Chapter 14

Jung Daehyun, You're Going Down!

A month has already passed. After Taehyung and Daehyun came from their suspension, Jisun has been ignoring both of them. They tried for a while but quit after they knew she was never going to talk to them. Every time they were in the same place as her she would immediately rush out the room.

If they said a simple 'hello' she would just keep on walking, and if they would glance over at her she would pretend they weren't there. Jisun opened up her locker as she was rummaging for her homework.

She told the teacher that she forgot her work in her locker, and that was an excuse so she can get out the classroom since Taehyung kept trying to talk to her. Pulling out a piece of paper, she decided to head back to class. Swinging the door open she came face to face with Daehyun. He smiled up at her but she only rolled her eyes as she took her seat; far away from both.

"There's going to be a project due by the end of your little spring vacation-" every one groaned as they knew they were going to have partners that they didn't even want. "Be quiet! how can you cut a teacher off like that!" he shouted. "Partners, choose your own." was the last thing he said before he made his way towards the door.

"Choose wisely, and have a nice spring vacation." he headed out the room as the class was now cheering for having to choose their own partners. Jisun pouted as she didn't even knew her classmates besides Youngjae, Daehyun, and Taehyung.

Leaning back onto her seat, she waited for someone to come up to her instead. Youngjae stood up as he sat next to her. "Want to work together?" he asked her with a smile, Jisun only nodded. Daehyun came over as he sat next to them. "Who invited you?" Jisun asked. Daehyun looked over at her as he smiled, "you finally talked to me, I'm so happy!" he said with sarcasm, Jisun only scoffed as she turned away.

Her eyes fixated on Taehyung who was sitting alone; looking around to see if anyone was going to call him over. Jisun felt bad for a moment, she couldn't believe what she was doing, it surprised herself as well as her other project partners.

"Taehyung-sshi, come over here." Taehyung turned around as his eyes widened, 'Jisun is talking to me!?' he thought as he was frozen in place. "Hurry up before I change my mind." was the last thing she said before he grabbed his bag sitting next to Youngjae. "You too better do some work, and behave your selves, I don't want to fail this project." Youngjae said giving them stern looks. Jisun agreed as she scribbled onto her notebook.


"So we should work at my place, Tuesday and Thursday, we can finish it if we split up our work." Youngjae explained as he packed up his things. "I got things to do, see you guys later." he waved goodbye as he stood up from his seat leaving the classroom.

The air was thick with all the tension that was going on between the three. Jisun stood up as she couldn't take it anymore. "I'll be going." she muttered. "Jisun." Taehyung called out, she looked over at him as she waited for him to talk. "I- uhm.. I-" "If you got nothing to say, don't call my name." with that, she left the classroom with a sigh.

She didn't like being a '' to Taehyung but that's what he gets for playing with her like that. Taehyung saw her back disappear from his sight as he slouched onto his seat. "What did I do wrong..." he mumbled.

Daehyun stared at Taehyung as he was feeling something... like pity? Quickly standing up from his seat, he headed out as well. Taehyung just stayed in the classroom as he began thinking. 'I should apologize to her the right way.' he smiled once he thought of a good plan. Jisun grabbed onto her bags strap as she tightened it a big.



Walking home was a drag, it looked like it was about to rain and she hated being out in that type of weather. Biting her bottom lip, she continued her journey to her home. Her arm got tugged on as she was being dragged onto another direction. "What are you doing?!... Daehyun?" she called out Daehyun's name but he didn't say much, all he was doing was dragging her towards the parks direction.

"Where are you taking me?"

"We need to talk." was all he said before they both sat onto the bench. Jisun waited but all Daehyun was doing was sitting there, looking blank. He didn't say anything, he was lost in his thoughts on how he should express himself. "If you're not going to say anything, I should go-" she stood up but soon sat down once he arm was tugged on.

"That day... I told you that I like you, I meant it." he confessed. Jisun was looking around trying to find something to look at, she didn't even want to look towards Daehyun's direction.

"Look at me." he demanded.

"You should always look at the person who's speaking to you." Jisun fixated her eyes onto Daehyun as he smiled. "You really are something Jisun. Too bad I'm to late to claim you..." Jisun widened her eyes as those words left Daehyun's lips. "I'm not saying for you to accept me but I just want you to know that I really like you... And I'll wait for you." Jisun stood up as she looked away.

"I'm sorry that I can return your feelings-"

"I know you like Taehyung."

"H-How did you know?"

"I see the way you look at him. So that's why you should talk to him." Daehyun stood up before he walked the other direction. "And don't tell anyone about this." he walked off leaving a blank Jisun.

"Y-Yah Daehyun..." she called out but he just kept on walking. 'Aish I'm so confused... why the hell did I even act like that... do I really like Taehyung...' Jisun stomped her foot as she was now confused and annoyed by this whole talk. Taehyung watched from afar as he smiled silently.

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xKpopx_Jmna #1
Chapter 20: Hoseok you pabo! Such a weirdo! Great story! Thx
xoxosenshine #2
Chapter 20: Huhuhu , chanyeol tell baekhyun about the lie and baek tell jisun kekeke . Poor taehyung . Good job btw .
Chapter 20: Aww poor taehyunggie . Hehe hey you know what i love those 3 guys baek,dae,tae haha good combination you got there. Goodjob . I realy like this story ..
Chapter 20: I'm happy that Taehyungie had hi his own happiness! Keke, it's a cute story! ^^
Chapter 19: Nam Jisun pabo!!! Taehyung was only faking it so you won't feel burdened... Omo Taehyungie! T.T I was starting to get sad but Hoseok just has to come and ruin things -_-
Chapter 18: Ottokae, I wonder what Taehyung will say when she breaks up with him...
Chapter 17: Omoooo my heart's breaking for Taehyungie </3 Jisun-ah! Break up with him already or else you'll just hurt him more. Don't get his hopes up...
Chapter 16: Youngjae's "we're doing homework" was jjang XDD It was indeed a weird sight to see three boys crowding a girl like that on a bed lol.
Chapter 15: At least he accepted it like a man! I'm starting to like him more but Taehyung's already far XDD Go Jisun! I'm really hoping for her to end up with Taehyungie...
Chapter 14: Omonaaaa! I can't take this anymore, Taehyung is just soooo cute! Shiz you Daehyun, why do you have to be a dck?! Tch. He should play fair. He was the one who proposed the bet and nos that he's losing, he used it against cutie Taehyungie. -_-