Chapter 17

I Love You, Bro



What could be the thing that Yejin had to do?

Was it so important that she chose it over me?

A movie would only take a few hours.

Couldn’t she just watch it with me then go straight to where she was going?



Tons of questions were forming on his mind as of the moment and the worst part is he couldn’t even find any answers. Chanyeol heaved out a heavy sigh as he stared at the movie ticket. He really planned to watch it with her. But somehow things went wrong and now he’s going to watch it with Yoobi.


“How did it turn out like this?” he mumbled softly in disappointment. Not that he hates Yoobi. Yoobi’s nice and all. He just… really wanted to watch it with Yejin. This might be his chance to finally talk to her decently. And that didn’t even happen.


His thoughts were interrupted when he felt something cold grazed his cheek. Chanyeol turned to his right and saw Yoobi grinning at him while holding a can of soda. “I bought this for you.” she said as she waved the soda right in front of his face. “I saw a vendo machine on my way here from the ladies room and I thought I should buy you something since you helped me get to the clinic last time.” Yoobi explained even though Chanyeol never asked her to.


Chanyeol just smiled at her as he took the soda. “You didn’t have to, but thanks.” Chanyeol stared at the soda and noticed that it was the same soda that Yejin likes. And at the mere thought of her, Chanyeol unknowingly smiled.


She noticed that he’s staring at the drink with a smile. “I didn’t know what you liked so I just bought my favorite. Do you like it?” Yoobi asked him with a smile.


“Yejin likes this too.” Chanyeol mumbled loud enough for her to hear.


Yoobi tilted her head to the side. “Yejin?”








Yejin plopped a piece of chocolate cake in while she was watching the 7th movie that she played today. “I wasn’t wrong. I made the right choice to watch movies here at home. I’m pretty sure all the movies I’ve better are all better than the movie they watched.” Yejin mumbled to herself as she focused her eyes on the screen.


But no matter how hard she tried to make herself feel happy, she knew she wasn’t entirely happy. “A week ago, he told me he loves me. So how could he go and watch a movie with another girl?” Yejin grumbled as she rolled her eyes. “Chanyeol is the biggest idiot I’ve ever seen. Like seriously.”


“And Lee Yoobi is…” she trailed off as she tried to think of anything about her. “..she’s pretty.” Yejin mumbled in defeat.


Lee Yoobi is like their school’s little princess. Everyone knows her and everyone loves her. She’s pretty and she’s bright and shes's... she's basically everything that she's not. Yejin sighed as she ate again. “I’m nothing compared to her.” she mumbles to herself dejectedly.


She was nothing compared to that goddess. She must’ve been watching the movie with him by now. Yejin thought as she sighed again.


“He should be watching it with me. Why is he with her?” she asked herself as she kicked her pillows in frustration.


Pretty. That would be the first thing that comes to anyone else’s mind whenever they would think of Lee Yoobi. Her cheeks were kind of round but in a cute way. Her eyes were pretty too. She has long curly hair and plump lips. And what’s more is that she has a nice voice. She’s totally a great catch.


Her heart twists in pain as she pictures him having fun with her. Yoobi’s definitely a nice girl.


What if Chanyeol decides to just go for her?











The next day, while Yejin was stuffing her books in her locker,


“Yejin-ah!” a ver familiar deep voice called her. She doesn’t even need to look back to confirm that it was Chanyeol.


Her heart skipped a beat as she heard him call her name. She wanted to ask so many things about yesterday. But she couldn't. All she was able to do was to create a blunt greeting to this giant.


“What?”  she asked, a bit irritated. She didn’t know why she feels that way, but for some reasons, she couldn’t help but be irritated with him.


He leaned in closer to her and closed her locker door so that she would focus to him. “The movie yesterday was great! I bet you would enjoy it too if you watched it. Yoobi also said----“


Her brows furrowed as her forehead creased as soon as she heard her name. Now she’s more than just irritated. But Chanyeol was too naïve to see that. He went on and continued about how great the movie was.


“At the ending we were so shocked because the villain was suddenly alive and he killed the man’s son and yeah. It ended like that. Quite unexpected.” he mumbles with a small chuckle. “But still it was great. Oh yeah! Yoobi bought me your favorite drink! You know, the one that you always buy.” he told her enthusiastically.


“Chanyeol-ah!” they both looked back and saw someone Yejin wouldn’t mind seeing even after a thousand years. Lee Yoobi. She had a smile on her lips which complimented her whole face. Heck, her smile made her even more pretty. Yejin eyed her silently as she walked towards them.


“Yoobi-ya, you’re early today.” Chanyeol greeted her with a refreshing smile.


“You should’ve watched the movie yesterday. It was really fun!” Yoobi said as she turned to Yejin. She smiled a little in response as she nodded her head a little. “I’m okay. I can watch movies at my house. It’s fun too.”


“But still watching it in the theater feels different.” Yoobi told her.


Yejin knew she didn’t mean any harm by saying those but she couldn’t help but think the other way around. So to avoid making troubles, she decided to end this conversation cleanly and just walk away.


“I’ll try to watch a movie in the theater next time.  I’ll be going now. I don’t want to be late for class.” she said as she her heel and walked away from them.


He stared at her weirdly as his smile slowly faded.  For some reasons, she was reacting weirdly since yesterday. And he didn’t know why. Was there something he said that hurt her? Did he do anything wrong? Chanyeol tried to rethink of everything he did to her. And he couldn’t remember pissing her off big time for her to react coldly to him like that.


Yoobi turned to Chanyeol with a confused expression on her face. “Is she okay----“


Chanyeol didn’t mean to ignore her but in times like this, Kim Yejin definitely comes first before everything else. He immediately ran towards Yejin and grabbed her arm, stopping her from walking away from him.


“Are you mad at me? Is there something wrong?” he asked her. His voice was dripping with sadness as his grip loosened. “You told me we would still be friends if we forget the fact that I confessed to you. Why are you avoiding me then?”


“I…just..” Yejin tried to think of any reason why she’s acting that way. And she couldn’t think of anything because he was distracting her. His pleading eyes. His warm and soothing voice. She couldn’t even think straight anymore.


Chanyeol’s grip on her wrist tightened as he dragged her with him to God knows where. “If that’s the case, then let’s break that promise that we did a week ago.” he sternly told her as he continued walking.



“We still have classes!”

“Just where are we going?”

“My arm’s hurting already!”


“Park Chanyeol!”




Yejin shouted at him from time to time but he didn’t mind her. He didn't even bother to look back at her. He was completely ignoring her. Few minutes later, Chanyeol opened the door to an empty room and dragged her inside.


They stood there in silence while staring at each other’s eyes for minutes. The silence between them was too loud. He looked as if he was thinking about something and yet he wouldn’t say anything. And it was frustrating to her.


Yejin couldn’t take it anymore and so she just decided to go out. “Let’s just go to class. Mr. Yoon would still permit us to go inside even if we’re late.” she told him as she turned the door knob and was about to go outside but then, Chanyeol pushed the door close. “Yah! What the hell are you tr----“


“Forget it.”


Unlike earlier, his warm and soothing voice turned cold. His right arm was securing that the door was closed; it was also trapping her at the same time.


Yejin turned to look at him. His eyes were serious. “What are you saying?” she managed not to stutter under his steady gaze.


“Yejin. just forget the promise we made a week ago.” he demanded her. It was more of a command rather than a plea. She silently sighs as she closed her eyes. She clearly doesn’t want to argue about this anymore. “We already talked about this didn’t we?” she asked him.


“I never agreed to it. I was forced to. I had no choice. Both of the choices means that I’m going to lose you either way so I just did tried to forget everything, I chose to remain as your friend and to stick with you. I tried to forget my feelings for you even though they grow every single day. Everyday was exhausting. I had to pretend that I don’t like you when that’s exactly what my heart screams. Do you know how hard that is?” his voice was now louder than before. Pain echoes in his deep voice.


Yejin hated seeing him like this and so she tried to explain. “We both agreed that we will continue being friends---“


“Then why are you avoiding me now? It’s all pointless. I’m sorry. I can’t do this anymore.” he apologized as he hung his head low, not wanting meet his eyes with hers.


Her eyes widened in surprise as she heard the last phrase he just said. I can’t do this anymore. Does that mean he already found someone? Is it Lee Yoobi? She asked herself as she bit her lips together. This is what she’s afraid of. For him to like someone else.  


But isn’t it just plain selfishness of her to wish that he would continue liking her when all she does is to push him away?


Since when did I become this selfish? she asked herself as she eyed him. Chanyeol looked so frail. His heart warming smile is replaced by sadness. Where is the happy virus she knew? She just couldn’t stand seeing him in this state.


Okay. You’re free to like anyone else. I won’t stop you. If you want let’s also stop being friends. She didn’t know why, but it was so hard telling him those words. For they basically mean that he won’t be there anymore. She should be saying them and yet, she couldn’t.


Suddenly, Chanyeol placed his hands on her shoulders. “If you can’t just forget the agreement we had, then just remember my confession.” he told her.


Yejin blinked at him in confusion. He’s telling her to remember his confession. Does this mean he still likes her? A small spark of hope ignited in her chest as she looked at him.


Chanyeol misinterpreted her silence as a ‘no’ and immediately frowned. “You’re saying you won’t remember it?” his frown deepened as he talked.


“Wait! No it’s not like that.” Yejin tried to explain things to him but he just wouldn’t listen to her.


“If you don’t want to remember it, then I’ll gladly do it again.” he smirked playfully at her.


Yejin’s eyes widened at what she just heard. He’s going to do it again? Does this mean he’s going to kiss her again? Before she could even react, his lips were already on hers. And surprisingly, she was responding to his kiss even though she shouldn’t.


She shouldn’t. And yet, she couldn’t stop.


The kiss was warm, slow and sweet. Just like how it should be. Chanyeol grinned happily, as he pulled away breaking the kiss.


A kiss from Kim Yejin is really a great way to relieve his anger.


“If you can’t still remember my confession, I’d gladly do a mini demonstration again for you Yejinnie.” He grins as he her cheeks gently. Her face turns red from humiliation and she instantly slapped Chanyeol’s hands away. “Stop doing that.” But he didn’t mind it. Chanyeol knows her to the core. And he knew she was just too embarrassed because of what’s happening right now.


He leaned forward and placed his forehead on hers. “From now on, I love you okay? And I don’t care if you don’t like me now. Because I know you will.” he declared proudly with a mischievous smile.









I have a new fic featuring Minseokieee~. If you're interested, here's a link



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Chapter 19: this is SO CUTE!!!
so much fluff:) ya chanyeol gifs are slaying me SO ADORABLE♥
really simple and nice story:)
lolupopz #2
Chapter 19: Hi you...I just want to ask will you update this story or not? because I really interested with chanyeol and yejin's date and the continuation of this story...hopefully you will update this story like your other stories...
Nanamey #4
Chapter 19: Aaaahhh! I can't wait for read the next chapter! ;-;
I very love your fiction! I'm also a new reader hehe~
Update soon author-nim <3
blahblahh00 #5
Hey there author-nim :)
When will you update this story ? I kinda like it tho .
Thank you
Chapter 19: Update soon author-nim~ I love ur fic XD
kkh_8314 #7
Chapter 19: Awesomeeeeee!! I like all your storiessssss. Please update soon
junmenpapi #8
Chapter 19: i love this story so much i just cant oMYGAHD HGNHGNGNGNHGNGGGG
you have so many interesting plots, i love them all
jinkismine #10
Chapter 19: Here i am... after read the jongdae's in one go. the chanyeol's in one go too. waah.. daebak.. i love your stories!!! ♥♥♥♥
i'm a new reader, subscriber, and voter!! hi authornim! :)