
The Lost Diary

Dear Diary,


Is it possible to be in love with someone when you only hear her voice?


Maybe it is.... it's my wish to hear that voice again someday.


But I never thought that it would be today


-Greasy Bacon

The diary was falling down...
and down.....
and down....
and hit a bacon... I mean, hit Baekhyun on his head and wake him up 
"Where's my eyeliner?!" He shouted. "oh it's a dream.." He looked around, get the notebook and touch his head "that hurts..." He said and look up "where the heck did this came from?" 
Then he realized...
"What time is it?!" He look at the time in his phone "I'm late!" He stand up and started running.
"Aish, why did I sleep!"
Baekhyun was pretty popular in his school. He was smart, handsome, sings well and is part of the school's soccer team. The characteristics of a  typical male lead in a romance genre fiction. And of course, popular boys like him have many fangirls. That morning, he was avoiding his fangirls and try to hide behind the Seniors building but eventually fall asleep. Which he regret because he was now late for his first class.
He was running along the hallways, when he passed by the music room. He wouldn't stop if not for the voice he heard from inside. He peeked trough the small glass on the door and saw a girl about his age. Singing soulfully infront of a few audience. Her classmates, he thought. And by that moment he can't be wrong. That's the voice that he'd been looking for. And now, he can't believe that he's seeing the owner of the voice.
"Very good performance Jung Eunji. You never let me down" Her teacher commented after she sang
"Jung Eunji..." Baekhyun reapeated, "that's her name"
Until he realizes the time
"Oh , I'm late" he said then ran off. But he promised that he will talk with that girl no matter what. 
After his class ended, he went back to the music room. Hoping to see the girl, but she's not there anymore. So he just decided to go out of the room. He went to the soccer field and sat down on the bleachers.
"Hey man, what are you doing here?" Suho asked. He look up and saw his friends Suho, Chen and Luhan
"Nothing, just thinking" he answered
"what's wrong?" Luhan asked 
"guys, remember the voice that I've talking about? I heard it again and I already know who she is" he said cheerfully
"Whoa, nice bro"
"so who's the girl?"
"Ever heard of the name Jung Eunji?"
""Jung Eunji. wait, You mean the nerdy girl?" Chen answered
"you know her?" Baekhyun asked him
"she's my classmate " he said
"Really?, why I haven't know her before?"
"wait don't tell me, you like that girl already?" Suho said
"what's wrong about that? And she's cute"
"cute? She wears these thick weird glasses, she looks like an ahjumma"
Chen was right. She's not like the girls who always follow him,she have long sraight hair  with full bangs but she's wearing those thick glasses that made her look like an ahjumma. But he thought, her appearance doesn't matter right?
He admit, he fall for her voice first, he even thought that when he saw the owner of the voice, it will stop all his crazyness about her,  But it didn't, theres something that pushes him to know more about the girl.
"Here's the thing bro. You, Mr. Byun Baekhyun, is one of the most popular guy in this school.Many pretty girls fall for you but you'd pick that ahjumma?"
"Chen she's not an ahjumma" Suho said
"Don't mind Chen, he's a bit heartbroken you know" Luhan said
"Shut up" Chen said and Baekhyun just laughed at him
"But still, it's just her voice you love. You don't know her deeply and personally. What if you don't like her attitude?" Suho asked
"Then, I will try to know her better" Baekhyun answered "So Chen, tell me more about her"
"Why me?"
"You're classmates right?"
"yeah, but we're not close. And you know me, I don't attend class regulary how can I know her?"
"aish, fine. I'll do it myself"
♥ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ♥
Dear Diary,
Why is it so hard to approach her?....
The next day, Baekhyun went to school early, he want to know more about Eunji, so he will try to be her friend. He was waiting at the gates to see Eunji. But not long after a girl already was in front of him. Asking for some things. Literally trying to flirt with him. He don't want to be bad so he just smile but more and more of his fangirls came and they block his sight to see the people entering the school gates.
He tried to see the gate and finally saw Eunji entering
"There she is" he said and try to go to her but he can't make it through his fangirls. And when the chance came, he run fast but Eunji was out of sight. His first plan fail so he went infront of Chen's classroom. He hoped  that Chen was not trolling him and he was really Eunji's classmate. 
Since it's still a little early, class was not yet starting. He peeked inside the room. He was not surprised that Chen was not in the room.  But Eunji was not there, maybe she just went somewhere first, Baekhyun thought. A girl noticed him so he quickly turn around but bumped to a tall guy that was entering the room.
"I'm sorry" he apologized
"It's fine" the tall guy said. Park ChanYeol. He read on the guy's name plate before he went in. Baekhyun wait outside the classroom. Trying to avoid his fangirls while waiting for Eunji.
But he still had some troubles
"What will I say to her?" Baekhyun started contemplating on how to approach Eunji
"Hello, I'm Baekhyun and I love your voice... aish no..." he think more
"Hi, can we be friends?'.. no not like that... "are you Jung Eunji?' aish of course she is.. Baekhyun think..."
The first bell already rang and he need to go to his own class now but Eunji was not yet there. He can't be late in his class so just decided to go.
The day ends but Baekhyun still didn't get the chance to talk to her. Every time he tried to get near her, she would dissappear. He knows that she already saw him,  is it possible that she's avoiding him? but why?
♥ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ♥
The next day is a saturday so they have no classes but he needs to help in their family business, and before he went there, he need to send his 7 year old cousin to the daycare. His cousin always went to the daycare because there was no one to take care of her in their home.
"Minji-ah sorry if we have to leave you again at the day care. We're just gonna be busy in the shop." He said to the little girl
"It's okay oppa. I have many friends there"
"that's good to hear. Here we are, I'm gonna fetch you later okay?" He said but then heard   someone singing. And he knew that it was Eunji
"ah! Eunji unni is already here. Bye oppa! See you later!" Minji said and run inside.
Her voice was pulling him to stay so he look around the place and followed the voice. He came to the garden and saw some kids, including Minji, sitting and listening to a girl who was singing happily for them. And it was Eunji. He can't help but smile. Seeing her playing with the kids is so heartwarming. If only he could stay longer and joined them.
He's excited to fetch Minji at the day care, he will ask Minji about Eunji and maybe she was still there. When he get there, Minji was already waiting for him
"I want ice cream oppa!"
"then we'll buy it for you" he said happily and the little girl already pulled him. And he didn't get the chance to look for Eunji.
He and Minji were walking home while eating their ice cream.
"Minji-ah, whose the girl that was singing in the daycare?"
"ah, that's Eunji unni. She's awesome right?"
"yeah, Is she always there, Is she one of the staffs there?"
"She's not always there. But when she's there she always sings for us. She's really kind oppa, she take care of us well."
"ah" Baekhyun nodded
"She's pretty too right?"
"I would be soooo happy is she will be your girlfriend" she beamed
"Minji it's not that---"
"Hihihi" Minji just laughed and run inside the house. Baekhyun didn't realize that they were already there.
♥ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ♥
Another schoolday came and Baekhyun promised himself that he will talk with Eunji and be her friend. 
He was walking around the campus when he saw Eunji
"This is my chance" he said 
But then a group of boys were running and bumped into Eunji, making her fall but the boys didn't even help her up. He want to teach those kids some lesson but he needs attend to Eunji first. Baekhyun run to Eunji. She was still not standing up and Baekhyun noticed that her eyeglasses fall. He picks it up with this left hand and reach out his right to Eunji.
"Let me help you up" he said, she was a bit startled when she heard him and hesitate at first if reaching Baekhyun's hand. But she took it and stand up. 
"Thank you" she said
Baekhyun was stoned when she was already facing him. Eunji was really beautiful. She was not wearing her thick glasses and Baekhyun can clearly see her true beauty. Eunji was blinking multiple times in front of him. Realizing that she can't see clearly, he help her to put her eyeglasses on.
Baekhyun saw her shocked expression when she finally see him clearly. 
"Ah, are you alright?" He asked but Eunji didn't answer and just stood there, still with the shocked face.
"My name is---" 
"Ah!" Eunji suddenly ran away from him and it surprised him
"...Baekhyun..." He finished his sentence even if Eunji was not there.
"When will I be able to talk to you?" he just said
...And when I got my chance, she run away from me.
And I don't know why.
-Greasy Bacon
Troll King?" he chuckled as he reads Chen's entry on the diary. He know's that it's Chen. He's the only troll and he knows his story. 
Baekhyun sighed and closed the diary.
"I'm sorry, I can't share a beautiful story with you" he said
"I won't surrender you to the Lost and found. I hope the next to get you will have a great story to share." He smiled and sighed again
"Why am I even talking with a notebook?" He said to himself, stand up and left.
Leaving the diary on the table inside the library.
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Chapter 16: waaahh !! my heart dropped when I've my username as chanyeol's chatmate. ♡♡♡♡
smileypink #2
Chapter 26: I am ready for it!!
Chapter 26: a definite yesss! the title sounds good :)
Chapter 26: YESSSSSS!!! I will wait patientlyyy
ainiekkm92 #5
Chapter 26: Daebakk...waiting for the sequel....
Chapter 26: omg OMG yes YES YES YEHET
haziqahsone #7
Chapter 26: Sequel?? Omgg i really waiting for it. Ahhhh can't wait. I will waiting the sequel with patience. Good luck author-nim!!
Chapter 26: I'm so excited for the sequel I hope you will keep the same pairings if not at least some of the pairing because I really do like the pairings you have in this story
Chapter 26: Omg SEQUEL!!!!!!!!
Chapter 24: sequel sequel sequel!