A Surprise Visitor

I already have a Boyfriend

Before we knew it, the weekend had come around and the boys had two days off. On Saturday you had all gone to see a movie and eat lunch.

“Yah Junhong, you can’t get that many sweets!’ Jinho sighed, watching the kid grab every piece of candy in sight. I laughed at Jinho trying to control his brother. They had become really close since coming here, bickering and helping eachother like brothers who had never been separated. I had been avoiding Daehyun a little since the food fight, not wanting to risk getting caught, and became closer to Youngjae who was surprisingly similar to me.

“So you two are fluent in English right?” Zelo quizzed, “So you can watch the movie without subtitles?”

We laughed and nodded,

“Of course we can, right Minjee?” Jinho asked me in English.

“That is 100% true Jinho, we can understand everything they say,” I replied in English too.

“Woah,” Zelo said, clearly in awe of our English skills. “Teach me Hyung teach me!” he bounded up and down.

“Aish you’re dropping sweets everywhere!” Jinho said, trying to stop the kid.


After the movie everyone headed home and we all sat around doing our own thing. Bored, I went and sat with Youngjae, challenging him to a video game.

“You wouldn’t beat me in a zillion years JeeJee,” he said, poking his tongue at me.

“HA you better watch what you say Squishy,” I warned him, determined to win the game. We finished on 3-1, my favour.

“WOOOHOOOOO NOBODY BEATS THE MASTER,” I got up and did my victory dance, shaking my in Youngjae’s face. He threw the remote down and grumbled.

Daehyun walked into the room just as I was finishing my dance, and he raised his eyebrow quizzically.

“Ah can you believe she beat me Daehyun?” Youngjae asked frowning.
“Wow she must be a master to beat you,” Daehyun stated.


“Well Miss Master of Games, dinner is ready so move your dance to the table please,” Daehyun said, bowing. 

“Ah you ruined the title with your sarcasm,” I frowned, pulling Youngjae to the table with me.


Daehyun’s POV

During dinner the doorbell rang, and I was made to answer it because I finished all of my food first. I walked down the hallway to open the front door. Standing there was a tall Korean boy with red-ish hair.

“Hello!” he bowed politely, “I am Hyunwoo, nice to meet you,”

“Daehyun,” I stuck my hand out which he took and we shook hands.

“Ah is there a Choi Jinho here by any chance?” he asked, peering past me.

“Whose asking?” I asked. I didn’t mean to sound rude but being idols we were always cautious when random people came to our house.

“I’m his boyfriend,” he answered with a smile.

“What?” I asked, sure I heard wrong.

“Boyfriend?” he asked, like it needed no explanation.

Suddenly it hit me, it all made sense now. We had seen Jinho talking about boys before and we never thought too much of it, Jinho must be gay, I thought.

“Oh of course, come on in.”


Minjees POV.

We all turned to see whom the visitor was when Daehyun came back. A VERY familiar red head made his way into the room, smiling ear to ear.


What was he doing here?

This is going to be disastrous.

I saw Jinho’s jaw drop and he got up to greet him, just as Hyunwoo made his way to Jinho.

“HYUNWOOOOOOO!” I screamed, and ran to intercept their greeting.

“WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE I MISSED YOU SO MUCH MY BFF!” I shouted squeezing him into a hug.

“Listen don’t let anyone know you’re Jinho’s boyfriend ok just play along and we will explain later.” I whispered in his ear.

“Hyunwoo!” Jinho said, patting him on the back in a “bro” fashion, “what are you doing here?”

Hyunwoo looked confused, “Oh um I came to stay with my father here in Korea and of course had to come see my best buddies,” he laughed nervously.

We introduced Hyunwoo to the others and him and Jinho went out to “catch up.”
I sighed in relief and mentally congratulated myself for such quick thinking. Until a certain someone pulled me away.


“We need to talk,” he said and dragged me outside.   



Author's Note


Ah this story is boring even I'll admit >.< 

I've started writing a more dramatic and interesting one though :)

This one is just a bit of fun haha

Double update tonight :)

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Chapter 15: oh my god her buttons popped! =0
Chapter 12: yes i am reading and loving it xD
Chapter 8: this story is not boring at all!!!!
Chapter 6: i love this story!!!!!
beejello96 #5
Chapter 15: authornim~~ why dont you continue this fanfic? T_T
sarahsohn77 #6
Chapter 10: This is a good story!!!!!! <3
ouuuuuuu~~ im just curious, will this fic be clean and innocent or will it contains fluffy or later?
Chapter 1: Hiiiiiiiiiii ^.^
this part was nice ~ update soon plzzzzzzzz ^.^
fighting \(^▽^)/
Chapter 1: Ooh~ It's interesting so far!! XDD Update soon, author-nim...FIGHTING~!! <3