

- No you tell her.

- NO you do it!

- Shh you are her oppa so you tell her.

- You are her oppa to so you do it.

- Ahh wae hyung. Zico whine at his hyung as they fight over who was going to tell you about the news, you woke up and look at the boys.

- No no you do it.

- No over my dead body. Jinyoung smack Zico in the head, you had watch long enough.

- Why don’t you tell me together about it? They look at you with uneasy facial expression, you sat up and cross your arms.

- Eeeh the doctor said you was fine and you need to take extra care of yourself, eat much and listen to your body…because….

- Yeah because..?

-  Aish Zico you say it! Jinyoung said and pull Zico down in the chair, he tried to get up but was force to sit in front of you.

- I’m waiting.

- Doctor said it because you are pregnant now… Congratulations!? You close out the world when you heard the word pregnant, you lay down and pull the blanket over your head. Tears of happiness and sadness stream down your cheeks quietly, they guys understood that is was a sign for them to leave you alone.

*Pregnant, that means I’m carrying Daehyun’s child… omg I’m going to be a mother!!*. You sat up and took your phone from the table, you saw how many missed call and und read message you had. All of it was from Daehyun, you open the newest message and read.

“ Please meet me at this xxxx café shop, I will be waiting till you come. Please Ann. “

A smile spread on your lips, a knock made you look up.

- Hey are you okay now?

- Yeah came in oppas.

- So I will get a nieces/nephews soon, congrats!

- Deh oppa but I need to get out of here now.

- But the doctor, you don’t think about doing anything stupide right?

- No oppa I need to talk to my fiancé, take me to this address. Go and pay and I will change.

- Okay hold on for a moment the doctor need todo a checkup before we go, Zico stay here and I will go get a doctor and pay.

- Thank you oppa.

- What do you hope for a boy or a girl?

- Don’t know but either way I will be happy but I don’t know about Daehyun…

- Daehyun?

- Yeah my fiancé.

- Aha… *Jung Daehyun? Daehyun who is friend with Yongguk hyung, that Daehyun? * Zico went out and look for Jinyoung, he had to know the true.



- Hyung is Ann’s fiancé Jung Daehyun?

- Ehh yeah, do you know him?

- Yeah he is friend with Yongguk hyung and I went to catch them at the airport yesterday, well not Daehyun because he was in hurry to get home so he left first.

- Do you think he was expecting Ann to be home and that’s why he left in hurry?

- Yes I think they calls and message is all from him, I kind of feel bad now that I didn’t answer it instead of turning the phone off.

- But hey you couldn’t know, she save his number under the name “Don’t answer”.

- Oppa doctor said it is okay for me to leave now, let’s go.

- Okay Ann you Zico will drive you there, is almost time to open my café now.

- Aha okay work hard oppa, see you later.




- We are here, do you want me to go with you?

- No oppa is okay.

- Okay I wait in the car.

- Thank you oppa it won’t take long. You open the door and went to the café, you went in and saw that man you miss but suddenly is was not a happy moment anymore. The pink hair girl that you recognize very well, came from the bathroom and sat down next to Daehyun.

- Oppa did you wait long? She ask in an annoying voice and hug his arm, he push away her arms and stand up.

- Hymin wake up, we are over a long time ago, stop bothering me and Ann from now on.

- Oppa why are you always on her side?! She slap and kick me and still you are protecting her, you don’t even love her!

- You are the one who slap her and she even let you go and not only that she even took the blame for something she didn’t even do! Because of you, you are the one who hurt her! Hymin saw you stand behind Daehyun, she smirk and stood up and took Dae hand in hers.

- But you hurt her much more than I did, you kiss me in front of her. Remember, let me refresh your memory? She said and crash her lips with Daehyun’s, tears stream down and you had trouble breathing. Dae push her away and wipe his mouth, he turn around and froze.

- Ann...

- This is what you want me to see?

- No Ann is…

- NO stop it! I hope you two will live a happy life together, this ring should be on Hymins finger not mine. I wish you all the luck, bye Jung Daehyun. You walk out and Daehyun went after you and Hymin after Dae to stop him, he saw how you got in a blue BMW.

- Ann!

- Ann are you okay?

- Oppa just go… Zico look in rearview mirror and saw how Daehyun try to get away from the girl who held him back, he look at the heart broken girl next to him.

He start engine and drove to Jinyoung café, during the entire drive she was crying quiet.  Zico open the door for you and help you out, Jinyoung look at you two and Zico shake his head and led you to a privacy table.

- I will go get you something to eat and drink. Zico awkwardly said and left to the kitchen, Jinyoung dry his hand and look at Zico.

- Is doesn’t look good at all hyung, she doesn’t even have the ring on her anymore.

- I will go and talk to her to find out what happen, I think we might need to get some help from Daehyun’s friends. Zico nod and Jinyoung walk over to you, he sat down beside you and your hair.

- Oppa… You threw yourself in his arms, he sigh and talk to you calmly.

- Is okay is going to be okay, tell me what happen.

- This time is over oppa, no more change. I will take care of my baby on my own, I don’t need him. You lay your head on the table and close your eyes, your red and hurt eyes.

- Never make hasty decision when you are sad, you don’t know what will happen.

- No I mean this this time oppa.

- Maybe you will see sunshine in your life soon, aa look at what Zico made for you. You look up at the tray in Zico’s hand, he smile and put it down.

- Wow is look so delicious and so cute!

- Eat up you need to have energy.

- Is so cute I don’t want to eat it.

- I will make you a new one later, okay? Eat up now.

- Deh oppa. You took a piece and the flavor shock you, your eyes wide and you gave Zico a tum up.

- Oww oppa where did you learn to do this? Is so good, jinja daebak oppa!

- I learn it when I was studying in Japan, I’m glad you like it.

- Baby Hippo you never lose your appetite huh?

- Come on hyung you must be happy to see her eat like this for the first time in days.

- Yeah right stop being mean oppa, I need to feed my baby. You said and pat on your still flat belly, they laugh.

- Oppa I will go to the mall so you can go back to work now, see you later.

- Okay but remember to eat and listen to your body, call us if something happen.

- Or if you get tired okay?

- Deh oppas do a good work now.


You made your way to the mall when you past a salon, you decided to go for a change or not. You touch your blond ends and decided to make a change, you walk in.

- Welcome what would you like?

- Hi I would like a big change.

- Omo so fun this way please, so what change would you like?

- Natural brown color with side bang and a little trims on the ends.

- It will be.

After one and a half hour you was done, you look at yourself.

- Do you like it, was this what you had imagined?

- Yes I love it thank you.


You bought a white long dress and cahng ino it before head back to the café, forgetting your own change you walk in.

- Oppas I’m back. You said and wave at them, they just look at you.

- Who are you?

- Oppa is me Ann, don’t you see is me?

- No you have made a big change…

- Do it look good or should I change back?

- NO! I mean is suit better, don’t you think hyung?

- Yes you are so beautiful, an innocent beautiful hippo.

- Heheh thanks, are we going home soon?

- Yeah about that we thought we should visit Namsan tower first, you okay with that?

- Yes is was so long ago I went up there. Zico and Jinyoung high5 each other under the desk, Zico type to Yongguk. “She is in”.

- Come on let’s go.




(What happen when you was out)


- Zico call Youngguk and tell about the plan and I will call her parents.

- Okay hyung. They both talk in phone for a long time, Jinyoung was the first one who hang up.

- Okay hurry and bring Dae here! He hang up and told Jinyoung BAP was on their way to the café, they close the café and started to prepare the event.

- Zico?

- Deh hyung, you all here?

- Yeah, Daehyun sit down. The soulless guy sat down and look at the two guys standing in front of him.

- Isn’t you that guy who was with Ann in Jeju?

- Yeah that’s me, why?

- I don’t like you.

- Hehe I think you need to hear things out Daehyun.

- I’m Jung Jinyoung childhood friend with Ann, not her boyfriend or anything like that. Not what you thought so no need to jealous dude.

- Jinja?!

- Yeah I was the one who help her to get the lounge done so you could have your competition there and I decide to visit my grandfather the director, the same weekend.

- Ann did that?

- Yeah she work instead of sleep for make the show go on and what did she get from it? A heartbreaking scene of the man she gave her heart to kissing his ex-girlfriend, and that was not the only time.

- What you kiss Hymin again after that?!

- NO she was the one who kiss me this morning when I was waiting for Ann.

- Do you know eager she was to leave the hospital when she woke up and read your text?

- Wait hospital?! What happen to her?!

- Lacking of sleep and refuse to eat something for 3 day straight because of you, I don’t even know why I should help you after all you have put her through. I just want to beat the of you and let you lay there. Do you love her?

- Yees I do love her!

- And do you want her back?

- Yes!

- Then I will help you.

- Can I ask you a question?

- Yeah go ahead.

- Why do you help me if you want to beat me?

- Because I don’t want an innocent child to grow up without a father. Daehyun’s face drop and so did the rest of BAP’s.

- Child…father…Ann is pregnant with my baby?! I’m going to be a father?!

- Yes so now you go and buy a nice suite to get marry in and don’t forget the rings.

- One last mistake and you never going to see Ann or the baby, you understand me?

- Yes thank you very much hyungnim for giving me this chance, I will not let you down. Daehyun said excited and bow 90 degrees to Jinyoung.

Soon after they left you came back.




- Jungup spred more roses on around the piano, Yongjae, Zelo, Youngguk move the piano more to the left…there perfect! Daehyun put on the jacket, the rings you have them right?

- No...?

-Where is the rings! Who have the rings?! Himchan yell and searching through his pocket, Youngguk walk up to Himchan and gave him an Americano.

- Yo dude chill down will ya! I have the rings, go and drink this over there. Himchan nod and did as he was told, Yongguk look at the text he got from Zico.

- They are here in 30 minutes, everybody get ready.


- Ann you can go up first I need to go to the bathroom first.

- Me to, is it okay?

- Deh oppas, see you up there. You went up and suddenly the lights went out, the only thing that could be seen was a white piano in the middle of roses. It was light up by a red spotlight, you look around. No one was there just you so you decide to play a song while you was waiting for your oppas, with lightly steps you walk towards and sat down.

Tears escape from your eyes as you play and sing, Daehuyn who hide look at the new you. *So beautiful and innocent, will you be able to forgive an idiot like me?*

- She have change…Tears started to fill Daehyun’s eyes.

- Yeah, you had a hard time reading her right?

- Deh hyung.

- She know she look more innocent and people can read her very well that’s why she always dry her hair blond to hide her real self, she is a strong girl. No guy before have made such a big impact in her life like you have, you should be lucky that she love you very much.

- Thank you very much hyungnim for everything even thought I have been an to her.

- Just remember that she seems strong but are very weak and don’t forget to love her, go to her now. Jinyoung said and push Daehyun out from their hiding place, Dae check his outfits and took up the ring from his pocket.

- Ann… You froze when the voice you never though you would hear again call out your name, after a few second you stood up and was going to walk away from him but he stop you by back hug you.

- Ann please just listen to me first, is all I asking for. You don’t need to forgive me or even look at me anymore but please just listen to me for the last time. His tears drops down on your shoulder as his arms around you tighten, your tears was now endless. You took his in your shakings hand and pull them away from you, you turn around to face him. The sight of him crying didn’t help your tears to stop, you let go of his hands. He quickly took yours in his and drop down on his knees.

- Ann I’m so sorry for everything, I don’t know how much I have hurt you but I know I hurt you a lot. I’m so sorry for you to have to meet a guy like me and so much pain I have put you through to realize my own feeling for you, I do love you very much Choi Ann. I want to raise our baby together, I want to show my love for you everyday, I want to go to sleep and wake up with you by my side, I don’t want you to just be memory I want to create memories with you. I won’t ask for much I just want you and your beautiful soul, is okay if you leave me and don’t want to see me again but you will always be in my heart even if it means I have to live alone in my whole life because nobody can take my heart that you will always have with you. Please Choi Ann let me be the only man in your life. He said and show you the ring, you pull your hand away from him and walk away.

Daehyun cry even more when he saw you walk away, your figure slowly fade away from his sight. He drop his head and look at the ring in his palm, suddenly he was hugged. He look up and saw it was you, he put his arm around you.

- If I can’t forget you, how will I live than? Jung Daehyung you may be the biggest jerk I have meet in my life but I love you so much as it hurt, I will be the one who will give birth to your baby’s, create memories with you, sleep and wake up with you till the day you ask me to leave. I love you my jerk! You said in tears as you wipe his tears, he took you face between his hands and kiss you so passionately.

Fireworks was shoot up in the dark sky and cheering, applause was heard around you two. You pull away and look around, everyone was there. Daehyun put the ring on your ringer and kiss your cheek, you blush a bit.

- Mine lovely bride look so beautiful and thanks to her I’m one lucky married man!

- I don’t cry but how can you two make me cry like a baby? Himchan hug Yongguk that was crying, you smile at the leader who always is so tough show his emotional.

- And talk about baby congratulation for getting married and for the baby!!

- Thank you, I love you. Daehyun whispered in your ear, you hug him as answer.



A few months later you gave birth to two beautiful twins’ boys and your life together become happier as the days went.

(Okay I can just NOT get enough of those cute twins Seoeon Seojun, I wish I get twins boys to heeheh.)


So what do you think about this story? I is already writing a new one so hope you will read it to, is was fun to write this story, love life is not always easy right? But those who are meant to be will always find each other in the end! ;)   



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felice #1
Chapter 21: too many characters .
Demilee_16 #2
Chapter 21: That ending was so cute!
Chapter 21: Awwww cute ending.
Chapter 21: cute ending :)
Chapter 19: daehyun is a dummy =O what the heck!
Chapter 18: dumb daehyun kissing hymin >=[
sapphire11 #7
Chapter 19: Omo...daedae wae.....go get her back....
Vvarmy14 #8
Chapter 17: Love it update please
Chapter 17: thos chapter was cute :D
Chapter 15: but she is drunk she probably wont remember that she said yes =/