouldn’t scar.” You told him.


Kyungsoo chuckled and shook his head.


“What’s so funny?” You raised your eyebrows at him.


“Nothing…it’s just that, a few minutes ago you were all angry and curse words were flying out from your mouth at me and here you are, telling me to put cream on my lips so that it wouldn’t scar.”


You shot him a look but couldn’t help but laugh too. You sighed and looked up at the sky. Despite the bright lights from the hotel, you could still see the stars shining brightly.


“What are we going to do, Kyungsoo?”


Kyungsoo shooked his head and looked towards the hotel. Shadows from inside the windows were of the guests and reporters that were present for the event. People were happily talking to each other, enjoying the food and company. Both your parents must be going around, tending the guests.


“We’ve got to do something about this. I think it’s about time we step up for ourselves. No more doing what we’re told to do. It’s time to make the decisions ourselves.” You said firmly. You looked towards Kyungsoo, expecting him to have the same expression as you but he was just sitting down and staring at the ground.


“Kyungsoo? Are you okay?”


“What? Oh…yeah. I’m okay. You’re right; we have to do something about this. Our parents have seriously crossed the line. Do you have any ideas?” He looked at you.


You bit your lower lip and shook your head. “Not at the moment. But I’m sure we’ll think of something. Right now, I can’t think straight. If you’re feeling better, I’m gonna head inside first and find Mr. Lee to see if he could send me home first.”


Kyungsoo nodded and bid you goodbye before you left him all alone. He sighed and touched the cut on his lips now covered with the band aid you placed.


“Don’t you want to get married with me, Hae Ra?” He whispered to the gentle breeze.



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infinitexo8995 #1
Chapter 42: Oh my gosh you finally updated this fic! Hope you can update it soon!
kyungsoo-akira #2
Chapter 38: Omo! Omo! T_T how bout chanyeol and her bestfriend? What will happen to their friendship? Omo authornim! You should update more, please update soon, i didn't sleep just to read your story eonnie :)
Chapter 3: I like the story but using "young master" gives off a vibe that the oc is a guy though :/
infinitexo8995 #4
Chapter 38: Woah~ finally you updated this. Keep updating author-nim.. I wait you update it everytime I open asianfanfics . Hwaitting!
Chapter 36: ;;; Poor Kyungsoo. Anyone (except Hae Ra) could tell that he didn't mind. He loves her~
Chapter 34: Its a good story author-nim. Keep updating.
Chapter 28: I really do like her with Chanyeol but my heart goes for Kyungsoo too because I don't like Yeseo much.
Chapter 27: It's confirmed now! I'm excited! So much of EXO is getting to branch out!

I've never really liked Hae Ra's friend. Her attitude is a bit over the top for my liking. ^^;;
Chapter 24: Whjsbxjwbzjsbs it was such a cute confession, but she out because she was scared ; u;
Chapter 23: I love how cute Chanyeol is~ His personality ^^

Really, Hae Ra, try to have some fun with him! He means well