Chapter 1

I Love You, Bro




“The loser will be the one who pays for ice cream okay?” Chanyeol excitedly shouted with his normal husky voice which doesn’t really suit his baby face. He then eyed the girl person beside him through the corner of his eyes while he continued shooting the zombies using the plastic gun which continuously appeared on the screen.


“Yejin-ah, you heard me didn’t you?” He asked her with a small pout. He really wants to eat ice cream today. And that will only happen if she would admit defeat.


The girl person named Yejin who was wearing a black cap backwards, stood there and just silently played, focusing on the game and completely ignoring what he just said.


She didn’t want to buy him ice cream after all. So she should win this game. Yejin squinted her eyes on the screen and kept on playing. She didn’t want to lose after all. *I'm not going to buy him ice cream. I have to win.*


While she played silently, Chanyeol was doing the complete opposite of it. He was screaming here and there whenever a zombie attacks him in surprise. Just like a complete idiot.


“Remember what I said okay?”He asked as he glanced at her for the nth time to make sure that she heard him. Then he quickly went back to the screen.


“Bastard.” Yejin commented as she rolled her eyes while furiously trying to catch up on his score but there’s only 10 seconds left.


Yejin's lips curved downwards as she stomped her right foot. She's losing. *Argh. Chanyeol had the confidence to say those because he’s already winning.* She thought as she glared at him.











“YESSSSSSSSSS!” Chanyeol pumped his fist in the air. He eagerly pointed at the screen. “See that?! My score is 123,465,785. And yours is 123,465,767. Which means, I WIN!” Chanyeol chirped happily while jumping up and down, still holding the gun.


Yejin just sighed as she crashed the gun on the compartment of the game. *Bastard as always.*


She noticed that everyone in the arcade is starting to look at them weirdly. She slowly tried to distance myself from him, who is still jumping up and down. *I’m not with him.* She thought as she shook her head a little.


Being with Park Chanyeol would mean that you’re up for humiliation.


Few seconds later, Chanyeol finally got over his victory and turned to Yejin with a big grin plastered on his face. He was already asking for his prize.


Yejin knew what his grin was about. She breathed deeply as she fished out her wallet from her pocket. “I know. I know. Sheesh.” Yejin groaned as she rolled her eyes at him.


She knew he was waiting for her to treat him to the usual ice cream store where they always hang out. With that, they walked out of the arcade house and went straight to the ice cream store.







“What the---! You have your own food! Stop stealing mines!” Yejin exclaimed as she pointed the spoon at him accusingly and tried to guard her ice cream with her free hand.


He completely ignored her and continued eating from her cup. “I just want to know if it tastes good.” Chanyeol grinned at her, showing her his perfect white teeth.


“Everything that you eat tastes good to you. You pig.” She mumbled as she shook her head at him disgustingly.


Chanyeol smiled. “You’re quite right about that.”


Yejin grabbed her cup and distanced it from him so that he can’t steal her ice cream anymore. She turned to him and gave him a glare. He just gave her his famous goofy smile as he continued eating.


“My mom made too much kimchi yesterday and she told me to give some to your mom.” Chanyeol told her out of the blue.


Her eyes widened in delight. His mom's kimchi is one of the best kimchi's in the world, next to her mom's of course. "Is it super spicy?" She asked him in excitement.


Chanyeol wriggled his brows up and down as a sign of 'yes'. "They're extra spicy."


Yejin nodded as she quickly finished eating her ice cream, leaving some on the corners of her lips. She placed her cup down and turned to Chanyeol. “Let’s go now.” She told him as she adjusted her cap. 


Chanyeol smiled as she saw the ice cream on the corner of her lips. “You have stuff on your lips.” He told her as he pointed her lips with his.


Yejin wiped the other side. “Is it gone now?” She asked him innocently.


Chanyeol chuckled. “You wiped the wrong side.”


Yejin wiped her lips again. This time with her wrist. “How about now?”


Chanyeol nodded. “It’s gone now.”


Yejin made a check with her fingers and placed it below her chin. “Do I look handsome now?”  She asked him playfully.


“You mean pretty right? Miss Kim Yejin?” Chanyeol . He knew she’d be irritated with just this.


Yejin glared at him and stomped on his foot. Hard. “Not funny.” She mumbled before walking away, leaving Chanyeol wincing in pain.



"Wait for me!"








“I’m home Mom.” Chanyeol greeted his mother warmly. “Hi Omoni!” Yejin greeted Chanyeol’s mother politely.


His mom smiled at them. “The two of you are early today.”


Chanyeol glared at Yejin. “Because she did something.” If she didn't purposely step on his foot, they would've gone to the court and shoot some hoops. But thanks to her, he was still limping in pain.


His mother blinked at her. “What is it?”


Yejin shook her head. “Just something. It’s nothing big.” She mumbled. 


Chanyeol's eyes widened. “Nothing big? You stepped on my foot---“


"Chanyeol told me that you're going to give us some----"


Before she could finish what she was saying, his mother already handed her a big jar. "Here you go."


"Thank you! It looks delicious!" She said as she eyed the ar full of kimchi. “I’m leaving now Omoni!” Yejin bowed to Chanyeol’s mother with a big smile.


“You won’t have dinner here?” Chanyeol’s mom asked in disappointment.


She shook her head with a smile. “My mom’s probably waiting for me. Goodbye! And thank you for the kimchi!” She said before finally leaving.


As she left,


Chanyeol shook his head in disappointment. “That girl really.”


“Why? What did she do to you?”


“She stepped on my foot!” Chanyeol exclaimed like a kid as he pointed to his slowly recovering foot.


“And why did she do that?”


He pouted. “I a bit.”


“What did you say?”


“I told her that she’s pretty in some way. Something like that.” Chanyeol mumbled.


His mother grinned at him maliciously.


“Omma! I just did that because I know she becomes easily irritated when I call her pretty or whatever connected to being a girl. That’s it. Nothing else!” He mumbled defensively.


She smiled. “I haven’t said anything yet though.”


“But I know what you’re thinking. Yejin and I are best friends. Okay? Nothing more. Nothing less. That’s just it. She’s almost like a guy to me." Chanyeol mumbled as he crinkled his nose. "And lastly, I’m not gay.”


His mother teasingly nodded at him. “Okay best friends right?”


“That’s right. We’re just best friends. And we'll stay that way.”









Thank you for reading and subscribing!

I'm so excited about this storyyy. Chanyeolliee. *___*

And sorry for the lame first chapterrr.  




I have a gift for you guys. lol



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Chapter 19: this is SO CUTE!!!
so much fluff:) ya chanyeol gifs are slaying me SO ADORABLE♥
really simple and nice story:)
lolupopz #2
Chapter 19: Hi you...I just want to ask will you update this story or not? because I really interested with chanyeol and yejin's date and the continuation of this story...hopefully you will update this story like your other stories...
Nanamey #4
Chapter 19: Aaaahhh! I can't wait for read the next chapter! ;-;
I very love your fiction! I'm also a new reader hehe~
Update soon author-nim <3
blahblahh00 #5
Hey there author-nim :)
When will you update this story ? I kinda like it tho .
Thank you
Chapter 19: Update soon author-nim~ I love ur fic XD
kkh_8314 #7
Chapter 19: Awesomeeeeee!! I like all your storiessssss. Please update soon
junmenpapi #8
Chapter 19: i love this story so much i just cant oMYGAHD HGNHGNGNGNHGNGGGG
you have so many interesting plots, i love them all
jinkismine #10
Chapter 19: Here i am... after read the jongdae's in one go. the chanyeol's in one go too. waah.. daebak.. i love your stories!!! ♥♥♥♥
i'm a new reader, subscriber, and voter!! hi authornim! :)