Chapter 17

Jung Daehyun, You're Going Down!




The student's clapped for Youngjae's group presentation. Jisun had to present it since she didn't do any type of work leaving Youngjae to do the rest. She hated talking out to the class since they didn't even really care about what she was saying, they were just waiting for her to finish her talking that was useless to them. Their clapping explained everything, it was slowed down meaning that were bored, or they didn't listen to of what she was saying.


"Good work, next group." the teacher called out. Jisun sighed as she made it back to her seat. Listening to useless things of what other groups were saying. They didn't even make sense, and they kept repeating themselves to make it look like they had more of what they really have written down. Good thing Youngjae wrote down the work because she would of done the same as the group as she was watching now; repeating herself.

Waiting for the class to end, she tapped on her desk slightly. Looking around she noticed that Taehyung was staring at her. She felt awkward as he winked over at her, the boy was full of public affection. Pretending not to notice him, she turned her head the other way but was soon met with Daehyun's glare. 'Why the hell is he glaring at me, are we back to that hate relationship?' she shook her head, returning to look at the students in front of her, clapping when they finished their boring presentation.

"The one's who didn't get to present their projects will do it tomorrow, remember the final exams will be right around the corner, make sure to study." the teacher called out as the students fled the class the second the bell rang. Jisun packed her stuff slowly as she waited for Daehyun to leave the class first, she didn't want to get glared at again, it wasn't a pleasant thing.

Then she noticed, Taehyung was waiting for her as well. 'How do I escape this one...' she thought for a minute before she saw the last person she expected to call out her name. "Jisun! I haven't talked in a while!" she smiled knowing it was the one and only Baekhyun. "Hyunnie~!" she ran full speed towards him as he hugged her tightly. "Ahem." Taehyung coughed as he stared at them both.

"Don't worry, I already know, congrats!" Baekhyun patted his shoulder as Jisun was now lost. "Know about what?" she asked. Baekhyun shook his head patting her head, "that you both go out."

"We should celebrate, let's go buy some cakes and many more-" Baekhyun stopped when he saw Daehyun rushing past them, like he didn't even want to hear their conversation anymore. "What's up with him?" Baekhyun asked, Taehyung and Jisun just shrugged their shoulders.

Jisun knew what was going on, she wasn't that stupid. Daehyun was jealous, even though he told her to talk to him, he was still mad that she accepted Taehyung's heart and not his. She tried not to get closer to Taehyung but every time she tried to break it off, he said something that made her skip 'the talk'. the way that he expressed his feelings towards her was making it hard for her to break up with him. It was also getting intoxicating with all his clinginess.

"Jisun... Jiji!" Baekhyun called out, "Oh what, what?!" she looked around in panic at how Baekhyun shouted out her name. He only chuckled as he placed an arm around her, "I said let's hang out." Jisun only nodded as she got dragged away, "where's Taehyung?" she noticed. Baekhyun chuckled again as he pointed towards the direction he disappeared to. "He left, but you were too busy spacing off to notice." Jisun only nodded  as they both walked outside.



School already ended, and Jisun felt like she was in heaven. Baekhyun decided to take her to buy her some pastries and she felt blessed that she had a friend like him. "Look at her curves." he kept checking out girls who were passing by as he made small comments. "I can't believe I had a crush on you." she muttered as she sipped onto her drink.

"Yah, I'm very charming, of course you would have a crush on me." he scoffed as he now laid her eyes on another beauty as he would call them. "Now that I remember, it wasn't a crush, more like admiring you for saving me." she giggled as Baekhyun glared over at her playfully. "Don't try to change it, you had a crush and that's that!" they got weird stares from his yelling making them both laugh quietly.

"So you and Taehyung~" he said in a playful tone. "Shut up." Jisun returned to eating as Baekhyun pouted.

"I want to know what my little sister goes through!" he argued. He pinched Jisun's cheek as she was now glaring at him, "since when was I your younger sister?" Baekhyun smiled as he gave her a simple answer, "since now!"

"Now tell me how it's going between you guys." he was finding her love life interesting for some reason.

"You want the truth or for me to lie." she muttered. "What's there to lie about? I want the truth!" Jisun only nodded as she was now playing with her drink as she moved the straw in circles.

"I really don't know what to do. I'm not really... in love with him, not even liking him like a real girlfriend should be."

"Your a bad girlfriend." he teased. Jisun glared as he stopped with his playful teasing, he was now serious. "That happened to me once, this girl I used to like... she went out with me but only because she pitied me, I really hate her now... not because she pitied me but because she made me feel like I really had a chance to be with her. Although she wanted to be friends, I denied her request, I didn't want to see her ever again, I hated her guts, I hated her for playing me." Jisun was shocked at Baekhyun's story, all that he have went through, and now she was doing the same with Taehyung.

"I need to break it off now, talk to you later Hyunnie!" she took one last sip from her drink as she ran out the doors. The waiter came as he cleaned up their table. "That story was very touching even though it was a flat out lie." Baekhyun looked at the waiter, or should he say, his friend Chanyeol.

"Shut up Yeollie, I just wanted to inspire someone for once." Baekhyun bit his cookie dramatically as he smirked. "My story seemed real right?" Chanyeol scoffed as he answered bluntly, "only to people who are very slow." Baekhyun kicked his leg,standing up after snapping her fingers. "Clean this up, waiter," dropping off some tip, he headed out the door with Chanyeol glaring holes onto his back.



Jisun kept on calling Taehyung's cell but he wouldn't pick up. "Where the hell are you?!" she stomped her foot as she was getting inpatient. She didn't want what happened to Baekhyun and that girl to happen between her and Taehyung. They had a true friendship, and she didn't want to ruin that. "He's in detention." Jisun turned around as she saw Daehyun staring at her.


"No need to thank me, it's what cool guys do."

Jisun looked at him as if he was serious. 'He's so arrogant...' she shook the thought away as she scoffed. "I wasn't going to thank you, idiot." Jisun waved off as she turned away from him.

"I'm still waiting for you."

Jisun something tugging at her chest. She knew what it was. "How am I supposed to continue my revenge if I'm starting to like you." she said more to herself.

"Revenge? for what I did in middle school?" Daehyun walked towards her as he grabbed her arms. "You already had your revenge..."


"It might not have been the revenge you wanted but your hurting me," he patted down his chest, "you're confusing me, hurting me, and making me jealous. You're hurting a man's pride, it hurts that I can't have you cause he does, I know I said to talk to him but I take it back. I don't care if I'm being selfish, I wan't you Jisun and I wan't you to myself." Jisun stood there as she was in shock. She didn't expect this little speech from Daehyun.

"I really have something to do, I'll talk to you later."

"Where are you going?"

"To see Taehyung..."

"You're going back to him even though I spilled my heart out? I even spilled my guts and brains-"

"Daehyun shut up! I was going to end it with him, but on second thought he seems like a better option then you-"

"Nam Jisun!" Daehyun shouted.

Jisun laughed as she knew he was getting pissed off. "I'll see you later." she whispered out. Daehyun only nodded as he made a fist wishing her some luck. "You look weird, don't do that." she chuckled as he just waved her off.


Jisun waited by the gates as she waited for that person to come out, Kim Taehyung.



So I noticed how Baekhyun was MIA for a few chapters, Lol.

So I decided to kick him in there for a few minutes.

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xKpopx_Jmna #1
Chapter 20: Hoseok you pabo! Such a weirdo! Great story! Thx
xoxosenshine #2
Chapter 20: Huhuhu , chanyeol tell baekhyun about the lie and baek tell jisun kekeke . Poor taehyung . Good job btw .
Chapter 20: Aww poor taehyunggie . Hehe hey you know what i love those 3 guys baek,dae,tae haha good combination you got there. Goodjob . I realy like this story ..
Chapter 20: I'm happy that Taehyungie had hi his own happiness! Keke, it's a cute story! ^^
Chapter 19: Nam Jisun pabo!!! Taehyung was only faking it so you won't feel burdened... Omo Taehyungie! T.T I was starting to get sad but Hoseok just has to come and ruin things -_-
Chapter 18: Ottokae, I wonder what Taehyung will say when she breaks up with him...
Chapter 17: Omoooo my heart's breaking for Taehyungie </3 Jisun-ah! Break up with him already or else you'll just hurt him more. Don't get his hopes up...
Chapter 16: Youngjae's "we're doing homework" was jjang XDD It was indeed a weird sight to see three boys crowding a girl like that on a bed lol.
Chapter 15: At least he accepted it like a man! I'm starting to like him more but Taehyung's already far XDD Go Jisun! I'm really hoping for her to end up with Taehyungie...
Chapter 14: Omonaaaa! I can't take this anymore, Taehyung is just soooo cute! Shiz you Daehyun, why do you have to be a dck?! Tch. He should play fair. He was the one who proposed the bet and nos that he's losing, he used it against cutie Taehyungie. -_-