Chapter 1

She loves you, not me

Sunday - 

The sun had rose, but Min Hee was still in bed, snoring, forgetting that her parents would come back home, in the early evening, but she knew that their schedule are always tight as hell, she understood them more than anyone else can. {Alarm starts ringing}, Min Hee fell out of bed, trying to turn off her alarm. And she did, she scratched the back of her neck and yawned while stretching her arms. She immediately headed to her bathroom, to do her routines. After she was done, she went to the kitchen to eat her late lunch, after she was done eating. She went to the living room, to watch the television, *Oh another typical afternoon, I wonder what time they're coming home though* Min Hee thought to herself, after ten minutes or so, Min Hee fell asleep for half an hour. 

Mrs Lee, woke Min Hee up. "Annyeong Min Hee ah, we're back from the UK" Min Hee smiled, "omo umma!" Min Hee hugged her tight, glad that her parents are back safe and sound, but she knew that they were going away again, "Darling, lets go out for dinner okay?" Min Hee nodded, and ran to her room, she's wearing a dress, got her hair and makeup done as well in five minutes. 

"Lets go!" Mrs Lee, linked arms with Min Hee, while Mr Lee was already in the driver's seat. "So, where do you want to eat first hun?" Mrs Lee, turned around and asked Min Hee, "Lets eat sushi umma!" Min Hee replied, and smiled brightly. During the car ride, Mrs Lee bombarded Min Hee with loads of questions, like 'How's Jong In?' 'How's your grades?' 'Have you been slacking at home, and not going out with EXO?' 'Are you still close with EXO?' Those kind of questions, Min Hee didn't really paid attention to what her mum was saying, because she was spacing out, "Hun, after dinner, we need to go to the States" Min Hee just nodded. 

After dinner, Min Hee decided to accompany them to the airport, to send them off. "See you soon, umma, appa" Min Hee hugged both of them tightly, while saying their goodbyes, they part ways, Min Hee went back home, to sleep since she had school tomorrow. 

Monday - 

Its Monday, that means, a new week of school. Surprisingly, Min Hee's awake, already in her uniform, going to school. And Chan Yeol is walking with her, reaching the school gates. Everyone greeted Min Hee, and Chan Yeol, good mornings and went straight to the roof top to find the rest of EXO sitting down, waiting for them. "Morning guys!" Min Hee ran to them, and sat beside Jong In. "Yah, Lee Min Hee. Do you not know how to check your phone?" Jong In turned to her, and gave her a glare. "You didn't even send me anything" Min Hee stuck out her tongue at him, "Tch!" Jong In pouted. "So, Min Hee, did any more guys passed you letters today?" Xiumin, asked. "I don't know, maybe five?" Min Hee, pointed out five fingers at Xiumin. {School bell rings} "Lets go to class guys, come on" Min Hee, tried pushing all twelve of them, to the door. 

[Lunch time]

Min Hee walked to the cafeteria, a lot of guys surrounded her and tried giving her love letters, some went to put love letters in her locker, Jong In came squeezing in between the crowd, dragging Min Hee out. "Goodness, you have a lot of guys loving you, how can you handle this kind of situation everyday?" Jong In, held her hand while walking through the block, "Don't you receive the same kind of situation as me? Tch! And um..... Your hand?" Min Hee looked down, "O-oh! Right, sorry! Yeah, I do, but I was wondering how can YOU handle the situation?" Jong In felt heat rising up his cheeks, same as Min Hee. "Your face is turning red, by the way" Min Hee laughed, but covered her face. {Lunch time ended}

[After school]

Chen, Lay, Luhan and Suho, dragged Min Hee out of school. "Yah yah yah, stop dragging meeee" Min Hee shouted, "No no no! We're dragging you to the restaurant, lets eat!" Chen, Lay, Luhan and Suho happily said, while Min Hee pouted all the way "Yah, wheres the rest?" Chen said, "Oh, they're all at the restaurant already" 

[At the restaurant]

Chen, Lay, Luhan and Suho went into the restaurant, "WE HAVE ARRIVED" and posing, then Min Hee just walked to the rest of the group, sitting beside Jong In, "You guys eat what you want, I'm not hungry at all though" Min Hee said, while putting her head on Jong In's shoulder. 



This is what I have, I'm ing serious. I can't think straight, and I have to sleep because I have school tomorrow :( 

I will update, once I get home aites! 

Remember to comment on what you guys think, but please, no harsh comments T_T 


[I apologise for using a curse word]

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Chapter 18: Whaaa??? Chanyeol, where are you at a crisis like this? I can't believe kai would do that. What's his reason?
Chapter 2: Chen will confess??!! Update
Update more
Nice story^^