Chapter 19

I Love You, Bro




“Yejinnie, I’ll carry your bag for you.” Chanyeol smiled sweetly at her as he was about to take her bag but then, Yejin calmly shook her head and turned down his offer. “It’s okay. My bag’s not heavy. I can carry it.”


Chanyeol’s brows slightly furrowed as he heard her refuse. Guys are supposed to carry the bags right? He thought as he recalled the dramas he has watched before. And the guys always carries everything for the girl he likes so he thought he should too. “Let me carry your bag.” he pouted at her. But Yejin just shook her head, meaning to say ‘no’.


“Let me carry it!” he whined like a 6 year old kid.


Yejin examined him suspiciously. Just what is wrong with this giant suddenly wanting to take my bag? She thought. “Why do you want to take it? You have your own bag don’t you?”


Chanyeol lightly rubbed the back of his neck, feeling a little edgy. He was a bit embarrassed that she might laugh at the reason why he desperately wants to carry her bag. But still, he told her the reason why. “That’s.. what guys do to the girl they like. And I love you. So let me carry your bag.”


Her cheeks flushed at what he just said. Here goes the super straightforward Chanyeol again. With Chanyeol being so frank about how he feels for her, how can she not be affected by it? How can he carelessly say things like those?


“I’m sweet right?” he said as he leaned in to her and flashed her a confident grin.


And at that moment, Yejin was so thankful to heavens that it was a bit dark. Because if it wasn’t, he would be able to see her blushing face and he’d probably about it.


“Catch.” Yejin just tossed her bag to him and Chanyeol caught it swiftly in no time. “Thanks!” he said as he happily slung her bag around his shoulder like it was something to be proud of.


Yejin just smiled as she slightly shook her head, thinking that this giant is actually a baby in disguise. Seriously. How can someone be so adorably adorable?


“Do you have something to do tomorrow?” Chanyeol suddenly asked her, his deep voice laced with anxiety. His eyes were going back and forth from the asphalt cement they were currently walking at and on her. He couldn’t focus because he was nervous. Very nervous as a matter of fact. His heart was pounding loudly beneath his chest.


Calm down. Yeol. Calm down. he chanted inside his mind as he waited for her answer.


Yejin briefly thought about it. “Tomorrow? Isn’t it Saturday tomorrow?” she asked him.


Chanyeol immediately nodded at her. “Yes. Saturday. 8th of April.” he mumbled as he his lips, waiting for her answer. You don’t have anything to do right? Right? he thought as he stared at her hopefully.


“I think I don’t have---“


When he heard the word ‘don’t’ that’s when his ears perked up. His smiled brightly as he spoke. “Let’s go out on a date then.” Chanyeol cut her off without further ado. The excitement was very evident in his deep voice.


“D-date?” she stuttered on her own words.


Chanyeol nodded happily as he pointed to the two of them. “Yes. Date. You and me. Date. Tomorrow.” he announced even before it was settled.


Yejin fell silent thinking about what he was saying. Basically this tall beautiful creature before her is asking her out on a date tomorrow. A date! She’s never been on a date before. And she doesn’t know what to do, what to wear, where to go and all the things she should know about dating.


 Should she say yes?


What if Chanyeol becomes bored because of her? If he realizes that she’s not fun to be with, then he might get tired of her and find someone else.


Chanyeol carefully studied the expression in her face. There seemed to be something she’s unhappy about. And she’s not answering him. And Chanyeol thought she didn’t want to go on a date with him. He sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck while trying his best to conceal his disappointment.


Maybe Yejin doesn’t want to…


He had been planning about this date since yesterday. He has already thought about the place where they would eat, where they would go and everything. But he didn’t even consider the fact that she might say ‘no’ And now he’s having a hard time because of that.


“If you don’t want to go---“


“What time?” Yejin suddenly asked him.


Chanyeol blinked at her, his mind was still processing if her answer meant ‘yes’. “Huh?”


“I’m asking you about what time we would meet.” Yejin said.


Slowly, a smile was forming in his lips. “You mean you’re going with me tomorrow?”


Yejin nodded at him. “Yes.”









“Mom, I’m home.” Yejin greeted her mother the moment she arrived inside their house. She immediately removed her shoes and walked in. Yejin was just about to go upstairs but then she saw her mother in the kitchen.


Should I tell her about the date? she thought as she bit her lower lip. What if she tells me not to go? Chanyeol will be sad…


Her mother was busy making kimchi and didn’t even bother looking up to see her. “Go and change your clothes so that we can eat dinner.” she told Yejin.


Yejin eyed her and deeply contemplated on telling her mom about her date tomorrow. And she ended up thinking that her mother should be aware of it. Atleast. So she decided to tell it to her. “Mom, I’m going on a date tomorrow. You’re …okay with it right?” she asked, anxiety filling up inside her chest.


Her mother froze as she turned to her. “Date?”


Yejin slowly nodded. She was already scared about her mother’s reaction. She never pictured that she would be like this. Is she mad?


“You’re… going on a date?” her mother asked her, still not able to believe that her boyish daughter is finally going out on a date.


“Yeah. Kinda.” Yejin mumbled quietly. Her mother was already on her way towards her. Is she going to hit me? Yejin thought as she instinctively backed away from her mother. But it was too late. Because her mother already hugged her.


Hugged. Yes. Right now, her beloved mother is hugging her ever so tightly. “After eighteen years my daughter is finally a real girl!” she exclaimed happily while crushing Yejin into her chest.


“Mom, that kind of hurts. I’ve always been a girl.” she mumbled with a frown.


 Her mother immediately released her and smiled as she placed her hands o Yejin’s shoulder. “Is it Chanyeol?” she grinned at Yejin.


Yejin immediately blushed at the mention of his name. “H-how did you know?”


“Look at you! You’re blushing!” Her mother giggled like a high school girl as she pinched her cheeks.


Yejin pulled away. “I’m not.” she denied even though it was clearly written all over her face.


“So he finally confessed?” Her mother excitedly asked her.


Yejin merely nodded, not wanting to tell more details to her mother.


Her mother leaned towards her. “Have the two of you kissed already?”
















It was already 11. And still Yejin can’t get herself to sleep. No matter how she tossed and turned around her bed, she just can’t sleep.


“Is he also the same?” Yejin suddenly thought about him. And then she glanced at her watch. It’s was already 11 : 15. At this time, for sure Chanyeol is already asleep. “He’s already asleep and snoring.”


“What should I wear tomorrow?” Yejin mumbled to herself. Earlier her mother was telling her to wear something pretty. So what should she wear?


Suddenly her phone rang. It was Chanyeol. Yejin immediately sat up from her bed and before she knew it, she already answered the call without even thinking twice.



“Is it possible that you can’t sleep too?”



Too? Then that means we’re just the same. Chanyeol can’t sleep either. Yejin thought with a smile. “No. I’m already asleep when you called.” she lied.



“Liar. If you’re asleep then you won’t be able to answer your phone.”



Yejin made a face at him as if he could actually see her. “Whatever giant.”



“You’re not forgetting the fact that you agreed to go on a date with me tomorrow right?”



“We have?” Yejin decided to a little bit.






She chuckled as she shook her head. Why is this guy so freaking adorable? “I didn’t. I was just joking.”



She could clearly hear Chanyeol’s relieved sigh from the other line. “Okay… so see you tomorrow at 9?”



“Okay.” Yejin answered as she nodded.









“Uhm.. goodnight then?”



Earlier when she last checked her watch it’s around 11:15. Now it’s already 12. Time sure flies when she’s with this guy. “It’s already twelve. It’s good morning already.”



“Oh yeah? Sorry.. you should sleep now. Sleep okay? Goodnight! No. I mean, good morning.”



“Yeah. Good morning to you too, Yeol. Bye.”



She was about to end the call but then, “Yejin wait!”






“I love you. Goodnig—Good morning! See you tomorrow! No. I mean, see you later!”



With that the call ended. He hung up even before she could respond. And Yejin was left there flustered, with wide open and scarlet red cheeks. And in an instant she found herself hugging her pillow ever so tightly while squealing to herself.




Just what am I going to do with you Yeol-ah?












hehehehe. <333

school starts tomorrow. nooooooooooooooooooo.




If there's anyone there who's interested in a Kyungsoo story, I have one. Hehe. If your interested, click the link. If not, then ignore it. ^^







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Chapter 19: this is SO CUTE!!!
so much fluff:) ya chanyeol gifs are slaying me SO ADORABLE♥
really simple and nice story:)
lolupopz #2
Chapter 19: Hi you...I just want to ask will you update this story or not? because I really interested with chanyeol and yejin's date and the continuation of this story...hopefully you will update this story like your other stories...
Nanamey #4
Chapter 19: Aaaahhh! I can't wait for read the next chapter! ;-;
I very love your fiction! I'm also a new reader hehe~
Update soon author-nim <3
blahblahh00 #5
Hey there author-nim :)
When will you update this story ? I kinda like it tho .
Thank you
Chapter 19: Update soon author-nim~ I love ur fic XD
kkh_8314 #7
Chapter 19: Awesomeeeeee!! I like all your storiessssss. Please update soon
junmenpapi #8
Chapter 19: i love this story so much i just cant oMYGAHD HGNHGNGNGNHGNGGGG
you have so many interesting plots, i love them all
jinkismine #10
Chapter 19: Here i am... after read the jongdae's in one go. the chanyeol's in one go too. waah.. daebak.. i love your stories!!! ♥♥♥♥
i'm a new reader, subscriber, and voter!! hi authornim! :)