Chapter 12

a leap of faith

The ringing of the house bell sounded throughout Chaerin’s house. Startled by the sound she hurried to the door focusing on putting on her shirt and not banging into any of the furniture. Before reaching the door she hit her little toe against the sofa’s leg.

“Ouch!”. Never run when putting on clothes, she thought to herself.

“Who is it?” she cried peeking through the spy hole. She saw three faces which she knew very well.

“What are you guys doing here?” she asked.

“For fun,” Bom said, grinning from ear to ear, squeezing pass Chearin and going into her house. The others did the same.

“They called for a girl’s day out, I agreed cuz I’m in need for a nice pair of shoes,” Minzy said bouncing on her toes with excitement to get a brand new pair of shoes.

“It’s a Saturday, what better day then to spend it SHOPPING! Plus with you there we might be able to get further discounts, and the items are so much better when you choose them,” Dara said squalling

Chearin stared at her friends for awhile contemplating about her choice of words. If she reject them to go out with Jiyong she would be accused of not spending enough time with them and if she backs out on her date with Jiyong she would disappoint him.

“Give me a minute. I’ll be right back,” she said and rushed into the bedroom to call Jiyong. It rang three times before he picked up.

“Hey, I’m just turning the corner to your house. Be right there soon,” he said.


“Okay Ji don’t be mad but the girls suddenly appeared and they want to go shopping. I haven’t said anything to them yet,” Chearin said.

“Okay…. So they want to go shopping, what about you Chea? I’m fine actually if you want to cancel today. We can still go out tomorrow, or maybe dinner tonight?” he suggested.

“Thanks for understanding! But what about breakfast? Are you sure you’ll be fine? I mean I promised to hang out with you today,” she said feeling relief but guilty at the same time.

He laughed. He felt happy that she cared that much for him to feel a slight bit guilty, but he spared her the guilt.

“Hey it’s okay. I’ll just go grab a bite somewhere and go back to the studio to do some producing. I’m a guy. I don’t do shopping like you girls,” he said, smirking.

“Hey! Shopping is serious business. It requires good sight and a fast pair of legs and hands to get the job done,” she said.

He laughed again.

God I like to hear him laugh!

“But seriously speaking. You’ll be fine right? If not, we can all go out to breakfast together and then after that the girls and I can go shopping,” she suggested.

“Right. And let the girls overpower me. It’s fine. Go have fun. I’ll see you tonight? Grab dinner and a good old date movie?” he asked.

She laughed. “Sure. But what happened to the best date ever?” she asked

“Well, since you got tied up I’ll just have to give you a normal one first, then maybe when you aren’t so busy I’ll give you the best,” he said.

“Right. Anyways I’ve got to run. The girls are starting to get impatient. I don’t know what they are doing now. Then might be killing the plants or emptying the fridge for all I know. Bye, see you tonight,” she said.

“Bye,” he said then hung up.

He looked up at her apartment.

“Right what am I going to do now,”



The bright lights shining in the mall never looked so put out to Chearin before, yet it still held its appeal of brand new stuff and excitement. She was still feeling guilty to have left Jiyong all by himself which the girls quickly picked up when they were going into the fourth shoe shop. Shopping for shoes was never a problem for Chearin, she could go into as many shoe shops and buy for each and every one she went into but this time around she didn’t even get one. She just sat there waiting for the girls to try on the shoes and comment on them. So sensing that maybe she was tired or something has happen they decided to sit down for lunch.

“So what’s up with you today Chea? You look sad? Anything happen at work?” Dara asked.

“Nah, just not in the mood to shop today. I’m a bit tired from work I guess. There has been an increase in my clientele ,but I’ve never felt better,” she said giving her friends a small smile.

“Are you sure? Cuz I’ve never seen you behave that way in front of shoes before. You ONLY tried on ONE pair of shoes today. Only ONE,” Bom exclaimed her eyes wide with amusement.

“Bommie is over-reacting a bit but I agree with her though,” Minzy said nodding her head.

Bom smacked her in the arm.

“Oww! What did I do?” Minzy said.

Chearin smiled to herself. God she loves these people and decided to just tell them the truth.

“I was suppose to go out with Jiyong today actually, but I had to cancel on him, so I’m feeling a bit guilty,” she said.

Three of them just went blank. They then exchanged looks, telepathically discussing within themselves.

“What?” Chearin asked.

“You were going to go out with Jiyong today?” Dara asked.

“And we crashed it,” Bom said.

“And you feel guilty until you can’t even shop for shoes,” Minzy said.

“Uh huh,” Chearin said. They were staring holes into her face making her squirm in her seat.

“You are dating him,” Bom stated, crossing her arms.

“How did you know?” she asked, eyes wide open.

“You ARE!” Dara exclaimed.

“You didn’t even tell us!” Minzy exclaimed.

“I was going to tell you guys later today. He asked me yesterday and today would be our first date. I was going to call you guys to tell,” she said pouting and giving her best puppy-face look.

“Right. I’m not falling for that look it’s not working,” Bom said turning her face away.

“Awww but I am,” Dara said. “And we are really sorry for crashing your first date,” Dara said her face all guilty.

“Opps,” Minzy said with a smirk.

“So where were you guys going to go actually?” Bom asked.

“I dunno. He just said he would pick me up and go with the flow, but now he is in the studio recording or something I guess” she replied.

“Oh. A surprise date. I just love those,” Dara said giggling.

“I know right!” Bom said and followed Dara by giggling too.

“Stop it you guys. You guys look like children high on sugar,” Chearin said. She could feel the heat rush up to her face.

“Awww our Chearin is blushing. Hee hee I’ll tell your mum about it,” Minzy said with an evil smirk on her face.

“Hey! We haven’t even gone out first date and you are telling mum! She’ll force me to bring him home for dinner. We are so not at that level yet,” CHearin said.

The girls laugh.

“Oh my god. Remember the time when Soo Ji brought her boyfriend to grandma’s place during Gramp’s birthday. It was chaos. The children running around, while the grown ups interrogating him. Damn! No wonder he was sweating throughout the whole time. Or it was because it was summer and we were having a bbq party,” Minzy said.

“It was summer and the bbq. He married her in the end right?!” Chearin said.

The laughed again.

When they finally stopped Bom said.

“You know what we can totally postpone today and you go meet up with your lover boy. We will be fine you know,” Bom said matter of factly.

“Serious?” Chearin asked.

“Yea serious. We are not so petty to be angry or feel neglected about stuff like this. Besides I already bought my pair of shoes,” Minzy said with a big smile on her face.

“And you did spend time with us by shopping and eating. So the remaining of your time you can go lovey-dovey with your Jiyongie,” Dara said giggling again and nudging Chearin with her elbow.

“Aww thanks you guys. I won’t forget this!” Chearin said gathering them into a group hug.

“I’ll pay for today’s meal,” she continue.

And sounds of agreements and cheers came from the others.



After finishing their lunch they drove and drop Chearin at Jiyong’s studio. It was the YG building and security was tight, so surprising him inside the studio was impossible but that didn’t mean surprising him outside with food in tow was impossible. She asked one of the guards to tell Jiyong that there was a package for him and it needed his signature so that he would come down. She assured the guard that she was his girlfriend and promised him when Jiyong saw her he would know.

So that’s what the guard did.

The look on Jiyong’s face was priceless when he saw Chearin standing in front of the building.

“What are you doing here? I thought you were shopping?” he said in shock.

“Hee hee I was then I wasn’t so here I am, and I brought food” she said winking.

He laughed and took her hand to lead her into the YG building.

“You sure I can go in?” she asked.

“Of course. You are my girlfriend and I’m one of their main producers,” he said with a cocky look

She laughed. He then proceed to tell the guard who she is and he buzzed both of them in. Before going in Chearin gave the guard a “I told you so” look and walk in hand-in-hand with Jiyong.

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Sorry guys i won't be uploading this week's chapter...... i wanted to but my results came out and apparently i failed 1 of them...loss all my inspiration


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Chapter 14: Arghhhh ?
Chapter 14: where are you? its almost 2016... please update soon
Chapter 14: So sweet! Update soon please! :3
Chapter 14: yay, finally!
AnicaXVII #5
Chapter 13: haha. funny but cute.. update more please. :)
Chapter 12: Can't wait for the date, kekekek..
P/S - I think you need to write chapter 11 instead of chapter 12 author-nim :D
Chapter 11: OMG, so freaking cute!!! Huhuhuhu~
addy88 #8
Chapter 11: This is sooo sweettttt... the badass couple turn to lovey doveyyy.. homggg
Ciel_GZB #9
Chapter 11: Lmao!! Lee chaerin & Kwon jiyong are so freaking cute.. Yay!! They're gonna try to have a bf-gf relationship :) it's cute to see them being shy, jiyong seems to enjoy kissing her.. Haha!!
AnicaXVII #10
Chapter 10: say YES! please? HAHA