Chapter 7

a leap of faith

The next morning dawned. It was so quiet in the house to the point that even a slight drop of water could be heard. They were all still sleeping soundly in their beds. However someone was starting to stir from their sleep, and as you all have guessed, it was Chearin. Chearin you see is someone that always sleeps in during her days off due to her hectic schedule with the people she works with. Photo shootings may start at 7 a.m and she would have to be there by 4 or 5 a.m. and those are on her good days. Albeit the people, model, idols, actors etc, will arrive early and work very hard meeting their schedules and pulling off the look, but she as a stylist has to give pieces that portray the person and enhancing the clothing’s character , which she works very hard to achieve it, so to her sleep is a really precious thing. But during holidays, somehow or rather she would always wake up the earliest (or should it be put this way) the others sleep in later, it is as though her body wants her to wake up and enjoy the time she has on her hands.

So at 7.30 in the morning she wakes up and does all her morning routine. She then goes to the kitchen to make some breakfast for herself but was interrupted by the housekeeper there.

“Good Morning miss. I didn’t know you would be up so early. The guys said that they would be sleeping in so I didn’t make any breakfast yet.” she said sounding flustered.

“It’s okay. I am always up early during the holidays so that I can enjoy it to the max. However if you have any coffee available at the moment it would be really good.” Chearin said with a smile.

“Sure. I’ll prepare it right away.” the housekeeper said.

“Thanks! You are really a life saver. I really need my caffeine fix in the mornings.” Chearin said giving her most radiant smile. She then made sure to ask for the housekeeper’s name and also the names of the helpers who work there too. It was a habit of hers knowing peoples name. She always felt that it was more intimate and also more respectful to the other person regardless of their occupation.

After getting her cup of coffee, she walked out to the front porch to enjoy the view. It really was spectacular. The gardens showed promise of things stirring and blooming. It was a beginning of a new day, the sun light just slightly peeking out from in between the hills and clouds, mixing together with the dark blue sky, and mist, creating a magical place. She really did love holiday mornings because of this moment. The moment where she knows her loved ones are safely tucked in their bed, while she gets the chance to enjoy the whole scenery to herself. She wished that she could share this moment with someone. 

And God, true to his word, answered her wish. Jiyong who smelled the aroma of coffee brewing woke up wanting one. So guided by his sense of smell (which I think is awesome), he found his way to the kitchen.

“Yes! There is coffee.” Jiyong exclaimed.

The housekeeper laughed when she saw him punch the air at the sight of coffee.

“Thank Miss Chearin. She requested coffee, and was giving the same look you have now because of it. I swear you guys looked like as though you found gold.” the housekeeper said.

“Oh. Chearin is up? Where is she?” he asked sounding shock. Chearin never wakes up this early unless she has a schedule he thought to himself.

The housekeeper told him where she was and suggested that they enjoy their cup of coffee at back porch, where the view and sitting area is bigger and better.  Jiyong agreed and went off to look for Chearin. He found her, standing with a cup of coffee, she stood there inhaling the scent of the forest, with her raven colored hair cascading down her back like a water fall, she looked like a goddess sent down to earth to bless people with her beauty (this is how it looks to Jiyong) (to the normal people’s view she just looks like pretty lady enjoying her coffee).

He could not resist it. He quickly took out his phone and snapped that picture and saved it, physically as well as mentally.

“Chearin.” he called out.

She turned at the sound of her name, and smile when she saw him.

“Oh, you are up. I was wondering when you guys will start waking up.”

He chuckled. “The guys are still asleep. I smelled coffee, so I woke up. And speaking about coffee, do you want to join me for a second cup at the back porch? The housekeeper said that the view there is better. And maybe I can persuade her to make some breakfast for us.” he said.

“Sounds good. I could do with some breakfast,” she said.

He extended his elbow for her to link her arms around his and they then walk together, arm in arm to the back porch.

They managed to get some breakfast out of the housekeeper, and enjoyed it together with coffee, and the view. Their conversation also flowed like the light breeze around them, light and peaceful with a hint of freshness. 

Chearin rested her chin on her palm. “So how is life? Enjoying the music scene?” she asked.

“Its’ great! I really love it when the music I make is being enjoyed by so many people, even though I think that the marketing for it is the one that makes my music famous. But sincerely, I love it.” He exclaimed, his eyes giving out that glow again when he talks about music.

She smiled, agreeing with him. “Glad you are having fun. It really is an awesome feeling when you are doing the things you love. Its like living life to its fullest.”

“Yea, it really is. Even if I die and reborn again, I would still choose this life. I’ve got everything I need now. Except one thing.” He said

“Huh? What is that thing?” she asked.


“Not going to tell you. Merong,” he said sticking out his tongue.

“Why? Tell me, please.” she pleaded using her puppy eyes.

“Nope not going to tell you,” he laughed.

So if acting cute is not getting the answer, she would use threats.

“Hmph! If you don’t tell me I’ll not talk to you,” she said crossing her arms.

“It’s okay. I can go talk to Bommie or Dara or the guys,” he said and chuckled to himself.

“Hey, that’s not fair. I always tell you everything. How come you won’t tell me,” she pouted.

“Awww come on don’t be angry. I promise I’ll tell you when the time is right okay?” he said and reached over to pinch her cheek.

She glared at him. “Fine. But I want to know about it soon,” she said

What are you keeping from me?

I can’t tell you about my feelings now.

Why can’t you share your all with me?

I need you to share the same feelings that I do.

The other then started to pour in, breaking the thoughts that they had. They all then sat down for breakfast and decided what do that day.

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Sorry guys i won't be uploading this week's chapter...... i wanted to but my results came out and apparently i failed 1 of them...loss all my inspiration


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Chapter 14: Arghhhh ?
Chapter 14: where are you? its almost 2016... please update soon
Chapter 14: So sweet! Update soon please! :3
Chapter 14: yay, finally!
AnicaXVII #5
Chapter 13: haha. funny but cute.. update more please. :)
Chapter 12: Can't wait for the date, kekekek..
P/S - I think you need to write chapter 11 instead of chapter 12 author-nim :D
Chapter 11: OMG, so freaking cute!!! Huhuhuhu~
addy88 #8
Chapter 11: This is sooo sweettttt... the badass couple turn to lovey doveyyy.. homggg
Ciel_GZB #9
Chapter 11: Lmao!! Lee chaerin & Kwon jiyong are so freaking cute.. Yay!! They're gonna try to have a bf-gf relationship :) it's cute to see them being shy, jiyong seems to enjoy kissing her.. Haha!!
AnicaXVII #10
Chapter 10: say YES! please? HAHA