Win or Lose?

The Lost Diary
Dear Diary,
No matter what, I believe that I'll win her back.
It was the exam day. The students already finished the half, and was now having lunch.Kris went to cafeteria and saw Bomi at the table. He smiled but then he saw LUhan coming. They glared at each other before running to the table and place lunchboxes infront of Bomi
"Bomi, I made lunch for you" the two said 
Bomi just look at them, startled. And the others just facepalmed themselves.
"Here we go again" said Lay
They opened the two lunchbox and revealed two mouthwatering dishes.
"Bomi, eat mine, that's delicious" Luhan said
"No, mine is more delicious" 
"okay okay, I'll eat both but please, eat half of each. I can't finish all, do you want me to get indigestion?!"
"Bomi, watch my game tomorrow, I'll win for you" Kris said
"Sure, I'll be there"
"Bomi, me too" Luhan said
"Of course" Bomi answered
Bomi agree to watch both of Luhan and Kris' game tomorrow since it will be on different time. Luhan's will be on the morning and Kris' will be on the afternoon.
Soon they started eating. Kris and Luhan sat beside Bomi. And again, their table was the noisiest. Kris doesn't really made friends with a lot of people. His friends before were just his teammates and some classmates. He never thought that being in a large group would make him happy. And his rival was also in that group. But still, he was glad he was a part of this group.
"Chanyeol, if you won't eat that give that to me" Chen said
"I'll eat it" Chanyeol replied
"what are you doing" Lay asked
"he's probably chatting again" Eunji said 
"You know, Chanyeol found a girl" Baekhyun added
"woah really?" Lay said
"Yeah maybe?" Baekhyun answered
"why maybe?"
"we never know if it is really a girl" Baekhyun answered
"shut up. Hey Lay, this is a great site. You can be friends with someone and chat. It's great"
"but you haven't meet the person yet" Chen commented
"I'll meet her soon" Chanyeol said
"Are you sure she's a girl?"
"of course"
"What's her name"
"I don't know, I just know her username, it is you
"tell me more about it, maybe I can find my destiny there" Lay said
After lunch, they all go back to their classroom for the last set of tests. 
Being bored, Kris just look around the room and saw Suho and Chorong reviewing. They asked questions to each other, and flicked the forehead if they didn't answer right.
"how can they be sweet even if they were just reviewing?" Kris thought to himself
"If I were just in the same class with Bomi, pfft" Kris thought, Luhan and Bomi were in the same class so he have an advantage.
The teacher was so long but then suddenly, the intercom was heard
"Attention to all seniors, there is a problem with your remaining set of tests. We decide to move it for tomorrow.."
"what?" The students whined and complained
"We're are very sorry for this matter. All seniors can go home now, and just come back tomorrow morning. Players for the Championship tomorrow can go to their coaches for the schedule. Again, we apologize and thank you for understanding"
"what the..."
The students can't do anything so they just decided to go home. 
"Ugh, why is this happening?"
Kris just get to the gym, he saw Lay there. Tao was a junior so he was probably still taking exam.
"Okay, seniors, we already fix the schedule. Since many of the schools team have players from your year. Actually we don't have to change your schedule since it was originally after lunch. But we have to practice now because we can't do that tomorrow morning."
"What about the other teams?" one said
"I  know that the tennis and soccer game was moved to the same time as our game. So if you have friends in that team that you want to watch, I'm sorry but you can't"
Before they start to practice they go out for a while, Kris saw Luhan at the field.
"Luhan!" He called "I heard that your game was moved"
"yeah, it's on the same time with your game" Luhan answered
"Right now, I'm apologizing if Bomi can't come"
"how can you be so sure?" Luhan scoffed
"she promised me, and it's was your game that was moved" he smirked
"we'll see tomorrow, let Bomi decide"
"Fine, but don't expect too much" Kris said before getting back to the gym
♥ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ♥
Dear Diary,
I can accept it if she won't choose me. 
That manly deer was my only rival...
As it is, the seniors were back to school for their test. They envy the juniors and freshman because they were already at the game. 
After passing the last paper, Kris already packed his things, he have to be fast. 
"Chorong, can you give this to Bomi, I need to go now" he said giving the lunch he prepared.
"Sure, goodluck on your game!"
"thank you"
Kris with his other teammates started to travel to the sports arena, where the game will be held.
Soon their game started. He knew that Luhan's game also started. He look around the gym, many were cheering for their team and him, buy he can't saw the one he want to see. His friends were also there, cheering for him, Lay and Tao. Suho, Chorong, Kai, Naeun, Kyungsoo and Namjoo. But he can't saw Bomi anywhere.
The first half already ended and the opponent was leading. 
Kris made up his mind, he was depressed because Bomi didn't show up, she chooses Luhan. His team continue the game, and even it Bomi was not there, he still playes his best to win. He don't want to be a double loser. He looses Bomi, but he don't to lose this game. It was his last game before graduating. 
In the end their team won.
"Congratulations!" Their friends cheered for them. Some ot them pat Kris' back.
"The soccer game also ended, and our team won" Namjoo said, reading a message on her phone from Hayoung.
They all go out of the gym and headed to the field. They saw the others there cheering for Luhan, Xiumin and Baekhyun who also won.
Kris saw Luhan coming to him
"Congrats bro, I heard you won" Luhan said
"Thanks, congratulations too"
"You should be happy, she chooses you" Luhan said
"What are you talking about?" Kris asked
"Bomi. She didn't show up here"
"what? But, she didn't show up in my game too"
they turned to their friends, Bomi was not there. 
"Wheres Bomi?"
"she's missing?"
"I thought she's on the gym with you"
"no, we thought she's here"
"hello? Bbom? Where are you?" Eunji called Bomi's phone
"What?!" Eunji yelled "okay we're coming" she said before hunging up
"where is she?"
"what happened?"
"anyone knows where is the clinic here?" Eunji asked 
"What happened to Bomi?"
after they went to the clinic, they learned that Bomi ate the two full lunchbox from Kris and Luhan. She ate it all because of nervousness about choosing on which game to watch. Then she ends up having indigestion.
♥ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ♥
It was the day when they will go camping. Every year have different bus, but the school was kind enough to let them be with their friends. Kris went up the bus, he went straight to back where his friends are. Chen, Baekhyun, Eunji, Chanyeol were being noisy at the end. Xiumin is also with them but he's quiet. Maybe because Yookyung was not there. Suho and Chorong were in front of them, to the right side, and infront of Surong couple was Luhan, alone. Lay was also seating alone across Suho and Chorong, and infront of him was an empty seat. Kris took it and sit near the window. He saw Bomi entering the bus and stopped seeing that the only seats left were beside him, beside Luhan and beside Lay.
Bomi sighed deeply before sitting beside Lay.
Luhan and Kris watch Bomi as she sat and smiled at Lay. Lay smiled to her too.
"Aish" Kris heard Luhan grunted and the next thing he knew. Luhan was already beside him.
...but how did that unicorn came into the scene?
♥ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ♥
Plot twist: Bomi chooses Lay! xD
Okay don't hate me people, this is not the end yet.
My mind was just crazy right now.
did you see your username?
keke it was just random
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Chapter 16: waaahh !! my heart dropped when I've my username as chanyeol's chatmate. ♡♡♡♡
smileypink #2
Chapter 26: I am ready for it!!
Chapter 26: a definite yesss! the title sounds good :)
Chapter 26: YESSSSSS!!! I will wait patientlyyy
ainiekkm92 #5
Chapter 26: Daebakk...waiting for the sequel....
Chapter 26: omg OMG yes YES YES YEHET
haziqahsone #7
Chapter 26: Sequel?? Omgg i really waiting for it. Ahhhh can't wait. I will waiting the sequel with patience. Good luck author-nim!!
Chapter 26: I'm so excited for the sequel I hope you will keep the same pairings if not at least some of the pairing because I really do like the pairings you have in this story
Chapter 26: Omg SEQUEL!!!!!!!!
Chapter 24: sequel sequel sequel!