Yoseob's date

Can you see me?

It was the night before the concert day. Lyn was nervous as any other people would be. It was a live performance. A big one. She wants to do her best on it. But still, what happen to her because of Minju did affect her. She really wishes she could endure the pain and let it slip away without her knowing it. Its just too hard. While she was wondering around her bedroom, her phone rang.


“Lyn ah.. Yang Yoseob here.. what cha doing?”
“Nothing much.. you?”
“Hanging out with your ‘favorite’ oppa..” he said the word ‘favorite’loud enough for Doojoon to hear him. Which makes Doojoon cracks up. Lyn could hear him laugh so she chuckled.
“Don’t tell me your jealous..”
“Me? Jealous? No no no.. I mean why should i? You are mine anyway,”Yoseob said which makes Doojoon to make a vomit sound.
“That’s new..”
“Hahaha.. want to hang out tonight?”
“Tonigt?”Lyn looked at her watch. It still is 9 o’clock. They still got a lot of time before going to bed. Maybe she could be more relaxing, let the pain disappeared while hanging out with Yoseob. “Sure.. why not.. I’ll be ready in 10 minutes..”
“Okay.. see you then..” he hung up.
Lyn looked at her phone, Yoseob hang up before she could know where they would meet. She shrugged and went to the closet. She finished up early by 3 minutes. So, she decided to sit in front of the tv and watch some interesting shows. Suddenly, there goes the doorbell.

“I’ll get it!”Seonhyu said and came rushing to the door. As she swings it open, she saw someone. “Lyn!!!”she called.

It must be Yoseob. Lyn went to the door. Stood there was Beast with no Yoseob. All of five of them had a bouquet of flowers in their hands. Doojoon came to her. “Here.. this was your Yang Yoseob idea. I don’t know he could be this romantic..”Doojoon chuckled and so did Lyn. She received all the 5 bouquets.

“Where is he anyway?”Lyn asked out of curiosity.

Hyeri, Michi and Seonhyu came to the front door. “tsk tsk tsk. If Yoseob won’t marry you. I’ll be sure to kill him for you,”Hyeri said. When she glanced, she was surprise to see Junhyung looking away from her. She shrugged and went in.

“Gi Kwang!!” Michi stood beside him and held his arm tightly. “How’s your day?”

“Fine as usual..” he smiled and pinch Michi’s nose playfully.

Lyn smiled seeing those two. They are too cute to be together. She feels happy when her team mates are happy. Suddenly, Yoseob appeared with a teddy bear in his hand. Hi bit his lips and smiled awkwardly. Lyn was surprised. He looks really cute even with just a hoodie and jeans. “Here..” Yoseob said while giving her the teddy bear.

Doojoon watched the love story in front of him. He had to fake a smile although it was pain to watch the one he love with some other guy. Especially with someone that is very close to him. He had to smile. No matter what, he will be strong and protect Lyn when Yoseob was not capable of. He ruffled her hair. “He said he wanted to take you to the beach.. I don’t know why though.. the air is cold tonight. Be sure to take care of yourself,” he paused. “You too, Yoseob..” he said to his buddy and Yoseob smiled thankfully to him.

Yoseob let out his hand for her to reach. Now, it seems like their hands are locked to each other. Lyn glanced at Yoseob shyly before they make their way to the elevator. Yoseob seemed to smile the whole way.

When the two love birds are out of sight, Seonhyu leaned to the wall beside Hyunseung. “aaahh.. I wish I could have a romantic boyfriend. It was be really nice. I’ll ask him o buy me a puppy…”


Hyunseung shrugged at the thought of it. “You regret it someday..They aren’t cute the creature you used to know…” Hyunseung smirked.

Seonhyu looked at him with shock. The guy was really freaking her out. “I’m talking about a puppy here.. The way you say it its like I’ll ask my boyfriend to buy me a monster or something..” she said.

Hyunseung looked away. “You’ll never understand until you experience it yourself...” he muttered.

“Hyung.. Your crazy..” Dongwoon interrupted. His words make Hyunseung to give him a long stare. Dongwoon freaks out and hides behind Junhyung.

Doojoon smiled. But he was half smiling half hurt. He’ll be sure to let go of Lyn to Yoseob. He knows he could make her happy more than him. It is time..

Yoseob and Lyn make their way to the beach. As Doojoon said earlier, it was really cold outside. Lyn couldn’t help herself to jump and move. She avoids having to stood still and feel the cold breeze. “Yoseob ah~ its really cold out here..” she said.

Yoseob seem to clutch his teeth. Walking outside at night was not a great idea. He came closer to her and wrapped his arm around her shoulder. “ Yeah.. I think this is not a good idea..” he said. Both of them still bearing the cold. Then, they look at each other and laugh of a sudden awkwardness. “Lets get back inside..” Yoseob suggested and Lyn nodded. There is this small gate to separate the beach and the hotel. However, as Yoseob was about to open it., it was locked. “No way..” he kept pushing the gate, but it was no use.

“Don’t tell me… its locked..” Lyn said.

“Urmm.. okay.. I won’t tell..”

“Yoseob ah~ we have concert tomorrow..” Lyn start to panicked.

“Well, I guess.. they don’t want us to perform. What’s so bad about it? You could spend the whole night with me..” Yoseob grinned. Lyn felt goose bumps all over.

“No way..!” Lyn said.

Yoseob laughed at her reaction. “Don’t worry.. I won’t do anything harm to ya..” he exclaimed. “hello?! Anybody there! Heelllooo!” he kept yelling but his voice sank to the loud waves.

“It’s no use..” Lyn said and start to search for her phone. “oh?” It seems like there is no phone. “Ah! I left my phone in my room!!!” she cursed under her breath. “Did you bring your phone along?” she asked and Yoseob shook his head. “Omo~ we’re dead..”

Yoseob and Lyn looked at each other and blushed. Thinking only the two of them makes the situation even more worst. “C’mon.. Lets walk this way.. Who knows we’ll met someone that could help us..” he said and Lyn nodded.

They were walking and Lyn shivered. It really is cold. She rubs her shoulders. Yoseob saw her shivering; he pulled her closer to him. “Just stay close to me. It’ll make you warm a bit..” he said softly. Lyn cuddled slowly beside him. It really does make her feel warm a bit. Suddenly, they saw a small gate. “Look look.. a gate..” they rushed to there and it the gate too I closed. Lyn sighed and sat down. Yoseob had an idea.

“Why don’t we just climb this gate?” he suggested. Lyn looked at him. “Well, it’s not that tall.. I think you can climb it,” he said.

Lyn stood up beside the gate. ‘hurm.. He’s right, the gate is not all enough..’ she turned to Yoseob. “Since we don’t have any choice, let’s just climb,” Lyn said and Yoseob smile.

“Do you want to climb first? Or should I go first?” Yoseob asked.

“You climb first.. Its easy for you to catch me on the other side in case I fall or something,” Lyn said and Yoseob grinned.

“Yes ma’am..” he joked and started climbing.

“Be careful..” Lyn said as yoseob suddenly slip a little.

Yoseob got to the other side safely. It was Lyn’s turn to climb. She took a deep breath and climbed the gate. “I can’t believe we end up climbing the gate..” she laughed and landed safely on the ground next to Yoseob.

Yoseob was surprise. “Wow..”

“What? Do you feel disappointed that you didn’t have the chance to catch me?” Lyn laughed.

“Hahaha.. You can read my mind pretty well,” he exclaimed. “Now, where too?”

Lyn point to the opposite way. “We should walk that path since we came from there, right?” she said.

Yoseob nodded. “Yeah, but, we can’t just walk there. There will be hotel buildings. I don’t think we can pass. Let’s take the road. Did you bring any disguise thing?” he asked and Lyn nodded. Yoseob took out some of his stuff, he got this black beanie and big size spectacle.

“Is that Junhyung’s..?”

“Naahh.. its Gi Kwang’s.. I stole it from his wardrobe,” he laughed. “And this is the most important of all,” he hold out a fake mustache in hi hand and wore it. “How do I look?” he asked and Lyn burst to laugh.

“It looks like I’m walking beside my father,” she laughed again.

“I don’t look that old,” Yoseob pouted.

“Nevermind then, let’s just go. We have to make it before midnight,” Lyn said and Yoseob nodded.

They managed to find a street so that they could walk back to the hotel, while walking, they enjoyed the lovely night. “I’m sorry, Lyn. We should have a perfect date tonight,” Yoseob said.

“Nah, this is fun. Something different won’t hurt..” Lyn said.

“This is why I like you..” Yoseob said and held her hand. “Oh, bytheway, why don’t you watch me perform tomorrow?”

“huh? How?”

“Be one of the fans,” he paused. “When I wave from the stage, make sure you wave back..or else…..” he warned Lyn.


“No but… Let see how different you can be..” he said. “You have to be different so that we suit each other.. don’t you think?” he smiled.

Lyn smiled back. “Aigoo.. You dorky,” she smacked his arm lightly.

On the other hand, Doojoon went to his room. He rested on the bed. He looked at his watch. Yoseob and Lyn are not back yet. ‘wonder what took them so long..’ he asked himself. Then he shook his head. ‘no no no.. This is not right. I better do something to distract myself..’ he stood up and went to the table near the make up mirror. He was searching somtthing in his bag when Yoseob’s wallet fell. He took it and the picture flew down to the floor. Doojoon remembered when he first saw the picture. He forgot to ask Yoseob all about it.

“She really does look like Lyn..” he said.

Finally, after a long walk, they reached the hotel. “Finally!” Yoseob muttered and Lyn sighed of relief.

Lyn raise her head so that Yoseob could high five it. Yoseob looked at her with a frown. “High five? We did a really good job for not dying out of coldness tonight..” she said and Yoseob chuckled.

“who said were going to die?” he pushed Lyn’s hand away. “I won’t let you die if you're with me..” he winked which makes Lyn blushed. “Oh? Is it too cold? Your face is getting red,” Yoseob said and placed both of his hand on her cheeks. “or are you blushing?” he asked while biting his lips.

Lyn felt her blood rose to a definite level. “Yoseob ah~” she said.


“Don’t bit your lips while saying anything sweet things to me..” she said.

“Oh? Uweyo?”

“Its too y..” she said and looked away.

Yoseob laughed. “You’re just too cute for me to ignore. Come on. Let’s go, you have to go to bed early. Need energy for tomorrow..” he said and both of them make their way into the hotel.

Yoseob said his goodbyes after he send her to her room. Lyn went in happily. She was too excited. “I’m back~” she chirped happily into the living room where her team mates were still practicing their songs. “Yah~ you guys didn’t sleep yet?” she asked.

“Well, need to rehearse some more. Come on and join..” Hyeri said and Lyn took her guitar and sat beside Hyeri. Before she starts, she receives a message. She flips it open and saw Yoseob’s message.

“Good night.. Have a sweet dream~ sorry that I ruined our date..”

Lyn smiled to herself and continued practice. Although the date was kinda caught at the wrong way, but she had fun with it. Who else will have a date where they had to climb a gate? She really appreciate having Yoseob by her side. He was so precious to her and she hope he feels the same way.

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this is so cute! :3 <br />
i cried a bunch of times! <br />
this is great!
xMiracleStarz #2
Hehe, welcome! :D Yay, they met! xDD Excited to know what will happen during the idol army, update soon! :DDDDDDD
xMiracleStarz #3
Awww, Lyn didn't get to meet Seobbiee. <br />
Update soon!((:
Update soon!!~!~!~