Another Fight, Another Start

The Lost Diary


Dear Diary,
Do you know how it feels like to have all the problems on your back?
Well, I do.
-Kungfu Panda



"Tao, what had happened? Haven't I told you to stop fighting? And stop bullying Chen. I thought you already stop?"


Tao just sat and look at the older guy. He didn't speak a word.
"I know Chen can be annoying but..."
"I'm sorry" Tao finally said
"Tao.." Suho sat down in front of him 
"I just can't control myself, he's really annoying for me, and... and he mentioned  my parents.."
"but it's still not right to have a fight with him! Ahh, I'm sorry that I'm already shouting at you but, theres just so many things going on. You know that Kris and Luhan is already suspended, do you want to join them? You know, without you three, our school won't win in the championship. But that's not just the problem, you know I'm still woried about you as a friend."

Tao always hated Chen, he wouldn't hate him if the latter just don't troll him. Tao hate being laughed at, he's the one who pulled pranks not the one being pranked. And Chen's prank was his biggest mistake to Tao. He don't care if Chen is his senior. He takes revenge to Chen and wants him to suffer, but Chen's always smiling, whenever Tao pranked him, he just smiled and laughed annoyingly. And that's what makes Tao more angry.

Tao was known in their school as the greatest bully. He was feared because of his wushu skills, but he don't really uses it to anyone. He just love to pull pranks, but outside the school, he always caught fight with other kids from other schools. 
But lately, he feel that he want to change. Because he was inlove, so he seek the help of Suho, a good friend and brother like but sometimes more like of a nagging mom. 
He don't pull pranks to anyone, and he stay away from fights. He also stop.bullying Chen, ignoring him whenever he saw the older guy. 
But not that day.. when he conffessed his love for the girl but she rejected. No matter how nice her tone and way of rejecting him was, the fact that it hurts so much deep inside won't get away. 
"I'm sorry if I can't accept your love. I already  love someone else. You know right. But I will  always be your friend, if you want. And you'll always be my panda."
"it's okay... I just w-want you to know how I feel.. "
"Panda.. someday, there's a girl that will return your love"
Tao forced a smile
"I'll be going." The girl said and walk away
He walk away, throwing the flowers he prepared into the nearest trashbin. He walked further and he saw Chen, having that annoying smile plastered on his face as always.
"Hey Tao" he said, but Tao just walked past him "Does it hurt to be rejected?"
Tao closed his fist, trying so hard not to punch Chen.
"Do you want to start a fight?" Tao just said
"Fight? Do you think fighting will make everything fine? Do you think that it will lessen the pain? Tss, you surely are a kid"
"what do you want?"
"nothing much,  but if you want some advice.."
"don't think that you know what I'm going through! You don't know anything?!" He shouted as he grabbed the collar of Chen's uniform, but Chen still smiled at him
"You may not believe, but I actually know the feeling"
"You're a stupid troll, a crazy and stupid one, you never experience any pain, you never and will never know how I feel!"
"That's why no one loves you, because you are blinded by the hatred that grows in your heart. Maybe you don't even know love! That's why everyone leaves you! that's why  your parents leave you!"
Tao snapped, that's it, he hit Chen in the face
"Shut up! You can only say that because you are living  a happy life!"
"All you think is about yourself, you think that you own all the problems in the world!" 
The two punched each others face until the teachers and other students came and stop them
"Junmyeon, the teacher is calling for you" a student came and said
Suho stand up and about to walk out of the office when Chen enters, his wounds were treated and has a band aid near his chin and under his right eye. Suho look at Tao and then back to Chen
"Don't worry, we won't kill each other here" Chen said before sitting on a sofa infront of Tao, and the latter just look away. Suho then walk out
♥ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ♥
Dear Diary,
I learned a lot now...
The teacher went out of the room, Tao and Chen followed his suit. 
"I hope you would learn your lesson." He said then go.
Chen started to walk, Tao followed.
"Hmm, seems that I'll be having a week vacation" Chen said
"it's a suspension."
"I know"
"you seem not worry, tss what a happy kid"
"it's okay for me, I don't really have anything to do, I wonder what will happen to the basketball team." 
"win or lose I don't care" Tao said
"you seemed more calm now"
"why? Want me to fight you again?"
The two walk out of the school gates, and they parted ways.
Tao went and head home, but on his way, a bunch of delinquents blocked his way
"Hey China boy" one of them said
"I don't have time for you" 
"hey, it's along time no see, don't you miss us?" the boy with a cap said
"seems that you're back and ditched class again" the one with a cut near  his eyes said
Tao didn't say anything and walk past them
"Don't walk away, when I'm still talking to you"
Just then a punch hit his stomach, soon all of them punched him. He's not fighting back,  
"Hey! Fight back!"
"where's the almighty wushu kid?"
Tao stayed still. A part of him want to fight back, but another said no--the weaker part of him.
"Panda Tao! Smile!" Yookyung said and snap a picture of him
"Yookyung is more suitable with nice kids, so stop fighting" Lay said
"Don't stoop down to the level of those kids" Kris said
"Change Tao, for the better" Suho said and smiled at him
He thinks of his friends, their words. Words that make him weak, make him to break his wall, but he didn't regret it. he didn't even know why is he thinking of them, is he going to die there?
Slowly, even if they are  still hitting him, he smiled
"Stupid panda"  a voice said
He imagined it right? He thought. But soon, the hitting stopped he just heard some footsteps running away
"You're still really akid. Do you think smiling like an idiot would save you? If I don't came, they could have killed you" Tao slowly sat, his body was aching, he then look at guy beside him. 
Chen was looking at him, smiling. His wounds were opened again and more wounds were added in his face.
"But that's what you always do right? Always smiling even if I'm bullying you" he answered
"why? Am i your Idol now. Pfft. Of course it can not be applied to every situation. Especially, something like this , you should fight back"
"hey, come on" Chen stand and offered a hand
"are you really this kind or just doing this so you can use it against me"
"whatever you think. I don't care." 
Soon they reached Chen's house, it was just a block away from Tao's house. 
"I never thought you live here"
"A few people only know where I lived"
"I think you're a good fighter"
"they ran away... what did you do for them to be scared and run?"
"you want to know?" Chen asked seriously while Tao looked at him
Chen went near to Tao and whispered "I showed them my "
"yeah, whatever"
Tao sat on the sofa and Chen went to somewhere. When he came back, he put the first aid kit on the table. He sat on the other sofa and started to treat his own wounds
"Hey, treat your wounds immediately" he said to Tao
Tao just look at him
"What do you want me to treat your wounds? Wouldn't it be awkward? Our faces were near each other, then suddenly you will stare at my face, I'll stop then look back you and then slowly, our faces will getting closer and closer and--"
"Shut up! I'm not gay" Tao said and grab a steriled cotton and pressed it on the wound in his jaw
"Aww!" He shouted as he feel the sting
"ahahaha you should see your face!"
Tao unknowingly, smiled. After treating their own wounds. Chen put the kit back to it's place.
"Mind if I stay here for a while?" Tao asked 
"sure, even not friends, I think a company is great"
Tao look around at the house
"Are living on your own?" Tao asked again, looking up at a photo of a couple with a kid between them. The kid was obviously Chen
"how about your parents?"
"they are in a better place"
Tao look at Chen
"They are already up there, with Him"
"I..I'm sorry"
"it's okay, oh I remember, I haven't apologized yet with what I say to you this morning"
"it's fine"
"I'm so cute in that photo right?" Chen said and look at the photo "it's our only family photo, taken a week before they died" 
Tao look at him, he can see sadness in his eyes. Chen's parent's died when he's still a kid. Taao tried to change the topic by asking him something else, and he saw some music sheets on the table
"are you writing a song?"
"oh yes"
"who's it for?"
"someone special"
"your girlfriend?"
"I don't have a girlfriend"
"I don't have one"
"then for who?"
"why do you want to know? I never thought you like gossiping"
"just say it, you know who I like so just say yours"
"okay, it's for Namjoo"
"Namjoo? doesn't she have a boyfriend?"
"yes, see, I told you... I know how it feels"
Tao keep quiet
"but you know, you'restill lucky Yookyung is your friend and you make memories with her. Unlike me, she only knows me as a hopeless senior who sleeps in the old music room."
...and I'll start again.
-Kungfu Panda
♥ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ♥
After the talk with Chen, somehow, Tao felt guilty for bullying him. Thinking that he's always smiling because he have that perfect life, but in reality he's also suffering and hurting.
Tao can still be luckier than Chen, maybe his parents was not always with him, maybe they were away. But they were still alive. there is still a hope that they'll fix things. Tao can still see them, but with Chen, he couldn't do that anymore.
There's a thing that still confused Tao
"Chen, why are you always smiling?" He asked
"oh that, I know that my smile was annoying for you. But you know, my mom said that I have the sweetest smile. So I always smile, so wherever they are, they can still see the sweetest smile for them."
"Tao.." Suho called " How are you doing now?"
"I'm fine I guess"
"Chen and I were already friends"
"yeah, It's like the big joke of the year right"
"hyung? you seemed worried, got a problem"
"hey Tao, would you believe if I tell you that my girlfriend is jealous of you?"
"what? Chorong noona?"
"yeah, she said I'm not paying attention to her, and I'm spending more time with you than her.."
"I'm sorry hyung.."
"no, it's not your fault."
"but, It's still because of me"
"yeah, it's because of you so you have to help me, I'll have a surprise for her on her birthday."
"yes sir" Tao said and slip a notebook inside Suho's bag, without him knowing
♥ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ♥




here I am again, I don't even know what I'm writing.

But hey! have you watched MAMA 2013?!

My EXOPINK feels <3

Apink siiting in front of EXO, Eunji singing along with wolf and more!

Congrats to both of them! 



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Chapter 16: waaahh !! my heart dropped when I've my username as chanyeol's chatmate. ♡♡♡♡
smileypink #2
Chapter 26: I am ready for it!!
Chapter 26: a definite yesss! the title sounds good :)
Chapter 26: YESSSSSS!!! I will wait patientlyyy
ainiekkm92 #5
Chapter 26: Daebakk...waiting for the sequel....
Chapter 26: omg OMG yes YES YES YEHET
haziqahsone #7
Chapter 26: Sequel?? Omgg i really waiting for it. Ahhhh can't wait. I will waiting the sequel with patience. Good luck author-nim!!
Chapter 26: I'm so excited for the sequel I hope you will keep the same pairings if not at least some of the pairing because I really do like the pairings you have in this story
Chapter 26: Omg SEQUEL!!!!!!!!
Chapter 24: sequel sequel sequel!