
I already have a Boyfriend

2 days later and Daehyun still wasn’t talking to me. I decided to let him just get over it and come to me, rather than continue attempting to apologize when he just got mad. Jinho and Hyunwoo had gone out somewhere, Yongguk was working on music, Youngjae had fallen asleep on the couch and it was just me, Zelo and Himchan in the dining room. Zelo groaned at his studies and started to bang his head on the desk.

“Maknae, don’t risk killing the small amount of brain cells you still have,” Himchan said from his phone. Zelo groaned at flailed his arms about.

“I hate study, I HATE IT.I don’t understand anything, WHAT IS THE POINT!” Zelo whined, “Forget it, I’ll just become a stripper.” He sunk onto the table defeated.

I smacked him across the arm, “Don’t go around saying nonsense Jello, Noona will help you ok, just show me what you don’t understand.

“Really Noona, you would do that for me?” He asked, eyes pleading.

“Of course pabo”

“But noona some stuff is really hard, especially biology.”
I just scoffed at him, “Don’t you know Noona topped her school when she graduated?”

“wow Noona, daebak!”

This kid was so easy to impress.

“So what do you want to study in college noona?” Zelo asked curiously.

“I am going to study medicine to become a pathologist,” I grinned, just talking about it made me excited.

“A what?”
“don’t worry your pretty head about it Zelo, lets just get started.

“OK first noona, English? This should be easy for you being fluent in it,” he laughed.

I helped him translate the Korean and we worked on his pronunciation.

“I like rapping and skateboarding.” I told him slowly in english.

“I rike lappin and shkatboordin,” he tried to copy me.

“No, no Junhong, too much engrish,” I facepalmed,” your R’s and L’s need to be the other way around.”

“I like rappin and shkatboordin,” he grinned.

“That’s good enough Jello. What’s next?”

“ahhh, biology,” he stated, flopping the open textbook in front of me.

The reproductive system.

I groaned. How could I teach such an innocent child these things?

“What’s wrong Noona?” he tilted his head.

“Nothing Jello, I’m just going to grab a drink and then we will start ok?” I smiled and scurried off, trying to postpone the inevitable.


In my hurried escape I hadn’t noticed Daehyun in the kitchen, and ran straight into him, knocking all his food on the floor.

“Ahhhh sorry, sorry, sorry,” I repeated as I bent down to start to pick his chip and dip up, it was a mess.

“hey it’s ok,” Daehyun said, trying to stop me, “careful you’re going to sl-“

And before he could even finish, I slipped on the salsa and toppled over.

Right onto Daehyun.

Of course.

I stared at him, horrified he was still mad at me. I waited for him to start yelling because now I had ruined his clothes with salsa as well.

Minjee you’re such a screw up.

But he didn’t say anything, instead he just stared at me, and I stared back. Until suddenly we both just cracked up laughing. It seemed like hours but it was only minutes until we both came back to our senses.

“You know we end up on top of eachother a lot,” Daehyun pointed out.

“I blame your clumsiness,” I scoffed.

“Mine? It’s always you!” he retorted.

And then we both started laughing again.

“ah look I’m sorry I’ve been ignoring you,” he started.
“Let’s just forget all about it,” I smiled, “Friends?” I held out my hand for truce.

“Friends,” he grinned and we shook hands.


I made my way back to the dining table to see Himchan talking to Zelo,

“And this goes into there and then,” Himchan was saying, as he pointed to the biology book.

I realized what was happening and ran to Zelo.


“He has to learn sometime,” Himchan shrugged.

I smacked him over the head.

My screaming has woken Younjae up, who came in grumbling about loud girls. He was followed by Jinho and Yongguk, who had just arrived back.

“Ah this is boring lets finish this for tonight,” Zelo said whilst he packed away his books, “Since everyone is here lets play a game!” He said excitedly.

“What game?” questioned Jongup, coming out of his room.

“Spin the bottle?” Zelo asked,

“With one girl and 7 boys?” I asked with my eyebrows raised, “Over my dead body.”

“Oh right, silly me,” Zelo shook his head, “Truth or dare?”

“What are we, 11?” Youngjae scoffed.

“awwwww come on Hyung it will be fun,” Zelo pouted. Youngjae just glared at him but we all know who had won this round.


We all sat around in a circle, with a bottle in the middle. Zelo had a huge grin on his face,

“Me first, me first!” He said and spun the bottle around, landing on Yongguk.

“Dare,” he said.

“Hmmmm, Zelo thought, “do your best imitation of Himchan Hyung.”
“easy,” he said.

“Yonggukkieeeee why didn’t you make heart shaped biscuits for valentine’s day,” he whined, grabbing onto Himchan beside him, using his “aegyo.”

Everyone lost it, his imitation was spot on.

“I am not like that.” Himchan whined, crossing his arms.

Yongguk spun the bottle and it landed on me.

“Truth,” I said.

“If you weren’t with Jinho when you came here, would you have dated one of us?” he asked with an eyebrow raised.

“hyung!” Zelo said whilst glancing at Jinho.

“It’s ok Junhong, I’m curious too,” Jinho grinned.

Remind me to scowl at him later for the lack of help.

Everyone looked at me expectedly.

I realized his question didn’t specify who, so I easily answered,


“Who?” Everyone asked at once.

“Tsk, tsk Yongguk should have been more specific, it wasn’t part of the question,” I said, spinning the bottle. It landed on Daehyun.

“Dare” he challenged.

This was going to be fun.

With a wicked smile I said, “Using my clothes, cross dress.”

Everyone started whooping and shouting, Zelo and Himchan high fived me.

A very red and very angry Daehyun shot me a look, “No way.”

“Spoil sport,” I stuck my tongue at him, “Not comfortable with your uality?” I asked, questioning his manliness.

He just went more red.

“Oh well Jae, it looks like you can celebrate because it seems Daehyun is batting for the other side, and you two can finally get together.

Youngjae couldn’t stop laughing.

“FINE.” Daehyun got up and stormed towards my luggage.

“Don’t break anything,” I shouted as he went to change.


Click. Clack. Click. Clack.

Everyone looked up at the sound of heels coming down the stairs.

And immediately everyone was rolling on the floor laughing.

Walking towards us was a tomato red Daehyun, dressed in my red stretchy dress, black heels and white hair bow.

“You…look….ridiculous,” Youngjae managed to say through his laughter.

“Daedae so prettyyyyyy,” I laughed, wiping tears from my eyes.

“Lee Minjee, I am so getting you back for this,” he growled at me.

“Whatever you say pretty princess,”

Daehyun stormed back upstairs after everyone had their fun. After a while I went up to check on him, I didn’t want him to break my clothes.

“Daehyun?” I knocked on the door.

He opened it a crack and pulled me in. To my surprise he was still wearing the dress.
“Ah, this is beyond embarrassing, but could you help me get out of this? I am a little stuck,” he admitted, avoiding my eyes.

“You pabo,” I said, as I attempted to the dress which was stuck.

“Who is it?” he asked.

“Who is what?”

“Who would you date?”
I forgot Daehyun knew Jinho was not my boyfriend.

“What’s It to you?”
Ah the zip had come unstuck.

“Just curious.”
“Youngjae,” I lied, not wanting to tell him the truth.

I pulled the zip down and the dress fell to the floor, revealing a shirtless Daehyun. He turned around and my eyes travelled directly to his upper body.

Damn he was hot.

He smirked, “Youngjae hey?” he clearly didn’t believe me.

I tore my eyes from his body and looked him in the eyes.

“Yes, Youngjae.” I said firmly, and then I left the room. I thanked the stars he had been wearing pants.


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Chapter 15: oh my god her buttons popped! =0
Chapter 12: yes i am reading and loving it xD
Chapter 8: this story is not boring at all!!!!
Chapter 6: i love this story!!!!!
beejello96 #5
Chapter 15: authornim~~ why dont you continue this fanfic? T_T
sarahsohn77 #6
Chapter 10: This is a good story!!!!!! <3
ouuuuuuu~~ im just curious, will this fic be clean and innocent or will it contains fluffy or later?
Chapter 1: Hiiiiiiiiiii ^.^
this part was nice ~ update soon plzzzzzzzz ^.^
fighting \(^▽^)/
Chapter 1: Ooh~ It's interesting so far!! XDD Update soon, author-nim...FIGHTING~!! <3