Chapter 10

a leap of faith

“Will you be my girlfriend?”

This question to Chearin left her speechless. It was what she had always wanted to hear from Jiyong but she never would have imagined that he would ask her there and then. She had this idea that she would be the one to ask instead.

“I wanted to ask you instead,” she answered. She could feel the blood rushing to her face making it red.


“Well, I wanted to propose the idea of you being my boyfriend next week at this place which I had already reserved, but you beat me to it. Damn!” she said pouting.

When she said those words Jiyong heard fireworks, applauses, shouts of joy, ringing in his head.

She is saying yes! He was speechless *soul leaves body mode*

“Ji! Hey, wake up! I’m still here you know. I haven’t given you my answer yet,” Chearin said, snapping her finger in front of his face.

It eventually brought him back to reality.

“Aren’t you agreeing? You sound like you are. No, I’m pretty sure you are agreeing,” he said squinting his eyes at her.

“I am. But I think we should have some rules set, because we have lots of people in common and I’m sure that some might be a bit shocked,” she replied shrugging.

“Okay? So what rules are you setting? Should I set some too?” he asked

“I’ll give you time to think it through. But here is mine, I only have two at the moment; One, if and if we break up we will part with no hard feeling for each other. This is like an experiment so even if we part bear in mind that we will try to not make it awkward for the others. Two, if we plan to take it to the next level, both parties should consent to it before happens,” she said.

“Okay. I agree. But I don’t quite get the second rule. What does the next level imply? Marriage?” Jiyong asked, his eyes wide open.

Chearin paused for a moment.

 Marriage. With Jiyong. Too fast! Too soon! Stop!

“No! What I mean is things couples do in a relationship. Like couple trips, moving in together, ,” she said, her voice slowly became a whisper.

“Oh. Right. Yea. We should….erm… yea… discuss it later….,” Jiyong stuttered.

“Yea,” she said

The silence came.

“So we are really doing this huh,” Jiyong said.

“Yep,” Chearin nodded.

“Lets do this with no regrets,” he said.

“I’ll be good too,” she said winking.

She then held out her hand to seal the deal.

“Nope, I think this calls for a better way to seal the deal,” he said and lean over to give her a light kiss on her lips.

She blushed.

“Hey,” she exclaimed.

“What?” he said feign innocence.

They laughed.


After dinner Jiyong sent Chearin back to her house, but throughout their journey home Jiyong’s hand was always in the hands of Chearin. They were smiling all the way to her house.

They reached but reluctantly let go of each other’s hand.

“I guess I should go now,” She said.

“Yea,” he said with a hint of disappointment in his voice.

They both open their car door at the same time.

“You are coming down?” Chearin asked.

“No. I was just going to get the door for you,” Jiyong said.

“Why? I can do it for myself,” she answered puzzled.

“It’s a courtesy. Besides I like doing it,” he said. Then it struck him that she hasn’t been in a relationship before so things like guys opening doors for her or getting the bill etc are still a bit of a confusion.

“Right. Chearin there are some things that you should know when you are in a relationship. Imagine it like a partnership, I will sometimes help you with stuff even if you think that it is irrelevant but it actually contributes to our relationship. And would sometimes help too,” he said.

“Okay? I still don’t get it so teach me if I’m wrong. However you really don’t need to always get the door for me. How about we alternate the times you open the door for me?” she asked.

“Sure. But let me get it this time,” he said.

“Okay,” she said closing the door.

Jiyong then got down and toward her side of the door and open it. She then got down the car, and he closed it.

“Besides if I get to open the door, I get to do this…..” he said and leaned down and captured in a kiss.

It caught her by surprise  but she eventually kissed him back, but not knowing what to do she copied whatever action he did. He brushed his tongue across her lips sending shock waves throughout her body, she did the same, sending shock waves through Jiyong too. He put more pressure on causing her to open more and deepen the kiss. Her knees buckled causing Jiyong to hold onto her waist. She shivered pulling Jiyong closer to her. Suddenly a bright flash of car lights shown on them, causing them to break apart. 

Oh My God! I just kissed Jiyong out in the open! I must be crazy! she thought to herself while trying to slow down her breathing. Her heart was beating so fast as though she had run a mile.

“Ermm…. Thanks for tonight. I really had a fun time,” she said.

“Yea, I had fun too. I enjoyed kissing.. No! Wait, I mean I enjoyed dinner with you,” he said blushing.

She laughed.

“For the record, I enjoyed kissing you too,” she said a quickly ran to her door and waved goodbye, and went inside.

Jiyong just stood there in shock. Then he jumped and whooped in joy.


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Sorry guys i won't be uploading this week's chapter...... i wanted to but my results came out and apparently i failed 1 of them...loss all my inspiration


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Chapter 14: Arghhhh ?
Chapter 14: where are you? its almost 2016... please update soon
Chapter 14: So sweet! Update soon please! :3
Chapter 14: yay, finally!
AnicaXVII #5
Chapter 13: haha. funny but cute.. update more please. :)
Chapter 12: Can't wait for the date, kekekek..
P/S - I think you need to write chapter 11 instead of chapter 12 author-nim :D
Chapter 11: OMG, so freaking cute!!! Huhuhuhu~
addy88 #8
Chapter 11: This is sooo sweettttt... the badass couple turn to lovey doveyyy.. homggg
Ciel_GZB #9
Chapter 11: Lmao!! Lee chaerin & Kwon jiyong are so freaking cute.. Yay!! They're gonna try to have a bf-gf relationship :) it's cute to see them being shy, jiyong seems to enjoy kissing her.. Haha!!
AnicaXVII #10
Chapter 10: say YES! please? HAHA