
Perks of being alive



 Chapter Eleven - Tension 



"Hey," a soft whisper entered my earlobes but I only stirred on my bed in response. 

"Nara, it's morning already," I acknowledged the voice belonging to a male, but I didn't care.

 My eyelids were more than heavy. I kept curling in my fetus position and turned to the other side. I could sense though, that the weather was a bit colder than usual and wait... 

Was it raining?

I shot my eyes open when I finally heard the pelting sound of the rain. 


"You're awake!" 


I turned to my left side and found Sunggyu's face above me. I sat down. "It's raining!" I exclaimed.


"Y-yah yah! Why are you always so excited with the rain?" He snapped at me. 


I glared at him and that was when I realized that the others were not in the room. "Where are the others?" I stood up.


"Uh... Breakfast? It's nine already," 


I looked at the clock. "Shoot!" I immediately took my clothes and rushed to the toilet to take a bath before joining the others who were almost done eating in the coffee place beside our resort. Sunggyu was already on his place when I squeezed beside Minjae and Sungyeol. 


"What took you so long?" Minjae asked while wiping her hands. 

"Um." I gulped my dumpling, "It's raining and Sunggyu-"


"Didn't tell me you guys were already having breakfast," I brushed Sunggyu off.

Minjae raised her eyebrows. "You are always oversleeping whenever it rains,"


"Rain is good," 

"No it's not. It cancels our plan for today," Woohyun joined the conversation. 

I looked at him. "What's our plan today anyway Woohyun?" I asked since I was almost sure he had no idea what Sora had planned. 

"Uh.. Oh! Cruise!" 

Sora hit his head. "It's not cruise you pabo! We were planning to try to visit  Seongeup folk village, but it rained," she pouted.

"Then we can go back and play cards!" Sungyeol beamed.

"No way! Cards all the time," Raina rolled her eyes.

"But that's the only thing we can do on this rainy day," Hoya said.

"Oh I know! There's this trick art museum and it's indoor so we can go there without getting wet," Ailee suggested.

"Ahh... I just remembered! Yeah, we can probably go there if you all agree," Sora nodded.

As usual, we all agreed to the plan since well, for me, it didn't really matter. I mean, none of us knew Jeju except for Ailee and Sora, and that was just because we were too lazy to do a research on it.

Oh and about Sunggyu, it wasn't as awkward for me to look at him like yesterday. Everything felt normal between me and him, but of course I couldn't be oblivious to the glaring Sunggyu and Myungsoo had been making. 

I finished my food and we directly went to the museum as planned. The tickets were bought and fortunately this time, there was no whining from Sungyeol since the whole museum was available to everyone. 


"Now which section are we going first?" Hoya asked.

"How about we split in to two so that it will be easier whenever we want to see something," Sora suggested. 


We somehow split into two groups without much fuss. I was with Minjae, Sungyeol, Sunggyu, Myungsoo and Sungjong. It was as if  the groups were divided between the singles and the couples now that I thought about it, and it was actually pretty funny.


"I'm hungry," Sunggyu said once we parted.

"Yah! You have just eaten and now you're hungry?" I snapped at him.

"Oh, Nara, now you're shouting at your oppa. Is that even appropriate?" Sunggyu mocked. 


I raised my eyebrows and chuckled. So he was using oppa as a power against me? 


"Oppa?" Myungsoo frowned.

I exhaled audibly. "Okay then, since mister picky wants to eat, let's eat," I kept a sarcastic smile on my face.


We decided to eat in a fast food restaurant in the museum and since it was just the six of us, I sat between Sunggyu and Sungjong, with Myungsoo in front of me. I took a mental note to eat as polite as possible since it wouldn't be funny if I ruined my image directly in front of my crush. Sungyeol and Minjae brought our foods from the counter and we begun eating. I peeled of the burger wrapping as neat as possible, making sure I won't make any mess. 


Sunggyu eyed on me. "Do you really have to open it that slow?" 

"Unlike you, I always keep my meal clean," I stuck my tongue out.

"Here, let me open it for you while you get me some sauce and chilly there," he grabbed my burger.

"Yah! Go get it by yourself," I failed my attempt to snatch back my meal.

"Why do the both of you have to always fight?" Minjae groaned.

"He started it!" "She started it!"


We pointed to each other's face and Minjae shook her head.


"Now quickly get your oppa some sauce there, I'm hungry you know," Sunggyu nagged.


I grunted but stood up anyways, there's nothing else I could do if I wanted to eat my burger. 


"Hey, let me do it," 


I tilted my head and swirled around, only to find Myungsoo standing up too. "You sit down Nara, I'll take the sauce for Sunggyu," he said and walked off to the sauce counter as I sat back down, hearing Sunggyu's grunt while he gave me my burger back.


Kim Myungsoo doing this could only mean three things:
One, he also wanted to take sauce for himself. Two, he wanted to be sarcastic to Sunggyu or even do harm to him, let's say spit on the sauce. But no, Myungsoo won't do that... right? And three, he liked me. 

From this three choices let's cross the third choice, although I wanted it to be true so badly. The second choice didn't represent Myungsoo, but still, who knows? So, the most logical one was the first choice. And yes, I was right, Myungsoo came back carrying four sauce plates, two filled with ketchup and the other two with chilly. 


"Thanks Myung," I smiled as he placed the sauce in front of me and Sunggyu. 

"That's fine, I was about to take it for myself too, so I thought, why not take it for Sunggyu hyung," he smiled back to me (I felt like poking his dimples), a bit sarcastically I could sense. Ah, I see now, his reason turned out to be the first and second prediction from me. 

I then decided to play with Myungsoo's game. "Yah! Does my oppa not know manners? Shouldn't you at least say thank you to Myungsoo?" 

I swore, Sunggyu's glare could burn a deep hole on my forehead, nevertheless, I survived from it. He cleared his throat nervously. It was a bit interesting to see what would the mighty (note sarcasm) Kim Sunggyu do. 


"Thanks Myung," he mumbled quietly without making an eye contact with the person he was talking to.

Myungsoo gazed up at him. I smirked and nudged Sunggyu's elbow. "What? I heard 'Myung', but how is he suppose to hear it when I couldn't?" 

"Ehrm... Did you hear what I said Myung?" 

I cringed my eyes and mentally punch myself for making the situation super awkward right now. 

Myungsoo's mouth was slightly parted and he had a blank expression on his eyes, probably shocked with the fact that Sunggyu had finally spoken to him after several days of glaring and scoffing at each other. Sunggyu too, was fidgeting here and there in his seat. He always does that whenever he felt nervous or uncomfortable. 

"Ehm..." Myungsoo cleared his throat, "Actually hyung, I didn't hear what you said," He continued with a playful smirk tingling on his lips. 

Another reason to fall for him: he has a bit of a bipolar personality. Like, he could be both quite and playful at the same time. 

Sunggyu averted his gaze to Myungsoo. "Yah, rascal. Listen, I'm not interested with this game you and Nara are playing right now so cut it off." He pointed his finger at Myungsoo's face and the rest of us were just freaking out in silence, except, of course, for Sungjong who was still calmly chewing his food. 

I eyed to Sungyeol mouthing, "What to do?" And he just shook his head and put on his panicky face which made me more panicked. 


"You. I am sure you heard me. But in case you didn't, I am saying this once more time, loud and clear in front of everyone. Thank you Myungsoo," Sunggyu dropped his fingers down before his stare, and continued eating. 


Myungsoo shrugged his shoulders cooly, as if he wasn't affected with Sunggyu's rough tone. "Oh okay. Your welcome then hyung," he then continued eating. 


The heat due to anger radiating out from Sunggyu's body was able to be felt by the hair of my skin, that I could just close my eyes and prayed nothing would happen between them. I looked up to Myungsoo and my heart stopped for a moment when I realized he was looking at me too. "Sorry," I mouthed to escape from the awkwardness. He smiled and nodded. "No problem," he mouthed back.

We finished our silent meal and went to look around the museum. Sunggyu was behind me and I couldn't help but admit that I was feeling rather creepy just by hearing his audible breaths. 


"Ooh... This is cool," I mumbled as I stood in front of an illusion wheel. I spun it and different images were formed in front of me. I chuckled and turned it once more time. 

"What's this?" 

I turned my head and grinned when I saw Myungsoo heading towards me with his camera. He stood beside me and spun the wheel. 


"I can't see anything," he frowned. 

"Stand here," I told him and moved aside. He stood at my previous spot and handed me his camera. "Hold it for a moment, it's a good thing I am trusting you with my camera," he joked. 


I nodded and held it tightly as he spun the wheel over and over again. I smiled. My fingers rubbed the screen of the camera and you see, because I was just someone who couldn't help but be curious with everything, I turned the camera on and brought the lens to my right eye. 
I could see the diminished Myungsoo frowning and tilting his head through the lens. And then I could see what Myungsoo had been seeing the world through. Everything just seemed minimized. I clicked the button at the top and the camera snapped. Myungsoo looked at me abruptly and smiled. 

"Let's see what you captured," he grinned and stood behind me. 

I put down the camera and looked at the screen. "Not bad huh?" Myungsoo chuckled. I was only able to calm my insane heart beat to make sure he wasn't able to hear it.


"Em, do you think so? It was just a random shot," I chuckled nervously. 

He shrugged his shoulders and took his camera from my hand, our skin slightly brushing each other and I could feel a slight tingle. 


"It's okay, especially that you never held this before," he grinned.

"Oh.." I scratched my head, "T-thanks then," 

"Um. Should we see other tricks here then? I don't get this one," he frowned, and it just made him look more manly. 

I laughed. "Okay," I scanned the area, "But where are the others?"  

"They left for the movie," 

"Ah.. Why didn't they call us?"

Myungsoo shrugged again. "Probably because you were too immersed with that thing," he pointed at the wheel.

"Then why don't you go?" I asked as we walked to see other stuffs.

"Well, leaving you alone here wouldn't be funny right?" 


I stopped my steps abruptly. Believe me, I felt my heart stopped beating for that moment. I mean, he could've just left and asked Sungyeol or Minjae to look over me... right? But he didn't. Kim Myungsoo decided to just stay with me here and I was honestly flattered like crazy.

He walked forward and looked at me. "Is.. There anything wrong?" 

"Oh.." I blinked twice before regaining my consciousness. "No. There's nothing wrong, everything is absolutely fine," I shook my head. 

Myungsoo nodded. "Good. Now let's go over to that area," 


I trailed behind him, admiring his broad back with my heart beat that refused to calm down. We went to see a few other illusions and interesting stuffs, but we finally got tired and decided to go for the ice cream cafe at the end of the museum. "Which flavor do you want?" He asked me as we stood in front of the counter. 

"Um.." I looked up to the menu for a moment before deciding my choice, "Green tea," 

"One green tea and one chocolate," Myungsoo ordered to the girl behind the cashier machine.


I took out my wallet, but before I was able to give him my cash, he pulled me to sit down on one of the tables and gave me my ice cream. "Don't worry, it's on me," he smiled.

"O-oh.. It's okay I'll pay-"

"Nara, what did I just said? It's on me," he looked at me sternly.

I nodded rapidly. "Okay if you insist, I'm in a shortage of cash anyway," 

He laughed. "I'm really a helpful person aren't I?"

"I can consider that if you pay each of my meal," I joked.

"Oh you wish Nara," he rolled his eyes.

I laughed and my ice cream. We were quiet for some few moment before he started speaking, "You and Gyu hyung..." He frowned, "Why are you calling him oppa?" 

"Oh, that..." I gulped my ice cream, "We made this deal that if I was able to convince everyone that he was an arrogant dude, he would be treating me, but if I fail, I should call him oppa," Well, that wasn't really the reason right now why I was supposed to call Sunggyu "oppa", but at least that was what our deal was. I didn't feel comfortable of telling Sunggyu's personal reason, even to Myungsoo.


"So I guess you failed your bet," he chuckled while his ice cream.

"As you can see," I rolled my eyes. Maybe I might consider on taking an acting major. Oh.. But I remember Minjae saying I at lying, so probably not acting major.

"Myungsoo," I called him after a few moment of silence. 


"Can you just... Reconcile with Sunggyu?" I asked solemnly although I was rather scared.


He looked at me and raised on of his eyebrows. "Reconcile?" 

"Um... Yeah.. I mean, you don't have to say sorry, but just you know... Maybe say, 'Gyu hyung, can we talk?' And you guys would talk. I'm pretty sure Sunggyu would understand you..." I tilted my head, "Right? I mean, yeah, right unless he's-" 


Myungsoo's small laugh stopped my sentence and I looked at him with a blank expression. "Araso Nara, I'll talk to Sunggyu hyung," he his ice cream again, "For you," he patted my head.


"Yah, get your hands off her head," Sunggyu suddenly appeared behind Myungsoo.

I widened my eyes as Myungsoo dropped his hand and stood up. 


"Gyu hyung, can we talk?"

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PoBA; A sequel has been made :) Link is on the foreword and last chapter! I hope you'd check it out. Thank you so much guys! :D


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Chapter 39: Ah! I am looking forward to the epilogue 3.
Have a great night/day!
Hugs ^^,
Chapter 39: I m here for myungsoo .. but from the comments it seems like gyu and nara plays more important roles... I should give it a try...
Chapter 39: Omo! Thank you for the update :) arghh this story is just greaaaatttt! It feels soo real. Please add more chapter...
Authornim, please make Epiloge part 2 :) i really love this story and (if possible) please make the sequel. I want to know what happens to Sunggyu&Nara, let them together pleaaaaasssseeee
HOW COME I ONLY KNOW THIS STORY BY NOW? SERIOUSLY THIS IS A MASTERPIECE :))))) Btw, I hope you'll make Sunggyu and Nara a happy ending!
Wow! I never thought I'd get to see closure between the two of them after how many reads :))
I was so sad about the ending, glad you updated!
good luck on your studies!
and please continue writing this fic, still rooting for Sungkyu and Nara! >.<
Kid_HaeJoon7 #7
Chapter 38: After a few years i left fanfic this is my 1st story..Im finished now yeayy. To be honest i thought nara with myung soo but she is not. I really hope because i like myung so so much hahaha. Eventhough i the ending not as i imagined.. Overall the story was good with well written story. U are good in writing orangepumpkin! Keep it up.
Kid_HaeJoon7 #8
Chapter 3: Hey it nice and gokd i love it.. Currently on chapter 3. I need to sleep! But your story make me want ti read more haha tq
Chapter 38: Great chapter!!! I love the ending of this chapter.
Just give Nara and Sunggyu a happy ending. jajaja ^^,
Good luck in your finals!
Have a great day/night!
Hugs ^^,
Chapter 37: ugh it's midnight and I have a math exam tomorrow and 6 hours worth of hw but I just re-read this for the first time in two years and it was completely worth it