Chapter 4

a leap of faith

She did not go to the cafe for almost a month before she finally succumbed to her dire need for a good cup of coffee, and the moment she stepped into the cafe her eyes landed on Jiyoung almost instantaneously. It felt like fate was playing a great big fat joke on her; the person she least want to meet is the first she sees in the morning, so she did what any sane person would do and tired her best to hide her face by pulling up her hoodie. Thank god for hoodies!

She quickly made her way to the counter to order her to-go Americano. She even tried to bribe the barista to make her drink faster in which she failed, and was rendered to wait in line with the other customers giving her disgusted glances. What ? When her coffee got called out she quickly grabbed it to make a hasty leave, but just as she was turning to leave she bumped into someone who was standing behind her and accidently spilled some of her coffee on the person's shirt.

The person yelped.

Oh My God!! I'm so sorry!" she cried out while using the napkins she had to wipe the person's shirt. "Did i burn you ?" she said this time while looking up.

She saw Jiyoung. She lip's formed and "O" but no words could come out.

He laughed. "I hope you did not, if not you would have to buy me  cup of coffee." She could feel her whole face turn red.

"Opps," she said biting her lips. "But regardless whether I burned you or not I'll treat you to coffee. Just tell me which one. But seriously, did i burn you ?" 

"Ermm I don't think so. Maybe a bit ?" he said.

Chearin leaned in closer, flipping up his shirt to expose a flat stomach with a slight tan.

"Hey, what are you doing?!" he cried pulling his shirt down.

"I was just checking if I burned you." she said. She reached to pull his shirt up again, just to be stopped by him.

"Let me check it. I have a cert in first aid 'kay." she said seriously.

She stared at him daring him to let her take a look. He stared at her daring her to do it. She did. He blushed. She smiled to herself. Hah, dare me again!

They decided to go to a secluded area in the cafe to check so as to save him the dignity of exposing his skin.

She bend down slightly and lifted his shirt to check his skin, in which Jiyoung started blushing again. OMG, doesn't she have any self conscience? How could she just pull up a man's shirt in public ?  But she was in such an awkward position that he did not dare state out his thoughts.

"Hmmmm seems okay, just a little red." She reached out to probe his skin, resulting in him flinching. She looked at him with worried looking eyes. "Does it hurt? I think i might have really burned you. Stay here i'll go buy you some cream." she said getting out of her chair.

"NO," he exclaimed. "Your hands were a bit cold that's why I jumped," he said. Actually her skin contact send shock waves to his body, which puzzled him as to why would his body would show such reaction to her touch.

"Are you sure its okay?" she asked still looking worried.

"Yes, I'm sure." he said smiling and hoping she would stop putting her hands on his body. He may just embarrass himself. 

"Okay, but I'm buying you something cold. What do you want?"

"Anything is fine. Just not something too sweet. I'm not a fan of sweet stuff."

"Okay." she said getting up and walking to the counter.

He just sat there for a whole minute just looking at her before he mentally kick himself to focus on something else. Why was he so drawn to her ? From the moment she stepped into cafe, pulling her hoodie up, his eyes was drawn to her. It was as though he knew she was there. He hadn't seen her in the cafe since the last he saw her, but he recognized her almost instantanously. What was it about her that made him look ? It wasn't like she was jaw dropping pretty. She looked to be the average girl, but when she smile the whole world just lit up. Man I should stop.

She came back with a Iced americano for him. They talked for awhile, exchanging pleasentries, exchanged phone numbers, and decided to stay in contact.

"Hey, see you soon," Chearin said.

"Yea, next saturday maybe?" Jiyoung replied.

"Okay. Bye." she said waving goodbye.

He sat there for awhile staring at her slowly disappearing silhouette.

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Sorry guys i won't be uploading this week's chapter...... i wanted to but my results came out and apparently i failed 1 of them...loss all my inspiration


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Chapter 14: Arghhhh ?
Chapter 14: where are you? its almost 2016... please update soon
Chapter 14: So sweet! Update soon please! :3
Chapter 14: yay, finally!
AnicaXVII #5
Chapter 13: haha. funny but cute.. update more please. :)
Chapter 12: Can't wait for the date, kekekek..
P/S - I think you need to write chapter 11 instead of chapter 12 author-nim :D
Chapter 11: OMG, so freaking cute!!! Huhuhuhu~
addy88 #8
Chapter 11: This is sooo sweettttt... the badass couple turn to lovey doveyyy.. homggg
Ciel_GZB #9
Chapter 11: Lmao!! Lee chaerin & Kwon jiyong are so freaking cute.. Yay!! They're gonna try to have a bf-gf relationship :) it's cute to see them being shy, jiyong seems to enjoy kissing her.. Haha!!
AnicaXVII #10
Chapter 10: say YES! please? HAHA