
I already have a Boyfriend

Minjee's POV

Jinho and I decided to surprise the boys as a thankyou for letting us stay with them for our stay. As neither of us paid for accommodation we had a little more money to spend, and decided to pay for a hotel on the beach for the weekend. The boys were ecstatic when we told them and Zelo was rather excited, “A whole weekend on the beach,” he chirped, jumping around.

Yongguk was worried we were doing too much for them, “It’s too much guys really, you don’t have to thank us,”

“Oh shush, it’s the least we could do for you all,” I grinned, “Just accept the gift and be happy.”

He grinned and hugged Jinho and I, “Thanks guys the boys will have so much fun.”


That Saturday morning we all loaded our luggage and drove to the hotel. Between the 9 of us we had 4 rooms and it took us the morning to settle in. For the afternoon we all just played around, swimming and eating, enjoying the vacation. I had challenged Youngjae to a beach volleyball match whilst Zelo and Daehyun watched us play.
“Are you ready contestants?” Jongup called from the referee’s chair.

“YES SIR!” Youngjae and I yelled back.

“BAP YESSIR.” Zelo stood up and shouted whilst doing some weird signaling with his arms.

Daehyun laughed and pulled the boy back down.

The match started with Jongup blowing the whistle, and by half time we were tied 3-3.

Already sweating, we called a break.

“Damn girl, your competitiveness is no joke,” Daehyun noted, whilst throwing me a water bottle.

“Losing is only for losers,” I shrugged.

With 20 more minutes of game play the score remained the same.

“Should we mix it up with doubles?” Youngjae called out.

“Ok!” I agreed, “I CALL ZELO,” I added, tapping my nose to show I called shotgun.

“Aw man,” Youngjae groaned, as Zelo joined me and Daehyun joined him.

“HEY GUYS, I’m not THAT bad,” Daehyun said whilst pouting.

“Noona chose me because I’m basically her brother-in-law!” Zelo grinned.

Zelo and I high fived and got into our positions.

Soon the score was 9-7 in our favour. Zelo’s height was proving useful just as I had expected.

“One more point and we win boys!” I sang, we had agreed to play to 10 earlier or we would have been here all day.

“More like, 3 until we win!” Youngjae retorted.

Throwing the ball to serve, I gave it a rather hard whack towards the net.

Or, as it turned out, right towards Daehyun’s face.

I cringed as it made contact and saw Daehyun go down with the ball.

We ran over to a distraught boy who was screaming, “MY FACE. MY BEAUTIFUL, HANDSOME FACE, HOW WILL I GO ON IN LIFE? WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO MY CAREER?”
At close inspection it was determined Daehyun’s ego was hurt more than his actual face.

“There’s no blood you baby!” I said.

“You should be apologizing miss!”

“Sorry for scaring you,” I said sarcastically.

“Hey I could have been seriously hurt,” He whined.

“Grow a pair would you,” I scoffed, which earned me uncontrollable laughter from Youngjae.

Face going red, Daehyun stormed off shouting about his bruised face and destroyed life.

Youngjae and I agreed that we were evenly matched in the end and we shook hands.



That night we all decided to eat on the beach around a fire. I sat between Daehyun and Himchan and we all ate comfortably. After dinner Hyunwoo pulled out quite a lot of Soju and handed it to those old enough to drink.

“What’s that?” I asked as Himchan handed me a bottle.

“Soju, it’s delicious.” He said.

I wasn’t too sure on the delicious part but I was up for any drink, I was going to take advantage of being old enough in Korea considering I wasn’t legal in the states for another year and a half.

“Cheers,” I said before easily drinking half the bottle, not realizing how strong it actually was.

“Woah slow down there,” Daehyun said as he took it off me.

“Party Pooper,” I grumbled.

Not before long I had found myself another bottle and was quite happy to finish it off. I wasn’t exactly a lightweight, but I had always had trouble recognizing when I was drunk and often drank too much. Tonight that seemed to be the case and before long I was poking Zelo’s cheeks and calling him squishy.

“Ok Noona I get it,” he laughed and rubbed his now sore cheeks.

I giggled and decided to move to my next squishy target.

“Jaejaeeeee you have the cutest nose,” I cooed and started poking his nose.

“You didn’t tell me that when you were sober,” he frowned, having also had a bit to drink.

“That’s because I never noticed it before,” I said, screwing my face up, “You have the cutest nose in the land of noses,” I laughed and started poking it again. We lost our balance on the sand made chair and fell over backwards, almost on top of each other. I was too busy poking Youngjae to notice Daehyun watching us from afar. I was also too busy to notice that if you looked close enough you would see steam coming out from his ears.


Daehyuns POV

Look at them. Do they have no shame?

Lying all over each other on the sand.

Maybe Minjee really did have a thing for Youngjae.

Why should I care anyway? I tried to convince myself that I didn’t care what she did, but my clenched fists would’ve said otherwise.

I better help her before she does something silly, I decided. It justified why I wanted her away from him, rather than me accepting my jealousy.

I went over and stood over them both, who were talking and didn’t even notice me. Ok now I was really mad.

Stupid Minjee and stupid Youngjae, I grumbled in my head.

I pulled her up by her arm and helped her stand straight.

“Daehyun!” she cooed and ruffled my hair, “you’re shorter than I remember,” she frowned.

Great she went from lying all over my friend to insulting me.

“Come on I think I should take you home” I said and started to drag her back to the hotel.

“No way not yet,” she pouted and pulled me back.

I sighed and tried to convince her, but it didn’t work.

“Lighten up a little bit and have some fun,” she said and handed me a drink.

She was right, I had spent the whole night watching her and just getting jealous over nothing.

“Ok but only if you promise to go back soon.”
“deal,” she grinned, “Drink up Daedae.”

I groaned and did as she said, that stupid nickname was so cute when she used it.


Minjee’s POV
I had started to sober up a bit, but now I couldn’t say the same for Mr Jung, who was currently singing rather loudly. How could a singer manage to sound so bad? I decided now it was my turn to send him back to his room.

“Not until my drink is gone,” he protested. I frowned because he still had over half to go. Being rather impatient I grabbed the drink and finished it myself in one swig, and started to drag him back with me. Now I was slightly annoyed because my sober state wasn’t going to last much longer. It was my fault he was drinking but it was getting late and everyone except Youngjae and Himchan had already left so it was time to call it a night.

Daehyun had given up complaining and had now turned to annoying.

He was trying to trip me by sticking his foot out randomly and giggling. He was even more of an idiot drunk.

“You’re such a child,” I laughed, I couldn’t stay mad at him he was just too cute. He pouted at his failed attempts and started to pull my shirt and turn away pretending it wasn’t him.

“I know it was you,” I sighed.

“Noooooooooo I wouldn’t do that,” he feigned shock.

By then we had reached the elevator and we were waiting for it to come down.

He pulled my shirt again and in an attempt to catch him in the act I spun around.

Bad Idea.

Really bad idea.

My button up shirt didn’t like the force and decided to punish me by falling apart.

Pop. Pop. Pop.

Each button fell to the ground, leaving my shirt wide open with a full view for Daehyun.

I gasped and tried to pull it back together but it was already a tight shirt and keeping myself covered was proving a task.

Rather than turning away like a sober Daehyun would have done, the alcohol filled Daehyun standing in front of me gawked like a fish out of water.

“What are you looking at idiot, avert your eyes,” I grumbled, but it was too late. Daehyun stared at me and his look went from cute and silly to something more serious.

“D-Daehyun?” I asked nervously, waving my hand in his face.

He advanced towards me and pressed me against the wall. I couldn’t bring myself to say anything, every time he was this close to me my knees went weak and I couldn’t breathe properly. I felt like a stupid schoolgirl. Daehyun’s intense stare went from one eye to another before settling on my lips, and before I knew it his were on mine. My eyes instantly closed and the remaining part of me that had any sense disappeared. He continued to kiss me and my arms found their way around his neck, while his wrapped around my waist. The kissing quickly intensified and before long I was gasping for air. Damn he was a good kisser.

The elevator opened and Daehyun picked me up and carried me in, my legs automatically wrapping around his torso. He leaned me against the wall and left my mouth, kisses travelling down my neck, giving me a chance to breathe. He briefly lost his balance and had to straighten up again, causing me to laugh. He grinned back at me before reconnecting our lips. His hand travelled up my back and mine found their way into his golden head of hair.

We had reached our floor and just as the door was opening I heard some familiar voices. In panic, I pushed Daehyun off me and we both straightened up, him fixing his hair and myself pulling my shirt closed. Zelo and Jinho stood at the doors and I was met with raised eyebrows from the latter.

“Hey Guys,” I said, trying to sound casual.

“Hi Noona! We were just coming to find both of you,” he smiled. I had never appreciated Zelo’s innocence until now.

“What happened to your shirt Noona?” he gasped.

“Oh it got caught in the doors on the way in and the buttons came off,” I shrugged, but I could tell that at least Jinho wasn’t buying it. Well I wasn’t completely lying; they had gotten caught and ripped. Although I think Jinho was imagining something much worse.

“Oh poor Noona! Well Daehyun now that you’re here you can come back to our room with me,” he smiled, “Bye Noona, bye Hyung!”

He dragged Daehyun away and I could’ve sworn I heard him hiss “.”

“Did you have fun? “ Jinho asked, clearly amused.

“Yep” I answered simply and started to walk down corridor.

Jinho must have decided I wasn’t going to talk tonight because he didn’t question me any further, to my relief.

What just happened? I groaned internally as I went to sleep. 



Author's Note

Ahhh so awkward writing kissing scenes >.< 

hahaha a bit of Daejee action!

Thankyou for reading again! It's appreciated!

anddddd I am going to add some killing camp gifs because I am feeling nostalgic :D

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Chapter 15: oh my god her buttons popped! =0
Chapter 12: yes i am reading and loving it xD
Chapter 8: this story is not boring at all!!!!
Chapter 6: i love this story!!!!!
beejello96 #5
Chapter 15: authornim~~ why dont you continue this fanfic? T_T
sarahsohn77 #6
Chapter 10: This is a good story!!!!!! <3
ouuuuuuu~~ im just curious, will this fic be clean and innocent or will it contains fluffy or later?
Chapter 1: Hiiiiiiiiiii ^.^
this part was nice ~ update soon plzzzzzzzz ^.^
fighting \(^▽^)/
Chapter 1: Ooh~ It's interesting so far!! XDD Update soon, author-nim...FIGHTING~!! <3