Chapter 9

.........And I Love You
"but eomma say we've finished family debt and divorce letter have been sent to kwon families. Was meant me and ji yong no relationship anymore? Why do I have to go back there, oemma ? " asked bom that did not understand what was said by her parents.

"Bommi-a mianhae,loans to appa and oemma's friends already paid by choi min na, she doesnt want you out of kwon family " said bom's oemma with a face full of sadness

"and how the divorce papers?"

"Ji yong not know about the letter" replied her appa.

They were silent for a few moments. Bom's parents look at each other, their faces tense. They are very worried that bom refused their request to come back and be a daughter-in-law kwon family again. Bom looked at her parents and then she sighed just before utter.

"alright....." bom replied

"huh? W-what what you mean, you want to go back home to your in-laws?" asked bom's appa

"ne appa, there is no other way than I have to go back there."

"Bommi, cheongman mianhae"

° ° ° ° ° °

"MWO? Oemma be kidding right? They're debt already paid? for what oemma pay their debts? Oemma be deliberate, right?" Guess ji yong staring suspiciously at his oemma.

"Ne, oemma deliberately. Oemma As said earlier. Oemma very like park bom and oemma couldn't let her married with others. She should be kwon family daughter-in-law" she convinced of responsibility.

"Really cant believe ...... if so, as long as they are not going to pay off their debt and that means she forever will be my wife ?" ji yong asked in a tone of disappointment. His oemma nodded justify remarks ji yong word.

"oemmmmmaaa!!!!..... This marriage should not be continued. I dont love her. We only hurting each other later. Oemma please understand" please ji yong

"oemma very understand you ji, oemma very confident when you hold together, one day you will revoke your words just now and you will tell oemma if you really love her "responsibility choi min na

" ....... haisshhh why appa silent? Cant appa help me from this hell trap? " asked Jiyong to his Appa who had been silent while reading newspaper.

"Mianhae ji, you know by yourself if your oemma already have the desire, very difficult to stop her" answered his appa with his helpless face.

ji yong got up and walked to his room. he slammed the door and pacing his room all subjects.

"Damn, I should do something ..........."

° ° ° ° ° °

bom lying in her bed, her eyes staring at the ceiling.

"kwon ji yong didn't recieve the divorce letter .......... I had to do something to cancel the wedding"

° ° ° ° ° °

knock knock knock .......

"Sajangnim, there was a girl named park bom want to meet you" reported ji yong secretary

("park bom? For what she come?)

" let her in! "Ji yong command. Shortly afterwards, ji yong secretary opened the door for park bom who immediately walked in and sat on the couch in the office.

"what?" ji yong asked sitting on the couch in front of park bom.

"you didn't offer me a drink?" bom asked

"I dont think you needs it, because you dont will be here for long "ji yong answer coldly. bom could only sigh look at ji yong's face coldness.

" I come here want to tell you one thing ............... I'll be back to your house. "

" what have you come only to deliver it? You mock me because they feel you've won? "said Ji yong was not happy face.

" ani, I dont mock you. I'm just telling you the truth. other than that, I heard from my oemma you dont know about our divorce letter sent by my oemma "bom word make jiyong looked at her seriously

" the divorce letter? when send it? "

" several days ago "

" Why I dont know ....... "

" your oemma told oemma, she intentionally didnt tell you about the letter because she wanted to unite us. kwon ji yong-ssi, I also dont like the idea of ​​your oemma that's why I came here "

" MWO? so oemma deliberately hide it from me letter.................. park bom-ssi, it seems we who were out in the same ship ... "ji yong said, staring seriously into bom. bom nodded in understanding what ji yong mean.

"we have to get the divorce letter, and after that I will be able to sign it and immediately after that I will be freed from the bonds of this damn marriage ......."

ji yong and park bom will work together to get the divorce letter saved by choi min na ..... Are their plan can worked????
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jiyong_nara #1
Chapter 21: author nim , daebaakkk!!!!
BammieImo #2
Chapter 21: finished?? huwaaa i like this story so much. hope you will make an awsome story next time authornim.. fighting!! (^^)
Chapter 21: happy open ending then :DD XOXO I'll make sure to read your another story fighting!!
Alienbaby #4
Chapter 21: Yeaaahhhh... happy ending for GBOM ♥♥... love love love...
Thank you Authornim... and can't wait for ur next GBOM story... Fighting!!!! *^__^*
Chapter 21: Already finished?
Annddweeee.. But gomawo authornim for the story
Gbom fighting!!
Chapter 19: Why must kiko be thier!! Aishh that ,and pless dont let bommie unnie cry again. .btw thankz for update. . .as usually pless update more~^^
perghsukadia #7
Chapter 19: Oh..nono..don't let them be like this..ahh..-_-'
Chapter 19: Yaa jiyong.. Come, let's go to your room and fine bommie
Makes all your problem with kiko eralier be clear in front of bom..
Chapter 18: Its to short!! Btw jiyong why you cannot love bom. . . .as usually plezz update more and remember we all gonna support you. . .fighting~^^