New Place to Stay

I already have a Boyfriend

Minjee POV

“MY SUITCASE,” I squealed as Jinho dragged in the case that was delivered to BAP’s dorm. The boys had schedules for the past two days so Jinho and I were alone.

I ran over and hugged it.


Clean clothes!

“Jeez what is in here?” Jinho huffed as he threw the case down in the living room.


I opened the case and rummaged through, looking for my most prized possession.

“TADAH!” I shouted, holding up my toiletries bag. Finally! Soap, shampoo and MAKEUP.

I ran off to the bathroom to clean up and get dressed while Jinho laughed at me from the couch.

“So where are we off to today?” Jinho asked when I had finished getting ready.

“Well first things first,” I said, taking out my apartment papers, “let’s go get my flat sorted.”



The receptionist stared at her computer, scrolling through numerous pages,

“Name again?”

“Lee Minjee.”

“And what was your check-in date?”
“Um three days ago but I had some troubles.” I admitted, handing her the papers.

“I’m sorry but we have given your booking to somebody else due to your late arrival.”


“I’m sorry madam, it’s standard protocol.”
I groaned and slammed my head on the desk.

“Do you have another room available?” Jinho asked, taking over.

“Unfortunately we don’t, you’ll have to try somewhere else,” the woman replied nonchalantly before going back to other work.


“Come on Minjee, we can find somewhere else,” Jinho said, dragging me out.

“I’ve had nothing but trouble since I arrived Jinho, maybe I should just go home.”
“Don’t be silly! It was just bad luck.”
“Exactly! I’m not meant to be here,” I said, deflated.

“I know what you need,” Jinho started with a wild look in his eyes, “IT’S SHOPPING TIME!” he sang, throwing his arms in the air.

I laughed at his attempt to cheer me up. I did love shopping.
“OK! But after we will look for apartments,” I proposed, not wanting to forget about it.

“Of course, of course,” Jinho said, hailing a cab.


Later that night I sat at the dining table with a newspaper and my phone.

“I’m sorry we don’t seem to have anything available.” A woman squawked on the other line before hanging up. I sighed and crossed off another ad in the paper. I had been trying for 1 hour now and had no such luck.

“Still nothing?” Jinho asked, handing me a cup of coffee.

“Every place in Korea is booked out,” I grumbled, throwing my pen in frustration.

“Don’t give up yet!” Jinho encouraged, giving me a pat on the back. I looked up and saw he was wearing his new sweater.

“WAHH YOU LOOK SO CUTE!” I cried, pinching his cheeks. It was light purple with a fluffy teddy bear on the front; I had helped him pick it out earlier shopping.

He laughed and handed me a bag.

I peeked inside, it was a familiar bag but I didn’t remember buying anything from that store.

I lifted out an identical sweater to his, however it was light pink in colour.

“COUPLE SWEATERS!” I shouted and jumped up and down. Jinho and I had an assortment of couple clothes, which we wore a lot.

“Now we will look even more like girlfriend and boyfriend,” he pointed out. I nodded and slipped the sweater on over my head. We had always looked like a couple, with random old people at stores complimenting us and calling us cute.

“Did you buy one for Hyunwoo?” I asked.

“Of course,” he replied, “but ours have elephants, not teddy’s.”

“Cuuuuuuute,” I cooed, poking Jinho’s pink cheeks. 

We heard the door open and an explosion of noise erupted through the dorm.




Jinho and I laughed as the boys came into the living room. They all looked over tired and Zelo was wrestling with Himchan, attempting to “hug” him. They all stopped when they saw us.

“MATCHING SWEATERS!” Himchan cried, running over and standing in between us, “you two are the cutest couple,” he cooed, putting his arms around us.

“EW HIMCHAN YOU’RE ALL SWEATY TOO,” I shouted and shoved him away. Everyone started laughing.

“I CALL SHOWER FIRST,” Himchan declared, before running off to the bathroom. Everyone groaned, knowing he would take forever.

Jinho made his way over to Zelo to ask him how practice went, while I went into the kitchen to make some food for everyone. Daehyun came in, also looking for snacks, and stared at me.

“Hi Daehyun! How was practice?” I asked him with a smile.

“Nice sweater,” he replied coldly, and left without answering my question. What was his problem?

I made some snacks and handed them out before sitting back down to start my search again, I wasn’t giving up that easily.

After several more attempts, I groaned and starting hitting my head against the table. Zelo came over and placed his hand on my head to stop me,

“Noona, what’s wrong?” he asked concerned.

“I can’t find anywhere to stay,” I sighed.

“You can’t? That’s easy Noona, you can just stay with us!” He said with a bright smile. He is such a cute kid.

“Aw, thank you Jello, but I would get in the way,” I said and patted his cheeks.


“I think it suits you!”

“It’s cute, I like it Noona!”

I laughed at his adorableness.

“But really Noona! You can stay. We are out most of the time anyway! And your food is delicious,” he added.

“Minjee, stay with us!” Himchan agreed.

“It’s no problem Minjee,” added Youngjae.

I was about to decline once more when Daehyun came over.

“Yeah. Your boyfriend is already here anyway.” He shot.

I frowned at him, why was he being so rude?

I shrugged it off.

“Only if you guys don’t mind”

“YAY NOONA IS STAYING!” shouted Zelo.

I smiled at them all, “THANKYOU, YOU GUYS ARE THE BEST!”

“GROUP HUG!” Himchan shouted, before engulfing everyone in his arms. I couldn’t help but laugh as everyone squirmed and whined at Himchan.
“I’M BEING CRUSHED,” squeaked Jongup.

Himchan let go but it had the reverse effect, knocking everyone over onto the floor. I cringed, waiting for pain that never came. Instead of the cold, hard floor, I landed on something soft and squishy. I opened my eyes to see Daehyun staring at me.

Great I landed on Daehyun.

I tried to get up but someone was on top of me, making it impossible.

Daehyun was still staring.

“Yah, it’s not my fault I can’t move,” I said frowning.

He started laughing at me,

“I know”
“Well then quit staring!”

“I don’t want to”

I felt my cheeks go red.

His face was even better looking up close.

And he had this cute smirk, which added to his attractiveness.

I hate boys.


And with that he stopped staring.

Everyone eventually found their feet again and the boys were racing to the shower. Jinho walked over to me with an amused expression.


“Did you enjoy that?” he asked with his eyebrow raised.
“Shut up,” I grumbled, leaving him with his smug expression.

He can read me too well.



Author's Note

Hi Guys its been FOREVER since I updated D:

But I will post more often now :) 

I would love some coments so I can tell if anyone is reading it hahaha, I hope you're enjoying it ^^


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Chapter 15: oh my god her buttons popped! =0
Chapter 12: yes i am reading and loving it xD
Chapter 8: this story is not boring at all!!!!
Chapter 6: i love this story!!!!!
beejello96 #5
Chapter 15: authornim~~ why dont you continue this fanfic? T_T
sarahsohn77 #6
Chapter 10: This is a good story!!!!!! <3
ouuuuuuu~~ im just curious, will this fic be clean and innocent or will it contains fluffy or later?
Chapter 1: Hiiiiiiiiiii ^.^
this part was nice ~ update soon plzzzzzzzz ^.^
fighting \(^▽^)/
Chapter 1: Ooh~ It's interesting so far!! XDD Update soon, author-nim...FIGHTING~!! <3