
I already have a Boyfriend

Minjee’s POV

I scoffed and laughed at him.
“What are you on about woman?” I questioned, knowing he wasn’t serious.
“Awwww come on, please?” he pleaded and I got confused.
“And why would you want that?”
“Well I kind of, um, maybe I just-“
“told my father you were my girlfriend?” he said chewing on his lip, preparing for your reaction.
He looked at me in shock. Hey I wasn’t that nasty was I?
“You’re not angry?” he paused.
“I didn’t say I wasn’t angry, I asked why you told him that.” I pointed out.
He pouted, “He asked me if I was gay.”
“What? How? Did someone tell him?
“He had people stalk me and someone told him.” Jinho replied but he wasn’t angry. Wow his father was really something.
“I’m sorry Minjee!” Jinho suddenly burst out, “you know I wouldn’t say that without a reason and it wont be that bad! We spend all our time together anyway and the only people we have to fool are my father and my brother! It’s easy I promise! Please do this for me?” he pulled you into a tight hug.
Sighing, I looked at his face, he looked really worried. I knew how much he worried about what people thought of him, and I was his best friend after all. “Ok, if it will be easy, BUT YOU OWE ME SO BIG DO YOU UNDERSTAND BOY?”
“Good! Now lets go meet your brother!”


Daehyun’s POV

“HYUNGS IM HOMEEEEE,” I heard the maknae shout as he entered the door, loudly knocking everything in sight.
Why was this kid so noisy. I rubbed my head and made my way to the youngest couple, who were covered in sweat with huge grins on their faces. They had too much energy it’s unnatural.
“Hi Hyung!” they greeted as they made their way to the kitchen. Just then Jongup tripped over the suitcase in the middle of the room. Both him and Zelo looked at it in surprise and turned to me, asking for answers.
Oh this could be fun.
“What’s this doing here?” Zelo asked. 
“I, ahhh, how do I say this..” I stammered nervously.
Damn Daehyun you’re acting is impressive, I told myself.
“I can’t live here anymore” I finished.
Zelo and Jongup’s eyes widened and they shook their heads.
“Wait what?”
“Hyung NO!”
“What are you talking about?”
“Why Hyung why!”
Their questions came at me like arrows.
I couldn’t resist any longer and I doubled over in laughter. Realizing that you were pranking them, the boys immediately scowled.
But with every comment my laughter just became more hysterical. The boys jumped on me and “punished” me by wrapping me in a blanket so I couldn’t move.
I finally stopped.
“Ok I’m sorry but I couldn’t help it.” I replied with a grin.
By then the other members had made their way to the living room.
“What happened here?” Youngjae asked with a shocked look on his face.
“Hyung trolled us!” Zelo pouted and sat on me with no intent on moving, “he told us he was moving out.” He gestured to the suitcases.
“Wait what are these actually for?” Youngjae asked, unfazed by your typical prank stories. Everyone turned to me.
“Oh right, Junhong your brother was here.”
“MY BROTHER?” he asked surprised.
“You WERE expecting him,” I pointed out before kicking him off my torso and unrolling myself.
“I know but I’m still surprised,” Zelo admitted.
I walked off to the fridge looking for food.
“Hyung what was he like?”
"Was he tall? Was he handsome? Did he look like me? Did he seem nice?”
“ZELO” I cut him off, “SO MANY QUESTIONS”
But I couldn’t help but laugh at his curiosity and understood why he was so excited. Poor kid had never met his brother after all.
“He was about my height, handsome, dark hair,” I paused glancing at his bright pink hair, “polite, and well mannered, he looked like a nice person.” I finished.
The maknae sighed in relief.
“Oh good I was so worried he would be rude or something!” I laughed at him once again.
“Oh and he was with a girl” I added, forgetting to mention the cute girl he was with earlier.
This time the questions came from the living room.
Do they have supersonic hearing or something?
We made our way to the living room and I sat down, feeling all eyes on me.
“She was tallish, light brown hair, slim, pretty and I don’t know what their relationship is,” I replied and turned to my food.
“WOOP WOOP!” Himchan was too excited. Everyone rolled their eyes and went back to doing their own thing.


Minjee’s POV

“Well here we are again” I stated for no particular reason, staring at the “112” on the door. Jinho knocked and I could tell he was a little nervous once again. I could imagine the questions going through his head. What if he doesn’t like me? Will we get along? What does he look like?
I squeezed his hand in support.
This time a different person answered, another strikingly handsome boy. He had black short-cropped hair, with a pretty ulzzang face. Jeez what is this place, a strip joint?
“Hi! You must be Junhong’s brother!” He exclaimed and Jinho nodded.
He turned to me, “And you must be the gorgeous girl he was with,” he winked.
I scoffed at his confidence and the boy ushered us in. We could both tell instantly who Junhong was because all the boys were looking at him. There in front of you was the tallest, longest, baby faced boy you had ever seen.


Everyone was sitting around the table eating and talking. It’s as if you had all known each other forever, despite meeting 20 minutes ago.

Zelo ran and bear hugged Jinho, something I was not expecting.
“HYUNG! Finally we meet!” he exclaimed.
I smiled at the adorable overgrown kid, he was so innocent and sweet looking.
Jinho said nothing but hugged his baby brother back, he was the happiest I had seen him in a long time, this meant so much to him.
“Junhong YOU’RE SO TALL” he exclaimed and everyone laughed. It was true though; he towered over his older brother.
Zelo just smiled and nodded.
They looked at each other with such brotherly love I almost shriveled up from cuteness overload.

“Hyung lets eat!” suggested Zelo.

And here you were, crowded around a small table eating an enormous amount of food.
“We should probably do introductions,” one of the boys stated. He must be the oldest.
“Oh good idea Hyung,” Zelo mentioned with a mouthful of food, I could see he felt a little silly forgetting introductions. Everyone laughed at his expression.
“Well hello everyone my name is Jinho and I’m 19,” Jinho said with a smile. I took the next initiative. 

“Hello my name is Minjee and I’m also 19.”
I was waiting for the next introduction when it didn’t come.
I realized everyone was waiting to hear your relationship.

Sweet crab nuggets. I had forgotten about that.

“And Minjee is my, ah,” Jinho glanced at me cautiously, “girlfriend.” He finished. Nobody looked too surprised so I decided it would be quite easy.
If only I had known.

The other boys introduced themselves and I found out they were all members of a boy group known as “BAP.” What an unusual name. Yongguk was the eldest and their “leader” with dark brown hair shaved at the sides and a well-built body. Himchan was the next eldest with short black hair and an ulzzang face. He was quite flirtatious but sweet and motherly at the same time.
I wonder what he would look like cross-dressed.
No Minjee back to the story.
Daehyun was next and he was the one who answered the door earlier. He was drop dead gorgeous, with looks girls would love and guys would be envious of. Youngjae was the smart one, I could already tell, he had longish black hair and the face of a girl. Ok not a real girl but it was prettier than mine lets face it. Jongup was the second youngest, he looked like a kid who had been given a lifetime supply of lollipops and could never stop smiling. Lastly was Junhong or as everyone called him, Zelo, which I figured must be a stage name, who was super tall with legs that didn’t end. However he had a baby face and I just wanted to squish him and feed him grapes.
I could tell this was an interesting group.


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Chapter 15: oh my god her buttons popped! =0
Chapter 12: yes i am reading and loving it xD
Chapter 8: this story is not boring at all!!!!
Chapter 6: i love this story!!!!!
beejello96 #5
Chapter 15: authornim~~ why dont you continue this fanfic? T_T
sarahsohn77 #6
Chapter 10: This is a good story!!!!!! <3
ouuuuuuu~~ im just curious, will this fic be clean and innocent or will it contains fluffy or later?
Chapter 1: Hiiiiiiiiiii ^.^
this part was nice ~ update soon plzzzzzzzz ^.^
fighting \(^▽^)/
Chapter 1: Ooh~ It's interesting so far!! XDD Update soon, author-nim...FIGHTING~!! <3