Chapter 18

She loves you, not me

Min Hee walked out of school, facing down, tears flowing like han river, trying her best not to show people that she's crying, already walking to the venue that Chanyeol told her to meet, she has so much to tell him, but she didn't knew how to tell it, planning to give it a shot, she had to tell him what was going on during summer. 

After minutes of walking, she saw Chanyeol sitting on a bench, waiting for her, approaching him, she was trying to wipe her tears away and act like nothing had happened just now. 

"Hey" She sat beside him, "You're finally here, did anything happen? You look really really down" He sounded worried, "Nothing happened" 

"Fine, you got me. Yes, something did happened, its nothing big actually, but I'd rather not talk about it right now, maybe some other time" She told him, sighing. "My ears are open wide for you to tell me whatever you want okay? I'll be right here by your side, if you need me" Chanyeol said, Min Hee was glad to have him by her side, whenever no one else was there. 

"Lets go eat kay" Chanyeol grabbed her hand, and both of them walked to nearest cafe, and ordered something simple for each other. 

Both Chanyeol and Min Hee laughed, smiled with each other, had the time of their life, Chanyeol never felt this happy before, he didn't want the night to end, but he knew it has to end somehow, "Let me you home, Min Hee" he asked, "Sure channie, lets goooo" 

They laughed, they smiled while walking back home, "We've reached our destination, Ms Min Hee" Chanyeol opened the door for her to go in, "Goodnight, and sweet dreams, see you tomorrow okay" 

He almost walked away but he felt a grip on his arm, he turned around to see Min Hee looking down, holding on to his arm. "What's wrong?" He asked, "Stay for awhile, please. I beg you" She said, in her soft voice, "Okay okay" Chanyeol went into her house, worried about her. 

"Stay beside me, till I fall asleep, please?" She asked, Chanyeol just nodded. It took ten minutes for her to fall asleep, "Tell me, why do I still love you like before?" Chanyeol asked her, though she's asleep. 

"If only I could tell you how I really feel right now" Chanyeol talked to himself.  

A/N; This is short, I know. Don't be disappointed, more chapters will come soon, I'll be back soooooooon.

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Chapter 18: Whaaa??? Chanyeol, where are you at a crisis like this? I can't believe kai would do that. What's his reason?
Chapter 2: Chen will confess??!! Update
Update more
Nice story^^