The Great EXOPINK Gang!

The Lost Diary

Chorong smiled as she watched her friends having fun. She excused herself from them before going to her room. She saw Suho's gift on her table, along with a purple notebook. 

"What's this?" She asked herself, then she felt two arms hugging her waist
"ah!" she yelp, surprised.
"It's just me" Suho said
Chorong turn her haid and saw Suho, who was backhugging her.
"You scared me"
"Sorry" he said before reaching for the small box on the table, he opened it and get the necklace inside.
"It's so beautiful" Chorong said looking at the necklace
"But not as beautiful as you." He said and wear it to Chorong's neck. Chorong can't help but blush by his actions.
Chorong turn around and face Suho.
"It suits you"
"Thank you Joonmyun"
"Always welcome"
They hugged each other. They stay like that for a while, being comfortable in each other's arm. 
"Joonmyun ah," Chorong call his name while still hugging him
"you don't have to, I'm the one who--"
"It's not about our fight, it's the n--"
"hush, I said you don't have to, maybe it's really going to happen."
"I love you"
"I love you too, now let's go maybe they were already looking for us"
The two went back to their friends, Suho sat with the boys while Chorong chats with the girls.
Dear Diary,
For my birthday, having a supportive family,
dorky friends and a loving boyfriend,
I couldn't wish for more"
♥ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ♥
Chorong stand up to get some drinks when she stopped by the balcony. She saw Eunji and Baekhyun there.  She just smiled and watch them, being sweet to each other. Eunji was never the sweet kind of girl, she was boyish but it change when Baekhyun came to the scene. 
"Noona, what are you--"
"shh" she hush Chanyeol who just came. Chanyeol peek at the balcony and saw what she was looking at.
"Noona, why are you watcing them?"
"nothing, I just saw them" she said looking at Chanyeol who was now also looking intently at the couple.
"I believe that someday, you'll also find the girl for you"
Chanyeol just smiled back
"And I'm happy that you and Baekhyun build up your friendship again"
"Aigoo, don't you know how much I missed your bonding together? Oh by the way, have you visited her?" she asked her cousin
"Yes, the day we became friends again, we already visited her." Chanyeol answered
"unni? Yeollie oppa?" Eunji asked, finally noticing them.
"Uh, hi there"
"Chanyeol, come here" Baekhyun said
"Why? I'll look like a thirdwheel"
The three started to joke around
"I'll go ahead first" Chorong said, glad that even with the love issue between those three, they were still friends
Chorong went to the table and get a glass of drink where she noticed Chen.
"Hey Chen"
"Thank you for playing the piano earlier, you're a great pianist" 
"Thank you, noona."
"hey unni, hey Chen  oppa" greeted Namjoo who just came
"Hey Joo"
"Oppa, you did great earlier" Namjoo complemented him
"Thank you"
"uh oppa, you still haven't forget your promise right? That we will perform on one stage together someday?"
"of course I haven't"
"Great, because watching you earlier, I get excited to perform with a great performer like you" Namjoo beamed brightly, showing her smile
"ME too"
Namjoo, Chen and Chorong have a little chat before Namjoo return to Kyungsoo, and Chen sat again with the other boys.
Chorong's gaze followed Chen, who sat beside Suho. Chorong unknowingly smiled, witnessing the Basketball players talking with the soccer players. 
The two teams of that difderent sports were known in their school as the best teams and their rivalry is also not secret, especially with their captains, Kris and Luhan.
The two who really hates each other, especially when Bomi became Kris' girlfriend, and it was known that Bomi was Luhan's bestfriend. And now  Bomi broke up with Kris along with Luhan's feelings for Bomi being revealed. 
Eventhough, Chorong was glad that they were talking with each other, even if can be clearly seen that the two captains didn't get along, at least the others were, Xiumin from the soccer team was a bubbly person taking away their awkwardness, while Tao and Lay form the basketball team seemed to be being friendly, Chen also shows off his jokes.
Chorong walk to the other side to join her friends, Bomi and Yookyung who were eating.
"Hey Bbom, hey Yookyungie"
"hey unni" the two greeted but Bomi's greeting were muffled because of the food in
"Bomi, swallow that first before speaking" chorong said and Bomi did
"sorry unni"
"so why are you two only here?"
"as you can see, all of them are busy with their boyfriends. " Bomi stated,
That was true, Eunji is with Baek, Namjoo is with kyungsoo, Naeun and Kai were playing while Hayoung and Sehun were getting selca's together.
"Yookyung here is kind enough not to leave me alone." Bomi added
"It's because Xiumin oppa is talking with his friends" Yookyung answered
"so if he's not then you'll leave me too?" Bomi asked to Yookyung
"just kidding unni"
♥ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ♥
Dear Diary,
School's last weeks were pretty busy, 
But a plan gets in my mind....
Chorong waited outside the office, waiting for Suho to come out, and not so long after, he came out of the door.
"So how was it?" She asked with full hopes in her eyes
"Approved!" Suho answered,
"waaah!"   The two jump in joy like kids
"Unni, oppa please stop, you're embarrasing yourself" another student from the council said to them
♥ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ♥
"Yah! What take you so long!" Chorong asked Bomi who just came
"Sorry unni" she just awkwardly laugh
"So now we're complete" Chorong said happily whle clapping her hands
"What's this for unni?"
"yeah, are we having a meeting?"
Questions bombarded Chorong from the 17 students in front of her and Suho. Earlier that morning, she texted them to have lunch with them, so now all 19 of them occupied a big space in the cafeteria, they needed to join three tables for all of them.
Chorong just smiled at them and nudge Suho to speak, but instead the leader stand up. Holding a megaphone in his hand, Suho stepped on one of the table.
"uh .hello" he said throught the megaphone, all the students look at him 
"I, Kim Joonmyun, president of the Student Council will have an announcement, so... uhh,"
"aish, this guy, give me that" Chorong stand up and also step on the table, grabbing the megaphone from Suho. 
And at the same time, making everyone on their table look up at her, Baekhyun covered Luhan's eyes who was on the seat beside Chorong, for he can see the god-knows-what of Chorong, Eunji on the other hand also covered Baekhyun's eyes, on the other Naeun do the same to Kai and Chen.
"Yah! Look down!" Chorong shouted to the boys on her table, and they did.
"Good, now Hello Students of our beloved school!" She speak, her voice too loud she doesn't need to use the megaphone.
"You all know that we have our Senior's Activity every year right? It is for the Seniors to enjoy before graduating, but this year will be  different, because not only seniors but all year levels will have the activity! It is because we thought that Seniors have friends with other years too and our hoobaes need to have fun also..
And so, our activity this year would be.....
2 days Camping!!!!"
everyone cheered hearing her announcement
"There will be different activities for each year level, but there's a time when you can join them, for further questions and registering, please go to our office, and posters about the said camping will be posted on the bulletin board. Thank you and enjoy your lunch!" Chorong said before going down and sitting down again.
"I love camping"
""Our table is the noisiest" Xiumin said
"because there are 19 people here" Chen answered
"This  would be fun!"
"of course it is! So all of you, have to come" Chorong said
"Yes mam!" they all replied
Chorong stand up "EXOPINK! Fighting!" she cheered  but all her friends just stared at her, except for Suho 
"why?!" she asked
"what's exopink?" Sehun asked
"Our group name of course"
"where did you get that?" Bomi asked
"Is it not good? I thought it is" Chorong said sadly, Suho stand up and pats her back
Feeling guilty and not wanting to see Chorong sad, they all said "It's good!" 
Hearing it, Chorong smiled and beamed to them
"Really? My Joonmyunie thinks of that! wooh, see I told you they'll like it!" she face Suho and they high five
The other just look at them with disbelief
"what a couple"
Chorong chuckled at the cuteness of her friends. She was realy happy to be friends with all of them, too bad that she met some of them only on her birthday so she will make sure that the camping trip will be a blast for them.
♥ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ♥
Chorong was at the garden, thinking of the activities that students will do on the camping. She goes there because the garden is quiet and she can think properly.
"Chorong look at the girl who called her.
"Yes Bomi?"
"I just.. I need your's about Luhan and Kris"
"You made up your mind?"
"Not even close to that, you see unni I'm really confused. Kris was really a sweet and caring oppa to me when we dated but he hurted me, but he was still special for me. And Luhan oppa is also a good friend. I know there is something that I feel for him"
"Please help me, who will I choose?"
"Bomi,I know you're having a hard time now, you need to choose wisely because your happiness depends on it. Choose the one that your heart screams for"
"but I don't know who"
".okay lets see" Chorong paused before getting something from her pocket
A coin
"What's that?" Bomi asked
"a coin"
"I know unni but what for?"
"This will detemine, who will you choose between them"
"what? Unni you'll just let a coin decide for my lovelife?"
"I'm doing this because you can't choose! Now shut up, who'll be the head?"
"uh, Luhan?"
"okay, so Kris is the tail, get ready bomi" Chorong said as she prepared the coin on her finger before tossing it.
It flipped to the air and the girls watch as it comes back down to Chorong's palm and she quickly catch and enclosed it inside her hand.
She look at Bomi who was nervous.
"Now, Yoon Bomi! Your fate is decided!"
she said and peek through her hands, she saw the result but don't let Bomi to see it. With a smile she threw the coin onto the wishing well.
"I wish for Bomi's happy lovelife!" Chorong wished, she even joined her hands together, like praying.
"Yah unni, why don't you let me see it?" Bomi whined
"why? You already know the answer"
"huh? But I haven--"
"You already choose right? The moment when the coin was still up in the air, the name that popped in your head is the one. The name that you want to come out. there is one of them am I right?"
Bomi look at her confusely before having a smile. Because it's true that at that short moment his name was the one she wishes to come out. 
She hugged her unni tightly
"Chorong unni! Thank you! You are a genius!"
"I know I am"
"but unni, can you tell me what comes out? Head or Tail?"
"no, I won't tell you!
"whatever Bbom, I won't tell you! Now go, you're disturbing me"
.....I'll makle sure that it'll be an unforgettable Camping trip!
♥ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ♥
Suho was working on some papers when a cup of coffee was put on his table
"Have a little break mister"
"thank you Chorongie"
The council was busy, especially the two of them. They were filing and printing permits and letters that will be passed for the camping trip. The said camping trip would be two weeks, and they still have to review for the final exam.  And varsities were preparing for the Championship. 
It sure was a hectic schedule but a few more days and they could finally relax. 
"Chorongie" suho called to her, making her glance at him
"you're getting prettier everyday"
With that, her cheeks turned red
♥ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ♥
Yehet! I've updated. 
This should be another Surong chapter, but yeah all other couple came in hehe
okay, so I really don't know who to write next? Suggestions anyone? :)) 
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Chapter 16: waaahh !! my heart dropped when I've my username as chanyeol's chatmate. ♡♡♡♡
smileypink #2
Chapter 26: I am ready for it!!
Chapter 26: a definite yesss! the title sounds good :)
Chapter 26: YESSSSSS!!! I will wait patientlyyy
ainiekkm92 #5
Chapter 26: Daebakk...waiting for the sequel....
Chapter 26: omg OMG yes YES YES YEHET
haziqahsone #7
Chapter 26: Sequel?? Omgg i really waiting for it. Ahhhh can't wait. I will waiting the sequel with patience. Good luck author-nim!!
Chapter 26: I'm so excited for the sequel I hope you will keep the same pairings if not at least some of the pairing because I really do like the pairings you have in this story
Chapter 26: Omg SEQUEL!!!!!!!!
Chapter 24: sequel sequel sequel!