Chapter 15

She loves you, not me

Korea ; 

*Finally back home* Min Hee breathed in the air while walking out of the airport. "Mr Park? Ye, can you come to the airport? ... Okay, I'll be waiting right here" She hunged up, and went to starbucks to buy coffee while waiting for Mr Park to come. 

She waited for minutes, looking around, wondering where is Mr Park, and until someone caught her eye. 

It was Chanyeol, the best friend she didn't see for weeks. 

Too scared to call out for him, he jumped into a cab and went away, not long after, Mr Park finally came and drove her back home. 

NYC ; 

EXO's awake, impaitently waiting for Min Hee to come into their suite, "What time is it?" Xiumin asked, "Its 2pm, why?" Suho replied, "Isn't it weird? Min Hee supposed to be here by 1.50pm remember? We're supposed to go back with her" Xiumin kept pacing around the living room, trying to figure out whats going on, "Let me go down and check" Kris said, and went down to the lobby. 

"I'm sorry sir, but the person that you're looking for has already checked out last night" 
"Okay, do you mind if you could tell me what time she checked out?" 
"It was 12am sir" 
"Thats early, okay. Thanks a lot" 

Kris smiled, the lady probably was spazzing inside because it was Kris, everyone knows he's beautiful. He went back up, and told everyone that she left already. "That girl, oh she's going to get it in school" Xiumin said. 

"Come on, lets go. We're going to miss our flight" Everyone agreed, checked out of the hotel and went to the airport. 

Korea ; 

"Looks like they left for their business again" Min Hee sighed, and looked at her empty house. Noticed a note that was sticked on the fridge, walked to it and started reading the note. 

Dear Min Hee, 
We have news to tell you, we don't know whether its good or bad, 
The news is that, we won't be coming back to Korea in 2 years time, something came up with our company and we have to be there to work it out, we're so sorry. 
You're probably reading this on the last day of summer, we've bought lots of food for you, and we've already put in lots of money in your bank account, use the money wisely, study hard. 
Its just five more months to next year, which means, next year is your last year of high school. 
Go to college, do us proud. 
Whatever you're aiming for, we're supporting you all the way. 
Be sure to eat a lot, keep fit and stay heathy. 
We love you dear, take care. 
We'll see you in 2 years. 
From, omma & appa 

Disappointed, Min Hee went to unpack her stuff and think about what she has to do for the next 2 years without her parents. "I'm going to study hard, and make sure that I get what I want. No more playing around, Min Hee fighting!" She talked to herself for minutes in bed, and drifted off to sleep. 

A/N; This is such a bad chapter, I want to kill myself t_t 

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Chapter 18: Whaaa??? Chanyeol, where are you at a crisis like this? I can't believe kai would do that. What's his reason?
Chapter 2: Chen will confess??!! Update
Update more
Nice story^^