Hot or Not

I already have a Boyfriend

Minjee’s POV

The next morning the boys had practice again so Jinho and I hung out in the apartment, baking cookies and watching movies. In the evening we were sitting watching TV playing our favourite game, “Hot or Not.”

“HOT!” Jinho screamed at the TV at one of the actors.

“What? No way,” I retorted.

“He’s like a God,” Jinho cooed.

“More like a sewer rat,” I mumbled.

“HOT!” I screamed as a hot guy came on screen.

“You have terrible taste,” Jinho sighed disapprovingly.

I laughed, “Well at least we have more shows to play with now, Korean guys are so much better looking than Americans,” I screwed my face up.

“That is very true,” Jinho said nodding, “looks like you’ll be able to find yourself a boyfriend here.” He winked.

I just shook my head and tutted.

We continued playing the game and bickering without paying attention to the time.

“Hot!” Jinho yelled, “Damn he is perfection,” he added.

What he hadn’t realized was the six boys standing behind him who had just entered the living room.

“I mean how can he have such a perfect jawline,” he continued, I nudged him and coughed, trying to warn him.

Jinho looked at me confused and turned around, his face flooding red with embarrassment. The six boys just stared, not knowing what to say.

“Oh, Lee Minho,” Daehyun said, peering over at the TV, “yeah he is perfection,” he added casually before throwing his bag and coming to join us. The other boys relaxed and followed, forgetting about what just happened.

“That was close,” I hissed at Jinho,” be more careful.”

Jinho nodded and turned his head to his lap.


“How was practice?” I asked as everyone came to sit down.

“It was good,” Jongup smiled brightly, “We started learning our new dance today!”

“Ooooooh” I said curiously, “What kind of music do you guys sing exactly? What genre?”
They all looked at me with blank eyes.

“Kpop?” Himchan said, although it sounded like a question.

“What’s Kpop?” I asked.

“You haven’t heard of kpop?” Zelo asked shocked.

“Nope I come from the States remember!”

“How can someone not know what her room mates sing?” Himchan clutched his heart and feigned hurt.

Everyone laughed at his acting.

“Here,” Youngjae said, getting up and turning the TV on to a radio station.

The screen was filled with bright colourful costumes and girls singing cutesy songs whilst jumping around.

Jinho and I immediately cracked up laughing, doubling over.

“You…guys…sing…like….this?” I asked between laughter.

“No don’t be stupid,” Yongguk growled, getting up and turning the tv off, “Our songs are meaningful and important, he defended himself.

By then Jinho and I had calmed down, “Sorry Yongguk, I just pictured you all in those outfits and it was too much,” I said wiping tears from my eyes.

“Noona! One day we will take you and Hyung to the studio so you can see!” Zelo said brightly.

“Ok Zelo!” I said brightly, “Now you all must be hungry so allow me to fix you up some dinner!”

“No its ok Minjee! We can cook,” Yongguk offered.

“Don’t be silly, you’ve all been working hard and I have been sitting around all day, its no problem,” I said and made my way to the kitchen.


I made an assortment of food and side dishes, cooking for this lot is like feeding an army.

Daehyun wandered in whilst I was cooking to see what he could eat .

“Yummmmm” he said, reaching for some noodles,

“YAH”, I sad, smacking his hand away, “Wait for dinner you fatty or there will be none left.”

“Awwwwwwww just a tiny bit Minjee?” he said with puppy eyes, trying his aegyo on me.

“Not on my watch Mr Jung,” I said sternly, wagging my finger in his face.

“Ok, ok” he said, backing away, “well can I help then?” he smirked.

I could tell he was up to something but I went along anyway, “Sure, you can make the sauce for the noodles,” I said, gesturing to the ingredients.

“OK,” he said and started on the mixing.

It wasn’t long before, SHLOMP.

A thick paste was smeared across my face by a spoon. I turned to see Daehyun doubled over in laughter.

“OH HELL NO,” I shouted angrily, before picking up the flour I was measuring and throwing it over Daehyun.

The fine mist fell over his head and he looked like a ghost, “YAH” he shouted back, “YOU ARE SO DEAD.”

We started throwing all kinds of food at each other, running around like children and giggling our heads off.

At some point I had run out of food and Daehyun was advancing towards me with a hand full of noodles, he grinned and pinned me in the corner, “I’ve got you now Minjee.”

I cowered into the wall and waited for the noodles of death.


He threw them right onto my head, and started rubbing them in, “YAHHHHHHHHH JUNG DAEHYUN!” I screamed, trying to push him away.

He laughed hysterically and grabbed my wrists, sticking his tongue out at me. I stopped yelling and paused, shocked by our sudden close encounter. Daehyun seemed to notice this as well, he stopped laughing and started studying my face.

Just then Yongguk walked in, coming to check to see if Dinner was ready, “What on Earth happened here?” he asked, as he looked at the kitchen which had food smeared everywhere. Daehyun quickly jumped back, rubbing his neck, “Ah sorry Hyung its my fault I got carried away.”

“Aish this kid, I want this cleaned up now,” He said sternly, “I’ll go order takeout.”

Yongguk left and Daehyun turned to me, “Well, you better get to it,” he said as he started to leave.

“HEY!” I yelled, pulling him back, “HAVE FUNNN,” I sang out as I ran away, “I NEED TO SHOWER.”

I ran upstairs away from Daehyun’s whining and went for a shower, your encounters with Daehyun were occurring too often. What happened there?  I asked myself as I fanned my red face, Stupid Boy.



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Chapter 15: oh my god her buttons popped! =0
Chapter 12: yes i am reading and loving it xD
Chapter 8: this story is not boring at all!!!!
Chapter 6: i love this story!!!!!
beejello96 #5
Chapter 15: authornim~~ why dont you continue this fanfic? T_T
sarahsohn77 #6
Chapter 10: This is a good story!!!!!! <3
ouuuuuuu~~ im just curious, will this fic be clean and innocent or will it contains fluffy or later?
Chapter 1: Hiiiiiiiiiii ^.^
this part was nice ~ update soon plzzzzzzzz ^.^
fighting \(^▽^)/
Chapter 1: Ooh~ It's interesting so far!! XDD Update soon, author-nim...FIGHTING~!! <3