Twenty Three

Perks of being alive



 Chapter Twenty Three -   Rewind


After Sora and Ailee left, I still had fifteen minutes to be nervous and roam around my apartment aimlessly. I decided to put a white cardigan on top of the dress since my arms looked excessively huge and I wasn't really comfortable exposing it... I guess.

The girl's talk about having boyfriend and all actually gave me the hesitation of wanting to date someone you know. Like turns out, dating needs a huge commitment and problems would eventually start coming up. The big question is, would I be able to handle all these problems? Then I realized the reason why my mom always try to prevent me from dating someone.

The ding of the bell pulled me out of reverie and I excitedly took my purse, almost dropping it, and walked up to the door to open it after slipping my feet on the black wedges that I had only worn once. 


Myungsoo was absolutely, definitely, very very very, stunning. He was perfect, like for real. His black hair was waxed up and he wore a black blazer above his white shirt, combined with his jeans pants. 

"H-hi," my voice was in the verge of cracking but I couldn't be sure since my heart beat was even louder than my own voice.

"You look good. Are you ready?" 

I nodded, "Thanks, you too," 

We entered his car, which smelt lemongrass, the usual Myungsoo scent. My heart was leaping. I couldn't wait to blabber all of this to Sungyeol and Sunggyu and I didn't care if they don't care. Myungsoo drove out of the parking lot and I swear, words couldn't describe how hot he was behind the steering wheel. 

"Where are we going?" I asked, overcoming all the ecstasy.

He gave a small smile while his eyes were still on the road, "You'll find out where," 

Oh. My. Geez! This was like those scenarios in dramas or movies where the guy asks a girl out and is planning a surprise for her! Was that really happening to me?! Why was it happening to me?! I was freaking out, out of excitement of course. Like after all this time of being invisible to Myungsoo, my huge crush, he finally noticed me and asked me out for dinner. Was it even real? 

He parked his car in front of a restaurant- I couldn't see the name though since the billboard was high up- which looked quite classy, and turned off the engine before merging out of his car. I was about to open the door, when he held it open for me from outside.

"Here," he extended his hand.

I raised my right hand uncertainly and placed it on top of his broad, warm palm. He helped me hop out of the car and chuckled, "Your hands are cold," 

Of course they were cold! I was aflutter. 

"Your car's cold," I spoke before mentally cursing myself.

"Really? We should adjust the AC later on," 

I decided to just nod my head before more irrational words had the chance to hop out of my mouth again.  

Myungsoo, as a gentleman, opened the pane door for me. I smiled and went in with him.

"Good evening, have you reserved a table?" A waiter behind the reception table asked.

"Kim Myungsoo," Myungsoo nodded.

"Give me a moment," he flashed a small smile before scanning his eyes through the thick golden guest book.
He frowned and turned over the pages several times before asking Myungsoo, "What date did you make the reservation?" 

"On Wednesday, is my name not there?" Myungsoo answered. His tone portrayed a little nervousness. Of course, who would want their dinner ruined? 

The waiter checked the book again but didn't seem to find Myungsoo's name. See, when I thought everything would go well, just at least for a day, something unfavorable would come up. I didn't mind it as much as the guy beside me though, I mean, hanging out with Myungsoo was already pretty awesome, and I wouldn't ask for more.

"I'm sorry, but your name isn't here," the waiter spoke queasily.

"Are you sure?" Myungsoo started to sound rather panicky. It was the first time I saw him acting this way and it was actually kinda cute. He usually had this cool and cold stare all the time at school.

I tugged the sleeve of his blazer, "Ehm... It's okay Myung, we can eat somewhere else,"

Myungsoo turned to me with a face full of apology and worry, "Are you sure?" 

I nodded with an assuring smile and he sighed. We left the place and sat on his car with the engine on. He suspired in disappointment behind the steering wheel and out of instinct, I reached for his hands. He looked at me, which made my cheeks heat up, and said, "I'm sorry it's all ruined," 

"It's not ruined Myungsoo," I chortled lightly, "You don't have to bring me to a classy or posh restaurant you know, I don't mind it," I shrugged. 

His lips curved up to form a small smile and it made me feel better, "Is... Ramen okay?" 

I shook my head, "Actually, I'm craving for dukbokki at the night market," 

He laughed and raised both his eyebrows, "You sure?" 

I nodded. 

"If that's what you want, we'll do that," 

He maneuvered his black sedan out of the parking lot and joined in the busy friday night street. The atmosphere was a little... Awkward for me since no one said anything for at least the first five minutes of the ride, but then it started to melt once he the radio.

"What do you listen to?" He asked while turning the circular button beside the small screen.

I shrugged, "Anything," 

He nodded, "Then let's not listen to anything," 

"Why?" I frowned, a little scared actually.

"Let's just talk," he gave a small smile, "Why dukbokki?" 

"Because I haven't ate it since Hana and Jaeryul came," I said, "Do you like dukbokki?" 

"I don't... Really eat spicy things so no," 

I laughed and spoke, "What is it that you like then?" 

"Ramen and my mom's chicken soup. Tell me I'm a looser," 

"You're a looser," 


We laughed with mirth before jumping into a more serious talk.

"Can I ask you something Myung?" 

"Go ahead," 

"You act so different at school and around other people," I started and changed my sitting position into a more comfortable one, "But right now, I don't see the Kim Myungsoo at school," 

He stayed quiet and calm for a moment or two, as if he didn't hear what I just said, and it was making me nervous, before he finally spoke, "I hear that a lot," 

I was expecting something more, but he didn't say anything else. Now, that was making me a little scared. Had I ruined the mood? 

"You're starting again," I murmured.

"I know," 


"Because..." he sighed and braked at the red light and turned his head to me, "Which one do you like more? Kim Myungsoo at school or the Kim Myungsoo just now?" 

"Both," I know it's weird but I did like the two. I mean, his two personalities because well, I basically liked him.

"You're not helping," he laughed slightly and pressed the gas pedal when the light changed to green.

"I know," 

"Which one should I be for tonight?" 

"The nice Kim Myungsoo," 

Why should he own a double personality anyways? Like, can't he just be a person? I mean, Just Kim Myungsoo?

He nodded before smiling, "I'll be him for today," 

"Can't you just be yourself?" The question hopped out of my mouth involuntarily.

He parked his car at the side of the street and buckled off his seatbelt before sighing. 

"I... Have trouble being myself," he smiled sadly.


"Can we talk this while eating dukbokki? I'm starving," 

And so we did what he wanted. After having a plate of dukbokki in front of each of us, he started, "What do you think about me?" 

I tilted my head. Awesome. Handsome. Cool. My ideal guy. And other tons of compliment. "You're pretty cool, but sometimes I find it hard to approach you since you know, you give out this chilly stare," I said.

"Really?" He laughed and I nodded my head.

"Why do you do that?" 

He cleared his throat and sighed, "I feel so small sometimes that I think I need to you know... Act cool and all," 

"But you're not lame! I mean, the whole school loves you!" 

"No, Nara. Not everyone loves me. Sometimes I would find threatening messages under my desk,"

"From who?" 

"Anonymous," he shrugged, "It usually tells me to stop giving out charms and being friendly," 

"T- that's absurd!" I exclaimed. I even stopped eating my dukbokki without me realizing.

"But it's true. So I have to hold myself from smiling to people and all," 

I was surprised that after all this time, the guy that was always sitting with us at lunch, the guy who was my big crush, the guy who we thought was super mysterious, was acting what we call cold and unfriendly, not because he wanted to, but because he was told to.

"These messages probably belong to boyfriends who had their eyes on you every single time," I said with a small laugh, trying to make him feel better.

"Oh I'm flattered," 

"You're welcome Kim Myungsoo," 

He grinned and chuckled while looking at me. I laughed too and continued eating. I decided to enjoy today without my diet interfering, so we chatted with another plate of dukbokki and a patbingsoo.

"I heard you're joining Raina for the badminton tournament," he said while scooping a spoonful of his ice. 

I shrugged, "No big deal, it's just everyone was like urging me to do it," 

"But you do play badminton, am I right?" 

"Well yeah, but if you compare me with Raina, I'm just a burden on her team," I said with a small laugh.

"When's the game?" 

"Friday after school, you wanna come?" 

"Sure, I'll cheer for you," he smiled, showing his deep dimples.

Kim Myungsoo cheering for me must be a damn dream!

We finally decided to call it a day and headed back home after some small talks. I found out different things about him, He stopped his car in front of my apartment and I insisted that I didn't want him to take me up, but it looked like he just dismissed me. He turned off the engine and went out.

We rode up the quiet elevator. No one said anything, but it wasn't awkward anymore. It was the pleasant kind of silence.

He held the elevator door open for me once it arrived on my floor. I said thanks to him and he walked me to my apartment. I fished for my key and unlocked the door before smiling at him. 

"Thanks for today," I beamed.

He nodded, "No fuss, I should be the one thanking you," 

I sighed and took off my heels. I couldn't bear the pain anymore, even though I was right in front of my apartment. Like, yeah, it's embarrassing, especially doing it in front of my crush, but the pricking and the pain in my feet was unendurable. 

"Mmh... I was wondering why were you so tall," he joked and I glared at him, "Go get some good rest, today was a nice night," 

I nodded and said, "Yeah, you should probably get some sleep too," 

Myungsoo sighed and bit his lower lip, acting weirdly all over again. Now what was he going to ask me? Another dinner? He rubbed his palms over and over again before finally saying, "Nara, can I rephrase what I said?" 


See. It seemed that hanging with Sungjong made me able to 'read minds' too.

"Yeah," he breathed deeply, and said, "Today was a nice date."





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PoBA; A sequel has been made :) Link is on the foreword and last chapter! I hope you'd check it out. Thank you so much guys! :D


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Chapter 39: Ah! I am looking forward to the epilogue 3.
Have a great night/day!
Hugs ^^,
Chapter 39: I m here for myungsoo .. but from the comments it seems like gyu and nara plays more important roles... I should give it a try...
Chapter 39: Omo! Thank you for the update :) arghh this story is just greaaaatttt! It feels soo real. Please add more chapter...
Authornim, please make Epiloge part 2 :) i really love this story and (if possible) please make the sequel. I want to know what happens to Sunggyu&Nara, let them together pleaaaaasssseeee
HOW COME I ONLY KNOW THIS STORY BY NOW? SERIOUSLY THIS IS A MASTERPIECE :))))) Btw, I hope you'll make Sunggyu and Nara a happy ending!
Wow! I never thought I'd get to see closure between the two of them after how many reads :))
I was so sad about the ending, glad you updated!
good luck on your studies!
and please continue writing this fic, still rooting for Sungkyu and Nara! >.<
Kid_HaeJoon7 #7
Chapter 38: After a few years i left fanfic this is my 1st story..Im finished now yeayy. To be honest i thought nara with myung soo but she is not. I really hope because i like myung so so much hahaha. Eventhough i the ending not as i imagined.. Overall the story was good with well written story. U are good in writing orangepumpkin! Keep it up.
Kid_HaeJoon7 #8
Chapter 3: Hey it nice and gokd i love it.. Currently on chapter 3. I need to sleep! But your story make me want ti read more haha tq
Chapter 38: Great chapter!!! I love the ending of this chapter.
Just give Nara and Sunggyu a happy ending. jajaja ^^,
Good luck in your finals!
Have a great day/night!
Hugs ^^,
Chapter 37: ugh it's midnight and I have a math exam tomorrow and 6 hours worth of hw but I just re-read this for the first time in two years and it was completely worth it