The End

Can you see me?

Yoseob let out his breath. This time he’s going to past by all the guards and went in Dejavu’s apartment to see Lyn. With braveness he walked but when he saw two big, huge, humongous bodyguards in front of the lift, he turned away and hides behind one of the pillars. “Oh My GOD! Those guards are huge!” he said to himself. He bites his fist. “How am I going to get in there?” he said. Then, their eyes met.


Lyn looked away. “What are you doing here?” she asked.

Yoseob smiled. “You just came on the right time.. I just want to see you..”

“You don’t have too. We’re over..” she said and went in. She was too fast for Yoseob to grab her since the two big bodyguards stood in front of him. Blocking his way.

“For god sake! Do you have to do this?” he asked and tried to get pass both of the guards. However, it was a failure. “Oh come one! Seriously guys.. You don’t know what I’m into.. I have to see her.. LYN! Get back here!” Yoseob yelled. Suddenly, two of the guards grab his arm and carried him away from the place. “Yah! Put me down!” he yelled.

Doojoon watched Yoseob from far and smacked his forehead. He went to him when the guards laid him on the floor. Yoseob stood up and kept yelling the big guards. Doojoon noticed that Lyn was staring from her room. Lyn looked at him and so did Doojoon. He mouthed “I need to see you..NOW!” to Lyn which a surprisingly, Lyn nodded to him.

Doojoon got a message from Lyn. She said to wait for her behind her apartment and Doojoon did. Lyn came out from the back door. She looked at Doojoon. “Oppa..” she said.

“Let’s talk somewhere else…” Doojoon suggest and Lyn nodded.

Both of them went for a walk on the neighborhood. “Oppa.. I’m sorry…” Lyn muttered. “I.. don’t know what to do.. I mean… about Yoseob.. I want to forget him..” she said.

“Are you sure?”


“Well, by the way you look like.. You really sound depress. It’s like you were force to forget him.. Not that you want too..” Doojoon said to her with a smile.

A smile crept on her face. “You do understand me a lot don’t you?” she said and Doojoon chuckled. “Well, I have to leave him.. Minju almost killed her.. Who knows what she’ll do to him if I’m still with him. Just face it. Me and him are not meant to be with each other.. “Lyn stated.

‘Minju was right.. hahah’ Doojoon wanted to laugh but he kept it. He cleared his throat. “What if someday… Yoseob gives up on you and both of you live as if you don’t know each other?” he asked. “I mean you know.. Right now, you still know that he wants you.. What if his feelings disappeared one day?”

Lyn was speechless. “Urmm.. I guess…” she stopped her words.. “ah!! I don’t know..”

“I have something to tell you..” Doojoon paused. “Minju’s in the cell..For what she did..And she said..”

“WHAT?! She’s in the cell???” Lyn felt sympathies to her.

“Well yeah.. and she regret for what she did to you.. She wants you to be happy..” he said. “So, you don’t have to be afraid of what’s going to happen. No one will be in the middle of you and Yoseob..” Doojoon said that with a smile.

Lyn liked the thought that Minju had regret for what she had done. At least she had turned to the good side. Lyn smiled. “Yeah.. but I still don’t know if I should go to Yoseob. It’s too late now..” she said.

Doojoon felt like knocking this girl’s head. Before he was about to say something, his phone rang.

“Doojoon ah~ its me.. Yoseob.. don’t say a word to Lyn that I’m talking now.. Pretend to talk to your manager.. Just answer me yes or no..”
“urmm.. yes..” 
“Is Lyn with you..?”
“yeah.. You said that already..”
“I’m somewhere near you guys. Hyunseung, Gi Kwang, Junhyung and Dongwoon are on their way.. They’ll pretend to be some gangsters in the neighbourhood.. Get out of there!”
“What?! What are-“
“I said only yes or no..”
Doojoon hesistates and looked at Lyn. Lyn looked at him with a frowned. Doojoon looked away. “Araso.. you better…” Doojoon hung up.

“What’s wrong oppa?” Lyn asked.

“Oh.. My manager called. I have to go now.. Are you okay walking alone back home?” Doojoon asked.

“yeah.. sure.. I know martial arts. Don’t have to worry..” Lyn insists. “You better go.. It must be an emergency..”

‘some emergency it is..’ Doojoon faked a smile. “Yeah.. sure.. take care..” he said and walk away. Lyn smiled as she watched Doojoon walked. She turned and walked the opposite way.

On the other hand, Doojoon went to see what was Yoseob is doing. His eyes went wide open as he saw an afro Junhyung with mustache, Dongwoon with long hair wigs and scars, Hyunseung wearing a spike hair wig and some mustache and long beard. Gi Kwang was wearing long hair wigs too and a long beard. Doojoon burst to laugh. “Omg~ this is totally funny!!!” he laughed his heart out and went to Yoseob. “Yah~ Do you think it’ll be a success?” he asked. “I mean.. she knew them how can’t she recognize them?”

“Well, I’m putting black glasses on them and some dirt on the face..” Yoseob said and did what he said.

Hyunseung hold up the mirror. “Omo~~I look like a spiky dog..” he shrugs. “Hate it..”

Gi Kwang. “I should do some hair commercial..” he said while playing with his long hair.

“Hyung! The target is near!” Dongwoon whispered.

“Okay.. get ready guys! Make sure you guys nailed it. Remember what we’ve planned..” Yoseob said and the other nodded and went to Lyn.

Doojoon stood beside Yoseob. “This better be good..” he said.

“Don’t worry.. I’ve got everything under control..” Yoseob grinned.

Lyn was thinking about what Minju said. Then she shook her head. ‘no.. no no.. I should concentrate on singing,’ she said to herself.

“what do we have here.. A charming young lady~” Junhyung started his act.

Lyn backed a little. She was surprise with them. “Who are you?” she asked.

“No one..” Hyunseung replied.

“Omo~ your very pretty..” Gi Kwang came closer to her.

“You look very familiar..” Lyn said.

“That’s because we were meant to be together don’t you think?” Dongwoon laughed sarcastically.

“Get her!” Junhyung said.

Dongwoon and Gi kwang grab Lyn’s hand while Hyunseung stood in front of her. “Let go!” Lyn yelled.

Hyunseung snorted. “Shut up!” he screamed at her.

‘omo.. hyunseng can act..’ Dongwoon wanted to laugh.

‘she’s strong alright..’ Gi kwang tried to hold Lyn.

“I know I saw you somewhere..” Lyn said.

“I said shut up!” Hyunseungg yelled again.

“Okay! Okay I get it! Don’t yell!!” Lyn said.

“Give you your money..!” Junhyung said as he got closer to Lyn.

”I don’t.. have any with me.. right now..” Lyn explained. “Look.. no purse, no phone, not even a hang bag. You rob the wrong person..”Lyn said.

‘oh my god.. she’s clever..’ Junhyung said.

“Then we just have to take your beauty..” Dongwoon said and tried to play with Lyn’s hair.

“You disgust me.. get away!” Lyn yelled.

Gi kwang started to dance wave beside her. Lyn frowned. “What the heck are you trying to do?” Lyn asked.

“Being y~” Gi kwang said.

Lyn feels as if she was going to vomit. Suddenly, Dongwoon started to do what Gi kwang did. Lyn covered her eyes with her hand. “Stop it..!” Lyn yelled.

Suddenly, a police siren beamed the street.

“POLICE!! RUN!!!” Junhyung yelled and all of them ran away.

Lyn sighed. Then she recognizes the siren. It was the same one she heard three years ago.. She looked up and she was right. It was Yoseob. He was holding his phone with a smile. He shut the voice down. “It works again..” he smiled.

Lyn wanted to smile. Seeing him makes her heart pound even faster. “What are you doing here?” she asked.

“Well, to see you.. again.. of course..”

“You don’t have too..”

“Liya.. I won’t give up on you..”

“How can you be so sure..?”


“Because what??”

Yoseob stared at her without nothing came out from his mouth.

“See? You can’t even answer a simple question!” Lyn said and bit her lips. With that, she turned and was about to walk when….

“I LOVE YOU!” Yoseob yelled out.

Lyn froze.

“Because I love you.. that’s why..” Yoseob said.

Lyn is tearing up. She cupped . She wanted to hear it a long time ago and she didn’t even get a chance to hear it. “ I ……y..ou…too..” Lyn muttered slowly.

“What? I can’t hear you?” Yoseob said and walk towards her. He turned Lyn to face him. “Oh? Why are you crying…”

Lyn shrugs. “I don’t know why I want you so bad..” she sniffed and looked at him.

Yoseob laughed. “So you do want me..” he said and wipe Lyn’s tears with his fingers. “Don’t cry.. It hurts my heart too..” he said. “Bytheway.. what did you say? I didn’t really hear you..”

“I’m not going to repeat it..”

Yoseob pouted. “Awww~ please..”




“Oh.. Does this mean you accept me back?” Yoseob asked with a smile on his face.

Lyn blushed. “Well, you left me no choice. You’ll keep stalking me if I don’t..” Lyn joked.

Yoseob laughed. “Thank you…” he said and hugged her tightly.

“I love you too..” Lyn whispered to his ear.

“Good to hear that..” Yoseob said.

Lyn stared at him as they went apart from the hug. “Bythway, I swear I saw Gi Kwang under those long hair..”

“Huh? Nahh.. he’s at the studio practicing..” Yoseob lied.

“Really..well, its weird.. I think I saw them before.. with those dance wave…” Lyn said.

“Urmm.. lets not talk about that..Lets talk about something else..” Yoseob smiled. Trying to distract her.

“You didn’t plan all of this do you?” Lyn asked. She was getting suspicious.

Yoseob cleared his throat. “Urmm.. Can I get a kiss?” he asked.

“Ah uweyo~ you make me blush..” Lyn said shyly.

Yoseob leaned closer to her. He closes his eyes and so did Lyn. Closer..



“WAIT!” Lyn said.

“AH! Whats wrong now?” Yoseob asked.

“The camera is watching..”

“ah.. lets cover it with our hands..” Yoseob suggested. Lyn nodded. Both of them grinned at the camera and covered the lens with their hands.

2 weeks later..

“Minju.. you are free to go..” The police man said as he entered her cell.

“EH? Really?” Minju asked with excitement.


After Minju changed to her normal cloths, she went out from there and looked up to the bright sky. She took a deep breath and smile.

“Minju ah~” Lyn called as she got closer.

“Liya~!” Minju hugged her. “I’m sorry for what I have done..”

“No worries.. I’ll pray for your happiness..” Lyn said.

“Me too..”

“Hey Minju..” Yoseob smiled at her.

“hey Yoeb..” Minju smiled back.

Yoseob let out his hand. “Friends?”

Minju shook his hand. “Friends..”

“Well.. Have a good life.. We have to go now. Got variety show to cover up.. see ya!” Yoseob and Lyn waved.

“Oh.. You too..” Minju smiled.

Lyn and Yoseob looked at each other and walked away. Minju stared at where their hands were locked to each other and smile. “I wish you a beautiful future..” she muttered.

Doojoon packed her shoulder. “Yah.. still jealous?” he teased.

“Hahaha..nahh~ I don’t think so..” Minju said. “Bytheway Doojoon.. Thanks for everything. Thanks for being there for me when I’m down. You help me a lot..” Minju said and hugged him.

“No biggie..” Doojoon said.

“Well, I guess I have to get going..” Minju said.

“Oh.. where?”

“I don’t know.. Somewhere to settle down..” Minju grinned. “Doojoon ah~ I wish I had known you instead of Yoseob..” she confessed.

“Well, you have to be a good girl then..” Doojoon smiled.

“I’ll make sure about that..” Minju smiled. She kissed his cheek. “Bye…” she said and walks away. When she was half way, she turned and wave.

Doojoon touched his cheek and smiled. He waved back.

With that, Can you see me has ended. Beast had become famous and so does Dejavu. Lyn and Yoseob were the next couple of “We got Married”. Hyunseung got off his trauma about dogs when he went out for a walk with Seonhyu. Junhyung and Hyeri made up and they’ve become close friends. Gi kwang and Michi were happy with each other and were ranked #1 as the cutest couple. As for Dongwoon, he was happy for everyone.

Dongwoon bowed. “Bye bye guys!!!” he made a flying kiss and winked to the camera.


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this is so cute! :3 <br />
i cried a bunch of times! <br />
this is great!
xMiracleStarz #2
Hehe, welcome! :D Yay, they met! xDD Excited to know what will happen during the idol army, update soon! :DDDDDDD
xMiracleStarz #3
Awww, Lyn didn't get to meet Seobbiee. <br />
Update soon!((:
Update soon!!~!~!~