Hello Korea

I already have a Boyfriend


Minjee POV

“Flight 20221 to Incheon, South Korea now boarding at gate 33, we ask all passengers to make their way to the door with your tickets readily available, Thankyou.”

I snapped my head up at the announcement and double-checked my ticket.
 “Gate 33” I read out loud as I confirmed this was indeed my flight. Turning to the boy beside me I couldn’t help a wide grin crawl across my face. This is it, we are finally on our way.
“JINHOOOOO WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR,” I squealed, pulling the boy beside me and dragging him along.
“HEY, HEYYYY” he whined as he quickly tried to gather his belongings,
“What’s the rush, they just called the flight!"
“Because I’m excited Jinho! DUH!” I said, rolling my eyes as if it was the most obvious statement ever.
Jinho laughed at my expression,
“Ok, Ok so am I! but I’m not telling the whole airport,” he exclaimed gesturing around the room. I looked around and was suddenly aware of the glares that were burning holes in my back.
“Who cares about them, we will be in a different country soon!” I sang and trotted off.
“I envy your optimism,” Jinho said laughing.
I didn’t reply but instead stuck my tongue at him.

That’s what 12 years of friendship would do to any two people, turn them into complete idiots around each other. That’s right you heard me, twelve whole years I had known this idiot. And twelve years we had remained the best of friends.

Oh and before you make any assumptions,
No I am NOT in love with him. Let’s just clear that up.
How do I know this? Well two reasons,
One, he is like a brother to me, caring and supportive and we have been through so much.
Two, he is gay.
I can see the jealousy in your eyes now, that’s right


Girls go ahead and be jealous.

“Minjee carry my bag it’s too heavy,” Jinho complained, shoving the tattered duffel bag in my face.
“Hey get that thing off MMEEEE” I shouted, wrestling with the gross bag that was making my eyes water,
“Ah, excuse me madam,” the hostess spoke up shyly, “may I see your ticket?”
My eyes widened as I realized we were already at the front of the line. I shot a death glare back at Jinho who was almost in tears from laughing at your embarrassing ordeal.
Handing the hostess, who had a cake face I might add, the ticket with a weak smile, I walked through onto the huge 747 with excitement pulsing through me.

Jinho POV

I made my way to my seat and tried to get Minjee’s attention. “Minjee, Minjeeeeeeee,” I whispered while sticking my hand in her face, but she was too engrossed in what she could see out the window.
“Woah Jinho, this is a-maze-ing” she said with gaping.
“We haven’t even left the ground yet,” I pointed out, as I took my bag contents and laid them in my lap. Twelve and a half hours. I sighed inwardly and turned back to Minjee. Despite her enthusiasm I couldn’t help feel my stomach flip with nerves.


Minjee POV

Noticing Jinho’s change in expression, I turned to him, ignoring the funny looking men throwing bags onto the conveyor belt. I was hoping to see my bright yellow case with blue polka dots but no such luck. I squeezed his hand and gave him a reassuring smile, “It’s ok Jinho! Your family will be happy to see you.”
“I’m not so sure about that,” he replied with his head down. “What are you worried about the most?” I asked curiously.
“My father finding out.”
“How would he ever find out?”
“I don’t know, I have a bad feeling,” he admitted.
I grabbed his face and turned it towards me.
“Look Jinho it’s going to be ok I promise. I know he’s old fashioned and all that but he won’t know that you’re gay! I’m here and I promise nothing bad will happen.”
With that he smiled and nodded, he felt safe with your reassurance, knowing how you would protect him.
“Aren’t you excited to see your brother?” I added, knowing that would make him happy to talk about.
“SO excited Minjee! It’s been 12 years since I saw him! My baby brother so grown up now,” Jinho said as he wiped away a fake tear.
I laughed at his terrible acting, “well only 12 and a half hours and he will be right in front of you.”

The hours went past fairly quickly while the two of you watched movies, ate food and slept on each others shoulders, enjoying the company.

“Passengers we now ask you to fasten your seatbelts as we start our descent. The local time in Seoul, Korea is 2pm and the local weather is fine and sunny. Thank you for choosing Air Asia and we hope you enjoyed your flight.”

With one last glance at each other, you both looked out to admire your home country.




Author's Note


Hi Guys!

My first fanfic ever *^*
TBH I've only just started reading fanfics but I've loved kpop for agessss :D

I hope you guys like the story!


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Chapter 15: oh my god her buttons popped! =0
Chapter 12: yes i am reading and loving it xD
Chapter 8: this story is not boring at all!!!!
Chapter 6: i love this story!!!!!
beejello96 #5
Chapter 15: authornim~~ why dont you continue this fanfic? T_T
sarahsohn77 #6
Chapter 10: This is a good story!!!!!! <3
ouuuuuuu~~ im just curious, will this fic be clean and innocent or will it contains fluffy or later?
Chapter 1: Hiiiiiiiiiii ^.^
this part was nice ~ update soon plzzzzzzzz ^.^
fighting \(^▽^)/
Chapter 1: Ooh~ It's interesting so far!! XDD Update soon, author-nim...FIGHTING~!! <3