Chapter 2

.........And I Love You
After the wedding is over, bom embraced both her parents and her little sister and younger brother. Bom get into the car and sat beside ji yong, she wiped her tears.

"do you know kwon family wealthy ?" ji yong ask, bom didnt answer and just looked at him with a puzzled look of her.

"ji yongie, what do you mean?" asked mrs.kwon

"I see it not so fancy house, it means she came from middle class economy. Oemma, she agreed to marry because eyeing our wealth" ji yong said

"Watch your words ji yong" said mr.kwon firmly

"Appa also defended her? Ha ha ha, of course yes, the parents are right her friends appa" ji yong said last laugh Mrs.kwon momentary sigh before continuing her word.

" your appa become friend with boms appa from senior high school, park family was also quite wealthy families just like us until a few months ago. Boms Appa borrow money with your father as much as 10 billion won for a large project with a friend of his new partner business. But it turned out that his friend is a trickster, he made off with the money 10 billion. projects to fail, the greater the losses until the company finally closed due to bankruptcy "said mrs.kwon told about a problem that plagued the boms family

"10 billion is too large, it is not possible to taste park family to pay off. Was because hers oemma and appa make right decision to marry you with bom" said mrs.kwon again

"Mwo? oemma mean, their families who owe why should me marry with her? Oemma enough to collect their debts or their assets confiscated it all" said Ji yong didnt accept its self it is involved in the affair was not important "park family has not had anything but relics of her grandfather's house. Park bom also disagree with this wedding, but because she was a dutiful daughter she prefers married to her unknown namja of the must see heritage homes in foreclosure and her appa go to jail. Ji yongie, your wife is a filial daughter. Oemma've liked her since she was a child was her because oemma choose whether to marry you with bom "says mrs.kwon then smiled at bom who had been bowed silent.

"So, after she became a kwon family law its means park family debt is paid off? Wow,terrific" ji yong said, glancing sarcastically to bom

"Not well" replied mrs.kwon

"Oemma mean?"

"Park bom married with kwon family just as collateral, her debts will be paid off when she successfully gave birth to kwon family successor but when you get divorced with no children then the park family must pay their debts or heritage homes confiscated and mr.park go to jail" said mrs. park

"Oemma, you really cruel?" ji yong said, staring at his in disbelief oemma

"This is all for your sake, I wish your life is not as wild as now, oemma also can not bear to have to marry you with yeoja that you do not know" said mrs. Kwon give a explanation Ji yong silent, so did his parents. Created silence all the way home

° °° ° °

After they arrived home kwon families

"Ok bom, now you are a kwon family law. I really hope you can make ji yong turns into a good boy and .......... I'm waiting for you to give birth to my grandchildren" mrs.kwon said and smiled to bom still silent.

° ° ° ° °

Bom looked great room, with luxurious king size bed, there is a large screen television and a large white sofa with a classic glass table in front of the couch, bom walking toward to the blancony and see the sights kwon familys flower garden.

" best you dont get too excited" ji yong words make her turned

"Even though both my parents already think of you as a kwon daughterinlaw but not my to me. Till whenever I would never think of you as my wife, so dont ever dream of" ji yong said as he stared coldly into bom

"And this (ji yong softly kicked bom suitcase) I dont want to see it there my cupboard," said Ji yong and walked out from the room, before he press the knob, he turned back to bom was seen shifting her suitcase to a corner of the room

"One more ...... (bom halt her activities and stare ji yong) I dont want to sleep with you in the same bed" after talking ji yong out and slammed the door to make bom shocked

"My family problem is destroying his future, he is still very hate me" said bom then sighed softly
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jiyong_nara #1
Chapter 21: author nim , daebaakkk!!!!
BammieImo #2
Chapter 21: finished?? huwaaa i like this story so much. hope you will make an awsome story next time authornim.. fighting!! (^^)
Chapter 21: happy open ending then :DD XOXO I'll make sure to read your another story fighting!!
Alienbaby #4
Chapter 21: Yeaaahhhh... happy ending for GBOM ♥♥... love love love...
Thank you Authornim... and can't wait for ur next GBOM story... Fighting!!!! *^__^*
Chapter 21: Already finished?
Annddweeee.. But gomawo authornim for the story
Gbom fighting!!
Chapter 19: Why must kiko be thier!! Aishh that ,and pless dont let bommie unnie cry again. .btw thankz for update. . .as usually pless update more~^^
perghsukadia #7
Chapter 19: Oh..nono..don't let them be like this..ahh..-_-'
Chapter 19: Yaa jiyong.. Come, let's go to your room and fine bommie
Makes all your problem with kiko eralier be clear in front of bom..
Chapter 18: Its to short!! Btw jiyong why you cannot love bom. . . .as usually plezz update more and remember we all gonna support you. . .fighting~^^