
I already have a Boyfriend


Minjee’s POV

At breakfast the next morning everyone seemed to be avoiding Youngjae.

“Hey Yongguk Oppa, what’s going on?” I whispered to Yongguk beside me.

“Youngjae is being a jerk face to Daehyun and nobody knows why,” he admitted.

I soon noticed he was right; Youngjae was either ignoring or glaring at Daehyun.

I frowned, I hated seeing best friends fight, especially Daehyun and Youngjae, they were normally inseparable.

In an attempt to break the tension, I asked Youngjae to pass the rice, which I immediately regretted.

“There,” he replied coldly, “,” he added quietly, almost inaudibly.


Everyone froze and stared.

Did he just call me a ?

It was fairly obvious Daehyun heard too because he looked absolutely livid.

And in a split second, he got up and walked over to Youngjae.


Socked him right in the face.

“You jerk!” Daehyun screamed at him, “Want to say that again huh?”

Youngjae held his face and glared at Daehyun.

I could see blood dripping from his nose.

“Defending your girlfriend are we?” Youngjae smirked.

“Why you little-” Daehyun lunged for him again.

“Woah, Woah!” Yongguk growled and restrained Daehyun, “WHAT IS GOING ON HERE.”

Everybody stopped, nobody messed with an angry Leader.

Youngjae spat out some blood and wiped his face, “I saw our little Daehyun here basically on top of Minjee the other night in the streets.”

Ok Minjee time for your best acting, I mentally told myself.

I gasped, “WHAT?”

“Yeah that’s right, I saw you two,” he growled.

I kicked Jinho under the table for some help.

“That’s impossible Youngjae, she was with me the entire night.”
“All night?” he questioned doubtfully.

“Yep, she didn’t leave my side,” Jinho added.

Yongguk raised an eyebrow at Youngjae, “Did you see this little stunt before or after they came home Youngjae?”
“Before,” he admitted.

“So if Jinho was with her the entire time that would be impossible, Correct?” Yongguk continued before he could answer, “And what evidence are you basing your claims on?”
“Well Daehyun WAS with someone,” Youngjae pointed out, “because he was wearing my hoodie.”
“Yeah I had a date, so?” Daehyun grumbled.

“Well the girl had a pair on converse on which were the same type as Minjee owns,” Youngjae started.

“Wait, you’re basing this on a pair of shoes?” Himchan asked, “You thought your best friend was stealing somebody else’s girl because of A PAIR OF SHOES?” he threw his arms in the air.

He was quite the drama queen.

“Yeah,” Youngjae admitted, realizing how ridiculous it sounded, and turned to Daehyun, “Sorry man, I was being an idiot.”

“It’s ok, I know you have your reasons, and I think you got your own back anyway,” Daehyun said, gesturing to his bloody nose.

Youngjae laughed and they both hugged.

“Eeeeeeeeeeep,” I squealed, “DAEJAE IS BACK,” before clasping my hands over my mouth at realization I said it out loud.

Yes I like to Ship ok.

I was in a lot of fandoms from shows back home and I liked to Ship people.

And Daejae (which I liked to call them) were definitely shippable.

Himchan, realizing what I had said, gasped, “YOU SHIP? YOU SHIP DAEHYUN AND YOUNGJAE?”

I shook my head furiously but he wasn’t buying it.

Daehyun gasped too, “YOU WHAT? YOU SHIP?” he glanced at Youngjae and stepped back, “EWWWWWW.”

I laughed and ran off, as to not be attacked by either of the Ship-ees.


Before the boys left for practice, I approached Daehyun.

“Hey, what did you mean when you said Youngjae had his reasons?” I asked.

“Oh, Jae’s last girlfriend cheated on him so he gets kinda worked up over stuff like that,” he admitted.

“Awwww poor Youngjae,”

“Yeah he still hasn’t gotten over it,” Daehyun sighed, “its been ages but he won’t date anyone,”
“I know a great girl for him actually,” I said, tapping my chin, “She’s an old school friend but she’s in America, they would be perfect for each other,” I pouted.

I hadn’t noticed that Daehyun was just staring at me,

“You look cute when you pout,” he said.

Normally I would laugh it off and say something sarcastic like, aren’t I always cute? But he said it so sincerely I couldn’t.

“Smooth talker,” I grumbled and walked away before he could see my fire engine red cheeks.


That evening Youngjae came to sit with me.

“Up for a game kid?” I challenged him.

“Shut up, you’re TWO months older than me,” he rolled his eyes.

I got up to set the console up and rejoined him at the couch.

“I’m sorry for what I called you this morning,” he said, fiddling with his remote.

“It’s OK Jae, but don’t you ever mention my night job again, alright? I don’t want everyone knowing where I go after dark,” I winked.

“You’re an idiot,”
I just grinned at him.

“OH, and Jae! I know someone who would be the PERFECT match for you,”
“I don’t date.”
“Well she’s in America so don’t worry, I can’t set you up.”
“No, not good! You guys would be so perfect for each other. And I’ll have you know, Lee Minjee has successfully set up numerous couples,” I gloated.

Youngjae laughed, “Well do you have anyone in mind for Daehyun? He has never even been in a serious relationship, and he has the WORST taste in women.”
Oh this is good, I snickered in my head.

“Really?” I looked around and leaned in closer, “tell me more.”
“Well his girlfriend last year used to steal his things and he never even noticed. And his last girlfriend, Junhwa, she was a mighty fine biatch, she cheated on him like 10 times and once again he was too thick to see it.” He sighed, “I worry about that boys love life.”
“Damn he has got a bad track record,” I tutted, “I will rack my mind for his soul mate,” I winked.

“Good, you can be his cupid,” he laughed.

“But you Mister Yoo, if my friend ever comes to Korea she is going to meet you!” I said, nudging him, “Sunjae WILL sail.” I added quietly.


“Shhhhhh the game has started!” I squealed, avoiding it.

Youngjae just shook his head at me.

“Hey guys, whatcha playing?” Daehyun asked as he sat in between us and loudly crunched on popcorn.

“Mario Kart,” Youngjae said.

Then Daehyun started to mess with Youngjae’s control yelling, “TROLL.” At least they were back to being best friends.

I studied Daehyun carefully.

Well I don’t steal and I don’t cheat so I guess I’m not Daehyun’s type, I laughed to myself.

How does such a handsome person attract devil women?



Short Chappy!

Am i the only one who ships real couples in person hehehehe

There is going to be some drama and SERIOUS PLOT STUFF coming up soon so stay tuned hahahahaha

Thankyou for reading :)

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Chapter 15: oh my god her buttons popped! =0
Chapter 12: yes i am reading and loving it xD
Chapter 8: this story is not boring at all!!!!
Chapter 6: i love this story!!!!!
beejello96 #5
Chapter 15: authornim~~ why dont you continue this fanfic? T_T
sarahsohn77 #6
Chapter 10: This is a good story!!!!!! <3
ouuuuuuu~~ im just curious, will this fic be clean and innocent or will it contains fluffy or later?
Chapter 1: Hiiiiiiiiiii ^.^
this part was nice ~ update soon plzzzzzzzz ^.^
fighting \(^▽^)/
Chapter 1: Ooh~ It's interesting so far!! XDD Update soon, author-nim...FIGHTING~!! <3