We're Not Done Yet (Ending Part 1)

The Lost Diary

A/N Sorry if this took so long. So, maybe if you get confused, I just put this, to know who were the seniors and juniors. I know Tao and Kyungsoo is actually older than Bomi and Eunji, but yeah, since they were at the 'younger' guys of exo, I made them juniors hehe


Class 3-A  Suho, Chorong, Kris

Class 3-B  Luhan, Bomi, Xiumin, Baekhyun

Class 3-C  Eunji, Chanyeol, Lay, Chen



Class 2-A  Naeun, Yookyung, Sehun

Class 2-B  Namjoo, Hayoung, Kyungsoo

Class 2-C  Tao, Kai



♥ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ♥


It's their last night at the camp. All of them were eating their dinner together by the beach. They were all having fun. Most of the seniors were being dramatic and speak about how are they going to miss the school, their friends and teachers. The teachers were also being dorky and played with them. 

Hayoung just finished eating when her phone vibrated. She took from her pocket and read a message.
From: Chorong unni
See you at the beach! 11pm. It's a requirement! :D
Hayoung knit her brows before replying
To: Chorong unni
Wae unni? And are we allowed? We should be sleeping that time.
Within a minute, Chorong already replied
From: Chorong unni
A secret. And don't worry about it, just go okay
Hayoung just shrugged and look around. When she spotted Chorong, it was already looking at her. Chorong smiled and show her a thumbs up. Hayoung smiled to her and nodded.
"What is it?" Sehun asked Hayoung
"Do you received a text from Chorong unni?"
Sehun then look for his phone and noticed that there was a message from Chorong. He opened it and it was the same as what Hayoung gets.
♥ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ♥
After the dinner and their party, by 10 pm all students were already sleeping at their own tents. But not really all. Bomi was tossing and turning inside the tent. She received a message from Chorong earlier so she just decided to go to the beach. When she's ready, she opened the tent but was shocked to find someone outside.
"Ahhskfhsgateytryd" She shouted but the person covered  
"Shh Bomi, the others might woke up. It's just me, Luhan" Luhan said and removed his hand on Bomi's mouth.
"I was shocked oppa. But why are you here?"
"To fetch you, because everyones waiting for you" He said
"What do you mean?"
"Haven't you received Chorong's message?" Luhan asked
"Oh, so you received it too?"
"We all do, now let's go to them" Luhan said and stretched his hands towards Bomi.
Bomi hold his hand and they walk to the beach hand in hand. 
When they reached the beach, all 17 people of EXOPINK were looking at them and started to tease them. They get shy and separated their hands.
"Eyy someone's jealous" Chen who was beside Kris, said.
"Shut up"
"Why didn't you bring your girlfriend?" Tao said
"How many times should I tell you that Ace is not my girlfriend, he's my son!" Kris said and made the others laugh. 
They try to laugh it off, because behind their laugh, they know how it feels for Kris. Bomi chose Luhan, and they can't do anything about it. It was Bomi's decision. But they were still glad that Kris accepted it.
"Okay, stop with that, come on guys take your seat!" Chorong shouted. They all gathered and sat on the sand, making a circle around the bon fire.
"Chorong, what is this all about?" Xiumin asked as she played with Yookyung's hair.
"Yeah, and are we allowed to stay here now? The teachers will scold us" Lay asked
"Hey guys, relax! I won't get you in trouble, everything is fine, right babe?" She turned to Suho and he nodded.
"Of course babe" Suho replied with his angelic smile.
"pfft, perks of being a president" Tao said
"Okay, actually, I gathered all of you here, because of a simple reason. I want to make this night, memorable for us. Because we just became a whole group this time. It's actually late, because the school year is already ending and were also graduating. I know that were gonna see each other again, but it won't be as often as now, so before I graduate, I want to spend a memorable and special day with you all"
"Aww, Unni is being dramatic"
"And also I have something to announce"
"what is it?"
"Anyone of you remember this notebook?" Chorong said and show them a purple notebook, a very familiar one to all of them. All of them, except for Suho, was shocked to saw the notebook. 
"Where'd you get that?" Xiumin asked
"On the place where you two left it" Chorong answered and look at Chen
"So, does that mean that you're the owner?" Chen asked and Chorong nodded
The others were shocked once again of Chorong's answer. 
"So actually, I know that all of us have already written on my diary. That's why I called all of you here."
"So what will we do now?"
"We just became a whole group recently, there are some things that we haven't know about each other, so let's get to know each other more. And we will start with your diary entries!" Chorong said
"I think that's fun" Yookyung said
"Okay! Then let's start!" Baekhyun shouted
"Let's start from the first one who wrote!" Sehun added and gain a tug on his shirt by Hayoung "Wae?" He asked while looking at Hayoung.
"Hayoung is the first who wrote in the diary" Chorong said and chuckled
"Ow" Sehun said and chuckled, gaining a glare from Hayoung
Hayoung sighed before speaking, "Okay, so how does it goes?"
"I have a question" Chorong said
"What is it unni?"
"How did you get the diary?"
"Well, I was at the garden that time, and I just found it there, lying on the ground. I was going to surrender it to the lost and found, but I forgot. Then that day, something great happened, and I just felt the urge to write it there" Hayoung explained, and during her explanation, Sehun gets the diary and read her entry there
"So you really have a big crush on me even before huh" Sehun said
"Yah!" Hayoung answered that made everyone laugh. 
"Aish, let's just go to the next" Hayoung added
"Hey that's me!" Chen blurted
"Yeah, Chen, I read that you made a promise with someone" Suho said and smiled
"Ehm, that's.."
"What promise?" The others asked
"remember that time in the old music room? I want to perform with you, on one stage" Chen said to Namjoo
"ah, yes I remember"
"Why don't you do it now?" Kris, whom everyone thought is not listening, suggested
"Yeah, since Chen is a senior, and after this we'll be dealing with graduation stuff, you won't have a chance to do it"
"Kris oppa is right, but since we don't have a piano here, just sing for us. You two are great singers" Eunji said that gained nods from the others
Chen wanted to do it, but he hesitated, he looks at Namjoo then at Kyungsoo, who just kept quiet all the time. Meanwhile, Namjoo looks at her boyfriend, giving him the is-it-okay look and he replied with a nod. With that she smiled and stand up, Chen followed and the two walk to the front.
The two started to sing a cute love song. Everyone seems to be enjoying the performance, except for one guy, Do Kyungsoo. He stared at the two, he admit, they look good together, and they were great singers, he didn't realize that he's feeling too much in his heart, he can hardly breath, so he decided to stand and go away, to have some fresh air, Since he was at the back and the others were focusing on the two at the front, some didn't notice his leave.
"Oppa" Namjoo stopped singing when she notice him walking away, the others all look at Kyungsoo who was not a bit far from them, Namjoo followed him, leaving Chen and everyone with a confused look. 
"Oppa" Namjoo said when she reached Kyungsoo. They are not too far from them, but some trees were covering the sight of the others from them. Kyungsoo was leaning on a coconut tree while looking at the stars.
"Oppa" Namjoo repeated. Kyungsoo finally look at her
"Are you okay?" She asked
"Yeah, why did you leave them?" Kyungsoo asked
"I should be the one asking, why did you leave?"  she asked but Kyungsoo didn't answer her. He just lowered his head.
"Are you jealous?" She asked
Kyungsoo looks at her and smiled, a sad smile.
"Chen hyung. He's a good guy. He's funny. He's a good singer. He's kind. He's a gentleman. He's handsome."Kyungsoo said while looking above
"what are you--"
"He's just everything as your ideal type. I admit it, I am jealous. When I watched you two singing, you look just so good together, and I'm afraid, that one day, I will woke up and you're not there anymore"
Namjoo went beside him and look at the stars too "You know what, you also said that your ideal type is someone who is prim, someone pretty, kind, smart, quiet. And that is so not me. But despite that, you love me. It's the same for me. Even if you're not really a gentleman, and with all those fights we have, it's still you that I will love. We all have our ideal type, but that does not necessarily will tell who will we love. Because once our heart fall for someone, we won't look for those characteristics after, we will just love that person no matter what."
"B-But you do know that Chen hyung likes you right?" Kyungsoo asked and Namjoo nodded
Truthfully, Namjoo knows Chen's feelings toward her. But she just learned it that day
It was already getting dark and Namjoo can't find the diary on her things.
"Aish, where'd that go?" she said to herself
"Namjoo" someone called
Namjoo turned around and saw Chen
"oppa, what are you doing here?"
"C-can I talk to you?"
"uhm sure" she said, after that they went to a place where there are no students
"What is it oppa?"
"uhm...  I..I just wanted to say..Thank you"
"what for?"
"Thank you, for inspiring me. I have good news. I can play the piano again"
"uhm. I really thank you for motivating me"
"It's nothing oppa, and besides, you're a great performer so I know you can do it" Namjoo smiled
"Thanks, ah Namjoo"
"neh, Is there anythng else?"
"I don't know if it's right to tell you, but..I ....I like you" Chen confessed and made Namjoo froze
"I-I know that you're with Kyungsoo. And I don't intend to ruin your relationship. I don't want anything in return. I just feel that I should tell you and let this out. Since, maybe it's the last day we'll see each other, because we're will already graduate. I just felt really thankful that  met you, and became your friend, even for just short time"
"But.. we..can't we just stay as friends?" 
"Yeah, I'm sorry, I know that 'm making you feel bad. But, I don't know. For now, I'll try to move on, it's nopt easy. But someday, if fate would let us meet again. You're always welcome to be my friend. I wish you and Kyungsoo the best" He said and walks away
Namjoo smiled at Kyungsoo before leaning her head to his shoulder. "And also, Chen oppa and I may look good together, but you and me, look perfect together" 
Kyungsoo then smiled and wrap his arms around hers, having their moment, a sudden flash from a camera got them back to reality. 
"Yah!" Kyungsoo shouted and run after Kai, who took the photo. Namjoo then run after them, and joined the whole group.
After they all settled, Kyungsoo apologized to Chen and he just forgive him. 
"Oh God, if you just see their drama there" Kai said while holding his laugh, earning a glare from Kyungsoo.
"Okay okay stop that now" Suho said "whose next?"
"Baekhyun oppa" Bomi said, she is now holding the diary before giving it to Eunji.
"yah, why did you give it to her?" Baekhyun whined
"Why? Can't I read what you wrote here?" Eunji ask
"Of course you can,, but..."
"He's shy. Look he's already blushing" Chanyeol teased
"Shut it Yeol!"
"ahahahaha" Eunji burst into laughter after reading Baekhyun's entry.
"Hey, what's so funny?"
"You hated it when we called you Bacon but it is what you used"
"It's because I just can't think of anything!" Baekhyun said, Eunji was still laughing, "hey hey that's too much, is it that funny?!"
"It's really funny, but Eunji's absurd laughter means something else" Chorong said 
"Hey!" Eunji stopped laughing
"Yeah, it just means she's avoiding something." Bomi added
"yah Yoon Bomi!" Eunji shouted
"Bacause she's really flustered with what you wrote, she pretends that she's laughing at the nickname" Chorong said
"Look at her cheeks, it's as red as tomato" Bomi said,while Eunji glared at the two, Baekhyun started laughing
"wow, you two really know that" Lay said
"of course, we won't be called bestfriends for nothing!" Bomi and Chorong high fived
"Yeah yeah whatever, let's move on" Eunji said, passing the notebook. 
"You're so cute babe" Baekhyun whispered
"Shut up"
"The next is my Goddess!" Kai beamed
"Hey how'd you know?" Naeun asked
"Of course, I read it!"
"Ow man" she said, a bit annoyed."you know it already, just skip me"
"hey, no fair"
"shut it oppa!"
"aish, fine" Kai said and opens the next page. "It's Xiumin hyung"
"Give it to me" Yookyung said
"No wait..." Xiumin protested but the diary is already in Yookyung's hands
"aww, you thought of me as a ghost?" Yookyungs said while pouting and everyone chuckled
"It's just that, well..." Xiumin tried to explain while scratching the back of his neck.
"Am I scary?!"
"No no, of course not, I'm sorry for thinking of you as a ghost, it's just, before everytime I saw you, you dissapear so suddenly" Xiumin said
"Actually, Yookyung is really scary sometimes" Naeun said
"huh, says the girl who looks like Sadako" Yookyung retorted
"Yah, not that again" Naeun said
"Hey hey hey what's that about?" Kai asked
"There's this rare time when went to the salon. And while we were doing our nails, Naeun feel asleep while drying her nails. You know, her head was bow low and her hair covers her face, and her hands were on the table. She looks like Sadako when she's coming out from the television" Namjoo told the story and even reenact it, causing the others to burst into laughter. Naeun, just facepalmed herself, knowing her boyfriend, Kai won't stop teasing her about that.
"Okay, next one is?" Chorong asked, after the laughter subside
"skip please" Lay said
"Why hyung?" Sehun asked
"You really asked that?" 
"It's okay hyung, someday, you'd find the girl for you" Tao said and patted Lay's back
After the teasing with the single gentlemen, they proceeded to Kyungsoo
"wooh it's Kyungsoo!" Kai cheered
"Can you not do that?" Kyungsoo said
"There's nothing really so, skip me"
"I have a question" Chen said, everybody looked at him
"w-what is it?"
"How long have you know each other? You and Namjoo?" 
"uhm, since middle school"
"and?" Lay asked, asking the guy to continue
"and what?"
"have you always been fighting since then?" Kai asked and Kyungsoo slowly nodded
"Yeah, Kyungsoo oppa is really mean back then, he always annoy me" Namjoo said and pouted
"I..I only do that so that"
"so that?"
"so that you will notice me.."
It was their first year in middle school, and Namjoo had already many friends. Namjoo was the loud girl, very talkative and super bubbly. She has the characteristics that Kyungsoo dislikes. Kyungsoo was always the reserved kind of guy.  He kind and easy going, but he doesn't like loud girls. And what he really hates the most is that, he has to sit wth her the entire school year. Namjoo always tried to talk to him, but he would always ignore her. Since then, Namjoo came to the conclusion that Kyungsoo doesn't like him, so she chooses to ignore Kyungsoo too. Even if they were seatmates, they barely talk with each other. And Kyungsoo, started to miss the loudness of the girl. Slowly, he became frustrated, as to why she never talks to him like usual.
They remain like that, until one day, with the unknown feeling that is growing in Kyungsoo's heart, and the urge he feels to finally talk to her, he made a mistake.
It was a hot day, they just finished their P.E class and decided to take a rest at the cafeteria, since it was nearing lucnh break. Kyungsoo gets a glass of juice and will offer it to Namjoo. His plan was to talk to her and be friends with her, so he could finally figure out what is the weird thing he is feeling. But as he approach her, he's getting nervous. And seems that he's unlucky that day, he tripped when he's near to Namjoo, causing for the juice to be spilled on Namjoo's P.E uniform
"Oh my Gosh!" Namjoo shouted and look at Kyungsoo with wide eyes
Kyungsoo, just stand there, not knowing what to do. He just stared at Namjoo.
"I..I am sorry" He said
"I just kept this inside, but you know, Mr. Do Kyungsoo, I know that you dislike loud girls like me. Maybe I annoy you because I always blabber nonsense, but if you really don't like me, you can just say it directly and not embarrass me like this!" Namjoo shouted at him and walks away.
Yes, it was a mistake that Kyungsoo did, and after that, she didn't get the chance to talk to her properly. She would always ignore her. That's why he always annoy her. Because that's the only way that she will talk to him. His only way to get noticed by her. 
"aww, that is so cute" Chorong commented after Kyungsoo told the story, meanwhile, Namjoo tried to hide her blushing face.
"Bomi's next" Kris suddenly said. Everyone kept silent and look at him
"why?" He asked
"ah..ahm.. there's nothing to talk about really...can we just skip" Bomi said
"ahm..okay" Kris said and passed the diary to the others. "Sorry" he said to Bomi. Leaving all of them in an awkward atmosphere. 
'what was that for?' Bomi thought but just nodded
"Eyy eyy me already?" Eunji gasped loudly, trying to lighten up the mood
"yes finally!" Bakehyun shouted
"I'm really touched babe, but you don't really have to change how you look, as you know, I already love you from the start" Baekhyun said
"aww, greasy bacon" Eunji said
"Yeah, you know what Eunji, he's really frustrated as to why you ignore him. And he really wants me to tell something about you. That's how much he likes you" Chen stated
Eunji then hugged Baekhyun from the side "Aww my Bacon"
"eyy stop calling me that" baekhyun pouted
"get a room!" Chanyeol said
"You're just jealous!" Eunji said
"Don't worry Chanyeol, I still love you!" Baekhyun joked
"Sorry Eunji, but I think BAekhyun and Chanyeol is more suitable to each other" Chen said and laughed
"Chanyeol is next right?" Chorong asked
"So you and BAekhyun were already friends before? what happened?" Lay asked curiously after reading
"well, we got into a fight.." Chanyeol started
"what did you fight about?" Luhan asked, everyones attention all turn to him
"It's actually...who" Baekhyun said
"we fight because of her" Chanyeol started
♥ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ♥




Okay, cliffhanger. I'm soo sorry, this took so ,much longer than promised. 

Well anyways, that's the part 1 of the Final Chapter, Part 2 will be posted tomorrow, or the next day.

But reallly soon, Promise :D

And yey! we already know the owner! 

PARK to the CHO to the RONG!

More details on how she is the owner on Part 2!


Apink's comeback MR.CHU!

Have you watched it?

It's really daebak!

They are just so cute! 




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Chapter 16: waaahh !! my heart dropped when I've my username as chanyeol's chatmate. ♡♡♡♡
smileypink #2
Chapter 26: I am ready for it!!
Chapter 26: a definite yesss! the title sounds good :)
Chapter 26: YESSSSSS!!! I will wait patientlyyy
ainiekkm92 #5
Chapter 26: Daebakk...waiting for the sequel....
Chapter 26: omg OMG yes YES YES YEHET
haziqahsone #7
Chapter 26: Sequel?? Omgg i really waiting for it. Ahhhh can't wait. I will waiting the sequel with patience. Good luck author-nim!!
Chapter 26: I'm so excited for the sequel I hope you will keep the same pairings if not at least some of the pairing because I really do like the pairings you have in this story
Chapter 26: Omg SEQUEL!!!!!!!!
Chapter 24: sequel sequel sequel!