Chapter 9

I Love You, Bro




“Yeol-ah, what were you doing huh? Why did you fell off the bed?” Baekhyun laughed as he slapped his thighs. He was laughing as if there was no tomorrow. Unfortunately, when Chanyeol fell off the bed, he immediately went to their room to check on them. And he saw him in such a miserable state.


Chanyeol sent him a deadly glare, signaling him to shut up. But Baekhyun didn’t seem to mind him. “Did Yejin kick you?” Baekhyun added with a playful grin.


Chanyeol’s eyes widened as he heard him. *Did he say kiss?* He turned to Baekhyun. Did he see us? Did he see the kiss?  He gaped at Baekhyun.


“Hey. I didn’t kick him. I’m not like that. I don’t do Kung Fu when I’m asleep.” Yejin defended herself as she sipped her coffee.


*Oh. It’s kick. Not kiss.* He sighed in relief as he deflated in his chair. Chanyeol turned to Yejin and silently watched her eating. Her hair was now tied into a messy bun. So that was why he didn’t recognize her earlier. He wasn’t used to seeing her with her hair laid down. *I wish she wouldn’t tie her hair. It suits her more.* He thought as he continued watching her.


His eyes suddenly landed on her lips. On her soft looking pink lips. And he remembered when her lips slightly brushed over his. Chanyeol immediately turned red as he remembered those. It wasn’t even a kiss and yet he’s already acting like this. What would’ve happen to him if they really kissed?


He would’ve gone nuts over it.


Suddenly, Yejin turned to him. “Why aren’t you eating?” She asked him.


Chanyeol immediately stuffed three pancakes inside his mouth. “I’m eating.” He told her as he flashed her a forced grin.


And in that moment, he knew that everything has changed.







Next day,


Chanyeol sat on his chair inside their classroom. He ran his fingers through his hair problematically. It was just 6:30. He was 30 minutes early for his class. And he really intended to go to class early. He thought it’d be the best time to think for himself. Ever since yesterday, Kim Yejin has never left his mind. Not even once.


And he thought he had to think this over. He had to sort out his feelings. He can’t possibly be in love with Yejin. No. Just No.


Chanyeol his lower lip as he sighed. And then, he finally spoke to himself. “Okay. I don’t like her. I don’t like Yejin. I’m really really sure that I don’t. I was just a bit confused because of what Chorong told me that morning. But I don’t really like her. Yes she may be a little cute. But still, I don’t like her. Okay? She’s my best friend. My bro. There’s no way I’d fall in love with her. No way.” He recited to himself.


Chanyeol finally smiled. At last, he has obtained inner peace now that he made everything clear. Now he can peacefully breathe without worries. Now he can face her without thinking of weird things.


“I don’t like her.” He mumbled once more with a big smile.


But deep inside him, he knew that he wasn't really happy. 








*Aish. This Kkamjong won’t even let me pass through!* Sehun frowned as he tried to get through Jongin. But sadly, he couldn’t. That dark kid is too fast.


“Pass it to me!” Kyungsoo signaled Sehun to pass the ball to him. Sehun was hesitant at first, but still, he passed the ball to his hyung. Beads of sweat started appearing on Kyungsoo’s forehead as he tried to pass through Baekhyun.


They were both short. And Baek’s arms were kinda short too. But on the brighter side, he was really fast. Fast enough to steal the ball away from Kyungsoo. Baekhyun grinned as he heard Kyungsoo swore when he stole the ball from him.


“I’m the great Baekhyun. No one can steal this ball from me.” He grinned at them as he dribbled the ball, getting ready to score three points. He was about to throw it but Sehun suddenly appeared in front of him, preventing him from scoring.


Baekhyun eyed his team mates. Jongin was too far away. And Kyungsoo was guarding him. And that’s when he saw Chanyeol. Without thinking twice, he threw the ball at his giant team mate.


Chanyeol grinned. Atlast, he’s the one who’s gonna shoot. Chanyeol was about to shoot but then, his mighty opponent appeared in front of him. Yejin.


*WHY HER?!* 


Chanyeol’s knees suddenly weakened and turned wobbly as if it were made of jello. *The heck. Why is she the one guarding me?* He mumbled in his head as he tried to run away from her. But Yejin was too focused on the game. She was too competitive. She can’t let Chanyeol’s team score just like that.


“Yejin! Think of our delicious free lunch tomorrow!” Kyungsoo shouted at her to motivate her. Yejin just smiled.


And Chanyeol swore it was one of the most beautiful smiles he had seen from her. . This is really bad.


40 seconds before their game ends. And the score is 41-40. Yejin’s team is leading. And she can’t let Chanyeol shoot the ball. Because if he did, they’ll win. And she doesn’t want that to happen. Because if they win, they will be asking the losing team to buy them lunch tomorrow. That was the usual punishment for the losing team. So Yejin tried her best to block and to stop Chanyeol from scoring.


No matter how hard Chanyeol tried to move away from her, he just couldn’t. Yejin was way too close to him. In their eyes, she’s just blocking him. But to Chanyeol, she’s already hugging him. And it feels relaxing to be hugged by her. And for the nth time, he was blushing. His mind suddenly went blank. All he can hear is the loud beating of his heart beneath his chest. And when he was just about to wrap his arms around her , that’s when Yejin suddenly ran away, taking the ball with her. And he couldn't even do anything about it.


Loud cheers were heard from Yejin’s team. They have won. That means they'll have free lunch tomorrow.


Kyungsoo bumped his fist with Yejin as he smiled widely. “We won because of you.” Yejin just smiled triumphantly. ”Free lunch tomorrow.” She reminded him.


“They’re going to buy us anything we want right?” Sehun asked as he wiped away his sweat.


Yejin nodded. “Anything.”


And there were Chanyeol’s teammates who were saying that they lost because of Chanyeol.


Jongin frowned. “Why did you let her steal the ball just like that hyung?” He complained as he whined.


“Aish. I should’ve passed the ball to Jongin.” Baekhyun mumbled in regret as he grabbed a water bottle.


Chanyeol just silently stood there. Did he regret anything? No. he was still figuring out why his body reacted that way. Was it because of her smile? He wondered. But why is---


“Don’t forget to buy me a super delicious lunch tomorrow okay?” Yejin grinned playfully at him as she slung her arm on his shoulder.


Chanyeol blushed at their contact. *Why is this girl so insensitive?* he thought as he just nodded and blew air into his bangs, trying to cover his blushing face. “I ..won’t forget.”


“So, let’s go?” Yejin asked him. Her arm, still not leaving his shoulder.


Chanyeol blinked at her innocently. “W-where?”


Yejin laughed at him. “We’re going home. Where else?”


“Oh.. home. Yeah. We’re going home.” Chanyeol mumbled. His tone sounded a bit disappointed. Right. They were neighbors after all.






On their way home,


Chanyeol walked behind Yejin. He was keeping a distance from her. And he was thinking  about why she had such impact on him. Her action, no matter how small or big they are, will always always result to him being speechless and all. He’d always be flustered and nervous and such.


Chanyeol frowned as he kept on eying her. *Did she put me on a spell?* he wondered as he stared at her.


Slowly, small droplets of rain started pouring. It was raining.


“Did you bring an umbrella?” Yejin asked him.


Chanyeol shook his head. “I don’t. The weather forecast said it’ll be sunny today.” Chanyeol mumbled with a small pout as he covered Yejin’s head with his hands.


“What are you doing?” She asked him in confusion.


“You should cover your head. If not, you’ll get sick.” He told her in a serious tone.


“What about you?” Yejin asked him.


He just smiled arrogantly at her. “I’ll be fine. I won’t get sick even after I play in the rain for 5 hours.”







Outside the nearby convenience store where Yejin and Chanyeol decided to stay,


"Achoo!" Chanyeol sneezed for the nth time. His nose was now slightly red and he's having difficulties with breathing because his nose was clogged. 


“I’ll be fine. I won’t get sick even after I play in the rain for 5 hours.” Yejin copied him. "Won't get sick huh?" She mumbled as she shook his head.


"It's because we played earlier!" Chanyeol defended his self.


“It’s been raining for an hour now. When do you think it’ll stop?” Yejin asked as she eyed the dark skies. "We should go home quickly and you should drink medicine."


Chanyeol turned to her. “I hope it won’t.” He mumbled absentmindedly. He wanted to be with her for a little bit more. Even if he's going to get sick later, he still wants to be with her.


“What?” Yejn asked him. She didn’t clearly hear what he had said.


“I said I don’t know when it’ll stop.” Chanyeol reasoned out.


Yejin puffed her cheeks up as she stared at her oversized shirt which was soaked in the rain. Chanyeol watched her expressions change from time to time. And he couldn’t help but think that she was really cute.


Suddenly, Yejin pulled up her shirt. Chanyeol’s eyes widened. “What the heck are you doing?!” he scolded her as he tried to pull down her shirt. *What is this girl thinking?*


“My shirt is soaked with the rain so I thought it’ll be better if I take it off. And I have an extra sweatshirt.” Yejin explained.


“But still---“


“I have to take this off. If not, I'll get sick. Just look at you.” Yejin insisted as she pulled her shirt up. Chanyeol was left with no choice but to turn his back on her. Whether she has anything underneath, she shouldn’t undress so plainly like she’s not with a guy.


His blush deepened because he can hear her undressing. He shook his head as he massaged his temples. “Can’t you be atleast try to act girly? You’re a girl after all. What if other people saw you huh?”


Yejin drained her shirt as she spoke to him. “Will you try to act like a guy? You’re so girly.” She copied him.


Chanyeol glared at her. “Shut up.” he grabbed her shirt and used it to cover her. He wouldn’t want other guys to see her in that state.


“Where did you learn all of these huh? Did Chorong teach these to you?” Yejin .


“I just don’t want you to get sick since I’ll be buying you lunch tomorrow right?” He reasoned out.


“Aren’t you cold?” She suddenly asked him.


“Me? No.” Chanyeol shook his head with a small smile. Sure it is kinda cold. His body is freezing. But, his heart feels warm.


And it was because she was right next to him.


*I hope the rain won’t stop too soon.* He wished as he looked up and smiled.









I'll be updating next year. Hahahaha. XD






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Chapter 19: this is SO CUTE!!!
so much fluff:) ya chanyeol gifs are slaying me SO ADORABLE♥
really simple and nice story:)
lolupopz #2
Chapter 19: Hi you...I just want to ask will you update this story or not? because I really interested with chanyeol and yejin's date and the continuation of this story...hopefully you will update this story like your other stories...
Nanamey #4
Chapter 19: Aaaahhh! I can't wait for read the next chapter! ;-;
I very love your fiction! I'm also a new reader hehe~
Update soon author-nim <3
blahblahh00 #5
Hey there author-nim :)
When will you update this story ? I kinda like it tho .
Thank you
Chapter 19: Update soon author-nim~ I love ur fic XD
kkh_8314 #7
Chapter 19: Awesomeeeeee!! I like all your storiessssss. Please update soon
junmenpapi #8
Chapter 19: i love this story so much i just cant oMYGAHD HGNHGNGNGNHGNGGGG
you have so many interesting plots, i love them all
jinkismine #10
Chapter 19: Here i am... after read the jongdae's in one go. the chanyeol's in one go too. waah.. daebak.. i love your stories!!! ♥♥♥♥
i'm a new reader, subscriber, and voter!! hi authornim! :)