Boo! (Ending Part 2)

The Lost Diary

"We fought because of her"

It was a pleasant day for two young boys. Chanyeol and Baekhyun, both 12 years old, were hanging out on Chanyeol's room.
"Yeol, let's bike to the park!" The young Baekhyun said
"Let's have race!" Chanyeol said but Baekhyun already stood up and ran downstairs.
"The one who's late will run after the bike!" Baekhyun shouted
"Hey wait for me"
"Bye aunty!" Baekhyun said
"See you later mom!" Chanyeol said
"Be careful while playing!" Chanyeol's mom said to them and smiled.
Baekhyun rode on Chanyeols bike and started to pedal away, Chanyeol have to run for a while before being able to ride with Baekhyun. They are using one bike since Baekhyun's bike was broken.
"H-hey wait" Chanyeol said 
"What is it?" Baekhyun asked and stopped
"Shh" Chanyeol hush his friend before trying to listen to something, soon both of them heard a whine. They both get down from the bike and walk to the nearby bush, and behind it they saw a tiny creature. 
"Aww, so cute" Chanyeol said as he tries to lift up the little puppy
"Hi there little puppy" Baekhyun said
"I think it's hungry"
"Let's feed it" 
The two kids then went back to Chanyeol's house. Baekhyun and the puppy stayed at the garden while Chanyeol went inside. When he came back, he already have a tray of with a bowl of cookies, two glass of hot chocolate and a glass of milk. They started to eat their snack and let the puppy drink the milk.
"It's so skinny, who could be the owner?" Baekhyun asked
"I don't know. But I think someone just left this puppy there. Aha! Let's just take care of ChanChan!" Chanyeol said
"who's ChanChan?!" Baekhyun asked
"The puppy! duh?" Chanyeol said as he lift the puppy in front of Baekhyun's face
"But why ChanChan?"
"Because my name is Chanyeol"
"Psh, why do you even name her after you. Choose a good one, and also the puppy is a girl"
"Does ChanChan sounds like boyish to you?"
"not really, but it reminds me of you. The puppy is so cute compared to you!"
"Eyy, why? Do you have a name in your mind?"
"Hey guys!" A female girl who is just almost the same age as them said
"Noona!" The two boys wave at him and the girl joined them
"Wow, a puppy! So cute!"
"Chorong noona, we're thinkng of what to name her"
"name? hmm what about PoPo?"
"It's cute, hey she me! aww you like it right? Popo!" Chorong said 
The three kids play all together with their new friend until it was afternoon.
"uhm so where will PoPo stay?" Chorong asked her cousin
"here of course" Chanyeol answered
"But, auntie is allergic right?" Chorong asked
"Then how about in your house?" Chanyeol asked her back
"Eyy, you know mom hates pets"
"She can stay at our house. We will just come here everyday to play" Baekhyun said
So it was what they did. Popo will stay Baekhyun's house at night and when they have school. This continued for months and Popo grows into a healthy and cute puppy. The two boys really take good care of her. The duo now had another bestfriend, and in any thng that they'd do, Popo is included. Summer vacation came and they now have more time to spend with Popo.
"It's already gettng dark, Popo and I should go home now" Baekhyun said
"Okay, take care of her. Bye Popo, bye ByunBaek!"
"Bye ParkChan! See you tomorrow!"
Baekhyun carried Popo inhis arms on their way home. He enters the front door and greeted his parents.
"Ahm, Baekhyun" his mother called him
"Yes mom?"
"May we talk with you?"
"Neh" He said and put Popo down "what is it about?"
"We will move to another city" His father said shortly
"Your father and I have will start our family business there and it would be better if we will all move there" His mother said
"but.I'm studying"
"Baekhyun, there are a lot of schools there. You will already enter Junior High, it won't be hard for you to adjust. And I'm sure that you'll gain  a lot of friends there."
"How about Chanyeol?"
"I know you will miss your bestfriend, but leaving won't mean abandoning your friendship. You can still communicate. Understand?"
"neh" Baekhyun said and went up to his room, with Popo following behind.
The next day, Baekhyun was not as energetic as he is
"Hey ByunBaek, you're quiet?" Chanyel asked
"huh? It's nothing" He lied, he haven't told Chanyeol that they will moving out on Saturday.
"Hey, Let's go to the beach this Saturday!"Chanyeol beamed
"Chorong noona will come , and the other kids too. Oh and let's teach Popo on how to swim!" Chanyeol beamed, already full of excitement for the coming day
"I won't be coming"
"what? Why Baek? Aren't you the one excited to go to the beach?"
"just.. My family will go somewhere at that day"
"ahh, then let's just re-sched it, Is sunday okay? what about on monday?"
"Just go without me"
"But, it's not fun without you"
"It's okay Yeol"
"Eyy, That's why we're re-scheduling it, so you can come with us"
"Even if you move it to the other day I still won't come!" Baekhyun shouted and stomped away
"yah! Baekhyun! What's your problem?!"
That day, Chanyeol played with Popo alone. At night he went to his house and spotted Baekhyun at their garden
"hey baek!"
"Yeol.." Baekhyun let him enter "I'm sorry for earlier"
"It's okay, but what's really wrong with you?"
It's already Wednesday and they just finished playing video games.
"Baek, Popo will sleep here tonight, Mom went to visit Grandma, so it's okay"
"Really? okay"
After they play, Baekhyun already went home alone. Chanyeol was playing with Popo in his room when he decided to get a drink downstairs. When he's coming down, he saw that his father was talking with Baekhyun's father. He was about to greet them but he heard what they were talking about
"Then, goodluck on your business and your life there" his father said
"Thanks, Our family is really greatful to meet your family here"
"Don't mind it. I'm sure Chanyeol will miss his bestfriend, so when will you leave?"
"This Saturday"
"Why so soon?"
"We have many things to settle there"
"I see"
"Baekhyun's leaving?" he said to himself
 That night, Chanyeol kept thinking why Baekhyun would keep this secret to him. Why did he said nothing about leaving. He went outside their house for a walk, he was alone, he forgot to lock the gates and haven't noticed that Popo went out too. When he came back, he just went straight to bed. Waking up the next day, only to find out that Popo is missing
"What? Popo is missing?"
"I don't know how it happened"
"Chanyeol, why didn't you took care of her?"
The two boys set out to find her
The two young boys tried to find Popo, they already roamed the village, they went to the park, and everywhere but Popo can't be seen. The sky above them is getting darker until they feel raindrops falling on their heads. But even with the rain, their search continued. 
"It's your fault Yeol! Why didn't you take care of her!" Baekhyun said but Chanyeol just remained silent
"Why didn't you tell me that you're leaving?" This time, Baekhyun didn't answer to Chanyeols question.
Until they saw her, weak and soaking at the middle of the road. They were about to pick her up but a car came rushing by, without slowing down, the car hit Popo.
"Popo!!!" They shouted as they went to the poor puppy
That day, Popo died. They buried her in an animal cemetery. The cries of the children were the only audible sound in the place. 
That day, Baekhyun and Chanyeol's friendship, died. 
"It was your fault!" 
Those were Baekhyun's last words to Chanyeol before he went home. And since then, Chanyeol never saw him again. He just heard the news that the Byuns already moved to another city. 
"I never saw Baekhyun since then, until I'm high school. "
"Aww, at least, now you make things up"
"okay, next?"
"it's Luhan hyung's turn"
"Uhm, what should I say? ehh, Sorry for fighting with you before" He just said to Kris
"It's okay man"
"Yiiee, Kiss Kiss Kiss!" Tao, Chen and Lay teased them
"Hey, I'm not gay! I'm manly" then all of them just laugh
"It's Tao's turn"
"It's about fighting again. Why do boys like to fight?" Yookyung asked
"uhm, Do you gain something when you fight?"
"you just gain bruises and cuts"
"You don't understand because you're girls. And it's not like we just like to fight. We have reasons"
"Whatever reasons, fighting is still not good. So don;t do it" Chorong said
"Okay okay, but don't worry, I left that kind of life"
"Good thing that you changed"
"But really, It's funny that Chorong got jealous because of you" Xiumin said
"Unni gets jealous easily" Eunji said
"yah! let's not talk about that"
"Oh finally, it's Suho hyung and Chorong noona's turn!"
"I think you were really sweet"
"ah, tell us you met!"
"yeah yeah"
"Well, okay. Me and Chorong met during a quiz bee competition in middle school. We both come from different school and is competing against each other" Suho said
"yeah, but he loses to me that day" Chorong said
"Yeah, I got distracted by your beauty" Suho said and made Chorong blushed.
"You know what? Chorong once got jelous of Hayoung"
"My Hayoungie?" Sehun asked while Hayoung chuckled
"Hey, that's embarrasing!" Chorong said
Suho and Chorong, after competing each other, were now classmates. Entering the same highschool and getting into the same class, Suho can call himself lucky.
The two were both active at school activities. They are part of academic clubs and is now starting to be known for their knowledge and wit. They became friends and is really close to each other. They always study together and have a little competition with test scores. The loser will treat the others whatever he/she likes. Since they were always together, many see that they look good together and is like a couple. And Chorong is slowly falling with this buddy of hers. She hadn't realize that her feelings for him grow into something more than a friend. 
She was happy. She feels that Suho also felt the same towards her.  Her freshman yea was a good year for her. Until Hayoung came to the scene.
They were now in their second year in highschool and
Hayoung was a year younger, a freshman, and is super close with Suho. 
She was not that smart and so Suho always helped her study. And Chorong noticed this. She noticed how almost everyday they were together. Not just with studying but also when eating lunch. Though they were not alone together since Hayoung's friends were also there, she still can't help to feel jealous.
Suho said that Hayoung came from the same middle school as him, that's why they know eafh other. He said that Hayoung is really a good dongsaeng to him. But Chorong's jealousy have prevent her from believing that they were just friends. 
Chorong slowly take herself away from Suho. She is not talking with him that much anymore. She study alone. And Suho noticed this but Chorong just said nothing about it.
"Unni?" Bomi snapped her fingers and woke Chorong from her daydream. They were currently at the hallway.
"Uh yeah?"
"eyy you're spacing out again" Eunji said
"Just thinking"
"Of Suho oppa?"
"Hey, Isn't that him? With Hayoung?" Bomi asked and pointed at two students who were at a bench near the field. 
"I heard that they were topic of some gossips today"
"uhm, rumours says that they were already dating"
"is that so" Chorong just said. She just remember that before she was also rumored to be dating Suho. "I think they were really dating. I saw Suho gave Hayoung a boquet of roses.
"Hey Bomi! Look Kris oppa is looking at you!" Eunji squeeled. Bomi look down and saw Kris waving to her with his signature smile.
"Oh gotta go girls, see you later!" Bomi said and rushed downstairs.
"Bomi is so lucky. Kris oppa is so famous here. I wish I was as pretty as her, so Baekhyun can notice me"
"You're beautiful Eunji, just a little."
The next day, Chorong was early at school so she decided to go to the garden. She reviewed some notes when someone called her.
"Chorong sunbae!"
Chorong turn around and saw Hayoung walking tiwards her.
"Oh, hello"
"Am I disturbing you?"
"ah no, it's okay, just reading some notes"
"ah, oh English?"
"I'm actually interested with that subject, but I'm not good at it. And Suho oppa can't also teach me properly. Can you teach me?
"Ah, sure"
When she was teaching her, Hayoung's phone suddenly vibrated. She get's her phone and read the message. She smiled as she reads. Chorong knows that it is Suho because she caught a glimpse of her screen.
"I got to go now unni, my boyfriend is looking for me" Hayoung said 
"Ah, okay. Bye" she said and sighed. Thinking of Hayoung's words. "Boyfriend huh"
Afterschool, when Chorong was walking out alone. She saw Suho at the gates. As if waiting for someone. 
"Chorong!" Suho called her and waved at her
"Hey" she said and smiled back. 
"Going home already?"
"uhm, you? Waiting for your girlfriend?" She asked and look in the school, Hayoung was walking out along with the other students. Suho look at Hayoung and Chorong walks away without saying goodbye.
A few days passed and Chorong keep on avoiding Suho. She will just be hurt if she will be close to him. 
She was already lated for lunch because of some things she have to do. Thankfully, her next subject teacher allows her an excuse. She was already at the caffeteria and take a seat. She wants to rest first before getting her food. She then saw Suho coming towards her and he sat across her.
"Hi Chorong!"
"ah, Hi"
"You seem weird lately?"
"me? I..I'm not"
the two then keeo quiet for a while. There were just a few students at the caffeteria. Suho then gets his phone and read some messages with a frown on his face.
"Is there something wrong?"
"Just this friend, he has problem and he's asking me for help"
"But, I can't help him"
"His problem is about girls, hey maybe you coupd help"
"me? B-but I never been in a relationship before"
"But you are a girl, maybe you would know"
"let's see"
"okay, so thus friend of mine is inlove with girl 1, but then there is girl 2 that is close to this friend of mine. Then girl 2 is.."
"wait I don't understand.. can we put names so I can understand it better?"
"ah, okay. Okay, let's pretend that I am my friend. Me, is inlove with...ah you"
"why me?"
"I can't think of any.. well anyways. I like, like really had this big crush on you. But I am famous with girls, and there is this one girl I'm really close to..let's name her as.."
"huh? Ah yeah, Hayoung. So me and Hayoung were really close. And the girl I like, which is you, thinks that we're dating. When we are really not" Suho continued her story while Chorong think that it was just like really her in the story. Only, Suho doesn't like her.
"So now, Suho, doesn't know what to do"
"Then, why don't you confess? I mean your friend. Make the girl understand that he likes her.
"Uhm" Suho nodded "You're really smart Chorongie. Then I will say that to my friend"
"uhm, Okay" she said and was about to to get her food when Suho put a lunch box in front of her.
"Chorong, I like you" Suho said and smiled. Before he walks to class.
"What was that for?" Chorong asked herself and look at the lunch boxbin front of her and noticed a note
"Chorongie! You are the most beautiful girl for me. I like you. Please don't believe the rumors that I'm dating Hayoung. Please accept my heart <3
Chorong smiled to herself and put the note in her pocket. She then started to eat the lunch Suho prepared.
"Wait!" Sehun stopped the squeels
"You've mention 'Hayoung has a boyfriend'?" He asked before looking at Hayoung "I thought I was your first?" 
"You are!" Hayoung said
"But you said to noona that your boyfriend is calling you, we're not yet a couple that time"
"that..that's just" Hayoung said and hide her head
"It's actually you, Sehun" Suho said
"Me? How?"
"Hayoung already liked you from before. She tells me a lot about you, and she calls you her boyfriend. 
"Oppa stop!" Hayoung said, already embarrassed
"Wait unni, you wrote in the diary too after Suho oppa, then why didn't you keep the notebook already?" Namjoo asked
"Actually, I never thought that I would saw my dairy again, but when Suho gave it to me and I saw that the entries were from you, I got an idea. It was a coincidence that some of us wrote there, so after me, I make sure to finish all of EXOPINK members. I purposely put it in Kai's things and monitor it until it came to Namjoo."
"Unni, but how did you lost the diary in the first place?"
"Well, that day I was at the garden doing some homeworks and stuffs. Then I decidedto write on the diary. The diary was given to me by Suho so I was about to write how we first met, and basically our whole love story. But a classmate called me for an emergency so I rushed in packing my things and haven't noticed that the diary fell. Mianhae Junmyeonie"
"ah, that's why I found it at the garden"
"okay let's continue"
"My turn!" Kai said
"Kai, you're so energatic tonight" Baekhyun commented
"Naeun hadn't done my wish" Kai said and pouted
"hey!" Naeun said
"haha, then Naeun should do it now!" Bomi said
"Kiss Kiss kiss!" all of them chanted
"aish" Naeun's cheek were already red "fine I'll do it!" 
"but only on the cheeks" she said
"okay" Kai said and move his face near to Naeun
The other's were intently watching, Chen was already holding the camera and when Naeun was about to kiss Kai's cheeks, Kai tunred to Naeun making her kiss his lips. Naeun's eyes widen at the contact before pulling away 
"OPPA!" she shouted.
It was already Kris turn
"I think it was funny when we all thought that Bomi was missing at the game" Eunji said
"Yeah that was funny"
"And thnkng that after that, Luhan hyung and Kris hyung stop in giving Bomi foods"
"I'm really sorry for that" Kris said
"It's okay, It was also my fault for eating two full lunch box without stop"
"Bomi really has a big appetite, so I'm surprised to know that you get indigestion" Eunji said
"yah!" Bomi glared at her friend

"My Yookyungie's next!" Xiumin said 

"What should I say?" Yookyung asked

"Just say anything you want"

"I love you Kim Minseok oppa" She said before hiding her face at Xiumin's back and the others teased them.

"It's Sehun's turn" Tao said

"eyy young love" Baekhyun sang
"young love?" Luhan asked
"They were the both maknaes from boys and girls" Baekhyun answered
"ah yeah right"
"Sehunnie, when is the time that you realized that you love Hayoung?" Lay asked
"Why are your questions like that?"
"To tease you"
"eyy. Well, I actually fall for her at first sight. She was Kyungsoo hyung's classmate and when I went to their classroom, that's when I saw her. And I find her really beautiful and cute."
"I remember that. Hey, that time I tripped, and you saw that!" Hayoung whined
"You're still cute" Sehun said
"eyy, I'm so embarrased that time. Showing you a clumsy side of me" Hayoung said and pouted
"Last one, Namjooooooo!"
"Is it true that you saw a ghost?" Tao asked
"Not me, Lay oppa and Chen oppa did." She answered
"Woah, really, how does she look like?" Xiumin asked
"Oh please, don't make me try to remember" Lay said
"You're always forgetful anyway" Chen said "But you know, her face, it was really pale and.."
"and what?"
"bloody" Chen said in a low voice and everybody gasped
"Oh my gosh!"
"What's so funny?"
"I'm just kidding, I never saw her face" Chen said
"Wait, even if you don't saw the face, but there still a ghost right?" Tao asked and Chen nodded
"You sure you're not joking this time?" Naeun asked
"Nope, Lay saw her too"
Suddenly a strong blowing of wind made them screamed
"Hey guys chill, it's just the wind" Luhan said
"Wow, trying to be manly oppa?" Bomi said
"But really, Tao scream was the loudest!" Chen said and laugh
"No it's not!"
"Okay enough of the scary things guys! Since we have already finished, I want you all to do one last thing" Chorong said
"What is it?"
"I want you all to right a message in the diary. Not just for me, but to the whole exopink, to us, to that special someone, to yourself.  Anything you want to say, and after ten years, I want us all to go back here and read the  diary again. One page per person, and don't read the others message! okay? After writing, we will put that dary in a safety box. I won't read it too, untl that day came when we all meet here again after 10 years"
"Sounds like a good idea" Bomi said
"I think that time, we would laugh at ourselves"
"Then let's start!"
They all write one by one, as directed by Chorong, no one reads the other's message. After they all finished writing, Chorong put the Diary in a box and lock it. 
"Wow, you really prepare for this huh" Chanyeol said to Chorong
"Of course"
"Hey, so you will keep the diary?"
"Yes, but I won't keep the key, so you can make sure that  won't read it" Chorong said
"So who will keep the key?" Suho asked
"I don't know"
"Let's keep it here" Lay said
"Ah i know! Let's keep the key at that abandoned cabin!" Chen suggested
"You mean, that haunted cabin?" Kai asked
"No way!"
"Hey, I think that's great!" 
Some of them agreed to Chen, but some don't. But in the end, they still agree. They put the key in a small bottle and now they were in front of the said cabin. It was already 1 Am and their only light came from the moon and some small flashlights. 
"Okay guys, here we are" Suho said
"go, someone put t there now, I'm stayng here"
"No fair, and don't be such a kill joy. Let's all go inside!" Namjoo said
All 19 of them entered the cabin. Creekng sound of the floor made everything even more scary. Namjoo, being the scary-things-lover closed the door behind them when all them were inside
"Yah! why did you close the door!" Tao asked
"Shh, It's not fun if we keep it open"
"Okay, so we're here now, put that key somewhere and let's go out now" Tao said
"Tao, why are you so scared? we are 19 people here!" Lay said
"Okay, Chen put the key somewhere now" Chanyeol said
"Why me?"
"Because you suggested it"
"Luhan oppa?" Bomi asked when someone held her shoulder. It dark inside and they just have three small flashlights.
"Bomi it's me"
"Are you scared?" She chuckled
"No, I'm just protecting you"
"Don't lie, haha"
"I'm not lying"
"Xiumin oppa, watch closely. Maybe this time you'll see a real ghost" Yookyung said
"still mad about that?"
"No, don't worry"
"Kyungsoo!! I'm so excited!  Can you see that bitg wardrobe there" Namjoo directed her flashlight at the wardrobe " Maybe the ghost will come out there! Oh my gosh, this is my chance to see a real ghost!"
"Do you think the ghost will show up when we're so may in here?"
"oh man"
"I'm scared" Hayoung said to Sehun
"Don't worry, I'm here. I'll protect you to whatever monster or ghost that will come out there"
"Eunji, are you not scared?" Baekhyun asked
"why should I? There are so many people in here and they are so noisy. Maybe the ghost is scared with us already"
"can't you act like you're scared?"
"Wae?" Eunji asked and look around "You ert!" She boyfriend. Then suddenly, Eunji felt someone hold her ankle
"ahh!" she screamed and hugged Baekhyun "Park Chanyeol!" she said, knowing that it's her friend who scared her
"Thanks man" Baekhyun said
"Suho, where shall we put the key?" Chorong asked
"mmm, In that wardrobe?"
"oh, okay, put it there now"
"why me?"
"Do you want me to do it?"
"No, of course not babe, but"
"Is my boyfriend scared?"
"No... it's just"
"Give me that" Krisa said and grabbed the bottle that contains the key "You're all scared" He said and walk up in front of the wardrobe
"oppa, be careful"
"the ghost is inside there" Chen said in a whisper/ scary voice
"will you stop that?!" Tao said
Slowly, Kris opened the wardrobe. They don't have any idea what awaits them, and as soon ashe opened it
"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" They screamed
"what the?!" Kris said "You guys are over acting, nothing scary is in here" He said
Nothing really happened when he opened the wardrobe, they just scream. And the wardrobe basically have only afew old rugged clothes hung inside and a doll lying down
"That doll looks scary"
"Okay, hey there" Kris talked... to the doll. We just want to hide this key here. Can we. And we'll get it after 10 years. Can you..uhm keep this for us?"
"what is he doing?" Eunji asked
"He's talkng to the doll?" Chanyeol said
"I know dumbo, but why?"
"Don't worry, he knows what he's doing. He usally talks to Ace too" Lay said
"Oh you mean the plushie?"
"See that? It's so easy. Why are even scared when we're in fact 19 here, inside this not so big cabin?" He mocked
"Wait, are we really 19 here?"  Lay said
"Yeah, I haven't heard Kai and Naeun, are they here?"
"We're here! We just don't want to add up in your noise" Kai said
"No, actually Kai is really scared that's why he just kept quiet" Naeun said
"i'm not!"
"okay Let's have a count" Chorong said and started "One" and the other's followed, they point the flashlight to everyone as they count
Suho: two
Naeun: three
Kai: four yow
Kris: five
Lay: uhm... ah six
Hayoung: seven?
Sehun: eight
Xiumin: nine
Chen: I'm ten!
Chanyeol: eleven
Baekhyun: tuh-welve
Eunji: thirteen!
Yookyung: fourteen
Luhan: fifteen!
Bomi: sixteen
Tao: Seventeen
Kyungsoo: eighteen!
Namjoo: Nineteen guys! were complete
"twenty" a low and scary voice said
"Ha ha ha chen, you're so funny" Tao said sarcastically to Chen
"Chen is trying to scare us again" Bomi said
"uhm..guys?" Chanyeol said "I actually covered Chen's mouth in case he try to do that"
"akdgasdahhh!" Chen finally shoved Chanyeols big hands away from his mouth "Are you trying to kill me Chanyeol?"
"Wait...if that's not Chen...then...."
Slowly, they all look back at the wardrobe.... and saw the doll, already standing and smiling at them
They all ran out of the cabin and back to their camp, without even looking back 
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Chapter 16: waaahh !! my heart dropped when I've my username as chanyeol's chatmate. ♡♡♡♡
smileypink #2
Chapter 26: I am ready for it!!
Chapter 26: a definite yesss! the title sounds good :)
Chapter 26: YESSSSSS!!! I will wait patientlyyy
ainiekkm92 #5
Chapter 26: Daebakk...waiting for the sequel....
Chapter 26: omg OMG yes YES YES YEHET
haziqahsone #7
Chapter 26: Sequel?? Omgg i really waiting for it. Ahhhh can't wait. I will waiting the sequel with patience. Good luck author-nim!!
Chapter 26: I'm so excited for the sequel I hope you will keep the same pairings if not at least some of the pairing because I really do like the pairings you have in this story
Chapter 26: Omg SEQUEL!!!!!!!!
Chapter 24: sequel sequel sequel!