
I already have a Boyfriend

Minjee’s POV

“Hey,” someone said next to me and I jumped, I didn’t notice anyone had sat down. I looked up to see Daehyun looking at me with a smile.
“Hey” I replied.
The night had progressed and everyone was doing his own thing. By then everyone had heard yours and Jinho’s story about living in America and they were all impressed. Jinho was getting acquainted with his brother and I didn’t want to interrupt so I had made my way to the couch.
“What are you doing?” Daehyun asked curiously.
I rolled my eyes.

“Skydiving off the face of MT Everest, what does it look like I’m doing,” I replied, my voice laced with sarcasm.
Oh did I mention I also speak fluent sarcasm?
For a moment I was worried he might be offended, since I had just met him and I didn’t know what he was like.
Instead he just laughed and held his hands up. “I was just asking,” he stated, clearly amused.
I like this boy; he has a sense of humour.
“Well I know you’re EXTREMELY busy and all but I was wondering if I was allowed to sit here?” He asked with an eyebrow raised.
I decided to keep the act up.
“Hmmmmmmm,” I tapped my chin as if to be in deep thought,

“I suppose you can, but ONLY if you rub my shoulders.”
To my surprise Daehyun didn’t laugh and back away but started to rub my shoulders.
I peeked over to see him looking serious, concentrating on his “job.” And it did feel nice I had to admit.
Although I was shocked I didn’t let it show, I had to win this.

“Good little slave boy,” I cooed patting his hand. Instead of backing away Daehyun just nodded and continued.
What is wrong with him, is he just obedient?
Just as I started to question his sanity, I realized an awful stench had engulfed the area. I looked over to see Daehyun no longer using not his hands, but two very smelly shoes to rub my shoulders.

“AHHHHHHHHH,” I screamed and jumped up off the couch. “YAH WHAT ARE YOU DOING?” I spun around to see a calm Daehyun looking confused.
“You said to rub your shoulders, you didn’t specify what I had to use.”
And with that he started laughing hysterically. I fumed with rage as my clothes seeped with potent shoe smell.
I didn’t notice everyone had started watching and the entire room erupted into laughter. 

Jinho came over to me and tried to stifle his laughter, failing miserably.
“So the prankee has met her match,” he said in between laughs.
Fuming with anger, I snapped my head back to Daehyun.

“wh-what?” Daehyun stuttered, looking a little guilty.
“My suitcase was lost on the trip here and I don’t have any clothes,” I stated matter-of-factly and crossed my arms.
Daehyun looked really sorry now.
“Oh-um- I’m so sorry I had no idea! I’ll fix this um-“
“Oh its ok! I’ll just wear some of Jinho’s clothes until then, no problem!” I smiled and bounded off to get changed.


Daehyun’s POV.

I was so confused.

One minute ago she was yelling at me and just then she bounded off happily.
Is she bipolar?
As if reading your thoughts, Jinho spoke up,
“Oh don’t mind her she has the strangest mood swings, and no she’s not bipolar,” he laughed, “You’ll get used to it soon.”
And everyone went back to doing their own thing.

But I still couldn’t figure it out.
She is one weird girl.



Minjee’s POV

I got changed into some of Jinho’s clothes and immediately felt uncomfortable. I studied myself in the mirror. I had on a white t-shirt, which made it down to my thighs and luckily my tights weren’t ruined so I kept them on. I sighed at my appearance. It’s not like I was fat, or even ugly. But I just looked boring.
Oh well, I thought, moving away from the mirror, not letting it bother me. I moved back to the living room to see the boys all sitting on the ground talking. I liked these guys, they seemed like a fun group. Daehyun was the first to look up and his eyes widened when he saw you.
Hmph, probably feeling guilty.

“Ah I’m really sorry Minjee!” He called, “Are you ok?”
I decided not to too much so I nodded, smiled and sat down in between Jinho and Youngjae.
“Hey that’s my favourite T-shirt!” Jinho whined when he saw you.
“Shut up pretty boy!” I scowled back at him. It was my normal response but everyone looked at you a little funny. I just brushed it off.
“So I’m ready for bed,” exclaimed Himchan.
And that’s when I realized.
I have nowhere to sleep.
I looked at my watch and swore in English under my breath.
Far too late to book a hotel.
Zelo seemed to notice my expression and chirped up,

“Are you staying here too Noona?” he asked innocently. I laughed at him calling me Noona, I wasn’t used to formalities being from America.
“Ah I have an apartment but my documents are in my luggage which is a few days away,” I frowned,
“It's ok, I’ll just get a hotel,” I smiled and got up. I didn’t want to be a nuisance.
“Don’t be silly Noona!” Zelo said with a shocked expression, “You are staying here!” he smiled at you.
“Are you sure? I don’t want to be a nuisance!”
Everyone spoke up in protest. These were really nice boys.
I had noticed the sleeping arrangements when I was changing earlier and it seemed like they shared rooms, where would I sleep?

“The couch folds out to a bed so you two can sleep here,” Yongguk suggested.


And then I remembered

I was Jinho’s “girlfriend.”

I slapped myself mentally for forgetting.


Later Jinho and I were in bed. It was perfectly normal for us to sleep together, and since he was gay I didn’t mind at all. He his side and propped himself up so he could look at me.
"You forgot didn’t you,” he said clearly amused.  
“Well its not every day I become somebodies girlfriend,” I retorted.
I laughed at him.
“Well you sure are lucky to have a brother like you do,” I pointed out.
“I am.” He agreed, “I wish I had contacted him earlier.” I could sense his regret.
“Better late than never”
“You always know what to say,” he smiled, “So how about those boys?” he added.
“What about them?” I asked suspiciously. I could tell he was up to something.
“Well…. They’re all kind of cute.”

One of the bonuses of having a gay bestie.

“I know right,” I admitted, “BUT I’m not interested.”
“whyyyyyyyyy,” he groaned. My lack of interest in having a boyfriend always annoyed him.
“Several reasons,” I simply stated, hoping he wouldn’t pry.

No such luck.

“Such as….”
“Well one I live in America”
“But you’re here for ages”
I glanced at him, annoyed at his rebuttal.
“Two, I’m not girlfriend material.”
You’ve never been a girlfriend so how would you know.”

He had a point.

Jinho constantly refuted every point I made so I was about to surrender when I presented the foolproof argument.
“I’m your girlfriend remember.”
He opened his mouth but then realized he had nothing to say.
“But they’re so good looking and this is the perfect chance! You’re no fun,” he pouted in defeat.
“Hey stop calling them good looking or Hyunwoo will get jealous,” I teased.
Jinho lit up at the sound of his boyfriend’s name.
I rolled my eyes and wrapped myself in blanket, “you’re so in love it’s sickening.”

“You’re just jealous!”
I laughed and shook my head.
Am I jealous?
I shook off the idea and buried my face in the pillow.
“Goodnight Jinho.”
“Goodnight Minjee,” he kissed the top of my head and rolled over. 

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Chapter 15: oh my god her buttons popped! =0
Chapter 12: yes i am reading and loving it xD
Chapter 8: this story is not boring at all!!!!
Chapter 6: i love this story!!!!!
beejello96 #5
Chapter 15: authornim~~ why dont you continue this fanfic? T_T
sarahsohn77 #6
Chapter 10: This is a good story!!!!!! <3
ouuuuuuu~~ im just curious, will this fic be clean and innocent or will it contains fluffy or later?
Chapter 1: Hiiiiiiiiiii ^.^
this part was nice ~ update soon plzzzzzzzz ^.^
fighting \(^▽^)/
Chapter 1: Ooh~ It's interesting so far!! XDD Update soon, author-nim...FIGHTING~!! <3