First Outings

I already have a Boyfriend

Daehyuns POV

I woke up the earliest, as usual, and made my way downstairs. The boys are so lazy always sleeping in on days off, but it was the weekend so I should let them off. As I came to the kitchen I noticed it was occupied.
Someone up earlier than me?
I checked my watch.


Who gets up before 6am?
As I came closer I recognized the person.
From the back I could see she had quite a nice figure. Slim but not too skinny, and she was quite tall so her legs were long.
I mentally slapped myself.
Daehyun, stop ing.

I leaned against the wall, wondering how long it would be before she noticed me. She was making some sort of tea, which looked delicious. I watched as she cut up some limes when the knife slipped and gashed her finger.
Forgetting that she didn’t know I was there, I acted on impulse.
“Minjee, are you ok?” I rushed towards her to help, “Here let me help you.”
She turned around and looked at me with surprise. “Daehyun? What are you doing up?”
“I’m an early riser like you,” I mumbled while carefully analyzing the cut on her finger. It was quite deep.
“Are you ok?” I asked again, concern in my voice. I didn’t like seeing people hurt.
When she didn’t reply I looked up to meet her face. She was staring at me.
“Um, yeah, I’ll be fine,” she said with a smile.
I didn’t know my stomach could do flips.


Minjee’s POV

I watched as Daehyun bandaged my finger up. It was quite painful to be honest.
I winced when he pressed down too hard.
“Are you sure”-
“Yes Daehyun it’s fine” I reassured him for the nth time. Why was he so worried?
“All done!” he exclaimed, like he just built a bridge or something impressive.
“PORORO!” I shouted after analyzing my band aid.
Daehyun laughed at my reaction. Darn his laugh was cute.
“You like Pororo too?”
“Of course! Who doesn’t?” I laughed.
Just then Youngjae walked into the kitchen, not looking particularly happy “Good Morning,” he grunted.
“Woah, grumpy pants! Did you fall out of bed?” Daehyun asked with amusement.
“Himchan Hyung woke me,” he said shortly.
Daehyun laughed again.
“Ah I guess you’re not a morning person either Youngjae,” I laughed.
“Either?” Daehyun asked, “You were up before me!”
“Not me you idiot,” I shot back, “Jinho isn’t a morning person.”
His mouth formed an “o” shape.
“Well I don’t blame him,” Youngjae pointed out, “nobody should rise before the sun does.”
“You have a point Jae, but nobody should rise after it sets either,” Daehyun pointed out.
“That was one time and I was not well,” Youngjae retorted.
I laughed at their little argument and they turned to face me.
“You two are like an old married couple,” I scoffed before turning back to my tea.
“We are not!” they shouted in unison.
I didn’t reply but just laughed at them.

Daehyun came over and finished cutting the limes for me.
“Why thank you, my very own knight in shining armor,” I scoffed with sarcasm.
“Jeez, a THANK YOU would have been sufficient.
Just then Himchan came bounding in.
“TEA, TEA, TEA, TEA, TEA,” he chanted and came to your side. Himchan obviously loved tea.
“Would you like some Himchan?” I asked with an eyebrow raised.
He looked like an excited puppy.
“That’s Oppa to you!” he pouted.
Ew I hated formalities here.
“Fine, would you like some tea OPPA?”
He was too excited over this, “She called me Oppa, she called me Oppa!”
“Ok then no tea for you,” I started.


This boy was way too loud.
I laughed and poured everyone a glass, which they all took enthusiastically.
“I hope you can’t taste the blood,” I held up my injured finger. Everyone looked ill.
“Just kidding! Gosh!”
“So what are we doing today?” questioned Youngjae.
"Whatever our little Minjee wants!” Himchan cooed with delight.
“Hmm what’s the most fun place here in Seoul?” Jinho suddenly asked, emerging from the couch bed.
I was surprised to see him up so early and I could tell normally he would be mad but he was being polite.

“Morning Jinho!” I sang and gave him a cup of tea.
“I KNOW WHERE!” suddenly Zelo shouted coming into the kitchen. Everyone looked at him quizzically.
Everyone shouted in agreement except Daehyun and I.
What was Lotte World? It sounded fun at least.
“Ok, Lotte World it is!” Jinho decided.



Minjee’s POV

I almost fainted there and then.

All I could see here from the entrance was a number of horrifying looking rides and all I could hear was people screaming.
This was not my idea of fun.
Jinho glanced over at me, well aware of my intense fear of rides and heights. Everyone else looked ecstatic though as they went running inside.
“Hyung come with me I’ll show you the best rides!” Zelo dragged Jinho with him.
I was left alone, clutching my bag with fear.
I couldn’t go in alone but I can’t ride these either.
Just then I noticed I wasn’t alone, as one person hadn’t ran off with the others.
I turned to see Daehyun standing next to me, mirroring my exact expression.
I laughed, “You don’t like rides either?” I asked, stating the obvious.
He turned looking quite embarrassed, “Well they aren’t my, ah, favourite thing in the world,” he admitted.

I sighed in relief to find out I wasn’t alone.
“It’s ok! I don’t like them either,” I reassured him, “we can do other stuff.”
He smiled and relaxed, “Oh good! Normally I have to wait by myself while the others go on them and its soooooo boring! Why do they only like the scary rides,” He said with a frown.
I nodded, understanding what he meant; it was the same with my friends in America. 
“Well come on, let’s go!” I dragged him inside.


Daehyun’s POV

Minjee and I stood outside a haunted house, waiting to go inside. Most people would find this scarier but Minjee and I agreed it would be more fun than the other options here. I glanced over at her, although she looked excited I could tell she was a little scared too.
“Ready Daehyun?” she asked with a huge grin, as the gates opened to let us inside.
“Ready as ever!” I replied.
The house was littered with decorations of gore and there were constantly people jumping out and grabbing us. And to top it off the ground shook and wind sprayed us from all directions.
“AHHHHHH,” Minjee squealed again as a blood covered “ghoul” grabbed her ankles.
She clutched my arm and buried her face in my sweater.
I laughed at her cute reactions.

We were almost at the end and Minjee hadn’t let go of my arm the entire way, it was starting to hurt a little. I masked braveness the entire way through, not letting my guard down once. As we exited the building I relaxed, pleased with my manliness.
Unknowingly a man had followed us out and he ran his hands with long, fake claws down my back whilst hissing at me.
“AHHHHHHHHHHHH,” I shrieked and slapped him away.
Laughter erupted from both the man and Minjee.

After he returned inside she still couldn’t stop laughing.
“I thought a woman was being murdered,” she gasped whilst clutching her stomach.
So much for my manliness.
“You were scared too! You didn’t let go of my arm!” I retorted, and made my way off, embarrassed.
“YAH WAIT UP!” She called, but I was too annoyed to stop. Finally I reached the food court and pulled my phone out to text Youngjae.
“I’ll let them know where they are,” I started as I turned around.
“Minjee?” I called out through the thick crowd behind me.
But she was nowhere to be seen. I started making my way back to the house.
Daehyun you idiot!



Minjee’s POV

“Daehyun!” I called out but he had been too fast for me.
What a jerk.
I huffed and tried to move to somewhere quieter.
Why is it so darn busy here? I squeezed through the crowd and made my way to a seat.
Just then a tall guy with over-gelled hair slid in beside me and put his arm behind me.

“Hey pretty lady, are you all alone?”
I screwed my nose up at him.
“Sorry, I don’t speak Korean.” I replied in fluent English and went back to my phone.
“Ooh, American” he said, moving even closer, “I like foreign girls,” he winked.

I sighed to myself.

Why couldn’t this be a movie or drama scene where my handsome prince saves me?
Real life is stupid.

I reached over and grabbed his hand tight, digging my long nails into the sides. Twisting it I leant over and whispered in his ear,
“You better leave right now pretty boy before I make you regret your choices.”
His eyes widened and he stood up, rubbing his hands.
“Shoo!” I whispered, and he ran off to annoy some other girl.

Just then someone started laughing. It was Daehyun who had obviously seen the ordeal and found it hilarious.
“You were here the whole time? Why didn’t you save me?”
“The boy needed saving more than you did.”
“Jerk,” I mumbled and stood up. “Thanks for LEAVING me.”
"I’m sorry about that!” he looked genuinely sorry, “and I came back!” he added.
“Quick lets go meet the others, they’re waiting,” he sang and dragged me off through the crowd.


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Chapter 15: oh my god her buttons popped! =0
Chapter 12: yes i am reading and loving it xD
Chapter 8: this story is not boring at all!!!!
Chapter 6: i love this story!!!!!
beejello96 #5
Chapter 15: authornim~~ why dont you continue this fanfic? T_T
sarahsohn77 #6
Chapter 10: This is a good story!!!!!! <3
ouuuuuuu~~ im just curious, will this fic be clean and innocent or will it contains fluffy or later?
Chapter 1: Hiiiiiiiiiii ^.^
this part was nice ~ update soon plzzzzzzzz ^.^
fighting \(^▽^)/
Chapter 1: Ooh~ It's interesting so far!! XDD Update soon, author-nim...FIGHTING~!! <3