Chapter 18

Jung Daehyun, You're Going Down!

"You're... alright?"


"Are you sure?"

"Jisun, I'm happy that I at least had the chance to get closer to you, I'm alright with you breaking up with me, it's not a big deal." Taehyung chuckled as Jisun nodded her head slowly.

"So... you're not going to cry or even ask why?" she asked, he only shook his head as he let his head fall back.

"I'm not that dramatic, we didn't even spend that much time together... I'm alright, if that's what you're asking, just go home safe. Okay?" Jisun nodded as she hugged Taehyung for the last time.

"You should go home before you get soaked to the bone. I thought breaking up was hard... I guess people are just dramatic about it," she joked as she ran the other direction waving a 'bye'.

For some reason she didn't feel like he was alright, but for her, she felt like weights has been lifted from her shoulders, she felt like she made the right decision.


Taehyung stood in his place as the rain drops began beating onto him. He smiled bitterly as tears dripped down, he quickly wiped it with his sleeve as he shook his head trying to forget about what just happened but he couldn't. Jisun was his first crush, kiss, and girlfriend; and now? his first heart break. He couldn't stop the tears as they seemed to roll down his cheeks, he let out a long sigh as he walked home alone.

He cringed as he knew who she was interested in, he tried so hard not to hate Daehyun, but he knew he couldn't stop the hatred. He took his girl. Not watching where he was going he bumped into a petite figure.

"S-Sorry!" she yelped as she bowed so many times.

"It's okay." he croaked out, he didn't even notice the big lump he had stuck on his throat, he felt like he needed a drink from how dry it has gotten. "I should go now." the girl smiled once more as she ran off.

Taehyung watched her silhouette disappear as he walked home without worry, he liked the rain, it made him feel at peace. Right now, he needed comfort and it seemed like this was the only way it could comfort him.


Jisun made it home as she tried to quickly dry off, she hated the rain since she always got sick in these type of weather. Slipping off her shoes she called out her moms name but no one answered. Walking towards the kitchen she read the note.

             'Visiting your aunt,

Make sure to eat, and clean up before going to bed

         You've been looking thinner these days'


'Of course Umma would say this.' Jisun threw out the letter as she made herself some food. She didn't notice how hungry she was until her stomach began growling. She checked her text messages as it was all from one person who's number she did not recognize.

She pressed call as she sipped on some juice that she got from the refrigerator.

"Hello?" she called out as the person just coughed through the phone.

"Jisun, why are you calling?" she noticed that voice, it was Daehyun's.

"How did you even find my phone number? are you a stalker? maybe a creeper..." Jisun trailed off through her thoughts as Daehyun was cussing her through the phone.

"You stupid- girl! listen! I told Krystal for your phone number the day we went to the amusement park." he explained.

"Why so you could stalk me?" she teased as she heard him groan through the phone.

"So how did it go?"

"He took it very well."


"Yeah, he isn't as dramatic as you, you know?" She joked. She could only imagine the face Daehyun was making. "You there?" she teased again.

"You really do piss me off," he sighed, "but that's why I like you." Jisun smiled as she heard him say it. Although he said it many times before she liked how it sounded through a phone, it felt like they were a couple.

"I need to go, we'll talk later." Daehyun hung up before Jisun could even say bye. "Rude..." she muttered. Preparing some food, she ended up eating ramen cup since she was too lazy to make something fancy.

She sat in front of her TV as she surfed through the channels stopping at a random show. Her mind wandered out to one person, Taehyung. He took it very lightly, he did like her didn't he? She began questioning on why he took it without another word. She knew he wouldn't be the same towards her, he would probably be awkward near her, but she did it for the friendship.

She liked him as a friend, and she didn't want to ruin it because they went out for less than a week, it seemed pathetic to lose a friendship like that. 'Ehh whatever, he probably isn't even thinking twice about it...' she thought.



Taehyung sat near Hoseok as they both were watching TV. "Dude, you're all soaked, get up from the couch and dry up." he scolded as Taehyung just nodded proceeding to boys room to look for extra clothe.

When changing he climbed back onto the couch as he raised his knees up. "You look like a girl who got dumped on her period, cheer up, what's wrong?"

Taehyung in a breath as he knitted his eye brows together showing a pained expression. "My girlfriend broke up with me..." he whispered. "Oh... so you are the girl who got dumped on her period... you want some ice cream?" Taehyung nodded as Hoseok got up from the couch to fetch from ice cream for his depressed friend.

When returning, he saw that Taehyung was watching some romantic drama.

"Stop watching that!" Hoseok slapped the remote dramatically as he shoved some ice cream down his friends throat. "You never watch those dramas you hear me?!" he shouted out, Taehyung nodded as tears spilled while he ate some of the ice cream.

"Why are you crying, did the drama remind you of her?" Hoseok patted his friends back as Taehyung shook his head, "no. It's just, this ice cream taste better in a sad mood... it's really g-good!" Hoseok nodded as he understood.

"This is the ice cream I ate when I broke up with my three minute... or was it five? what ever, my girlfriend that broke up with me while asking for you! I mean what kind of girlfriend asks for another guy in front of her boyfriend, especially the boyfriends best friend!" Hoseok scoffed as he thought about Jisun.

"Girls are so troublesome these days. That's why we should go for a full grown women, but not too grown." Hoseok smirked at the thought. Taehyung shook his head as he thought about Jisun, "Hyung, I liked her so much, she was my first love." he explained.

"First love never work out anyways, their a pain in the ." Hoseok muttered as he shook his head. He looked back at his sad friends who was sniffing as his nose was already stuffy. "Go get a napkin, thinking about your snotty nose disgusts me." Taehyung stood up as he walked to the bathroom. Using most of the toilet paper as he kept on picking on his runny nose.

Hoseok sighed as he ate some ice cream, "I wonder how my ex- is doing." he thought out loud.



Had to add a little comedy, the air was turning a little depressing (Not my style D;)

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xKpopx_Jmna #1
Chapter 20: Hoseok you pabo! Such a weirdo! Great story! Thx
xoxosenshine #2
Chapter 20: Huhuhu , chanyeol tell baekhyun about the lie and baek tell jisun kekeke . Poor taehyung . Good job btw .
Chapter 20: Aww poor taehyunggie . Hehe hey you know what i love those 3 guys baek,dae,tae haha good combination you got there. Goodjob . I realy like this story ..
Chapter 20: I'm happy that Taehyungie had hi his own happiness! Keke, it's a cute story! ^^
Chapter 19: Nam Jisun pabo!!! Taehyung was only faking it so you won't feel burdened... Omo Taehyungie! T.T I was starting to get sad but Hoseok just has to come and ruin things -_-
Chapter 18: Ottokae, I wonder what Taehyung will say when she breaks up with him...
Chapter 17: Omoooo my heart's breaking for Taehyungie </3 Jisun-ah! Break up with him already or else you'll just hurt him more. Don't get his hopes up...
Chapter 16: Youngjae's "we're doing homework" was jjang XDD It was indeed a weird sight to see three boys crowding a girl like that on a bed lol.
Chapter 15: At least he accepted it like a man! I'm starting to like him more but Taehyung's already far XDD Go Jisun! I'm really hoping for her to end up with Taehyungie...
Chapter 14: Omonaaaa! I can't take this anymore, Taehyung is just soooo cute! Shiz you Daehyun, why do you have to be a dck?! Tch. He should play fair. He was the one who proposed the bet and nos that he's losing, he used it against cutie Taehyungie. -_-