Of Transformation and Confession

The Lost Diary
Eunji look at the notebook that she was holding. She just finished reading Bomi's entry there. Bomi have talked about that notebook the other day.
She said it was some kind of a lost diary. She didn't read the other entry, only Bomi's.
♥ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ♥
Dear Diary,
If I change myself.
Will I be able to face him?
Eunji sighed as she look at Baekhyun from afar.
"hey!" Chanyeol tap her shoulder
"oh, hi Yeol"
"oh..what's wrong?"
'Yeol, am I that ugly?" Eunji suddenly asked
"what? who told you that?! want me to punch him?"
"aish, no I just thought... look at all those girls that surrounded Baekhyun, they're all pretty."
"hmm? pretty? not much. I think you're prettier"
Eunji smiled but then hit Chanyeol's arm
"ai, you're saying that cause I'm your bestfriend."
"no, you're really pretty. you know, each and everyone in this world has their own beauty, all it takes is someone who can appreciate it"
"ooh, when did you learn to speak like that?" she teased
She gave Baekhyun one last look before they went to their class.
♥ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ♥
It was a saturday and Eunji will be going to the daycare again. Her aunt was the owner of the daycare and when she's not busy, she go there to
help play with the kids. Before, she's don't go there regularly but since she saw Baekhyun and learned that he's the cousin of one of the Kids
there, she now go there every saturday.
At the daycare, she can talk with Baekhyun. She find him a really nice guy. She have a crush on Baekhyun since their freshmen year.
But she haven't talk to him then. She just always watch Baekhyun from afar. Because Baekhyun is one of the popular guys in their school,
someone like her, a nerd and is not pretty won't be noticed by him.
But since 2 weeks ago, she already had a chance to talk to Baekhyun. Baekhyun accompany his cousin Minji to the daycaare. She was shocked to
see him there, she can clearly remember that time
Eunji was went to the garden where she always sings with the children, she first help the children to sit properly before plopping down too in front of
"hey kids!"
"Hello unni/ noona!" all of them say
Eunji smiled at them and stopped when she saw Minji running towards them
"good morning unnie!
"good morning Minji" she said then noticed a guy from behind. It was Baekhyun. She frozed when she saw him, thinking 'what is he doing here?'
she just smiled at him
"Hello" Baekhyun greeted "uh I'm Minji's cousin. can I watch for a while?"
"huh? uh s-sure" Eunji said
Eunji started to tell a story to the kids. She was happy when she was with them and see their smile. But today was different because Baekhyun
was watching. It was awkward but she tried to hide it.
"noona, sing for us please" one boy said
"unni! my oppa is also great in singing, can you have a duet please?" Minji said
"huh? b-but..."
"It's okay" Baekhyun said and smiled
"uh..okay" Eunji smiled
Baekhyun stand up and start to sing a cute song with Eunji. They both enjoy it as well as the kids.
After they sang they let the kids play with themselves and Baekhyun needs to go and Eunji sent him out
"uh.. nothing"
silence then surrounded them
"uh.. may I ask you something?" Baekhyun said
"last time in school, when I help you when you fall, why did you run away?"
Eunji was shocked by his question, she haven't thought that he'd still remember that
"it's I'm in hurry that time. I'm sorry"
"ah, it's okay. I thought you dislike me that's why you run"
"no!..I..I mean, it's not that I dislike you, I mean how can I dislike you, you don't do anything bad to me"
"oh, I need to go"
" Thank you for coming."
"I'ts fine, I enjoy too. Hope I can spend more time here next time. But I will come back later to fetch Minji" he said
"then, see you later"
Later that afternoon, Baekhyun come back to fetch Minji but before they go home, he and Eunji have a talk.
The next saturday, Baekhyun was there again, but unlike the other time, he didn't go to their shop and just spend his day with the kids and Eunji.
He said that it was just okay for him to go there since their shop was not that busy. that day, the two became closer.
Eunji was in the garden, the other children were already there, soon Minji came. She smiled to herself knowing that she would see Baekhyun again. But her smiled disappear when Minji say goodbye to her mom. Meaning, she was not accompanied by Baekhyun. well, before it's always her mom that bring Minji to the daycare. And Eunji thought that maybe Baekhyun was just busy.
She spend her day with the kids and play with them as always. But it can be seen that she was a little bit sad.
"unni" Minji called her
"are you sad because oppa is not here"
"huh? ah.... it's not t-that..why'd you ask? and I'm not sad"
"you look sad. Hihi but unni don't worry, my oppa is just busy today. He will come next week he promised me that"
"ah, okay"
"ahm unni, my oppa wants to ask something"
"what's that?"
"why are you avoiding him at school?"
Eunji was shocked. Baekhyun noticed? 
"I--I'm not avoiding him, it's just..."
"He's sad when you avoid him, unni please don't avoid my oppa at school. He's really a nice guy" The kid said innocently
♥ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ♥
"Chanyeol!" Eunji shouted the moment chanyeol picked up the phone.
"Hey easy , what's the matter?"
"I need your help"
"about what?"
"transformation" she said
"transformation. Transform me into a girl"
"but you are a girl" chanyeol answered sarcastically
"aish, you know what I mean. Help me to look pretty and girly."
"For Baekhyun?"
"uhm... yeah"
"how many times would I have to tell you, you are already pretty. And you don't need to  dress up just for Baekhyun to notice you."
"But.. you know me. I lose all my confidence when I see his fangirls. They were all so pretty unlike me. If you don't want to help then it's okay" Eunji then hung up
She called Bomi and Chorong and they agreed to help.
That Sunday, the two girls visited Eunji's house
"Eunji ah!""
"thank you for coming"
"so finally decided get out of your shell"
"uhm,hihi" Eunji just laugh
"Let's start"
"Eunji, remove your glasses" Bomi said
"huh? But i won't be able to see clearly"
"just do it, those glasses are the worst"
"let us see first" Bomi slowly remove her glasses
"Yah you're really pretty!"
"Just wear contacts, and let us juSt fix your hair a little because it's already covering you're face. You don't need much make up, you're naturally pretty." Bomi commented and Eunji smiled
"Okay, so now the clothes!" Chorong went to Eunji's wardrobe and open it
"What are these? Baggy shirts, pants, shorts.. are these your brother's things?"
"that's mine"
"it's like a boy's wardrobe. No dresses? Skirts?" she asked
"then lets shop!"
so the three girls went to the mall. They make Eunji wear dresses and girly stuffs. After the shopping they went to a salon so Eunji can get a haircut. They also buy contact lens.
They decided to have a sleep over at Eunji's house so they can help her the next morning .
And girls' sleep over means talking about boy's 
"Eunji, what's your plan?"
"nothing much, I just want to boost my confidence so that I won't run away from Baekhyun again when he tries to talk to me, but I really hope I could do that"
"yyeah! EUNJI FIGHTHiNG!"they cheered
"Unni, I saw kris last time. With a girl" Eunji said to bomi
"I dont care about him now"
"We're not talking top each other now, but at least his fans we're not disturbing me" Bomi said
"so what about Luhan oppa?"
"he's still my friend, we're back to normal, at least if you could say that. We're starting to talk to each other now."
"that's good"
"How about you unni?" Bomi asked Chorong
"how are you and Suho oppa?"
"we're good" Chorong smiled "we just celebrated our 100th day together last week and he's really sweet"
"aww, how I wish my love story is just like yours. So happy and sweet."
After some more chitchats, they decided to sleep. The next morning they help Eunji to fix his hair and put a little make up. She wears her contact lens and left her glasses inside her drawer. After that, they were off to school
The three girls went to their own classes. But before that, they witnessed how many boys glanced and stare at Eunji when they entered that gates. They also hear some asking if she was a new student. And they just smiled.
While walking to her class, Eunji saw Chanyeol walking ahead of her. She walk faster and purposely bump to Chanyeol
"ah Sorry miss" Chanyeol bowed then look at her
"I'm really sorry miss..." 
She look at him and slowly smiled, she can't help not to laugh at his friends face. Chanyeol was obviously stunned.
"Eunji?! is that you?"
"hahahaha Goodmorning Chanyeol!" she beamed
"woah, you're beautiful.. wait you're not mad at me?"
"no haha"
They went inside the room and sat down. Soon Lay and Chen came in. They greeted Chanyeol in his seat like the usual, and when they were greeting Eunji. 
"Woah a pretty lady"
"hey miss are you new here?"
"wait why are you in Eunji's chair?" Lay asked
"EUNJI?!" the two said
Chanyeol and Eunji just laughed at them
♥ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ♥
Dear Diary,
My plan is to finally be confident with myself.
And maybe, someday to confess my feelings for him....
Eunji was walking in the hallways. She was going to the field to watch Baekhyun again as he practiced soccer. but then a guy stopped her and blocked her way. And she was shocked to see that it's Baekhyun
"Hello Eunji!" Baekhyun greeted 
"yah, don't try to run again and avoid me" he said and hold her wrist
"and by the way, you look good today" he said. he whispered something else but Eunji didn't hear those.
They started walking and Baekhyun was still holding her wrist, gently. 
"Hey Eunji, let's have lunch together okay. I always want to ask you but you always hide from me. I prepared a bento for you. You'll love it, it looks like mashimaro because you said you like that character. And it also look like you hahaha, and..." Baekhyun keeps talking, he was really talkative.
"may I ask something?"
"uhm, How did you recognized me?" she asked and Baekhyun stopped walking
"I mean, even my bestfriend take a moment before realizing that it's me when he saw me."
Baekhyun releases her hand
"It's not hard to recognized the face of someone that's always on my mind"
"I.. mean.... I already saw you without your glasses so I recognized you."
"but it's not actually that"
Baekhyun hesitated at first,
"Eunji. I like you. no, I don't like you, I love you. And if you ask me how can I recognized you easily when you change your look. I'll say again, it's because you're always in my mind. I admit, I liked you first because of your voice. A voice that always in my head. But then when I see your face, I never thought that you look ugly or something. You look lovely. You don't it, but I always watch you from afar. When you're not looking. And I have the chance to be close to you, I saw how a great person you are."
Eunji just stand there, shocked with his confession
...but I never thought that he will be the one to confess.
♥ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ♥
I'm sorry if I can't update regulary now, school just started again.
And why do I get a feeling that I'm writing a total nonsense?!
but I promise I will update when I can
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Chapter 16: waaahh !! my heart dropped when I've my username as chanyeol's chatmate. ♡♡♡♡
smileypink #2
Chapter 26: I am ready for it!!
Chapter 26: a definite yesss! the title sounds good :)
Chapter 26: YESSSSSS!!! I will wait patientlyyy
ainiekkm92 #5
Chapter 26: Daebakk...waiting for the sequel....
Chapter 26: omg OMG yes YES YES YEHET
haziqahsone #7
Chapter 26: Sequel?? Omgg i really waiting for it. Ahhhh can't wait. I will waiting the sequel with patience. Good luck author-nim!!
Chapter 26: I'm so excited for the sequel I hope you will keep the same pairings if not at least some of the pairing because I really do like the pairings you have in this story
Chapter 26: Omg SEQUEL!!!!!!!!
Chapter 24: sequel sequel sequel!