Crown Princess

Where My Heart Took Me

*Ken's POV*

"The Crown Prince has arrived!" The announcer of the council hall announced as I walked through the hall. All the ministers bowed as I ascend to sit on the throne.

"Your majesty! Have you fulfilled your task? Surely, you couldn't have found someone to who qualifies to be your Queen." The minister of war sneered at me. That old Geezer. always trying to find fault in me. tchh.

"Ahh, Minister of War, do you mind reciting these "qualifications" you ministers imposed on me?" I asked him. "I will be glad to, your Majesty."He smirked at me. hah, I can't wait to wipe that smirk of your face, you trecherous leech.

"One. She must be of ROYAL blood.

   Two. She must possess a divine power.

    Three. She must be an earthling."

He recited to me. Then he stared straight at me with eyes filled with greed. "Now your Majesty, if you don't have a girl with these qualities we humble ministers request, I'm afraid you have to say goodbye to your entitlement to the throne and hand it over to the person next in line."

"So, you're saying I should hand the royal throne over to YOU, minister of war?" I asked him as I clenched my jaws trying to control my anger. How dare he blatantly ridicule me in front of all the ministers. That old leech will never give up.

"But sorry to dissapoint you, my humble minister. I already found my Queen. She passes all the qualifications." I announced. All the ministers started to whisper and murmur among them selves.

"T-that can't be. Such a girl wouldn't exist. That's impossible!" He rumbled on.

"Then, are you accusing me of lying, Minister? The coronation will go on as agreed. Now, meeting dismissed!" I told all the ministers. Half of them left with content and half left with contempt. Not a surprise for me. Half are working for minister of war. They've been scheming ways eversince father died. THere's hardly anyone I can trust in this place.


*Meanwhile* *Narrator's POV*

"ugh." Sunmi woke up from her deep sleep.

"My Mistress, you are awake!" Hongbin, the servant boy, ran over to her side.

"Um, excuse me. Who are you?" Sunmi asked. She looked around the unfamiliar room.

"H-hongbin my mistress?"

"Mistress? why are you calling me that?"

"Because you will be marrying my master."

"Bwoh? and Who is your master?"

"why it's Crown Prince Ken, my mistress."

"Oh dear god." That was the last thing she said before she passed out.




Here's a short update for y'all.

Pls look forward to the next chappie. Let's see how our EXO boys are doing, Neh? ^^



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Chapter 21: i thought i didn't read these last two chapters cuz my bookmark was wrong. I still love the storyXDD
Thank you for reading~ and we'll see abt pt 3 ^^
21GerBear #3
Chapter 21: Such a great story loved it!!
Chapter 21: i hope this story of yours will have part 3
Chapter 21: Poor ken.. well atleast they living well and the family members getting bigger.. thanks for the awesome story authornim^-^
Chapter 14: OH MY CHEETOS!!! ZELO IS HERE!!! (Am i being too excited?) Getting more and more in love with this story. Good job authornim ^-^
Chapter 13: Cant blame ken for acting cruel.. but can he pick other girl? Must it be sunmi?? Gosh!!
Chapter 10: No ken why do u have to steal mimi!! This is so addicting ^-^
Chapter 7: Pfffffft kai hahahahaha literaly laugh my of there.. marking is property by writting it down?? Kai sense..lmao!!!
Chapter 6: Gosh protecting their girl.. setting their territory?? so cool!!!!!! Feells feeellssss!!!!!