
I already have a Boyfriend

Minjee POV

“WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU LOST IT?” I shouted at the woman at the desk. “IT WAS FLUORO YELLOW AND BLUE HOW COULD YOU LOSE THAT ARE YOU BLIND!?” My face was getting red and I was really starting to smoke. Jinho nudged me and reminded me to calm down. Taking a deep breath I looked back at the woman who looked truly mortified.
“I meant to say, ahem, where is it?” I asked more politely.
“Ah it ended up in the st-states but we can have it here in 3 days ma-madam,” she stammered nervously. I groaned and clutched my head with my hands. 3 freaking days. 3 days of no clothes, no necessities and more importantly, no papers to prove you had paid for the apartment you were staying in. Jinho apologized to the woman, gave her my details and dragged me outside.
“Hey its ok Minjee! We will figure something out!” he said brightly, and I couldn’t help but smile.
“You’re right! It’s not the end of the world! Now lets go quickly meet your brother!” I stated and ran to the nearest cab. After laughing at your sudden change in expression, Jinho joined you and gave the driver the address.
“Now remember” Jinho said warningly, “nobody must know.”
I rolled my eyes and looked at his worried face, “why does it matter if your brother finds out?”
“He’s only 17 I don’t want to ruin his innocence! Plus I don’t want father to find out EVER. E. V. E. R.” he spelled it out so I got the picture. “O. K. A. Y” I said back, and the driver looked confused at our fluent English.

We arrived at the address and made our way up the elevator.
“Number 112,” Jinho said as we found the door.
“This is it,” he gave me a nervous smile and knocked on the door.

A handsome boy answered the door in a tank top and khaki pants, stifling a yawn and scratching his head. He had dirty blonde hair, and quite a nice body, “ah, can I help you?” he asked curiously as he stared at Jinho’s suitcase.
Man this kid was handsome, and I don’t mean meh handsome. I mean, crawl on your knees through barbed wire and drink acid just to get a look at his face for a second, handsome.

“Hi, I’m Junhong’s brother?” Jinho said but it came out as a question.
The boy’s expression changed as if he suddenly remembered we were coming.

“Of course!” he said slapping his head, “I completely forgot! Please come in!” the boy motioned inside and I couldn’t help but laugh at his lack of knowledge.
“Junhong’s not here yet actually,” the boy just remembered, “he has dance practice until 6.” Wow this kid was forgetful.
“Oh, okay,” Jinho replied with a smile, “well we won’t disturb you so we will be back around then.”
“I’m Jinho by the way, and this,” he motioned to you, “is Minjee.” The boy smiled at you and replied,
“I’m Daehyun, one of Junhong’s roommate and fellow band members. You can leave your suitcases-ah suitcase here.”
“Thankyou Daehyun,” I replied smiling, “we will be back later!” and with that I grabbed Jinho’s ear and pulled him while he muttered swearwords under his breathe, leaving the handsome boy laughing at you from the doorway.

“Owwwwwww, Minjeeeeeeeee,” Jinho whined as he rubbed his ear, “what was that for?”
“no reason, just felt like it.”
That earned you a smack.
“DON’T HIT A WOMAN,” I shouted and pushed him roughly.
“YOU ASKED FOR IT,” he said sternly but before long we were both doubling over in laughter. We couldn’t stay mad at eachother.
“Anyway where are we going?” Jinho asked since I had been the one dragging him.
Without hesitation I looked him straight in the eye. “To see your father.”


Jinho’s POV

My father sat across the table watching me. He hadn’t said much since I entered which was different to the warm nature I was used to from my mother. Why did she marry him?
“How have you been Jinho?” he asked although it sounded more like a statement.
“Fine, thankyou, um, yourself?” I replied awkwardly. Well this is what you expect when you meet your father for the first time since well, birth basically. My parents had divorced when I was 3, my mother taking me to America for a new life while my little brother, Junhong, had grew up here with your father under his rich and powerful lifestyle. I felt sorry for him. And this was the first time I had spoken to my father since; neither of my parents had made an effort to keep in touch. I also had never spoken to my brother before, yet here I was staying at his house in Korea.
“Fine, have you seen Junhong yet?”
“Not yet”
“I see, and how are your studies?”
“They are well, I achieved high school results”
“Good, good”
The awkward silence was making you uncomfortable.
“I should get going then..” I started as I rose from my seat.
“Wait Jinho, I have a question”
I froze in my place
“I had my people do some research on you because I was curious to see how you were doing,” he started, “and one person mentioned hearing somewhere that you were homoual?” he finished with an eyebrow raised.
My heart was racing and I felt a lump in my throat.
Stay cool Jinho
“What? Ah don’t be silly Father, that isn’t true!” Uh oh, my voice was too high pitched. I could tell he wasn’t buying it.
“Actually my girlfriend came with me here, she’s waiting outside” I lied through my teeth. My father widened his eyes and then sighed in relief. It hurt when he did that.

“Oh perfect! I would love to meet her sometime, I will drop in to see you and your brother at some point too.”
And with that I took my leave.


Minjee’s POV

The room was huge. I stared at it gawking. And this was only the waiting room, the whole building was enormous. I couldn’t understand how Jinho could still face his father. He had all this wealth while Jinho and his mother were suffering making payments for years. I wasn’t that well off either, since it was just my mum and two sisters after my dad abandoned us years ago. If I ever saw that jerk again I swear I would punch th- ok moving on. But here Jinho was in his fathers building and he was still so concerned what he thought of him. I sighed and laid back, Jinho is a really good guy.

A few minutes later, Jinho emerged from his father’s office and made his way over. I had my eyes resting and hadn’t noticed him yet so he took advantage of the situation.
I heard the shout but before I could move,
Jinho had landed on me, quite hard I might add.
“JINHO YOU A**, GET OFF ME BEFORE I BREAK YOUR LEG!” I shouted and kicked him off
“OWWWWWWWW,” he shouted, while I just looked down on him. He backed away.
“Ok I KIND of deserved that,” he admitted, emphasizing the “kind”.
I scoffed at him and sat on his lap.
“So how did the meeting go?”
Jinho could never get used to my sudden changes in moods.
“ummmmm,” he trailed off as if he has remembered what happened.
He looked at you with puppy dog eyes.
I knew this look well
Too well.
“YAH WHAT DID YOU DO?” I questioned loudly. People were staring but I didn’t care, they probably don’t understand English anyway.
“ummmm,” was all he could manage.
I gave him my sternest, harshest, tell-me-what-you-did face I could manage.
“Minjee will you be my girlfriend?”




Author's Note


Weeheeee a turn of events! Hahaha

And Daehyun is the first member to appear ;)

I hope you're liking the story! It's pretty boring so far but it will get more exciting soon!


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Chapter 15: oh my god her buttons popped! =0
Chapter 12: yes i am reading and loving it xD
Chapter 8: this story is not boring at all!!!!
Chapter 6: i love this story!!!!!
beejello96 #5
Chapter 15: authornim~~ why dont you continue this fanfic? T_T
sarahsohn77 #6
Chapter 10: This is a good story!!!!!! <3
ouuuuuuu~~ im just curious, will this fic be clean and innocent or will it contains fluffy or later?
Chapter 1: Hiiiiiiiiiii ^.^
this part was nice ~ update soon plzzzzzzzz ^.^
fighting \(^▽^)/
Chapter 1: Ooh~ It's interesting so far!! XDD Update soon, author-nim...FIGHTING~!! <3