
Can you see me?


The Dejavu girls are practicing at their studio. Lyn was testing her guitar while Michi, Seonhyu and Hyeri went to practice their vocals. Lyn sighed. She had a sore throat today. Her vocal teacher said she should rest at home until her voice is back. ‘yah Lyn, you better stop eating those smoothies you did. This is what happened to your throat when you drank it,’ she said to herself.

To be honest, Lyn just learn how to make smoothies in the internet. It turned out really nice, so she seems to be addicted with it. She drank it everyday. That’s why she had a sore throat. While she was playing her guitar, someone knocked the glass at the studio room. (you know.. its like in the you’re beautiful story. You’ll get the idea. XD )

Lyn raised her head and saw Yoseob smiling at her. “Omo~ Yoseob ah~” she said when he entered the room. Lyn looked at his hair. “Your hair… Its not blond anymore..”

“Aww.. I don’t look good with this?” he said while pointing to his brownish hair. “It fits the new song. Shock. Have you heard it?”He asked while touching is hair.

“Yeah.. I’ve heard of it. Don’t worry. You look good in any colour, I’ll always be one of your crazy fans..” Both of Lyn and Yoseob laughed. “Bythway, what brings you here? This is the first time you’re here,” she asked while flipping the notes in her notebook.

Yoseob leaned closer to her. “Say some words. I swear something’s wrong with your voice,” he said while looking at her.

Lyn cleared . “Yeah, I have a slight sore throat. I’ve been drinking smoothie for 4 days now,” sh explained.

“yah~! You-“ before Yoseob can say a word, Lyn saw something in his hands and tried to change topic. She knew Yoseob will be all noisy about her drinking those smoothies. He is a singer with such awesome voice.

“Oh this? My new album. I wanted to give you one. Tell me what you think after that,” he paused. “Now don’t change topics. I’m talking about your health here,” he said.

Lyn sniffed. “Don’t worry. I just get addicted with the smoothies . yes, I won’t do it again,” she said and took the album. “waahh.. this is awesome.” She said.

Yoseob sat beside here. “You think so..?” Lyn nodded and turned to him. It seems like his so close to her that the both of them were in silent mode for a while. Suddenly…

“Can you feel my heartbeat?”

Lyn avoid having eye contact with him. She gulped. “What do you mean?”

He took her hand and put it on his chest. “It’s beating for you…” Lyn felt that his gaze made her sink every minute he looked at her. “Yah~” he chuckled. “You’re blushing..”

Lyn pulled her hand and cupped her cheeks. She felt so hot that her cheeks are burning. She’s turning into a tomato. Then, she notices something when she glanced at those smiley face of Yoseob’s. She breathed in slowly and said, "I believe I’m not the only one…."


Now it’s her time to laugh at Yoseob. “yah~ your ears are getting red,” she pointed to his ears.

Yoseob got surprised and stood up. He cupped his ears for a minute. ‘man, this is embarrassing,’ he said to himself and cursed under his breath. He glanced at Lyn whom was laughing her heart out at him. He stood up straight and cleared his throat.

Lyn noticed it and shut . Yoseob looked at her. “Let’s go somewhere..” he said and pulled Lyn to her feet.

“Oh? Where?”

“Somewhere,” he smirked and led her out of the building.

Both of them were walking side by side at the sidewalk. “Yah~ don’t you think they will recognize us?” Lyn said while lowering her beanie.

“You better stop calling me yah. I have a name. You never said it even once. Now, call me oppa..” he said.


“What? C’mon, speak up. O-P-P-A…” he smiled to her. Lyn never get sick of this guy. Although he likes to play around, he’s a sweet guy she ever known.

“why should I call you oppa? You’re the same age as mine. I’ll just call you Yoseob,” she said while kicking the pebble in front of her.

“As if ‘YOUR’ Yoseob?” he said to Lyn’s ear and grinned.

Again, Lyn went blushing. She hit his arm. “Yah~! Your making me blush again,” she cupped her cheeks. “I’ll just call you Yoseob. I’ll call you oppa when I’m ready too,” she smirked. Yoseob shrugged. He seems to be okay with it. However, slowly, he holds her hand. Lyn cleared . She didn’t want to ask or even stop him from doing that. Just standing beside him makes her feel very comfortable and safe. Just like when she was with Yeob.

Yeah, Yeob. She did forges about him for a while since she had a busy schedule. Remembering him makes her heart sank.

Yoseob stop at the park nearby. “You sit here.. I’ll be back. Don’t go anywhere, okay? Don’t talk to strangers.. Ever! Araso?” he said to her.

Lyn chuckled. “Dae.. I won’t be talking to strangers…Don’t worry.. I’m big enough,” she said and sat on the bench. Yoseob smiles and went to somewhere.

While waiting for Yoseob, Lyn looked around her. The park was beautiful. The trees are standing tall, in the middle of the park, was decorated with flowers which made a shape of a heart. It was an awe view. Somehow, she noticed something. There’s this someone. She wasn’t sure whether it is a girl or a guy. She/he was sleeping on the bench and it seems kind of scary. She swears she/he was looking at her. But, she tried not to think about it. Besides, she/he was sleeping.

Yoseob came just in time to wash away her worriedness. She smiled as she saw him. “Here..” he held a n egg to her. A chicken egg.

“What.. is this.. for?” she asked.

“Eat it raw, it’s good for your health,” he said and sat beside her. He could saw that she was gulping just having the thoughts on how would a raw egg would taste like. “Don’t worry about how it’s going to taste. I’ve brought juices for you to drink after hat,” he said. “Like this,” Yoseob crack a little bit of the shell using his teeth and swallow the whole yolk in his mouth.

Lyn gulped seeing him. ‘raw egg? Are you kidding Yoseob?’ she said to herself. Yoseob tried to sing a few lines. “Oh.. can’t you see.. I’m still loving you…” he sang and his voice melts her heart. He did sound a little better than he did. “Come on, try it,” he insists.

Lyn took a deep breath and did as she was told. As the yolk went in , she felt all the eerie. As she swallows it, it doesn’t taste that bad. “Oh can’t you see.. I’m still loving you….” She sang it. But her voice is kind of cheesy which makes the both of them laugh. “Nee Yoseob, can you sing one song for me?” she asked. “but not heartbeat..”

Yoseob chuckled. “Sure..” he said and start singing Cracks of my broken heart. It was Lyn’s happiest day ever. Sitting side by side with Yoseob while hearing him sing. It’s just like a dream come true.

After the whole one hour they’ve been together, Hyeri called them and asked her where she is. Lyn forgot to tell them. Hyeri asked her to come straight home after that. Yoseob walk her home at the end of the day.

“Thanks for today, I had fun with it,” she said.

“Your welcome,” he bowed.

“I’ll be off now.. take care. Be careful while walking home nee~” she said ad waved to him. He waved too. Lyn went in the building. When she out of his sight, He smiled. However, he didn’t notice that someone was watching them from far away.

Seonhyu went to Hyeri whom was enjoying herself reading the novel she just bought. “Yah unnie, cook something for me.. I’m hungry…” she said while nudging Hyeri.

“Cook for yourself, I’m on a diet..” Hyeri replied. Her eyes still on the book.

Seonhyu sighed went to Lyn. Lyn was replying their fan’s messages in Twitter. “Yah, Lyn.. don’t you wanna cook today?” she asked Lyn.

“Oh? Sorry unnie.. I’m kind of busy now. Hyeri unnie didn’t cook?” Lyn asked. Seonhyu shook her head. “Never mind then, I’ll just have some biscuits,” Seonhyu said and make her way to the kitchen. While she was checking out what’s left in the fridge, her phone rang.
“Seonhyu ah~”
She recognizes the voice. “Oh? Hyunseung? What’s up?” she said while reaching the apple juice.
“Ermm.. You had dinner already?” 
“Dinner? Pfft.. don’t ask.. Those cooks were too lazy too cook today..” she said and poured the apple juice in the glass.
“You have cooks?”
“No, its Hyeri and Lyn. Both of them cook well. At least better than me..”
“So, all of u didn’t eat dinner because of that?”
“yeah..we’re hungry..” “STARVING” Michi yelled as she passed by. 
“oh really?”


“Oh.. Hyunseung.. I have to hang up, someone’s at the door.”

Seonhyu hang up. Both Soenhyu and Michi exchange looks. Who would be at the door at this time? Seonhyu twisted the knob.

“SPECIAL DELIVERY~!!” All of the Beast members yelled as the door were opened wide. Seonhyu blinked. She looked at each of them without saying a word. The boys seem to have some stuff with them too. Which makes Seonhyu more clueless.

“Seonhyu, who is it?” Michi came by the door. She gasped as she sees Gi kwang in front of her. “Oh! Gi Kwang!”

Gi Kwang smiled. “Aren’t you guys going to invite us in?” he asked. Seonhyu was back to reality now, she step away from the door and the boys went in. Somehow, behind them was two drunken manager. Dejavu’s manager and Beast’s manager.

“Yah! What is this?!” Seonhyu yelled.

“Oh them? Let them be. We just got to know they were long lost friends. They met at the store and have a drink. The ahjumma called Doojoon and asked to take them back home. Instead of taking them home. We bought them here,” Junhyung explained.

Seonhyu smacked her forehead. “Did you guys even notice that we are actually GIRLS?” she asked.

Junhyung snickered. “Just leave them outside and stay quite inside. They won’t get lost or go anywhere. They’re drunk. Now come on my lady,” Junhyung pushed Seonhyu in and closed the door behind him.

Lyn heard the noise outside the room. She wondered what happen. Maybe Michi watched the television out loud? She likes rebellion. Lyn went to open the door. Went she swing the door open. Stood in front of her was this no longer blondie guy. Yoseob. She gasped and quickly closed the door. She leaned her back to the door. “Omg.. I must see things. Am I that into him?” she said to herself. She opened the door back. But Yoseob was still standing there.

He waved. “annyoung~”

Lyn ceased her eyebrow. She looked around. Junhyung was talking to Seonhyu. Hyunseung was bothering Hyeri. Doojoon and Gi Kwang were wearing aprons. Michi was fighting with Dongwoon over some PS3 game. “What happen here? Is there a hurricane that you guys came flying in?” she muttered.

“Aww.. Are you surprised to see me?” Yoseob teased. Lyn blushed. Doojoon went to them. “Yah~ come help me in the kitchen. Your Kimchi stew is the best. Come too Lyn,” he said and pulled the both of them to the Kitchen.

When the dinner is ready, some of them had to eat in front of the television since the table was too small to fit 6+4 people. So, Dongwoon,Seonhyu,Michi, Gi Kwang, and Hyunseung were eating in front of the television. The laughed out loud while watching Gag concert, while the others are eating at the table.

“YOU WHAT?!” Hyeri sand Lyn stood up. They just knew that their manager slept outside of the house. That is not a good idea.

Junhyung pulled Hyeri to sit back while Yoseob keep asking Lyn to sit. “Don’t worry. They’re sleeping.” Junhyung said.

“Come to think of it, it’s not necessary that we bring drunken guys into a girls house. Don’t you think?” Doojoon smiled to Hyeri. Hyeri faked a smile to him.

Lyn whispered to Yoseob. “oh-oh.. leader’s fight,” she said which makes Yoseob to chuckled. Then, Lyn remembered something. “Nee Doojoon. I’m free this weekend. Are you?” she asked Doojoon whom was sitting opposite to her. Yoseob heard it and he suddenly was eating slowly.

“Yeah why?”

“Lets go back home. I miss my mom and dad.” She said.

Yoseob chocked. He took the glass and gulped what’s left in it. Lyn pat his back. “You’re okay?” she asked. “No! Your going back home? Only the two of you?!” he blurt out.

Lyn and Doojoon exchange glance and nodded. “Well yeah, they’re neighbours..” Hyeri said. “What’s the problem?” she said and took the Kimchi into .

“yeah.. I’m okay with it Lyn, I was planning to visit too.. we can go together,” Doojoon said and continue eating. He knew Yoseob is jealous. It’s written all over his face.

Yoseob looked to Lyn, then to Doojoon. ‘I don’t like this…..’ he said to himself.

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this is so cute! :3 <br />
i cried a bunch of times! <br />
this is great!
xMiracleStarz #2
Hehe, welcome! :D Yay, they met! xDD Excited to know what will happen during the idol army, update soon! :DDDDDDD
xMiracleStarz #3
Awww, Lyn didn't get to meet Seobbiee. <br />
Update soon!((:
Update soon!!~!~!~