
I already have a Boyfriend

On Friday Jinho and I were going to the cinemas, and he was being a complete up.

“Popcorn for my lovely princess,” he said when he returned from the candy stand.

And after the movie, “Have my jumper, I don’t want my bestie getting cold.” He said as he gave me his sweater.

“Ok Jinho, cut the crap,” I said bluntly and turned to him, “What do you want?” 

“I’m that obvious?” he asked, disappointed.

“You could’ve worn a flashing hat that said “Kiss ” and it would have been less obvious.”

“I gotta get me one of those,” he said.

I laughed and gave his head a pat, “What’s up?”

“Well,” he started, “Hyunwoo invited me to meet his family tomorrow night, which I’ve been dying to do, but the boys have already gotten suspicious of me hanging out with him so much.”

“Andddd?” I asked, not sure where this was heading.

“Well I thought if I said we were going on a date they wouldn’t question it.”

“That would probably work,” I agreed, without realizing what it meant.

“So that would be ok?” he asked cautiously.

“Yeah of course! I don’t mind you going to meet Hyunwoo’s family,” I said, confused as to why he was so scared to ask me.

Then it clicked.

“Wait a second” I started.

“If we are on a “date” and you’re with Hyunwoo, I can’t hang out at the dorm can I?”

“Um, well, no.”

Now I realized, “What am I supposed to do all night then?” I asked with an eyebrow raised.

“Well I was thinking, the only other person who knows is Daehyun right? So why don’t you go out with him?”

“Is this your bad attempt at setting us up?” I was starting to question his motives.

“No! I just couldn’t think of anything else and I really want to meet Hyunwoo’s family,” he said deflated.

I sighed, I couldn’t be stubborn when he was so upset, “If you can convince Daehyun, then ok.”

“Really? You’re the best,” He grinned, hugging me tightly.

“Of course I am,” I laughed.


Well it turned out Daehyun was easier to convince than I thought and I found myself leaving the next night with Daehyun and Jinho. Daehyun told the others he was meeting a friend and Jinho and I told them we were on a date.

On our way downstairs Jinho was stressing out.

“You look fine Jinho,” I reassured him.

I put my hands on his face and made him look at me, "they are going to love you I promise,”

“You think so?”

“What’s not to love?” I grinned.

He smiled and nodded, “You’re right, it’s going to be fine.”

When we walked out to the street, Hyunwoo was waiting for him. They complemented eachothers attire and then waved goodbye to us.

“Awwwwww,” I cooed, “My baby is such a grown up,”

Daehyun was laughing at me so I turned around and slapped his head.


I raised my eyebrow at him.

“Ok sorry, sorry” he backed down, “You really care about him don’t you?”

“I would do anything for him,” I admitted, “we’ve been through everything together, he’s like the brother and father I never had.”

“So that’s why you’re doing all this for him?”

“Of course,” I smiled, “I owe him everything.”

“Now lets go have some fun!” I said, dragging Daehyun behind me.


We decided to start at the arcade, much to Daehyun’s regret.

“I forgot you’re so good at this,” he grumbled as I beat him for the zillionth time.

“I used to work in an arcade silly,” I pointed out.

“Wait I thought you worked at a restaurant?”
“I did.”
“How many jobs did you have? Are you superwoman?”
I just gave him my “really?” face.

“No, but I had a few jobs, maybe 4? I can’t remember.”
“That’s crazy!”

“Coming from the boy who trained 7 days a week for how many years with no income?”
“Oh true,” he frowned.

I laughed, “Come on lets get food.”
“Food, Food, Food, Food.”



After dinner we shopped around for a bit and then I got a text from Jinho saying he will be back at the dorm in 15 minutes.

“Ok we better go piggy,” I said to Daehyun who was once again eating.

“Oink Oink.”


As we started to get closer to the dorm I started to get nervous that someone might catch us. Any of the boys could be around, and if they saw us we wouldn’t be able to explain the situation. I groaned internally, I hated this cobweb of lies we had gotten ourselves into. Also, it took longer to get back than I thought and we were already late. What if someone sees Jinho alone waiting at the dorm?

Daehyun seemed to notice my anxiety, "Why don't we take this shortcut we usually use?"




Daehyun’s POV

We made our way down the narrow alley; this would cut off 10 minutes of walking time. I looked over and saw her cautiously analyzing the street. I couldn’t blame her; it looked like a place creeps would hang out.

“It’s ok nobody ever comes down here but us,” I reassured her. She looked over at me and smiled, relaxing after my comment.

“When did you guys find this short cut?”

“About a year ago,” I started, remembering that day, “we went out to get Pizza and Zelo snuck in here to scare us as we walked past.” I laughed at the memory. “And we discovered it took 10 minutes off our walk home so we have used it ever since.”

She laughed with me. “I can imagine that.”

Just then we heard noise from the opposite end of the alley.

“Hyung, why do we have to go shopping? It’s late and I’m tired!”

We froze mid stride.

We knew those voices.

Minjee grabbed my arm and looked at me with a scared expression. I turned to see we were already halfway down the alley so we couldn’t turn back without them noticing us. We couldn’t keep going either, the alley was too narrow and they would recognize us instantly. I couldn’t think of any excuses to come up with either. They would assume we were out on a date or something suspicious, and Minjee was supposedly dating Jinho. I thought quickly and came up with something that may just work.

I pushed her up against the brick wall and leant in so her face couldn’t be seen. I pulled up my hood and put my arms on the wall.

“This looks really suspicious,” she hissed at me. She was right. I looked like some sort of with my hood up.

“Hug me,” I hissed back.


“Hug me so I don’t look weird.”

Her arms s around my waist and I could feel her hands on my back.

“This isn’t going to work, they can see our faces,” she said in panic as the boys walked closer, unaware of our presence so far. She looked up at me and my palms started to sweat. We were really close to each other.

I started to back away a little out of embarrassment, but she pulled me in closer. The boys were dangerously close now and I knew they would see my face any minute now. I closed my eyes, held my breath and leant in.

And then I kissed her.



Minjee’s POV

What is he doing?

What is he doing?

What is he doing?

Daehyun’s face was too close.

Way too close.

And yet it was getting closer.

My breathing shortened and my heart was racing. He closed his eyes and his lips were almost at mine.

My eyes didn’t close, however, they widened and I stared at him.

His lips met mine and I screamed inside. Daehyun was kissing me.




I was too excited inside to notice he was pulling away. I frowned in disappointment but realized he was backing off because I hadn’t moved an inch.

I was like a wooden board.

I closed my eyes and kissed him back. My arms tightened around him and pulled him back closer. He smiled against my mouth and deepened the kiss, pushing me against the wall with more force.

Eventually he pulled away and stood upright, taking his hands off the wall. His face was deep red as he caught his breath. Darn he is cute.

I realized my face must mirror his, because I could feel my cheeks burning. He laughed at me and glanced around. I suddenly remembered why he kissed me in the first place.

“Well they’re gone,” he chuckled, running his hands through his hair.

How long had we been kissing for? It was a long alleyway.

I sighed in disappointment, Daehyun hadn’t kissed me because he wanted to, he had only kissed me because he had no choice. I wanted it to mean as much to him as it did to me. But at least he had helped me; that counted for something right? 

“Quickly, lets go before something else happens,” I said and started making my way towards the end of the alley. Daehyun caught up and followed my stride.

“Jinho is so dead,” I growled, annoyed that he had put me in this awkward situation.

“Aw do I kiss that bad?” Daehyun pouted, looking down at me.

I laughed and shoved him, “It was like kissing a wet piece of bread.”

Daehyun gasped and feigned hurt.

“I like wet bread, how dare you insult it!” he exclaimed.

“What are you, a duck?”

“Only on my mothers side.”

I laughed and started flapping my arms.

“Quack, quack, quack, quack.” I said while walking around bobbing my head.

“That’s a terrible impersonation”
“Well you should know, you’re the duck,” I retorted, increasing my speed.

“Hey wait up!” he shouted, jogging to keep up, “I’m afraid of the dark!”

I laughed at the dork following me.

At least we weren’t awkward now.


Daehyun’s POV

We kissed.

We actually kissed.

A huge grin engulfed my face as I relived the moment in my memory. I couldn’t be happier. I rolled over on my bed and sighed, staring at the wall, which was lit up from the moonlight. This complicates things. It complicates things a lot. I frowned and tried not to think about it.

Let’s just be excited that she kissed you back Daehyun.

And I drifted into dreamland with Minjee on my mind.







Author's Note

Double update because its been soooo long!
I question if anyone is actually reading this ;_;
But yay finally some Daehyun and Minjee action! 
This story has been a little slow but it will pick up now :D
Thanks for subscribing guys ^^



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Chapter 15: oh my god her buttons popped! =0
Chapter 12: yes i am reading and loving it xD
Chapter 8: this story is not boring at all!!!!
Chapter 6: i love this story!!!!!
beejello96 #5
Chapter 15: authornim~~ why dont you continue this fanfic? T_T
sarahsohn77 #6
Chapter 10: This is a good story!!!!!! <3
ouuuuuuu~~ im just curious, will this fic be clean and innocent or will it contains fluffy or later?
Chapter 1: Hiiiiiiiiiii ^.^
this part was nice ~ update soon plzzzzzzzz ^.^
fighting \(^▽^)/
Chapter 1: Ooh~ It's interesting so far!! XDD Update soon, author-nim...FIGHTING~!! <3