
Jung Daehyun, You're Going Down!




Ivy Middle School 
Inhale... Exhale... Here I go, you can do this Jisun, just take the first step and it will be all over... What am I kidding, I can't do this, this is really nerve wrecking, why does he have to be so good looking?!
I stared down one of the most handsome guy in this school, Daehyun. He really caught my interest since the first year of middle school, his voice, those plump lips, and especially how he was so nice to the people he knew... 
I gulped down my saliva as I couldn't brake my gaze, he was just so handsome. I hope he can except the confession I'm about to make, I don't care if he accepts me or not, as long as he looks my way is enough... Just stay strong Jisun, fighting!
"Is it me or is ms. piggy looking at you." Himchan said giving Jisun a glance from across the hallway. "Don't be so mean, you know she likes Daehyun Hyung." Jongup placed his books in his locker as Daehyun looked over at Jisun, she wasn't the skinniest girl out there but she did have a pretty face.
"She's probably thinking dirty thoughts about Daehyun-" Himchan got slapped over the head by Daehyun as he frowned, "don't say things like that, it creeps me out." he shivered making the other members laugh.
"Uh oh, she's walking over here." Zelo whispered as he saw the chubby girl hiding her red cheeks with her balled up fist, "that's are Que to leave," Youngjae quickly locked his locker and headed the other way as the rest of the members followed, except for one, Daehyun.
"H-Hi," She bowed slightly, looking over at Daehyun, he only gave her a small wave as he forced a smile. She took out a letter from my pocket; shakily handing it over to him. He quietly took the piece of paper as he opened it up, 'Another confessional letter' he slowly looked up at her as he then frowned. 
"Sorry..." Jisun looked down and stopped her self from crying, pouting her lips a bit he handed the letter back to her, "I don't date pigs." he smirked as his friends howled from laughter, all this time, they were hiding in the boy's bathroom hearing everything. Jisun's tears pricked her eyes but she had to stay strong, she wasn't going to cry because Daehyun humiliated her, called her a pig, denied her confessional letter... 
She couldn't stop them, tears were already spilling and she couldn't handle it, she was going to make him pay, make him get on his knees and apologize, she didn't care how long it took, Jung Daehyun was going down!
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xKpopx_Jmna #1
Chapter 20: Hoseok you pabo! Such a weirdo! Great story! Thx
xoxosenshine #2
Chapter 20: Huhuhu , chanyeol tell baekhyun about the lie and baek tell jisun kekeke . Poor taehyung . Good job btw .
Chapter 20: Aww poor taehyunggie . Hehe hey you know what i love those 3 guys baek,dae,tae haha good combination you got there. Goodjob . I realy like this story ..
Chapter 20: I'm happy that Taehyungie had hi his own happiness! Keke, it's a cute story! ^^
Chapter 19: Nam Jisun pabo!!! Taehyung was only faking it so you won't feel burdened... Omo Taehyungie! T.T I was starting to get sad but Hoseok just has to come and ruin things -_-
Chapter 18: Ottokae, I wonder what Taehyung will say when she breaks up with him...
Chapter 17: Omoooo my heart's breaking for Taehyungie </3 Jisun-ah! Break up with him already or else you'll just hurt him more. Don't get his hopes up...
Chapter 16: Youngjae's "we're doing homework" was jjang XDD It was indeed a weird sight to see three boys crowding a girl like that on a bed lol.
Chapter 15: At least he accepted it like a man! I'm starting to like him more but Taehyung's already far XDD Go Jisun! I'm really hoping for her to end up with Taehyungie...
Chapter 14: Omonaaaa! I can't take this anymore, Taehyung is just soooo cute! Shiz you Daehyun, why do you have to be a dck?! Tch. He should play fair. He was the one who proposed the bet and nos that he's losing, he used it against cutie Taehyungie. -_-