Doojoon's Dilemma

Can you see me?

It was the concert day. In front of the stadium were tons of fans enjoying themselves buying some goodies. At the backstage, the staffs are getting busy checking every single detail. The concert must go as smoothly as it could. While in the Beast’s make up room, Yoseob was missing in action. Doojoon rubbed his temples. “Where is Yang Yoseob?” he asked the other members.


“Don’t know.. Probably went to see Lyn,” Junhyung replied and continue doing his stuff.

“Aish~ How could he go out at a time like this?” Doojoon said.

Yoseob was wondering around. He was searching for Dejavu’s make up room. On his way, he had to greet and bow to everyone he sees. Somehow, his eye caught attention to someone he knew long time ago. She was wearing a backstage pass. She looks like she was searching for someone. “Minju?” he spoke.

She looked at him and frowned. “Oppa! I’m your fan.. but umm.. I’m not Minju…” his fan said. “Anyway, can I get your autograph?” she held out her notebook and a pen.

Yoseob smiled. “oh really? Sorry..” he said and signed. “Well, see you later.” He waved.

“Okay..” she waved back. After Yoseob was far away enough, Minju sighed. “That was so close..” she said to herself. The reason why Minju was there was to see Lyn. But she too can’t find Dejavu’s make up room. So, she gives up and roamed the whole backstage.

“Ah~ this is it,” Yoseob spotted Dejavu’s room. He was about to knock when Lyn appeared as she opened the door. “Hi~!” Yoseob wave.

“Oh, hey Yoseob.. What brings you here?” She asked and closed the door behind her.

“Just want to say good luck. Don’t forget to watch me perform,” he winked.

Lyn laughed. “You came all the way to say this? You could have just call,” Lyn said.

“Well, just want to look round,” he said. Well, no he lied. He wanted to see her. He misses her already.

On the other hand…

“What are you doing here?”

Minju turned and saw Doojoon glared at her. She smiled. “Look who’s here.. Leader Yoon Doojoon,” she said sarcastically.

“I’m not asking you who am I, I know I’m the Yoon Doojoon,” he paused. “What are you doing here?”He asked again.

“I’m kinda lost. Do you know where Dejavu’s make up room is?” Minju asked with an innocent face which makes Doojoon more annoyed.

“Even if I know, would I tell you?” Doojoon replied sternly. “I don’t want anything bad happen again, just get out of here,” He demanded.

Minju snorted. “You can’t make me leave..”

“I’m asking you politely here. Please leave, or shall I drag you out of here?”

“Doojoon, I’m a girl..”

“Do I look like I care? I don’t care if you’re a girl or not. If you are, you won’t be doing all the dirty stuff you did to Lyn. Are you really a girl? Are you really?”Doojoon crossed his arm.

“I’m just lucky that she didn’t even notice. But I still don’t understand why is she still close with him,”Minju muttered.

“Him? Who?”

“Do you think I would tell you? I have to go now, Bye hottie,”she run her fingers on Doojoon’s cheek and walk away.

Doojoon shivered by her touch. “That girl really gives me goosebumps..”he said to himself. ‘I wonder what she was talking it.. Yoeb?’Doojoon shook off the thought he have in mind. He better get ready to go on stage.

He came in the room and found Yoseob walking around in the room all excited. He sighed. “Yah Yang Yoseob. If you disappear again at a time like this, we’re breaking up,”Doojoon joked.

Yoseob looked at him. “No more Dooseob couple?”

“Yuph, no more Dooseob..”

“Nah.. you’ll still love me. So, I’m not going to worry about breaking up with you..”Yoseob said playfully and took a gulp of the mineral water.

“Omo~this feels really strange..”Doojoon said.

“Yeah.. people will think that Dooseob is actually real,”Junhyung said.

Doojoon and Yoseob smiled to each other with a high five.

Dejavu’s performance came on first. They are in charge of the concert’s opening. Lyn was really nervous. All of them hugged each other.

“DEJAVU~~~~”Hyeri started.

“HWAITING!!!!!”they yelled out and went on stage.

They started their first song in the album that rage to #1 in Charts and end their performance with a more sentimental song. After their performance ends, the crowd went wild and asked for an encore.

They walk to the backstage happily. “Good Job everybody,”Hyeri gave a high five to each of her team mates. “It was really fun to be on stage with you guys. I had fun,”she added.

“Aww.. Don’t get too emotional yet,”Seonhyu said and elbowed Hyeri lightly and they burst to laugh. When they were on their way to their dressing room, they met Beast. Their performance came on third. So, they have to get ready.

“Hwaiting!”Hyeri said to Doojoon. Doojoon bowed with a smile.

“Good luck guys,”Seonhyu said.

“Gi kwang! Hwaiting~” Michi said to Gi Kwang .

“Good job with your performance,” Gi Kwang said while ruffling Michi’s hair. “Bye,”he waved as he passes by. Michi smiled happily to herself.

“Don’t forget about what you’ve promised me..”Yoseob said and followed his team.

“Promise what?” Seonhyu asked but Lyn just smiled to her. After they went into their dressing room, Lyn pulled Michi near her.

“Yah, I promised Yoseob I would watch him from the crowd. Will you accompany me?” Lyn asked to Michi.

Michi frowned. “Are you crazy? They’ll be like thousands of fans. They are guards too, we can’t go in there,”Michi exclaimed.

“I already agreed with the guards they will let us go there if I gave them an autograph for his son. We just need to disguise ourself,”Lyn said. Then, she saw some wigs in their stylist’s bag. “Let’s wear those,”she points it to the wig.

“You are kidding me,”Michi said.

“I’m not, come on, we don’t have much time..”Lyn said and took the wig; she dragged Michi to the changing room.

At the end, Michi and Lyn end up wearing wigs and glasses. Michi even add up a mole on her right cheek which really cracks Lyn up. They reach there right before beast entered the stage. They pass the guards and now they were really infront of the stage.

“Oh oh! Beast! Beast!”the fans beside them yelled.

“Yeah! It’s time for some action! The first step, attention please. Rock the beat!”Junhyung started.

Michi and Lyn start to squeal. They have never been like that before but when they put their places as one of Beast’s fans. Now they know how it feels to be excited over a concert. It was Yoseob’s turn. Lyn was looking for it. He was dancing on stage when he spotted Lyn among the crowds. He smiled and wave to her.

“Omg~ omg~ Yoseob waved at me!” A fan girl screamed.

“No no.. he was waving at me!” the other one said.

Lyn smiled. She raises her hand and waves a little. She didn’t want anyone to see it. So, she had to keep it low. After a while, Gi Kwang seem to notice Michi too, when his was singing his part, he made a heart shape with his hand to her and she grinned.

“This is the best time to fly~” Yoseob end the song. They started all over with Bad Girl and ended their performance with Shock.

Michi and Lyn were satisfied watching Beast performances, they have to admit, Beast is one talented boy band. They liked it. Not because Yoseob or Gi kwang. They looked at it as the whole group. Talented guys.

After all the groups had sung their songs, it was time for the dance battle. Big Bang and Dejavu swayed the whole crowd. They dance move were flawless. Beast had a dancing duet with 4minute. But at the end, SNSD and Super junior won the best dancers. The concert end with a cheered by all the fans.

The concert ends that day, Lyn sat on the chair in her dressing room. “I’m so tired….” She said and took a big gulp of the mineral water. She looked at the mirror and examines her face. Her face look a little swollen after the work and lack of sleep.

Michi landed on her chair beside Lyn. “me too..” she murmured and closed her eyes.

Hyeri and Seonhyu just came in the room with their manager. “Okay girls, sit down.. I have something to tell you..” Their manager said. All of them took their seats. “Okay.. since you work really hard on this concert. They company decided,” he paused. “For you guys to have free schedule for 2 days..” he said and the girls cheered.

“I’m going to visit my mom~!!!” Michi yelled out.

“I’m going to the spa..”Hyeri said.

“Ahhh~ don’t forget to invite me then.. It must be nice to have a massage after the hard work..”Seonhyu said and everyone nodded in agreement.

“Maybe all of us should go together, we could stop by at the sauna..”Michi said.

“Then all the fans will all flood the sauna.. we can’t go to the public that easy darling…”The manager said. “Anyway, the first day of your free-schedule-day was tomorrow. You had until evening to roam around Jeju island. We had to get back to Seoul at 6 o’clock. Don’t go somewhere far, I’ll kill you all if you are late for the flight.. got it?”

“Yesh sir!” Dejavu yelled.

“Good..”the manager smiled, satisfied with the girls’ answer.

That night, Doojoon was totally tired. He felt that he needs sleep. He walks in his room and found Yoseob lying on his bed. Doojoon slouched to Yoseob and lay beside him. “Yah, yoseob.. are you sleeping?” he asked with his eyes close.

“Hrrmmmmm….” Yoseob answered.

“Ah~I’m tired…” Doojoon said. “Nee~I have some question to ask you..”


“Who was that girl actually? In the picture..” Doojoon asked.

“Oh? Which picture?” Yoseob opened his eye to face Doojoon.

“The one that you said you were going to tell me about it..” Doojoon explained. “She really looks like Lyn though.. is it?” he asked.

Yoseob smiled. “Nahh~ that’s Liya..”

Doojoon’s eye went wide. “What? Who?” he thought he heard Yoseob said Liya’s name.

“Liya.. I knew her a long time ago.. I think it was 3 years ago?” Yoseob started.

‘He must be joking..’ Doojoon said to himself. “What happen?” he tried to look normal but somehow, he can’t hide his anxiety and curiosity.

“Well, I made a mistake. I get mad over little things. I never ask for her explanation. I got too emotional over it. It was my fault she disappear,” Yoseob smiled weakly. Doojoon kept listening to what he said. “After that, she flew to Korea and I don’t know where she is. Then, I met Lyn. Her face was exactly like Liya. You know how can we have people that look alike, right?”he said. “I will never know when I’ll meet Liya again. I have to apologize to her for what I have done..”

“What if you met her?”


“What if suddenly she appeared and what will you do about it?”Doojoon asked.

“Naahhh~that’s not going to happen. I think. I hired people to search for her. They said that I shouldn’t place my hopes on her. They didn’t even know if she’s still alive or anything,” Yoseob said with a low voice. He felt sad about what happen. “So, I stop searching for her. I don’t think I should hope for her to show up..”he said.

‘well, of course! She was with you all along!’Doojoon said to himself. He stared to the ceiling. ‘what am I going to do?’

“why did you ask?”Yoseob said and lay back beside Doojoon.

“Nothing.. Just curious..”Doojoon said.

“Okay.. I’m going to sleep now.. Good night,”Yoseob said and doze off.

Doojoon stared at the sleeping Yoseob. ‘Lyn is Liya..How could you miss that?’ his whole world becomes blank. He didn’t know what to do. Should he tell Lyn? What will happen after that? He scratched his head roughly. ‘this is not what I’ve expected.

Minju sat on her bed. She was frustrated to see Lyn and Yoseob got so close to each other even they didn’t know the real them. Minju had tried everything to separate both of them. She was tracking Yoseob even before he debut. She too was searching for Liya. However, Yoseob was faster than her. By the time the person that Yoseob hired got to know where Liya was, Minju had to pay the guy triple the amount Yoseob paid him. She even asked the guy to lie to Yoseob and she succeeds about that part.

But now, she didn’t feel safe. She had a feeling that someday, Yoseob will know the truth and so did Lyn herself. Minju felt nervous when she thought about whats going to happen. She’ll lose Yoeb right away. Minju shook her head. “No, no.. I won’t let this happen.. I have to keep an eye on them. No matter what..” she said.

The next day, Doojoon’s phone rang. He picked it up.

“Hello…”he said lazily.
“Oppa!”Lyn’s voice chirped.
“Oh.. Lyn.. whats up?”he asked. In his head were all the words Yoseob had said to him.
“Let’s go somewhere today. Maybe we should buy some gifts for untie and mom..”
“Oh? You want to go shopping?”he paused. “Did you ask Yoseob yet?”
“Yoseob? Not yet.. but I’m sure you’re going to drag him too..”
“Hahaha..”Doojoon faked a laugh. “I’ll drag him then..”
“Okay.. Beast could come along.. Seonhyu, Hyeri and Michi are tagging too..”
“Shouldn’t you say that you invite everyone to go shopping? You’re asking as if you want to go with me and Yoseob..”
“Did i? ahaha.. sorry.. I’m too excited to even build the words right.. did you have your bath yet?”
“Urmm.. hehehe..”
“Stinky oppa.. go to bath. We’ll meet you in one hour.. okay?”
“Yesh maám..”Doojoon joked.
“Bye..”Both of them hang up. Doojoon rubbed his eyes. He went to the room where Dongwoon and Hyunseung were sharing. He spotted Gi Kwang sleeping on the floor with the blanket. “Aish~yah! Yah! Wake up..”he said while hitting Gi kwang’s leg slowly.

Gi Kwag slowly opens his eyes. “Hurmm?”

“Going shopping in one hour.. come on.. get up get up!” he yelled. Even Hyunseung and Dongwoon got up. Then, Doojoon walked to his room where Yoseob was still sleeping. Junhyung came out from the bathroom. “Junhyung ah~we’re going shopping in one hour.”

“Alright..”Junhyung muttered.

“Yang Yoseob… wake up..”Doojoon said.

“Shiroo..” Yoseob said and covered his face with blanket.

“Oh Lyn.. what are you doing here?”Doojoon said.

“Lyn?!”Yoseob got to his feet. “Where?”he asked.

“Go to bath.. we’re going shopping in one hour..”Doojoon explained.

“You lied to me..”

“You won’t wake up if I didn’t do that.”Doojoon faked a smile and went in the bathroom.

Yoseob scratched his head lazily.

Everyone was already at the lobby. Even 2pm were there too. “Junhooo~!”Lyn called his name as she sees him.

“My wifey Lyn!”Junho said and gave her a friendly hug. “Where are you going?”he asked.

“Shopping with Beast..Want to come along?”Lyn asked.

“Nahh.. our manager wants to go somewhere else. We had to follow him first. He’s our tour guide today. Maybe we’ll see each other somewhere..”Junho smiled his sweet smile.

“Sure.. I’m gonna go now,bye..”she paused and turned to Taecyeon. “Bye Taec oppa..”she waved to him.

“Bye..”Taecyeon wave back with a smile.

Lyn went to her team mates.

“Yah.. you seem to have fun with Junho..”Yoseob whispered to her ears.

“Jealous?”she joked.




“Just admit it..”Doojoon came interfering. Lyn gave him a high five. Yoseob pouted.

“Come on! Lets shopping!!!” Junhyung yelled and everyone cheered.

Doojoon can’t seem to find his smile. He was still thinking if he should tell Lyn the truth or not. He just have to think. It hurts him too. He was worried she would forget him when she knows Yoseob was actually Yoseob. Or maybe not. There was so much question that the answers were still blank. Doojoon stared at Lyn’s face.

“Hurmm?”Lyn noticed him. “Do I have something on my face?”she asked.

“No..”Doojoon faked a smile. “You just seem happy..That’s all..”he answered.

Lyn smiled. “Shopping is my stuff..”she laughed and chirped happily to Michi and Hyeri.

It really looks like she’s having a great time. Will she get hurt if she knows the truth? What will happen after that? Doojoon hate thinking too much. He felt his head was heavy. He didn’t think he could enjoy the trip like he was suppose too. It was just too hard to enjoy himself when he had so many things in mind. ‘I should forget about this for a while..’he said to himself and followed Beast into the bus with Dejavu.

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this is so cute! :3 <br />
i cried a bunch of times! <br />
this is great!
xMiracleStarz #2
Hehe, welcome! :D Yay, they met! xDD Excited to know what will happen during the idol army, update soon! :DDDDDDD
xMiracleStarz #3
Awww, Lyn didn't get to meet Seobbiee. <br />
Update soon!((:
Update soon!!~!~!~