That smell..

I Love You... Mr. Boy Next Door


“I hate having a monthly period!” she hit the pause button “wait here, baek Sung Jo” and went to the washroom. She had used all of her sanitary napkins and Cha-gi has none of it too. “AAIIISHH! Now I’d have to rush to the convenience store”

            She was left in Korea to finish her studies, she has no choice but to do so.. It was not long until Cha-gi came to their village to look for her brother, she never left, but there are times that Cha-gi needs to visit Seoul to keep her company running. And being along in their apartment is not a big deal for Lae-mon.

As Lae-mon was walking along the streets of their village, she noticed again the biggest house in their subdivision. According to Eu-na, her friend who is a model, “the person who lives there is the owner of the village, and was a leader of a boy band”. But she was wondering why she hasn’t seen the people who were living in that house.

“What’s this?” she was holding a magazine from the convenience store. “It’s ugly.” She tiptoed to the top books in the magazine corner. “They’re not supposed to sell this here.” She’s now holding a man’s magazine on her hand “Ew.” She placed it back to the magazine rack.

            When Lae-mon was about to reach out for a magazine, she stopped for a moment and closed her eyes. She smelled something---- something fragrant. Smells like a handsome guy. It smells like rich.

            She slowly followed the sweet scent. And when she finally opened her eyes, she almost in her breath because standing in front of her was the most gorgeous guy she has ever seen on the planet. Seems like she heard the angel sings. She won’t be surprised if the heavens won’t open up to light up his handsome face, although he was not smiling while looking at her.

He was looking at her! “Holy Cow!” she can’t stop herself from smiling. “Anyeong!, How are you?” She just said, raising her right hand. He didn’t answer her, instead he continued on flipping the pages of his news paper. “Mother of all holy!” He has a perfect profile. He was a “Perfect ten!” He has a pointed nose, he also has pretty lips. How does it feel if I kiss those y lips of him?

“So, what are you reading? Are there any good news?” he was not listening to her at all. He turned around and went to the counter to pay. Now, she was looking at his perfect figure. He was tall, elegant, and exquisitely slick in his black tailored suit. She wanted to clap her hands from what she was seeing. Because she just met the man of her dreams. And he was a true-blooded Korean.

Lae-mon went and followed the guy, she took a newspaper and pretended to read, she followed him to the counter. Lae-mon is now behind him. She took a deep breath to smell him once again My love, you smell really good don’t you know that? Her heart knows it already, she’s in love......

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DeullieSa34 #1
Chapter 33: Niceeeeeeeee story~~~~~~:-*:-*:-* soooooo sweeet~~~~~
hi hi^^ i just finished reading your story and it was awesome!!!!! i loved it like alot!!!!! it was so amazing but i should start my hw now XD it' already like 7 and i'm not suppossed to stay up late XD haha welll... byebye^^ <3 GOOD STORY^^
annyeong!!!<br />
<br />
i had finish reading you story... =><br />
<br />
i soo sooo LOVET!!!!<br />
<br />
much much... =><br />
<br />
good work... =>
Just by reading this story I can guess the author is a pinoy. lol<br />
<br />
btw, I like this storyy <3
wow, what a great story :D
let me guess ....<br />
your a Filipino right?<br />
hehe...<br />
i think this story is good,.. i didn't read it yet...<br />
i'm just bothered by the title "jinyoung mirror prince" <br />
<br />
jeong min (boyfriend) is the only mirror prince.. <br />
but then, i'll still read your story...
SarangHaeOppaOppa #7
nikki18 #8
what a great ending!!!love it^_^
waaaah! i really love your stories!!!! :))) <3
southkoreanfan #10
Update please !! HWAITING .. i LOVE your story it's awesome ..<br />